This is a resubmission. Thank you for the helpful suggestions. In this version I have:
Edited title to
- remove "in R" and
- add "With Support Vector Machines" for more information.
- remove extra spaces,
- add references from the package, and
- correct spelling of 'optimization'
Added \value tag for the following .Rd files: as_mi_df.Rd, as_mild_df.Rd, formatting.Rd
Removed pipe (%>%) as an export, thus removing the problematic pipe.Rd file
Added references to some documentation .Rd files
0 errors | 0 warnings | 2 notes
This is a new release.
checking package dependencies ... NOTE Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘gurobi’
gurobi is a private library ( suggested for some methods.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.