cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
cmake --build . --config Debug
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release
Currently we have no cpp unit tests.
Test scripts are stored in:
result files (.xml) are stored in:
und y2038.xml
Each file in the scripts folder has a corresponding result file in the result files dir: same name, different extension Sub directories are allowed to organize test cases, must appear in both directories; simply create new directories and throw your test-code, resp result files in there.
Errors will be thrown, if for a .ctl file no .xml can be found.
If there is an error is in the .ctl file and no corresponding in the .xml file the test will pass.
If no error is in the .ctl file and an error is in the .xml file a warning will be issued.
Test results will be written to: "<project_dir>/log/CtrlppCheck/testscripts/suspiciousSemicolon.xml"
Please mind that well documented tests are the best examples. Therefore, document the test-script as well so that everybody can see and understand what the check does and what the (un)expected results are. Also if you find limitations, it is good practice to document them in the test-code as well. This is transparent for the public community and makes it easier for others to steps in and proceed.
config files are loaded from
<winccoa_install_path>/data/DevTools/Base/ctrl.xml // general
WinCCOA_QualityChecks/data/CtrlppCheck/cfg/__proj__.xml // proj specific
Configs define Ctrl language specific things: constants, interfaces of functions, ...
rules are loaded from
<winccoa_install_path>/data/DevTools/Base/ctrl.xml // general
WinCCOA_QualityChecks/data/CtrlppCheck/rule/__proj__.xml // proj specific
Rules files define patterns, performance issues, branding etc.
for a description of file format see: /Documentation/
to create new rules and config files, see: /Documentation/
Naming rules files define patterns for names (variables, files, functions, ...)
suspicious semicolon
testscript: WinCCOA_QualityChecks_tests/scripts/tests/CtrlppCheck/testscripts/suspiciousSemicolon.ctl
(naming should be: test_suspiciousSemicolon.ctl)
resultfile: WinCCOA_QualityChecks_tests/data/CtrlppCheck/testscriptssuspiciousSemiclon.xml
(naming should be: test_suspiciousSemicolon.xml)
the check itself:
CtrlppCheck/lib/checks/checkother.h, checkother.cpp Zeile 141 ff
check 2038
implemented in check2038.h and 2038.cpp