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【Node】Node 接入层 - 微服务架构 |
技术 |
2015-11-29 23:56:29 -0800 |
Nodejs, 前端, ES6 |
前言,文章作者是Chris Richardson,微服务领域的大牛。经常在microservices.io上发表有关微服务的文章。
尽管也是模块化逻辑,但是最终它还是会打包并部署为单体式应用。 单体式应用也易于部署,只需要把打包应用拷贝到服务器端,通过在负载均衡器后端运行多个拷贝就可以轻松实现应用扩展。在早期这类应用运行的很好。
一个简单的应用会随着时间推移逐渐变大。在每次的sprint中,开发团队都会面对新“故事”,然后开发许多新代码。几年后,这个小而简单的应用会变成了一个巨大的怪物。 从而敏捷开发和部署都举步维艰,应用变得太复杂,以至于单个开发者不可能搞懂他。维护下变得很差,修改bug和添加新功能变得很困难.应用越大,启动时间会越长。 应用越大,启动时间会越长。一个模块是CPU密集的, 一个模块是内存占有大的,模块部署在一起的单体,不能不在硬件选择上做一个妥协。 可靠性很低,所有模块运行在一个进程中,任何一个模块中的一个bug,比如内存泄露,将会有可能弄垮整个进程。 单体式应用使得采用新架构和语言非常困难。比如,设想你有两百万行采用XYZ框架写的代码。如果想改成ABC框架,无论是时间还是成本都是非常昂贵的
很多公司如amazon,ebay,netflix 等通过微服务架构解决以上问题,将应用分解为小的,相互连接的微服务。
一个微服务一般完成某个特定的功能,比如下单管理、客户管理等等。一些微服务还会发布API给其它微服务和应用客户端使用。其它微服务完成一个Web UI,运行时,每一个实例可能是一个云VM或者是Docker容器。
每一个后台服务开放一个REST API,许多服务本身也采用了其它服务提供的API。应用客户端(iOS,Android,web)不直接访问后台服务,而是通过 API Gateway 来传递消息。 其负责负载均衡,缓存,访问控制, API 计费和监控等任务。
- 单体架构
- 微服务架构
- API 网关
- multiple service instances per host
- service instance per host
- service instance per vm
- service instance per container
- 客户端发现
- 服务器端发现
- 服务注册
- 自行注册
- 第三方注册
- database per service
- The Monolithic architecture is an alternative to the microservices architecture.
- The API Gateway pattern defines how clients access the services in a microservices architecture.
- The Client-side Discovery and Server-side Discovery patterns are used to route requests for a client to an available service instance in a microservices architecture.
- The Messaging and Remote Procedure Invocation patterns are two different ways that services can communicate.
- The Single Service per Host and Multiple Services per Host patterns are two different deployment strategies.
- The Database per Service pattern describes how each service has its own database.
PS: 其他的pattern,如 in the area of resiliency and stability. - circuit breaker pattern, stand-in services, or bulkheads.
上下文: 服务通常需要调用其他服务. 在单体应用中, 服务的相互调用是通过程序语言层的方法或者是IPC。 在传统的分布式系统中, services run at fixed, well known locations(hosts and ports) and so can easily call one another using HTTP/REST or some RPC 机制。 在新的微服务架构中, application 通常泡在虚拟化或容器环境中(而服务的实例数量和位置可能会动态改变),所以需要一种机制来解决服务的调用方 to make requests to a dynamically changging set of ephemeral service instances(如根据负载情况,EC2 Autoscaling group adjust) 问题就是调用方(如 api gateway)如何discover the location of a service instance?
解决方案: When making a request to a service, the client makes a request via a router (a.k.a load balancer) that runs at a well known location. The router queries a service registry, which might be built into the router, and forwards the request to an available service instance.
举例: ELB Some clustering solutions such as Kubernetes and Marathon run a proxy on each host that functions as a server-side discovery router. In order to access a service, a client connects to the local proxy using the port assigned to that service. The proxy then forwards the request to a service instance running somewhere in the cluster
好坏对比: 好处: 对比 client-side discovery,client code is simpler since it does not have to deal with discovery. instead, a client simply makes a request to the router
坏处: router是个单独的系统需要安装和配置,也需要 replicated for availability and capacity More network hops are required than when using Client side discovery
微服务下的数据库架构 keep each microservice’s persistent data private to that service and accessible only via its API.
- Private-tables-per-service – each service owns a set of tables that must only be accessed by that service
- Schema-per-service – each service has a database schema that’s private to that service
- Database-server-per-service – each service has it’s own database server.
to create barriers that enforce this modularity.
好坏对比: 好处: 服务是低耦合的。 changes to one service’s databases does not impact any other services 每个服务使用他们合适类型的数据库. text search - elasticsearch, 操作社会化图的用Neo4j
坏处: implement business transaction that span multiple services is not straightforward(分布式的事务要避免因为CAP. nosql通常不支持事务. 使用最终一致性的, event-driven architecture - ) queries that join data that is now in multiple database 很麻烦:
- application-side joins.
- CQRS command query responsibility segregation. 管理多个SQL和NoSQL数据库的复杂度