By default, Table
assumes that its data will be sorted by single attribute, in either ascending or descending order.
For advanced use cases, you may want to sort by multiple fields.
This can be accomplished using the createMultiSort
import {createTableMultiSort, Column, Table} from 'react-virtualized';
function sort({sortBy, sortDirection}) {
// 'sortBy' is an ordered Array of fields.
// 'sortDirection' is a map of field name to "ASC" or "DESC" directions.
// Sort your collection however you'd like.
// When you're done, setState() or update your Flux store, etc.
const sortState = createMultiSort(sort);
// When rendering your header columns,
// Use the sort state exposed by sortState:
const headerRenderer = ({dataKey, label}) => {
const showSortIndicator = sortState.sortBy.includes(dataKey);
return (
<span title={label}>{label}</span>
{showSortIndicator && (
<SortIndicator sortDirection={sortState.sortDirection[dataKey]} />
// Connect sortState to Table by way of the 'sort' prop:
<Column {...columnProps} headerRenderer={headerRenderer} />
The createMultiSort
utility also accepts default sort-by values:
const sortState = createMultiSort(sort, {
defaultSortBy: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
defaultSortDirection: {
firstName: 'ASC',
lastName: 'ASC',