Full, dependency free java implementation of the MQTT-SN protocol specification. Abstraction of the underlying model to support pluggable wire protocols.
public class ExampleUsage {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//-- select the version of the protocol you wish to use. The versions
//-- registered on the interface are thread-safe, pre-constructed singletons.
//-- you can also manually construct your codecs and manage their lifecycle if you so desire.
IMqttsnCodec mqttsnVersion1_2 = MqttsnCodecs.MQTTSN_CODEC_VERSION_1_2;
//-- each codec supplies a message factory allowing convenient construction of messages for use
//-- in your application.
IMqttsnMessageFactory factory = mqttsnVersion1_2.createMessageFactory();
//-- construct a connect message with your required configuration
IMqttsnMessage connect =
factory.createConnect("testClientId", 60, false, true);
//-- encode the connect message for wire transport...
byte[] arr = mqttsnVersion1_2.encode(connect);
//-- then on the other side of the wire..
connect = mqttsnVersion1_2.decode(arr);