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sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 build fails looking for c:\tools #45

spiraljacobs opened this issue May 24, 2019 · 19 comments


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Attempting to build a workable 9.1.1 solution, but it's failing at some point attempting to look for files.

### Processing 'sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon    307MB
Step 1/5 : FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2016-sp1
 ---> 2549bb553d7d
Step 2/5 : ENV ACCEPT_EULA='Y'     sa_password='HASH-epsom-sunset-cost7!'     DB_PREFIX='sc'    INSTALL_PATH='c:/install/'    DATA_PATH='c:/data/'    SQL_HOSTNAME='sql'
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a4c05758a004
Step 3/5 : COPY . ${INSTALL_PATH}
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c288af1eeeff
Step 4/5 : RUN New-Item -Path $env:DATA_PATH -ItemType Directory | Out-Null;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Extract-Databases.ps1") -Path $env:INSTALL_PATH;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Install-Databases.ps1") -InstallPath $env:INSTALL_PATH -DataPath $env:DATA_PATH -DatabasePrefix $env:DB_PREFIX;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Install-Shards.ps1") -InstallPath $env:INSTALL_PATH -DatabasePrefix $env:DB_PREFIX;     Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Boot.ps1") -Destination 'C:\\';     Get-ChildItem -Path $env:INSTALL_PATH -Exclude '*.mdf', '*.ldf' -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Force;
 ---> Running in 3bf836ad1549
Get-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\tools' because it does not exist.
At C:\install\Install-Databases.ps1:21 char:22
+ ... ckageExePath = Get-Item "C:\tools\*\lib\net46\SqlPackage.exe" | Selec ...
+                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (C:\tools:String) [Get-Item], It
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetIt

The command 'powershell -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; New-Item -Path $env:DATA_PATH -ItemType Directory | Out-Null;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Extract-Databases.ps1") -Path $env:INSTALL_PATH;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Install-Databases.ps1") -InstallPath $env:INSTALL_PATH -DataPath $env:DATA_PATH -DatabasePrefix $env:DB_PREFIX;     & (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Install-Shards.ps1") -InstallPath $env:INSTALL_PATH -DatabasePrefix $env:DB_PREFIX;     Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_PATH "\\Boot.ps1") -Destination 'C:\\';     Get-ChildItem -Path $env:INSTALL_PATH -Exclude '*.mdf', '*.ldf' -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Force;' returned a non-zero code: 1
At C:\Docker\sitecore-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\SitecoreImageBuilder.psm1:158 char:70
+ ... CODE -ne 0 | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw "Failed." }
+                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed.:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed.
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pbering commented May 26, 2019

Hi, are you 100% sure that your clone is up to date? In your output in step 1/5 it says FROM mssql-server-windows-developer:2016-sp1 which is NOT used in the sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 image (See so something must be messed up?

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Thanks, will double check/reclone when I get a chance. Could have been mangled when people were hacking about with it.

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Recloned, and now I get this error. Unsure what the issue is at this point...

Successfully built 664470295db5
Successfully tagged sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
### Done with 'sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019', but not pushed since 'PushMode' is 'WhenChanged' and the image has not changed since last build.
### Processing 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon    307MB
Step 1/7 : FROM as builder
 ---> e43347a4426d
Step 2/7 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1051ef77e8a4
Step 3/7 : COPY . /install/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> babda2295196
Step 4/7 : RUN $env:SIF_CONFIG = 'createcert.json';     $env:INSTALL_TEMP = 'C:\\install';     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*Configuration files*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Rename-Item -Path (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP $env:SIF_CONFIG)).Path -NewName 'config.json';
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9f00d64afbfb
Step 5/7 : FROM sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 as final
 ---> af7d5732a307
Step 6/7 : COPY --from=builder ["/install/config.json", "/install/"]
failed to copy files: mkdir \\?: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
At C:\Docker\sitecore-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\SitecoreImageBuilder.psm1:158 char:70
+ ... CODE -ne 0 | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw "Failed." }
+                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed.:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed.

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pbering commented May 27, 2019

Can you paste the output of docker info and the powershell script you use to start the build?

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docker info:

PS C:\Docker\sitecore-images> docker info
 Debug Mode: false
  app: Docker Application (Docker Inc., v0.8.0-beta1)
  buildx: Build with BuildKit (Docker Inc., v0.2.0-tp)

 Containers: 11
  Running: 0
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 11
 Images: 104
 Server Version: 19.03.0-beta3
 Storage Driver: windowsfilter (windows) lcow (linux)
 Logging Driver: json-file
  Volume: local
  Network: ics l2bridge l2tunnel nat null overlay transparent
  Log: awslogs etwlogs fluentd gcplogs gelf json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Default Isolation: hyperv
 Kernel Version: 10.0 17763 (17763.1.amd64fre.rs5_release.180914-1434)
 Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.379)
 OSType: windows
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 12
 Total Memory: 15.74GiB
 Name: e3-302
 ID: 4fda2849-fcab-4e50-94d7-4854c668dad0
 Docker Root Dir: C:\ProgramData\Docker
 Debug Mode: true
  File Descriptors: -1
  Goroutines: 27
  System Time: 2019-05-27T12:09:03.6619406+01:00
  EventsListeners: 1
 Experimental: true
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false
 Product License: Community Engine

build script:

# Login

# Load module
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder") -Force

# Build and push base images
# Build and push
SitecoreImageBuilder\Invoke-Build `
    -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\images") `
    -InstallSourcePath "c:\Docker\Install\9.1.1" `
    -Registry "myregistry" `
    -Tags "*" `
    -PushMode "WhenChanged"


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pbering commented May 27, 2019

Did you delete stuff that you don't need in (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\images")? If so please try to pull fresh clone and use -Tags "*:9.1.1*" instead.

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spiraljacobs commented May 27, 2019

So I tried recloning and copying in my build.ps1, and another error pops up. I've attached the full output of cloning the repo, then running the build script with the -Tags"*:9.1.1*" set

The error is:

no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.17763 in the manifest list entries

It won't build at all now, even if I remove the other images and change the tag back to *.

My build script:

"mypass" | docker login --username myusername--password-stdin

# Load module
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder") -Force

# Build and push
SitecoreImageBuilder\Invoke-Build `
    -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\images") `
    -InstallSourcePath "c:\Docker\Install\9.1.1" `
    -Registry "myregistry" `
    -Tags "*:9.1.1*" `
    -PushMode "WhenChanged"

Full output:

PS C:\Docker> git clone
Cloning into 'sitecore-images'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 104, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (104/104), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (58/58), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (2649/2649), 356.14 KiB | 1.46 MiB/s, done.45 eceiving objects: 100% (2649/2649)

Resolving deltas: 100% (1512/1512), done.

PS C:\Docker> cd .\sitecore-images\
PS C:\Docker\sitecore-images> .\build.ps1
Login Succeeded

Tag                                                                     Include Deprecated Priority Base
---                                                                     ------- ---------- -------- ----
mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-1903                                True      False      100 {
mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                            True      False      100 {
sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1903                                         True      False      110 {
sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1709                                        False      False      110 {
sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809                                         True      False      110 {
sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1803                                        False      False      110 {
sitecore-base:9.0.171002-windowsservercore-1709                           False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                            False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                             True      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                                 True      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                           False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                       False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1803                           False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1709                           False      False      120 {
sitecore-base:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1709                           False      False      120 {
sitecore-xm1-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                           True      False      130 {mssql-developer...
sitecore-xm1-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                       True      False      130 {mssql-developer...
sitecore-xm1-sqldev:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                      False      False      130 {
sitecore-xm1-sqldev:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                          False      False      130 {
sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                      False      False      160 {
sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                       False      False      160 {
sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                        True      False      160 {mssql-developer...
sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                           False      False      160 {
sitecore-xp-sqldev:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                            True      False      160 {mssql-developer...
sitecore-xp-base:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                         False      False      170 {
sitecore-xp-base:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                        False      False      170 {
sitecore-xp-base:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                             False      False      170 {
sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                              True      False      170 {
sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                          True      False      170 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                          True      False      180 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False      180 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                    False      False      180 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                      True      False      180 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                     False      False      180 {
sitecore:7.5.150212-windowsservercore-1803                                False       True     1000 {
sitecore-sqldev:7.5.150212-windowsservercore-1803                         False       True     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.161221-windowsservercore-1709                                False       True     1000 {
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.161221-windowsservercore-1709                         False       True     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.161221-windowsservercore-1803                                False       True     1000 {
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.161221-windowsservercore-1803                         False       True     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170407-windowsservercore-1709                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170407-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.170407-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170614-windowsservercore-1709                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170614-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.170614-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170728-windowsservercore-1709                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.170728-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.171121-windowsservercore-1709                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.171121-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore-solr:8.2.180406-nanoserver-1803                                  False      False     1000 {
sitecore-solr:8.2.180406-nanoserver-1809                                  False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1709                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                                False      False     1000 {
sitecore-cd:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                             False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-cm:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                             False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-processing:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                     False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-reporting:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                      False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                            False      False     1000 {
sitecore-cd:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                         False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-cm:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                         False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-processing:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                 False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-reporting:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                  False      False     1000 {sitecore:8.2.18...
sitecore-sqldev:8.2.180406-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                     False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.171002-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.171002-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.171002-windowsservercore-ltsc2016                     False      False     1000 {microsoft/mssql...
sitecore-solr:9.0.171219-nanoserver-1709                                  False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-solr:9.0.171219-nanoserver-1803                                  False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-solr:9.0.171219-nanoserver-ltsc2016                              False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {microsoft/mssql...
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.171219-windowsservercore-ltsc2016                     False      False     1000 {microsoft/mssql...
sitecore-solr:9.0.180604-nanoserver-1709                                  False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-solr:9.0.180604-nanoserver-1803                                  False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-solr:9.0.180604-nanoserver-1803                               False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-solr:9.0.180604-nanoserver-1809                                  False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1709                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                         False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-cd:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                          False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-standalone:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803                  False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect-automationengine:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803   False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xp-xconnect-indexworker:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-1803        False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-sqldev:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                     False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                     False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.0.180604-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                     False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-solr:9.1.0-nanoserver-1803                                   False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-solr:9.1.0-nanoserver-1803                                    False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-solr:9.1.0-nanoserver-1809                                   False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-solr:9.1.0-nanoserver-1809                                    False      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                              False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                              False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-cd:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                               False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-standalone:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803                       False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect-automationengine:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803        False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xp-xconnect-indexworker:9.1.0-windowsservercore-1803             False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                          False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                          False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-cd:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                           False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-standalone:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                   False      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect-automationengine:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019    False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xp-xconnect-indexworker:9.1.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2019         False      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xm1-solr:9.1.1-nanoserver-1809                                    True      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-solr:9.1.1-nanoserver-1809                                     True      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-solr:9.1.1-nanoserver-1903                                    True      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xp-solr:9.1.1-nanoserver-1903                                     True      False     1000 {sitecore-base:9...
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                               True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                               True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                                True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-standalone:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903                        True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect-automationengine:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903         True      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xp-xconnect-indexworker:9.1.1-windowsservercore-1903              True      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                           True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xm1-cm:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                           True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                            True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-standalone:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019                    True      False     1000 {
sitecore-xp-xconnect-automationengine:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019     True      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...
sitecore-xp-xconnect-indexworker:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019          True      False     1000 {sitecore-xp-xco...

### Build specifications loaded...
1903: Pulling from windows/servercore
no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.17763 in the manifest list entries
At C:\Docker\sitecore-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\SitecoreImageBuilder.psm1:175 char:78
+ ... CODE -ne 0 | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw "Failed." }
+                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed.:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed.

PS C:\Docker\sitecore-images>

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pbering commented May 28, 2019

according to you docker info it seems that your Windows version is 1809, so you cannot build 1903. You can use this tag instead: -Tags "*:9.1.1-ltsc2019", "sitecore-openjdk:*-1809"

Copy link

Was that meant to be -Tags "*:9.1.1-*-ltsc2019", "sitecore-openjdk:*-1809"?
With -Tags "*:9.1.1-ltsc2019", "sitecore-openjdk:*-1809" none of the ltsc2019 will be built, I think.
I think I also will need to include the solr 1809...
Trying now...

Copy link

Still getting this error at the end. Not really sure what it could be related to.

### Processing 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon    307MB
Step 2/8 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE as builder
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Step 3/8 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Running in fff779515f95
Removing intermediate container fff779515f95
 ---> 9e10e96a1f99
Step 4/8 : COPY . /install/
 ---> 18251da62186
Step 5/8 : RUN $env:SIF_CONFIG = 'createcert.json';     $env:INSTALL_TEMP = 'C:\\install';     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*Configuration files*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Rename-Item -Path (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP $env:SIF_CONFIG)).Path -NewName 'config.json';
 ---> Running in ae7aa36363cd
Removing intermediate container ae7aa36363cd
 ---> 405b4cbf3355
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Step 7/8 : COPY --from=builder ["/install/config.json", "/install/"]
failed to copy files: mkdir \\?: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Failed: docker image build --isolation 'hyperv' --tag 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019' --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 'C:\Docker\sitecore-images\images\9.1.1 rev.
At C:\Docker\sitecore-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\SitecoreImageBuilder.psm1:229 char:74
+ ... here-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw "Failed: $buildCommand" }
+                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed: docker ...tecore-xp-base':String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed: docker image build --isolation 'hyperv' --tag 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019' --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 'C:\Docker\sitecore-images\im
   ages\9.1.1 rev. 002459\windowsservercore\sitecore-xp-base'

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My c:\Docker\Install directory has one folder, 9.1.1
It has these files in it:
Sitecore 9.1.1 rev. 002459 (WDP XM1 packages).zip
Sitecore 9.1.1 rev. 002459 (WDP XP0 packages).zip

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spiraljacobs commented May 28, 2019

I tried tagging sitecore-xm1-solr:9.1.1-nanoserver-1809 as the sole tag in the build script, and that built fine.
When I try to docker-compose up, I'm still missing sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
When I just put sitecore-xm1-cd:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 as the tag in the build script, it fails as above at Step 7/8 : COPY --from=builder ["/install/config.json", "/install/"]

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pbering commented Jun 2, 2019

Hmm it sounds like something with the order of things. Can you try to, in same order, one at the time to build this:

-Tags "sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809""
-Tags "mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-ltsc2019"
-Tags "sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019"
-Tags "sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019"

and then the rest with -Tags "*:9.1.1*ltsc2019", "sitecore-*:*1809".

Copy link

So, all tags build perfectly fine until -Tags "sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019", then, I get the same error.
Last bit of results of the three previous tags indicate that they had already been built locally and pushed.

### Processing 'sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.608kB
Step 2/11 : ARG BASE_IMAGE
Step 3/11 : FROM $BUILD_IMAGE as builder
 ---> e43347a4426d
Step 4/11 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1051ef77e8a4
Step 5/11 : ENV JAVA_HOME C:\\ojdkbuild
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4f5cfea183c4
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 56b989633d24
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ed66ce290bab
Step 8/11 : RUN [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $('{0}/{1}' -f $env:JAVA_OJDKBUILD_VERSION, $env:JAVA_OJDKBUILD_ZIP) -UseBasicParsing -OutFile '';     Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\;     Move-Item -Path ('C:\\{0}' -f ($env:JAVA_OJDKBUILD_ZIP -Replace '.zip', '')) -Destination $env:JAVA_HOME;
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0e6ef4e68aa2
Step 9/11 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE
 ---> bcdfac372cdf
Step 10/11 : COPY --from=builder /ojdkbuild /ojdkbuild
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 011e059b75f8
Step 11/11 : ENV JAVA_HOME C:\\ojdkbuild
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 61cd89b51c16
Successfully built 61cd89b51c16
Successfully tagged sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809
### Done with 'sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809', but not pushed since 'PushMode' is 'WhenChanged' and the image has not changed since last build.
### Processing 'mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon  8.704kB
Step 2/8 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE as builder
 ---> e43347a4426d
Step 3/8 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1051ef77e8a4
Step 4/8 : ENV sa_password='_'     sa_password_path='C:\ProgramData\Docker\secrets\sa-password'     attach_dbs='[]'     ACCEPT_EULA='_'
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ae086e602172
Step 5/8 : COPY . /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3008a02f7971
Step 6/8 : RUN [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing -OutFile 'C:\\SQL.exe';     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing -OutFile 'C:\\';     Start-Process -Wait -FilePath .\SQL.exe -ArgumentList /qs, /x:setup;     .\setup\setup.exe /q /ACTION=Install /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /FEATURES=SQLEngine /UPDATEENABLED=0 /SQLSVCACCOUNT='NT AUTHORITY\System' /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS='BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' /TCPENABLED=1 /NPENABLED=0 /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS;     Stop-Service MSSQLSERVER;     Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql14.MSSQLSERVER\mssqlserver\supersocketnetlib\tcp\ipall' -Name tcpdynamicports -Value '';     Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql14.MSSQLSERVER\mssqlserver\supersocketnetlib\tcp\ipall' -Name tcpport -Value 1433;     Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql14.MSSQLSERVER\mssqlserver' -Name LoginMode -Value 2;     Remove-Item -Recurse -Force SQL.exe,, setup;     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing -OutFile 'C:\\nuget.exe';     New-Item -Path 'C:\\tools' -ItemType Directory | Out-Null;     & 'C:\\nuget.exe' install Microsoft.Data.Tools.Msbuild -Version 10.0.61804.210 -OutputDirectory 'C:\\tools';     Remove-Item -Path 'C:\\nuget.exe';
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a8da7fe05378
Step 7/8 : HEALTHCHECK CMD [ "sqlcmd", "-Q", "select 1" ]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 008988e7900a
Step 8/8 : CMD .\Start.ps1 -sa_password $env:sa_password -ACCEPT_EULA $env:ACCEPT_EULA -attach_dbs \"$env:attach_dbs\" -Verbose
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 10ca3739657e
Successfully built 10ca3739657e
Successfully tagged mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
### Done with 'mssql-developer:2017-windowsservercore-ltsc2019', but not pushed since 'PushMode' is 'WhenChanged' and the image has not changed since last build.
### Processing 'sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon   5.12kB
Step 2/9 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE as download
 ---> 4eba9d3031c3
Step 3/9 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 15b38e3b5230
Step 4/9 : ADD C:\\install\\webdeploy.msi
Downloading [==================================================>]  6.414MB/6.414MB
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bb80a36ae3eb
Step 5/9 : ADD C:\\install\\urlrewrite.msi
Downloading [==================================================>]  6.078MB/6.078MB
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c58fe581393c
Step 6/9 : ADD C:\\install\\VC_redist.x64.exe
Downloading [==================================================>]  15.34MB/15.34MB

 ---> Using cache
 ---> 886691e9e478
 ---> 4eba9d3031c3
Step 8/9 : COPY --from=download /install /install
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0b7f97c20d38
Step 9/9 : RUN $env:INSTALL_TEMP = 'C:\\install';     Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/i', (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\webdeploy.msi'), '/quiet',
'/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;     Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/i', (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\urlrewrite.msi'), '/quiet', '/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;     Start-Process (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\VC_redist.x64.exe') -ArgumentList '/install', '/passive', '/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;
   Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null;     Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation;     Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.1.0 -Force;     Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters' -Name ServerPriorityTimeLimit -Value 0 -Type DWord;     setx /M PATH $($env:PATH + ';C:\Sitecore\Scripts');     Remove-Website -Name 'Default Web Site';     Remove-Item -Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP -Force -Recurse;
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Successfully built ca66a57810d2
Successfully tagged sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
### Done with 'sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019', but not pushed since 'PushMode' is 'WhenChanged' and the image has not changed since last build.

And then, the fail:

### Build specifications loaded...
4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2019: Pulling from dotnet/framework/aspnet
Digest: sha256:1875dc359353282d52b4c149849933b7e78aeddb36978e4985e8290a3272ac2b
Status: Image is up to date for
### External image '' is latest.
### External images is up to date...
### Processing 'sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon   5.12kB
Step 2/9 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE as download
 ---> 4eba9d3031c3
Step 3/9 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 15b38e3b5230
Step 4/9 : ADD C:\\install\\webdeploy.msi
Downloading [==================================================>]  6.414MB/6.414MB
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bb80a36ae3eb
Step 5/9 : ADD C:\\install\\urlrewrite.msi
Downloading [==================================================>]  6.078MB/6.078MB
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c58fe581393c
Step 6/9 : ADD C:\\install\\VC_redist.x64.exe
Downloading [==================================================>]  15.34MB/15.34MB

 ---> Using cache
 ---> 886691e9e478
 ---> 4eba9d3031c3
Step 8/9 : COPY --from=download /install /install
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0b7f97c20d38
Step 9/9 : RUN $env:INSTALL_TEMP = 'C:\\install';     Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/i', (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\webdeploy.msi'), '/quiet',
'/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;     Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/i', (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\urlrewrite.msi'), '/quiet', '/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;     Start-Process (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '\\VC_redist.x64.exe') -ArgumentList '/install', '/passive', '/norestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait;
   Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null;     Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation;     Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.1.0 -Force;     Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters' -Name ServerPriorityTimeLimit -Value 0 -Type DWord;     setx /M PATH $($env:PATH + ';C:\Sitecore\Scripts');     Remove-Website -Name 'Default Web Site';     Remove-Item -Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP -Force -Recurse;
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Successfully built ca66a57810d2
Successfully tagged sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
### Done with 'sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019', but not pushed since 'PushMode' is 'WhenChanged' and the image has not changed since last build.
### Processing 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019'...
Sending build context to Docker daemon    307MB
Step 2/8 : FROM $BASE_IMAGE as builder
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Step 3/8 : SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9e10e96a1f99
Step 4/8 : COPY . /install/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 18251da62186
Step 5/8 : RUN $env:SIF_CONFIG = 'createcert.json';     $env:INSTALL_TEMP = 'C:\\install';     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP '*Configuration files*.zip') -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_TEMP;     Rename-Item -Path (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $env:INSTALL_TEMP $env:SIF_CONFIG)).Path -NewName 'config.json';
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 405b4cbf3355
 ---> ca66a57810d2
Step 7/8 : COPY --from=builder ["/install/config.json", "/install/"]
failed to copy files: mkdir \\?: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Failed: docker image build --isolation 'hyperv' --tag 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019' --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 'C:\Docker\sitecore-images\images\9.1.1 rev. 002459\windowsservercore\sitecore-xp-base'
At C:\Docker\sitecore-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\SitecoreImageBuilder.psm1:229 char:74
+ ... here-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw "Failed: $buildCommand" }
+                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed: docker ...tecore-xp-base':String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed: docker image build --isolation 'hyperv' --tag 'sitecore-xp-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019' --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-base:9.1.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 'C:\Docker\sitecore-images\images\9.1.1 rev. 002459\windowsservercore\sitecore-xp-base'

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pbering commented Jun 3, 2019

I simply cannot reproduce this behavior on any machines I have available (Windows 10 1803, 1903, Windows Server 2019)... Only think I can think of is your Docker version, your are using 19.03.0-beta3 and I use 18.09.2 from the stable channel. If it's not too much of a hassle for you can you please try to install Docker for Windows from stable channel?

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Yeah, I’m definitely on the edge channel. I’ll take a look. I’ve been trying to get some people here to run this build, as I was wondering if it was particular to my setup, but everyone is a bit harried.
Will switch to a stable channel and try again hopefully shortly.
Thanks again!

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Quick update - the switch from the Edge release seems to have allowed me to progress further! I'll keep you posted, but yeah, running the build in the background no red script of death yet.

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pbering commented Jun 3, 2019

Great! Both good and bad news :) - I will find a machine to test the edge version on and create a issue on the docker repo if it is not us doing something strange ;)

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Hah! Well, hopefully if there is an issue w/ edge, won't be too challenging to find. Thanks again for the amazing help!
Currently having an issue pushing that final image...going to run it again later when I get a chance.

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