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This is a brief introduction to my project published on ElettronicaIN #269.
This project is a simple energy meter based on an ESP32 board, a PZEM004T sensor and the InfluxDb Cloud service.
PZEM004T sensor
Jumper wires
USB cable
220V AC to 5V DC power supply
Plastic box for electronics
The sketch and the Every library can be downloaded here (registration is required).
Other software needed:
Arduino IDE
Every Arduino library (to run code at fixed intervals without using delays)
WiFiMulti library (to handle WiFi connection)
ArduinoOTA, WiFiUdp and ESPmDNS libraries (to handle the OTA sketch upload)
InfluxDbClient and InfluxDbCloud libraries (to handle the data upload)
PZEM004Tv30 library (to handle the serial communication between ESP32 and the sensor)
Python v2.7 installed on your pc to flash the firmware OTA
Register on InfluxDb cloud, create a bucket and generate the API key to authorize data upload.
Open the sketch and leave the following parameters as they are. If you want you can change the device name (it will be displayed on the Influx Db dashboard), especially if you're planning to create a fleet of energy meters.
#define DEVICE "ESP32"
#define PZEM_RX_PIN 27
#define PZEM_TX_PIN 26
#define PZEM_SERIAL Serial2
Edit the following code in order to match your network configuration and your Influx Db Cloud data.
IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, 178, 154);
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 178, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress primaryDNS(192, 168, 178, 1); //optional
IPAddress secondaryDNS(1, 1, 1, 1); //optional
#define WIFI_SSID "WiFi_SSID"
// WiFi password
// InfluxDB v2 server url, e.g. (Use: InfluxDB UI -> Load Data -> Client Libraries)
#define INFLUXDB_URL ""
// InfluxDB v2 server or cloud API token (Use: InfluxDB UI -> Data -> API Tokens -> Generate API Token)
// InfluxDB v2 organization id (Use: InfluxDB UI -> User -> About -> Common Ids )
// InfluxDB v2 bucket name (Use: InfluxDB UI -> Data -> Buckets)
Upload the sketch to your board and move to Influx Db Cloud website to create and edit a dashboard as you prefer.
Once done, everything will look like this:
Feel free to edit the sketch, to improve the functionalities and to send pull requests.
Readme template taken from here