All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- updated /now
- updated year-end-review-2024
- updated dependencies (prettier, puppeteer, sass, eleventy-img)
- updated /now
- updated dependencies (prettier, puppeteer, sass, eleventy-img)
- updated social share image gen script to ESM
- added blog post for year-end-review-2024
- fixed typo on /now
- updated dependencies
- switched to esm for #277
- added 11ty
<img />
support for #231
- dependency updates (eleventy@3 beta, eleventy-plugin-rss@2) #245
- updated /now page
- switched to using config only for XML/RSS feed #244
- dependency updates
- updated /now page
- switched to 11ty-image plugin for social icons and header avatar
- switched to simpler posts by year logic
- replaced link to resume in header with link to /now
- blog post: Adding inline SVGs to Eleventy.js
- blog post: How to build "missing middle" in Carmel
- /now page
- dependency updates (added pnpm-lock)
- removed Polywork link from homepage
- updates to about page
- RSS feed #142
- Polywork icon and link on homepage
- link to RSS feed in header
- tweaked homepage "hero" text and styling
- switched all Nunjucks templates from html to njk file extension for improved syntax highlighting
- blog post: Adding posts by tag to Eleventy.js
- blog post: Adding tag list with post count to Eleventy.js
- blog post: After 14 years I still fail live coding interviews
- blog post: Custom date formatting in Eleventy.js
- blog post: Filtering tags within Eleventy.js collections
- draft and future posts functionality
- updated dependencies (11ty 2.0!)
- fixed dark mode blockquote styling
- removed parent folder for blog posts
- simplified dates for blog posts
- fixed broken title on tag pages
- switched to separate script step for compiling Sass
- update
filter to handle different formats - changed output folder from "public" to "dist"
- added blog post: Adding dynamic read time to Eleventy.js
- added syntax highlighting with Prism.js
- converted from Gatsby to Eleventy
- styling tweaks
- organized blog posts by year
- text on home, about
- added blog post: 35-interviews-with-0-applications
- updated dependencies
- updated employer in intro (hero text)
- updated dependencies
- Google Analytics
- added Splitbee analytics to replace Google
- social share card styling
- fixed a few build warnings
- added dynamic social share cards
- updated dependencies (Gatsby v4)
- added backlinks in previous blog posts
- ignored false negatives in Lighthouse CI audit
- blog post on salary negotiation
- updated dependencies
- updated resume to latest
- added projects to footer
- added my Polywork timeline to header nav
- added About page
- updated dependencies
- changed intro text
- tweaked anchor styles for improved readability
- updated dependencies (Gatsby v3)
- updated location (moved from SD to PNW)
- og banner image
- dependency updates
- updated SEO/OG/Twitter meta tags
- conical URLs #30
- dependency updates
- updated README
- deployed to via Netlify!
- added Google Analytics
- migrated to Gatsby.js with redesigned theme based on @lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog