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File metadata and controls

268 lines (205 loc) · 16.8 KB

RealMe module for SilverStripe


Environment variables and certificates

The following values need to be defined in your .env file for all environments. See the SilverStripe documentation on environment management for more information.

Environment Const Example Notes
REALME_CERT_DIR /sites/realme-dev/secure/certs Directory where all certificates will reside. All certificates should be placed here. Needs to be readable (but ideally not writeable) by the web server user.
REALME_SIGNING_CERT_FILENAME mts_saml_sp.pem Name of the SAML secure signing certificate for the required environment (stored in REALME_CERT_DIR). For MTS, this is provided by RealMe, and is available on the RealMe developers site.

It is important to note that the file referred to by REALME_SIGNING_CERT_FILENAME is expected to be in PEM format, containing both the private key and the certificate (and optionally any intermediary certificates). If your files are not structured this way it can be easily created by e.g. cat yoursite.crt yoursite.key > yoursite.pem provided each file has the appropriate -----BEGIN *----- and -----END *----- headers & footers.

The REALME_CERT_DIR needs to contain the following files, depending on which environment you are integrating with:


You must include mts_saml_sp.pem and either mts_login_saml_idp.cer or mts_assert_saml_idp.cer (depending on whether you are integration for logon or assert) from the MTS bundle available on the RealMe Developers website. Place both of these in your REALME_CERT_DIR.


You must include your private key and signing certificate (PEM file) and then from the ITE integration bundle, take the realme_signing.crt file and rename it to (which is the Common Name on the certificate) and place this in your REALME_CERT_DIR.

For Production

You must include your private key and signing certificate (PEM file) and then from the Production integration bundle, take the <filename unknown> file and rename it to <tbc> (which is the Common Name on the certificate) and place this in your REALME_CERT_DIR.

YML configuration

In addition to these environment variables, YML configuration is required to specify some values that should be consistently applied across environments. These are noted below.

Create a file in your project called for example mysite/_config/realme.yml. In this file, specify the following, with appropriate values set. Examples are given below, but should be evaluated for your own application.

Note that the below configuration assumes that you are using the SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE const correctly on your development, staging/test and production environments.

Name: realmedev
  realme_env: 'mts'
  integration_type: 'login'
    mts: ""
    ite: ""
    prod: ""
    mts: "urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:LowStrength"
    ite: "urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:LowStrength"
    prod: "urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:LowStrength"
    mts: ""
    ite: ""
    prod: ""
  metadata_organisation_name: "RealMe Demo Organisation"
  metadata_organisation_display_name: "RealMe Demo Organisation"
  metadata_organisation_url: ""
  metadata_contact_support_company: "Your Company"
  metadata_contact_support_firstnames: "Your"
  metadata_contact_support_surname: "Name"

  service_name_1: "this website"
  service_name_2: "this website"
  service_name_3: "this website"

Name: realmetest
  environment: test
  - 'realmedev'
  realme_env: 'ite'

Name: realmeprod
  environment: live
  - 'realmedev'
  realme_env: 'prod'

The value you set for realme_env must be one of 'mts', 'ite' or 'prod'.

The value you set for integration_type must be one of 'login' or 'assert'.

The values you set for sp_entity_ids should conform to the RealMe standard for entity IDs. In summary, the domain should be relevant to the agency, the first part of the path should be the privacy realm name, and the second part of the path should be the service name.

The values for service_name_1, service_name_2 and service_name_3 should fit in these sentences:

  • service_name_1: "To access the [online service], you need a RealMe login."
  • service_name_2: "To log in to [this service] you need a RealMe login."
  • service_name_3: "[This service] uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information."

Note: None of these are required for the assert form, as they are not used (it only uses organisation name, which is taken from the metadata_organisation_name config value instead.

Note: the service name cannot be more than 10 characters in length, or the validation will fail.

The values you set for authn_contexts can be one of the following, depending on the requirements of your application:

AuthN Context value Description
urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:LowStrength Requires a username and password, no second factor of authentication.
urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:ModStrength Requires a username, password, and a moderate-security second factor of authentication (Google Auth, SMS token, RSA token).
urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:ModStrength::OTP:Mobile:SMS Not recommended. Requires a username, password, and specifically requires the use of an SMS token.
urn:nzl:govt:ict:stds:authn:deployment:GLS:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:ModStrength::OTP:Token:SID Not recommended. Requires a username, password, and specifically requires the use of an RSA token.

Note: The AuthN context must be set to 'ModStrength' if you are using the 'assert' integration type, low strength is not available for this integration type.

If you are wanting to test SMS tokens on the ITE environment, further documentation is available on the RealMe developers site.

RealMe Environments

The RealMe system consists of three separate environments - MTS, ITE and Production.

In MTS, you confirm that your setup is correct, and you can correctly parse all the different types of messages that RealMe may pass back to your application.

In ITE, which is equivalent to a pre-prod or staging environment, you confirm that your website will work correctly when deployed to production, using your own secure certificates, and any custom configuration (e.g. authn_context values) set.

In production, you allow real users to use RealMe for authentication.

The development environment is known as MTS. This environment is setup to allow testing of your code on your development environment. In this environment, RealMe provide all SSL certificates required to communicate.

  • Review the documentation on the 'Try it out now' page on the RealMe Developers site.
  • Download the integration bundle from the RealMe Developers site.
  • Unpack the following three certificates into the directory you've specified in REALME_CERT_DIR (outside of your webroot):
    • mts_assert_saml_idp.cer
    • mts_login_saml_idp.cer
    • mts_saml_sp.pem
  • The mts_assert_saml_idp.cer and mts_login_saml_idp.cer files are not correctly provided. You will need to manually add the following to the files:
    • Add a new line as line 1 of the file with the following: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    • Add a new line as the last line of the file with the following: -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • Ensure your realme.yml configuration is complete (see above).
  • Run the RealMe build task to validate your configuration and get the XML metadata to provide to MTS: vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/RealMeSetupTask forEnv=mts
  • Save the XML output from the above task to an XML file, and upload this to MTS:
  • Either use the $RealMeLoginForm global template variable or add the RealMeAuthenticator and access /Security/login.
  • Once authenticated, you can access user data from templates using $RealMeUser (e.g. $RealMeUser.SPNameID), or in a controller by using RealMeService::currentRealMeUser().

If you are developing locally, note that the module enforces your environment to be configured for https. If you don't have this setup by default, ngrok is a nice, easy to use tool that provides this functionality. You just run ngrok, and copy the https URL that it gives you - this will let you access your site protected via https, however you will need to ensure you set the SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS const in your _ss_environment.php, e.g. define('SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS', '*'); so that we know that ngrok is trust-worthy and allowed to pass http traffic as https.

If you do this, ngrok will give you a random URL each time you start it, which means that you will need to change the above YML configuration and re-integrate to MTS every time you restart ngrok. Alternatively, set this up on a development server that has the capability to perform SSL communication natively. You can use self-signed certificates if required.

You should now be able to proceed to testing the standard login form, or using the RealMe templates.

ITE: Integration Test Environment

  • Complete an integration to MTS.
  • You will need a secure certificate which meets the requirements as seen on the Certificate requirements page.
    • If you are using the Common Web Platform, once you have the certificate raise a ticket on the CWP Service desk to get it installed.
    • Otherwise, you can generate one yourself and install it into your test or staging environment.
  • Request an account on the RealMe Developers site, and complete an integration request for ITE.
  • Publish your site to your test or staging environment with a working configuration (realme.yml file) for ITE.

PROD: Production Environment

  • Complete an integration to MTS and ITE.
  • Follow the steps as for the ITE environment above, but creating an integration request for production rather than ITE.

More complex environments

If you are working with multiple website environments (e.g. multiple test sites or similar), you will encounter issues using the basic configuration system above, because you will want multiple different websites to point to different RealMe integrations (e.g. 'test1' website points to MTS, while 'test2' and 'staging' websites both point to ITE). To do this, each website installation needs a separate RealMe integration (that is, a different SP Entity ID). Once these are configured with RealMe, you can switch them out by modifying configuration. For now (until a solution to #26 is built), the best solution is to use RealMeService::config()->set() for SS4. Note: This can cause a significant performance impact in SilverStripe 4, as by default YML configuration is immutable, and this overrides this which is not ideal. Use this only if it's really necessary, and ensure that the majority of your environments are still configured via YML as normal.

In your app/_config.php:

use \SilverStripe\RealMe\RealMeService

$changed = false;
$entityIds = RealMeService::config()->get('sp_entity_ids');
$domains = RealMeService::config()->get('metadata_assertion_service_domains');

// Update the configured entity IDs and return domains based on however you know what site you're on
if (getenv('SITE_ENVIRONMENT') == 'test2')) {
    $entityIds['ite'] = '';
    $domains['ite'] = '';
    $changed = true;
} elseif(getenv('SITE_ENVIRONMENT') == 'staging')) {
    $entityIds['ite'] = '';
    $domains['ite'] = '';
    $changed = true;

// Only mutate config if it's really necessary
if ($changed) {
    RealMeService::config()->set('sp_entity_ids', $entityIds);
    RealMeService::config()->set('metadata_assertion_service_domains', $domains);

This will allow you, if necessary, to re-configure the module in real-time based on the website environment. Note that you will still need to deploy the correct private/public keypairs to the correct servers etc.

Syncing Realme with SilverStripe members

After logging in the module can sync the attributes returned from RealMe (depending on your assertion type) and sync the details with the appropriate members. This is not available for assert type authenticaiton as the unique identifier is valid only for that session, meaning each time a user logged in they would have a new Member object created for them, and any associated historic user activity would be lost to them.

To setup syncing, you must be using the login type of authentication and have the RealMeMemberExtension enabled on Member (or a subclass of it) and then tell the module to sync with the database via the following configuration in realme.yml. You can also include login_member_after_authentication which will automatically login a user (as a Silverstripe Member object) after successful RealMe authentication.

    - SilverStripe\RealMe\Extension\MemberExtension

  sync_with_local_member_database: true
  login_member_after_authentication: true

Run a dev/build to ensure the configuration changes are accounted for.

When a RealMe login completes with success, a new member will be synced based on the RealMe FLT. If no member matching the FLT is found, a new member will be created. Note this is not supported for assert, as the FIT is transient (changes each time a member logs in).

UAT and production environments

The SAML signing security certificates must be purchased by the agency. If you are hosting on the Common Web Platform, the CWP Service desk can help generating the certificate signing request (CSR) and installing the certificate once purchased by the agency. More information on the requirements can be found on the RealMe developers site.

When you're hosting on CWP

For UAT and production environments, the above environment consts will be defined for you by CWP Operations once the certificates have been purchased and installed. Create a Service Desk ticket to request the start of this process.

When you're hosting elsewhere

You will need to purchase and install these certificates yourself in appropriate places on your server, and then set all environment constants appropriately.