Why tiny density =
Cost of drug usage:
- assumed linear relationship between drug concentration selected and penalty.
- penalized for each "drug prescription" --> also related to the amount of time drug conc. stay high (?)
Community changes the effect of treatment on pathogen population dynamics
- ---> changes selection pressure
- ---> impacts evolution
Drug here is modelled in a very general manner. Can be any agent that has bacterialcidal effects, e.g. bacteriocins, phages.
- effect on interactions only on population growth
- interaction strengths are not affected by drug
- no impact of bacteria on the killing effects of drug are cr
- ---> Results tell that growth interactions alone can change drug effects on the targeted population, in a linear effect: (+) interactions --> worse for treatment; (-) interactions --> better for treatment.
- example case: Z is a beneficial commensal that restrict pathogen E. If Z is more sensitive to the drug, then when the drug conc. is below the MIC of E, then E would be able to grow better.
- Compared to when there is no interaction, long-term outcome is similar, but the population dynamics are different.
Possible structural identifiability in the system:
- Tweaking the MIC of E when in mono-culture / co-culture with no interactions could give similar results as when Z is more resistant and
$\alpha_{EZ}$ varies. --> Effects of interactions could make the targeted population appeared to have different MICs.
Compared to the Hansen's problem:
- Difference/Contrast: No drug-resistant of targeted pathogen. Even Z could be more resistant, it's density is not of concern. --> The goal is to eliminate as fast as possible. --> Could be useful to avoid long time and sufficient populaiton density for mutant emergence?
- Yet, similarity: no evolution processes taken into account. --> Difficult to say about the impact on evolution.
Q-learning dit not perform very well
- It is sensitive to initial conditions: strength when Z is more resistant, but weakness when Z has same MIC as E. (When Z has same MIC as E, changing microbial interactions did not affect the fixed rational drug policy, but it did affected the Q-learning)
- Reward function: no significant increase from a very tiny E to elimination of E
- Agent did not account much for long-term return --> Change discount factor?
- Add Z to observable state, but larger state space --> more training, more time required
- Multiple policies with similar return when there is no interactions
- More training episodes might also help (Neythen)
Maxium total supplied drug:
- Rational (testing with 96h):
$D_{in}=100.0$ all the times, 1440 $\mu$g. Max return (always get 1.0 for E density and 0 drug penalty):$96/6 = 16.0$ - Q-learning (testing with 96h):
$D_{in}=120.0$ all the times, 1728 $\mu$g. Max return (always get 1.0 for E density and 0 drug penalty):$96/6 = 16.0$ - Q-learning (training with 120h):
$D_{in}=120.0$ all the times, 2160 $\mu$g. Max return (always get 1.0 for E density and 0 drug penalty):$120/6 = 20.0$
cd QLearning_stateE/qlearning_micZ140
python $JOB_SCRIPT -f qlearning_micZ140.2/params.qlearning_micZ140.2.json --test_only