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   After a debt has been legally declared "uncollectable" by a bank, the account is considered "charged-off." But that doesn't mean the bank walks away from the debt. They still want to collect some of the money they are owed. The bank will score the account to assess the expected recovery amount, that is, the expected amount that the bank may be able to receive from the customer in the future. This amount is a function of the probability of the customer paying, the total debt, and other factors that impact the ability and willingness to pay.

1. Regression discontinuity: banking recovery

  The bank has implemented different recovery strategies at different thresholds ($1000, $2000, etc.) where the greater the expected recovery amount, the more effort the bank puts into contacting the customer. For low recovery amounts (Level 0), the bank just adds the customer's contact information to their automatic dialer and emailing system. For higher recovery strategies, the bank incurs more costs as they leverage human resources in more efforts to obtain payments. Each additional level of recovery strategy requires an additional $50 per customer so that customers in the Recovery Strategy Level 1 cost the company $50 more than those in Level 0. Customers in Level 2 cost $50 more than those in Level 1, etc.

The big question: does the extra amount that is recovered at the higher strategy level exceed the extra $50 in costs? In other words, was there a jump (also called a "discontinuity") of more than $50 in the amount recovered at the higher strategy level?

df = pd.read_csv("datasets/bank_data.csv" )
id expected_recovery_amount actual_recovery_amount recovery_strategy age sex
0 2030 194 263.540 Level 0 Recovery 19 Male
1 1150 486 416.090 Level 0 Recovery 25 Female
2 380 527 429.350 Level 0 Recovery 27 Male
3 1838 536 296.990 Level 0 Recovery 25 Male
4 1995 541 346.385 Level 0 Recovery 34 Male

2. Graphical exploratory data analysis

Quick summary of the Levels and thresholds again:

  • Level 0: Expected recovery amounts >$0 and <=$1000
  • Level 1: Expected recovery amounts >$1000 and <=$2000
  • The threshold of $1000 separates Level 0 from Level 1
A key question is whether there are other factors besides Expected Recovery Amount that also varied systematically across the $1000 threshold.
How about age?

plt.scatter(x=df['expected_recovery_amount'], y=df['age'], c="g", s=2)
plt.xlim(0, 2000)
plt.ylim(0, 60)

3. Statistical test: age vs. expected recovery amount

   We want to convince ourselves that variables such as age and sex are similar above and below the $1000 Expected Recovery Amount threshold. This is important because we want to be able to conclude that differences in the actual recovery amount are due to the higher Recovery Strategy and not due to some other difference like age or sex.

from scipy import stats

# average age just below and above the threshold
era_900_1100 = df.loc[(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1100) & 
by_recovery_strategy = era_900_1100.groupby(['recovery_strategy'])

#  Kruskal-Wallis test 
Level_0_age = era_900_1100.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=="Level 0 Recovery"]['age']
Level_1_age = era_900_1100.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=="Level 1 Recovery"]['age']

>>> print(stats.kruskal(Level_0_age,Level_1_age))
... KruskalResult(statistic=3.4572342749517513, pvalue=0.06297556896097407)

4. Statistical test: sex vs. expected recovery amount

   We have seen that there is no major jump in the average customer age just above and just below the $1000 threshold by doing a statistical test as well as exploring it graphically with a scatter plot.

   We want to also test that the percentage of customers that are male does not jump across the $1000 threshold. We can start by exploring the range of $900 to $1100 and later adjust this range.

# Number of customers in each category
crosstab = pd.crosstab(df.loc[(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1100) & 
>>> print(crosstab)
sex Female Male
Level 0 Recovery 32 57
Level 1 Recovery 39 55
# Chi-square test
chi2_stat, p_val, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab)
>>> print(p_val)
... 0.5377947810444592

5. Exploratory graphical analysis: recovery amount

   We are now reasonably confident that customers just above and just below the $1000 threshold are, on average, similar in their average age and the percentage that are male.

   It is now time to focus on the key outcome of interest, the actual recovery amoun

   Let's make a scatter plot of Expected Recovery Amount (X) versus Actual Recovery Amount (Y) for Expected Recovery Amounts between $900 to $1100. This range covers Levels 0 and 1. A key question is whether or not we see a discontinuity (jump) around the $1000 threshold.

plt.scatter(x=df['expected_recovery_amount'], y=df['actual_recovery_amount'], c="g", s=2)
plt.xlim(900, 1100)
plt.ylim(0, 2000)

6. Statistical analysis: Recovery Amount

   As we did with age, we can perform statistical tests to see if the actual recovery amount has a discontinuity above the $1000 threshold.
We will use the Kruskal-Wallis test, again.We will repeat the steps for a smaller window of $950 to $1050.


Level_0_actual = era_900_1100.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=='Level 0 Recovery']['actual_recovery_amount']
Level_1_actual = era_900_1100.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=='Level 1 Recovery']['actual_recovery_amount']

>>> print(stats.kruskal(Level_0_actual, Level_1_actual))
... KruskalResult(statistic=65.37966302528878, pvalue=6.177308752803109e-16)

# Repeat for a smaller range of $950 to $1050
era_950_1050 = df.loc[(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1050) & 
Level_0_actual = era_950_1050.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=='Level 0 Recovery']['actual_recovery_amount']
Level_1_actual = era_950_1050.loc[df['recovery_strategy']=='Level 1 Recovery']['actual_recovery_amount']

>>>print(stats.kruskal(Level_0_actual, Level_1_actual))
... KruskalResult(statistic=30.246000000000038, pvalue=3.80575314300276e-08)

7. Regression modeling: no threshold

   We now want to take a regression-based approach to estimate the program impact at the $1000 threshold using data that is just above and below the threshold.

import statsmodels.api as sm

X = era_900_1100.expected_recovery_amount
y = era_900_1100.actual_recovery_amount
X = sm.add_constant(X)

model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
predictions = model.predict(X)

>>> print(model.summary())
    OLS Regression Results                              
Dep. Variable:     actual_recovery_amount   R-squared:                       0.261
Model:                                OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.256
Method:                     Least Squares   F-statistic:                     63.78
Date:                    Thu, 20 May 2021   Prob (F-statistic):           1.56e-13
Time:                            12:30:07   Log-Likelihood:                -1278.9
No. Observations:                     183   AIC:                             2562.
Df Residuals:                         181   BIC:                             2568.
Df Model:                               1                                         
Covariance Type:                nonrobust                                         
                               coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                    -1978.7597    347.741     -5.690      0.000   -2664.907   -1292.612
expected_recovery_amount     2.7577      0.345      7.986      0.000       2.076       3.439
Omnibus:                       64.493   Durbin-Watson:                   1.777
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):              185.818
Skew:                           1.463   Prob(JB):                     4.47e-41
Kurtosis:                       6.977   Cond. No.                     1.80e+04

8. Regression modeling: adding true threshold

   From the first model, we see that the expected recovery amount's regression coefficient is statistically significant. The second model adds an indicator of the true threshold to the model (in this case at $1000).
If the higher recovery strategy helped recovery more money, then the regression coefficient of the true threshold will be greater than zero. If the higher recovery strategy did not help recovery more money, then the regression coefficient will not be statistically significant.

# Create indicator (0 or 1) for expected recovery amount >= $1000
df['indicator_1000'] = np.where(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1000, 0, 1)
era_900_1100 = df.loc[(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1100) & 

X = era_900_1100[['expected_recovery_amount','indicator_1000']]
y = era_900_1100.actual_recovery_amount
X = sm.add_constant(X)

model = sm.OLS(y,X).fit()

>>> print(model.summary())
OLS Regression Results                              
Dep. Variable:     actual_recovery_amount   R-squared:                       0.314
Model:                                OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.307
Method:                     Least Squares   F-statistic:                     41.22
Date:                    Thu, 20 May 2021   Prob (F-statistic):           1.83e-15
Time:                            12:30:07   Log-Likelihood:                -1272.0
No. Observations:                     183   AIC:                             2550.
Df Residuals:                         180   BIC:                             2560.
Df Model:                               2                                         
Covariance Type:                nonrobust                                         
                               coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                        3.3440    626.274      0.005      0.996   -1232.440    1239.128
expected_recovery_amount     0.6430      0.655      0.981      0.328      -0.650       1.936
indicator_1000             277.6344     74.043      3.750      0.000     131.530     423.739
Omnibus:                       65.977   Durbin-Watson:                   1.906
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):              186.537
Skew:                           1.510   Prob(JB):                     3.12e-41
Kurtosis:                       6.917   Cond. No.                     3.37e+04

9. Regression modeling: adjusting the window

   The regression coefficient for the true threshold was statistically significant with an estimated impact of around $278. This is much larger than the $50 per customer needed to run this higher recovery strategy.
Whether we use a wide ($900 to $1100) or narrower window ($950 to $1050), the incremental recovery amount at the higher recovery strategy is much greater than the $50 per customer it costs for the higher recovery strategy. So we conclude that the higher recovery strategy is worth the extra cost of $50 per customer.

era_950_1050 = df.loc[(df['expected_recovery_amount']<1050) & 

X = era_950_1050[['expected_recovery_amount','indicator_1000']]
y = era_950_1050['actual_recovery_amount']
X = sm.add_constant(X)

model = sm.OLS(y,X).fit()

>>> model.summary()
 OLS Regression Results Dep. Variable: 	actual_recovery_amount 	R-squared: 	0.283
Model: 	OLS 	Adj. R-squared: 	0.269
Method: 	Least Squares 	F-statistic: 	18.99
Date: 	Thu, 20 May 2021 	Prob (F-statistic): 	1.12e-07
Time: 	12:30:07 	Log-Likelihood: 	-692.92
No. Observations: 	99 	AIC: 	1392.
Df Residuals: 	96 	BIC: 	1400.
Df Model: 	2 		
Covariance Type: 	nonrobust 		
	coef 	std err 	t 	P>|t| 	[0.025 	0.975]
const 	-279.5243 	1840.707 	-0.152 	0.880 	-3933.298 	3374.250
expected_recovery_amount 	0.9189 	1.886 	0.487 	0.627 	-2.825 	4.663
indicator_1000 	286.5337 	111.352 	2.573 	0.012 	65.502 	507.566
Omnibus: 	39.302 	Durbin-Watson: 	1.955
Prob(Omnibus): 	0.000 	Jarque-Bera (JB): 	82.258
Skew: 	1.564 	Prob(JB): 	1.37e-18
Kurtosis: 	6.186 	Cond. No. 	6.81e+04