Reddit.NET Auth Token Retriever
This tutorial details how to create a simple Xamarin.Forms mobile app that authenticates a Reddit user and retrieves the necessary OAuth tokens.
Because Android tends to release BC-breaking changes so frequently, it can be especially challenging to maintain tutorials like this. As such, if this tutorial instructs you to do something that doesn't line up with what you're seeing in Visual Studio (missing class/directive, code looks different, etc), please file an Issue so I can take a look and see if the tutorial needs to be updated.
Do yourself a favor and avoid using any dots (".") in your Xamarin.Forms project name. At least in VS 2019, this leads to all sorts of IO-related build issues. That's why this project is called AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin instead of AuthTokenRetriever.Xamarin, which would have been my first choice.
Some Android phones reportedly will only allow an app to bind to an ephemeral port. For this reason, this tutorial will have AuthTokenRetrieverLib listen on port 50080 instead of the default of 8080.
Due to an annoying issue with Windows and Java's propensity for lengthy directory trees, you may receive the following error when you try to build your solution: "Failed to create JavaTypeInfo for class: Android.Support.V4.View.AsyncLayoutInflater/IOnInflateFinishedListenerImplementor due to MAX_PATH". If you're getting this, it means the directory you've placed your solution in is too deep. This can be easily (albeit inconveniently) resolved by moving your solution to a directory closer to root, then doing a clean/rebuild. That should fix the error. Alternatively, you could leave your solution where it is and create a directory junction to it at the root directory, then run the solution from there.
Open Visual Studio and create a new Xamarin.Forms project. Let's call it "AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin".
In the NuGet Package Manager console, click on the Default Project dropdown and select AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin, then type:
Install-Package Reddit
Install-Package Reddit.AuthTokenRetrieverLib
Before we proceed, it would be helpful for you to understand what the finished product is supposed to look like. So here's a brief rundown of the Reddit authentication process from the end-user's perspective:
The user begins by launching our app. Because we haven't bothered to create a splash screen, we'll just see a blank white page for a few moments while the app loads. This is normal.
The user will be prompted to login. This will determine which Reddit user we're authenticating.
Once logged-in, the user will be redirected to the authorization page. The user must then click the "Allow" button in order to complete the process.
Once the callback is received, the auth page will automatically close and the main page will be populated with the authenticated Reddit user's data.
Now that you know what the end-result is supposed to look like, let's dive into the code! Our first step is to change MainPage into a NavigationPage. This will enable us to navigate to the RedditAuthPage. In AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin.App, we'll be making two changes to the ctor:
MainPage mainPage
as a parameter. -
Instantiate MainPage as a NavigationPage like this:
new NavigationPage(mainPage)
The modified ctor will look like this:
public App(MainPage mainPage)
MainPage = new NavigationPage(mainPage);
That takes care of Xamarin.Forms. Now we have to update both the Android and iOS projects to match. In AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin.Droid.MainActivity and AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin.iOS.AppDelegate, change the LoadApplication line to this:
LoadApplication(new App(new MainPage()));
This is necessary in order to make the WebView compatible with Reddit's callback workflow in Android. If you don't do this step, the BrowserWindow will fail to load the page in Android.
To fix this, we need to edit Properties/AndroidManifest.xml in the AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin.Android project by adding android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"
to the tag. So now your Android manifest should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" package="com.companyname.authtokenretrieverxamarin">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="28" />
<application android:label="AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin.Android" android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"></application>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
In AuthTokenRetrieverXamarin (the Xamarin.Forms project), add a new ContentPage and call it RedditAuthPage.xaml. The corresponding RedditAuthPage.xaml.cs will be automatically generated along with it if you're using Visual Studio.
We should start by adding a page title to the ContentPage tag: Title="Reddit Authorization"
While we're at it, we also need to add this: NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="False"
The resulting ContentPage tag should look something like this:
<ContentPage xmlns=""
Title="Reddit Authorization"
The content of the page is pretty basic: A Label and a WebView. The label tells the user we're on the auth page and the WebView is what will actually load the Reddit website where the user will have to click Accept. The following code will work:
<AbsoluteLayout Padding="0" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<StackLayout AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All">
<Label Text="Connect Your Reddit Account"
VerticalOptions="Start" />
<Frame BorderColor="Black">
<WebView x:Name="BrowserWindow" WidthRequest="1000" HeightRequest="1000" />
This will display the label at the top with the embedded browser window directly below, filling the remainder of the page. Placing it in a Frame is only necessary if you want a border around the WebView (I think it looks better that way).
The final RedditAuthPage.xaml file should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
Title="Reddit Authorization"
<AbsoluteLayout Padding="0" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<StackLayout AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All">
<Label Text="Connect Your Reddit Account"
VerticalOptions="Start" />
<Frame BorderColor="Black">
<WebView x:Name="BrowserWindow" WidthRequest="1000" HeightRequest="1000" />
We'll come back to add the code for RedditAuthPage.xaml.cs in a bit. For now, let's shift our attention over to MainPage.
We need to replace the default crap with a named StackLayout. We'll call it StackLayout_Main. Let's also add a page title while we're at it. The resulting MainPage.xaml should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
Title="Reddit AuthTokenRetriever for Xamarin"
<StackLayout x:Name="StackLayout_Main">
<!-- Content is generated. -->
Now we're ready to deal with MainPage.xaml.cs.
These will be our using
using Reddit;
using Reddit.AuthTokenRetriever;
using Reddit.AuthTokenRetriever.EventArgs;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Xamarin.Forms;
For the sake of simplicity, we'll store our configurables here. If you're creating a production app, it would be ideal to get those values from a config file or some other external data source.
private const string AppID = "YourAppIdGoesHere";
private const int AuthListenPort = 50080;
private const string AuthListenHost = "";
private string AccessToken { get; set; }
private string RefreshToken { get; set; }
Next, we define our AuthTokenRetrieverLib instance:
public AuthTokenRetrieverLib AuthTokenRetrieverLib
if (authTokenRetrieverLib == null)
authTokenRetrieverLib = new AuthTokenRetrieverLib(AppID, AuthListenPort, AuthListenHost);
return authTokenRetrieverLib;
set => authTokenRetrieverLib = value;
private AuthTokenRetrieverLib authTokenRetrieverLib;
Now we do the same for our RedditClient instance:
private RedditClient Reddit
if (reddit == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RefreshToken))
reddit = new RedditClient(appId: AppID, refreshToken: RefreshToken, accessToken: AccessToken);
return reddit;
set => reddit = value;
private RedditClient reddit;
While we're at it, let's give ourselves a little shortcut for determining if the RedditClient instance is successfully authenticated:
public bool RedditAuthenticated
get => (Reddit != null && Reddit.Account != null && Reddit.Account.Me != null && Reddit.Account.Me.Name != null
&& !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RefreshToken));
private set { }
The final property is an event handler, which MainPage will fire after consuming the success event from the AuthTokenRetrieverLib. This event will then be consumed by RedditAuthPage, closing the window and returning the user to MainPage.
public event EventHandler CloseAuthPage;
There are multiple places where we'll want to throw an Exception if Reddit fails to authenticate, so it makes sense to put it in its own method:
private void Validate()
if (!RedditAuthenticated)
throw new Exception("Reddit authentication failed.");
Once authentication is successful, we'll want to display some of the authenticated user's data to show that everything is working. You can modify this to suit your needs, of course.
private void PopulateData()
StackLayout_Main.Children.Add(new Label
Text = "u/" + Reddit.Account.Me.Name,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
StackLayout_Main.Children.Add(new Label
Text = "Cake Day: " + Reddit.Account.Me.Created.ToString("D"),
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Subtitle, typeof(Label)),
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
StackLayout_Main.Children.Add(new Label
Text = "Most Recent Post: " + Reddit.Account.Me.GetPostHistory(sort: "newForced")[0].Title,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
As of 1.5, AuthTokenRetrieverLib fires an event upon successful authentication. This event contains the token data we'll need to load our RedditClient instance.
public void C_AuthSuccess(object sender, AuthSuccessEventArgs e)
RefreshToken = e.RefreshToken;
AccessToken = e.AccessToken;
AuthTokenRetrieverLib.AuthSuccess -= C_AuthSuccess;
CloseAuthPage?.Invoke(this, null);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => PopulateData());
We start by setting our credentials received from the event. The way our getters are setup, the call to Validate
will automatically reinitialize our RedditClient instance with the new token data if everything's good (and throw an Exception if it's not). Then we clean up after ourselves by unregistering the callback and telling AuthTokenRetrieverLib to terminate the server.
With all that out of the way, we're free to fire the event that will tell RedditAuthPage to close. Now that the user is back on MainPage, we make a call to PopulateData
and we're good to go. Note that using Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread
is a good idea whenever you're doing anything from an event callback that modifies the view in Xamarin.
We need to add a couple lines to the ctor:
AuthTokenRetrieverLib.AuthSuccess += C_AuthSuccess;
Navigation.PushAsync(new RedditAuthPage(this));
The first registers the auth success event, the second opens the RedditAuthPage.
All that's left is to fill in the C# code for our RedditAuthPage.
We just need the basic Xamarin usings here:
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
We'll need to be able to access our MainPage instance from here, so we'll add this property:
private MainPage MainPage { get; set; }
We don't want the user accidentally closing the RedditAuthPage before we've completed the workflow, so we add this method:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
return true;
This next step is necessary because, for some reason, Reddit doesn't redirect the user back to the authorization URL after they've logged in. Instead, it redirects them to the Reddit front page, which means we need to then redirect the user back to the authorization URL so they can click "Accept" and complete the process.
public void C_NavigatedUpdated(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
if (e.Url.TrimEnd('/').EndsWith(""))
BrowserWindow.Source = MainPage.AuthTokenRetrieverLib.AuthURL();
This will fire whenever the page in our BrowserWindow changes. It won't do anything unless that new page is the Reddit front page, in which case it'll redirect the user back to where they need to be.
Here's where we put our callback function that closes this page and returns the user to MainPage when the authentication process has completed:
public void C_AuthClose(object sender, object e)
MainPage.CloseAuthPage -= C_AuthClose;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => await Navigation.PopAsync());
We need to do a couple things here before we're done. First, the ctor needs to accept an instance of MainPage as an argument:
public RedditAuthPage(MainPage mainPage)
Then we add some code:
MainPage = mainPage;
MainPage.CloseAuthPage += C_AuthClose;
Here we're setting our MainPage property, activating the webserver used by AuthTokenRetrieverLib to receive the token data from the browser, and registering our AuthClose event.
Now just a couple more lines of code and we're done:
BrowserWindow.Source = MainPage.AuthTokenRetrieverLib.AuthURL();
BrowserWindow.Navigated += C_NavigatedUpdated;
This navigates the embedded browser window to the Reddit authorization URL and registers the event handler we're using to handle the redirect.
The final constructor should look like this:
public RedditAuthPage(MainPage mainPage)
MainPage = mainPage;
MainPage.CloseAuthPage += C_AuthClose;
BrowserWindow.Source = MainPage.AuthTokenRetrieverLib.AuthURL();
BrowserWindow.Navigated += C_NavigatedUpdated;
That's it! We're done.
The complete source code can be found here: