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103 lines (90 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (90 loc) · 12.4 KB



  1. 0-1 Knapsack Problem
  2. Add all greater values to every node in a BST
  3. Alphabet_rangoli - HackerRank
  4. Apriori Algorithm
  5. Binary Tree
  6. Ceaser Cipher encryption and decryption
  7. Coin change problem
  8. Construct Tree from Preorder
  9. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
  10. Diffie-Hellman key exchange
  11. Doubly linked list
  12. Fast GCD
  13. Find the Duplicate Number
  14. Find the Running Median
  15. Fractional Knapsack Problem
  16. Given an integer array nums that may contain duplicates, return all possible subsets (the power set) - Subsets II
  17. Given an integer numRows, return the first numRows of Pascal's triangle
  18. Given a A X B matrix with your initial position at the top-left cell, find the number of possible unique paths to reach the bottom-right cell of the matrix from the initial position
  19. Given the root of a binary tree and an integer targetSum, return all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals targetSum - Path Sum II
  20. Hamming code detecting up to two simultaneous bit errors and correcting single-bit errors.
  21. Hamming_distance
  22. KMP string searching
  23. Infix expression to postfix and prefix conversion
  24. Inorder Traversal (Iterative)
  25. Longest valid Parentheses
  26. Maximize Number of 1s
  27. Maximum Production
  28. Max Subarray Sum using Kadane's Algorithm
  29. MinHeap
  30. Monoalphabetic Cipher encryption and decryption
  31. Nuts and Bolts Problem
  32. Play fair Cipher encryption and decryption
  33. Polyalphabetic Cipher(Vigenere Cipher) encryption and decryption processes
  34. Postorder Traversal (Iterative)
  35. Preorder traversal (Iterative)
  36. Preorder to Postorder
  37. Print Anagrams Together
  38. Print Binary number from 1 to N
  39. Rail Fence Cipher
  40. Repeating and the missing
  41. Rod cutting problem
  42. Sieve of Eratosthenes calculate the prime numbers up to N
  43. Stackusing Two queue
  44. String Challenge - Coderbyte
  45. Twice Counter
  46. Two-dimensional Parity check
  47. Valid Expression


  1. Addition of digits stored in two linked list
  2. Array Challenge - CoderByte
  3. Credit card number validator
  4. Count word, character and line in given input file
  5. File directory manipulation
  6. Find All Permutation of given string
  7. Given an m x n integer matrix matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0's, and return the matrix
  8. Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers
  9. Rational number class implementation
  10. Remove and Replace text in file
  11. SudokuSolution : check whether a given Sudoku solution is correct
  12. SudokuSolution : check whether a given Sudoku solution is correct if it's not than return list of 3x3 Quadrant which contains error - Coderbyte
  13. StopWatch to getElapsedTime of program
  14. Zeller_algorithm to find day of the week

JDBC Programs (Oracle 11g database)

  1. Create an application to fill student registration form and submit data into table of Oracle. (use JDBC)
  2. Write an application which list content of table of a database. (Describe Table)
  3. Write an application to update content of table. Get values from key board.(Use parameterized query)
  4. Using the JDBC API, display all the records from the database table, Table selected from command line argument.
  5. Write a Java application to invoke a stored procedure using a CallableStatement. For this a stored procedure called incrementSalary may be developed to increase all the employee’s salary by a percentage specified in the parameter
  6. Using JDBC Type-1 Driver, display all the records from the database table.

Java Servlet

  1. Develop Server Side Application using servlet for Collecting employee information, Validation employee information and Retrieval of employees records. Develop 3 separate servlets for collection, validation and for retrieval.
  2. Develop a client side web base form for collecting employee information and servlet for validation employee information and retrieval of employees records.Develop 2 separate servlets for validation and for retrieval.
  3. For above application implement a login page. A user can use above pages only after login using correct userID and password. Implement logout facility also. Do session tracking.

Socket Programming in JAVA

  1. TCP/IP base client server application establishing the talk between two users.
  2. TCP/IP application supplying the series of data from the client (one application) and send it to server(another application) and sort it from server side and display their result onto the client side.
  3. UDP base client server application establishing the talk between two users.

Socket Programming in C

  1. Connection Oriented(TCP/IP) File sharing Server using socket programming.
  2. Connection Less(UDP) Error Detection Mechanism using Socket Programming.
  3. Connection Oriented Echo Server using Socket programming.