Astroscope uses your Reddit username to predict your Myers-Briggs personality type. Using your Reddit comments, we use machine learning to individually predict each trait (Introverted or Extroverted, Sensing or Intuition, etc...). The model is around 75% accurate for each individual trait.
- Add caching via DB queries (checks last comment and comment count)
- Add multithreading
- Speed up prediction by making one prediction rather than four (will sacrifice a small amount of accuracy)
- Add forum for each personality type
- Create a celebrity view page where users can input any personality type / astrology sign
- Fix bug with celebrity list having duplicates
- Scrape celebrity pictures
The Google Colab notebook used for scraping the celebrity data can be found here.
Will bring you to the given Celebrity's FamousBirthdays profile.
Will bring you to the given Celebrity's PersonalityDatabase profile.
Made in Flask, using Python 3.8.
Astroscope was developed for fun and does not collect data. Currently in early development. Developed by Sidak