(our hidden element)\n // react-dom in dev mode will warn about this. There doesn't seem to be a way to render arbitrary\n // user Head without hitting this issue (our hidden element could be just \"new Document()\", but\n // this can only have 1 child, and we don't control what is being rendered so that's not an option)\n // instead we continue to render to
, and just silence warnings for and elements\n // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/e2424f33b3ad727321fc12e75c5e94838e84c2b5/packages/react-dom-bindings/src/client/validateDOMNesting.js#L498-L520\n const originalConsoleError = console.error.bind(console)\n console.error = (...args) => {\n if (\n Array.isArray(args) &&\n args.length >= 2 &&\n args[0]?.includes?.(`validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as`) &&\n (args[1] === `` || args[1] === ``)\n ) {\n return undefined\n }\n return originalConsoleError(...args)\n }\n\n /* We set up observer to be able to regenerate after react-refresh\n updates our hidden element.\n */\n const observer = new MutationObserver(onHeadRendered)\n observer.observe(hiddenRoot, {\n attributes: true,\n childList: true,\n characterData: true,\n subtree: true,\n })\n}\n\nexport function headHandlerForBrowser({\n pageComponent,\n staticQueryResults,\n pageComponentProps,\n}) {\n useEffect(() => {\n if (pageComponent?.Head) {\n headExportValidator(pageComponent.Head)\n\n const { render } = reactDOMUtils()\n\n const HeadElement = (\n
\n )\n\n const WrapHeadElement = apiRunner(\n `wrapRootElement`,\n { element: HeadElement },\n HeadElement,\n ({ result }) => {\n return { element: result }\n }\n ).pop()\n\n render(\n // just a hack to call the callback after react has done first render\n // Note: In dev, we call onHeadRendered twice( in FireCallbackInEffect and after mutualution observer dectects initail render into hiddenRoot) this is for hot reloading\n // In Prod we only call onHeadRendered in FireCallbackInEffect to render to head\n
\n \n {WrapHeadElement} \n \n ,\n hiddenRoot\n )\n }\n\n return () => {\n removePrevHeadElements()\n removeHtmlAndBodyAttributes(keysOfHtmlAndBodyAttributes)\n }\n })\n}\n","import React, { Suspense, createElement } from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { apiRunner } from \"./api-runner-browser\"\nimport { grabMatchParams } from \"./find-path\"\nimport { headHandlerForBrowser } from \"./head/head-export-handler-for-browser\"\n\n// Renders page\nfunction PageRenderer(props) {\n const pageComponentProps = {\n ...props,\n params: {\n ...grabMatchParams(props.location.pathname),\n ...props.pageResources.json.pageContext.__params,\n },\n }\n\n const preferDefault = m => (m && m.default) || m\n\n let pageElement\n if (props.pageResources.partialHydration) {\n pageElement = props.pageResources.partialHydration\n } else {\n pageElement = createElement(preferDefault(props.pageResources.component), {\n ...pageComponentProps,\n key: props.path || props.pageResources.page.path,\n })\n }\n\n const pageComponent = props.pageResources.head\n\n headHandlerForBrowser({\n pageComponent,\n staticQueryResults: props.pageResources.staticQueryResults,\n pageComponentProps,\n })\n\n const wrappedPage = apiRunner(\n `wrapPageElement`,\n {\n element: pageElement,\n props: pageComponentProps,\n },\n pageElement,\n ({ result }) => {\n return { element: result, props: pageComponentProps }\n }\n ).pop()\n\n return wrappedPage\n}\n\nPageRenderer.propTypes = {\n location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n pageResources: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n data: PropTypes.object,\n pageContext: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default PageRenderer\n","// This is extracted to separate module because it's shared\n// between browser and SSR code\nexport const RouteAnnouncerProps = {\n id: `gatsby-announcer`,\n style: {\n position: `absolute`,\n top: 0,\n width: 1,\n height: 1,\n padding: 0,\n overflow: `hidden`,\n clip: `rect(0, 0, 0, 0)`,\n whiteSpace: `nowrap`,\n border: 0,\n },\n \"aria-live\": `assertive`,\n \"aria-atomic\": `true`,\n}\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport loader, { PageResourceStatus } from \"./loader\"\nimport { maybeGetBrowserRedirect } from \"./redirect-utils.js\"\nimport { apiRunner } from \"./api-runner-browser\"\nimport emitter from \"./emitter\"\nimport { RouteAnnouncerProps } from \"./route-announcer-props\"\nimport {\n navigate as reachNavigate,\n globalHistory,\n} from \"@gatsbyjs/reach-router\"\nimport { parsePath } from \"gatsby-link\"\n\nfunction maybeRedirect(pathname) {\n const redirect = maybeGetBrowserRedirect(pathname)\n const { hash, search } = window.location\n\n if (redirect != null) {\n window.___replace(redirect.toPath + search + hash)\n return true\n } else {\n return false\n }\n}\n\n// Catch unhandled chunk loading errors and force a restart of the app.\nlet nextRoute = ``\n\nwindow.addEventListener(`unhandledrejection`, event => {\n if (/loading chunk \\d* failed./i.test(event.reason)) {\n if (nextRoute) {\n window.location.pathname = nextRoute\n }\n }\n})\n\nconst onPreRouteUpdate = (location, prevLocation) => {\n if (!maybeRedirect(location.pathname)) {\n nextRoute = location.pathname\n apiRunner(`onPreRouteUpdate`, { location, prevLocation })\n }\n}\n\nconst onRouteUpdate = (location, prevLocation) => {\n if (!maybeRedirect(location.pathname)) {\n apiRunner(`onRouteUpdate`, { location, prevLocation })\n if (\n process.env.GATSBY_QUERY_ON_DEMAND &&\n process.env.GATSBY_QUERY_ON_DEMAND_LOADING_INDICATOR === `true`\n ) {\n emitter.emit(`onRouteUpdate`, { location, prevLocation })\n }\n }\n}\n\nconst navigate = (to, options = {}) => {\n // Support forward/backward navigation with numbers\n // navigate(-2) (jumps back 2 history steps)\n // navigate(2) (jumps forward 2 history steps)\n if (typeof to === `number`) {\n globalHistory.navigate(to)\n return\n }\n\n const { pathname, search, hash } = parsePath(to)\n const redirect = maybeGetBrowserRedirect(pathname)\n\n // If we're redirecting, just replace the passed in pathname\n // to the one we want to redirect to.\n if (redirect) {\n to = redirect.toPath + search + hash\n }\n\n // If we had a service worker update, no matter the path, reload window and\n // reset the pathname whitelist\n if (window.___swUpdated) {\n window.location = pathname + search + hash\n return\n }\n\n // Start a timer to wait for a second before transitioning and showing a\n // loader in case resources aren't around yet.\n const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n emitter.emit(`onDelayedLoadPageResources`, { pathname })\n apiRunner(`onRouteUpdateDelayed`, {\n location: window.location,\n })\n }, 1000)\n\n loader.loadPage(pathname + search).then(pageResources => {\n // If no page resources, then refresh the page\n // Do this, rather than simply `window.location.reload()`, so that\n // pressing the back/forward buttons work - otherwise when pressing\n // back, the browser will just change the URL and expect JS to handle\n // the change, which won't always work since it might not be a Gatsby\n // page.\n if (!pageResources || pageResources.status === PageResourceStatus.Error) {\n window.history.replaceState({}, ``, location.href)\n window.location = pathname\n clearTimeout(timeoutId)\n return\n }\n\n // If the loaded page has a different compilation hash to the\n // window, then a rebuild has occurred on the server. Reload.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `production` && pageResources) {\n if (\n pageResources.page.webpackCompilationHash !==\n window.___webpackCompilationHash\n ) {\n // Purge plugin-offline cache\n if (\n `serviceWorker` in navigator &&\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller !== null &&\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.state === `activated`\n ) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({\n gatsbyApi: `clearPathResources`,\n })\n }\n\n window.location = pathname + search + hash\n }\n }\n reachNavigate(to, options)\n clearTimeout(timeoutId)\n })\n}\n\nfunction shouldUpdateScroll(prevRouterProps, { location }) {\n const { pathname, hash } = location\n const results = apiRunner(`shouldUpdateScroll`, {\n prevRouterProps,\n // `pathname` for backwards compatibility\n pathname,\n routerProps: { location },\n getSavedScrollPosition: args => [\n 0,\n // FIXME this is actually a big code smell, we should fix this\n // eslint-disable-next-line @babel/no-invalid-this\n this._stateStorage.read(args, args.key),\n ],\n })\n if (results.length > 0) {\n // Use the latest registered shouldUpdateScroll result, this allows users to override plugin's configuration\n // @see https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/12038\n return results[results.length - 1]\n }\n\n if (prevRouterProps) {\n const {\n location: { pathname: oldPathname },\n } = prevRouterProps\n if (oldPathname === pathname) {\n // Scroll to element if it exists, if it doesn't, or no hash is provided,\n // scroll to top.\n return hash ? decodeURI(hash.slice(1)) : [0, 0]\n }\n }\n return true\n}\n\nfunction init() {\n // The \"scroll-behavior\" package expects the \"action\" to be on the location\n // object so let's copy it over.\n globalHistory.listen(args => {\n args.location.action = args.action\n })\n\n window.___push = to => navigate(to, { replace: false })\n window.___replace = to => navigate(to, { replace: true })\n window.___navigate = (to, options) => navigate(to, options)\n}\n\nclass RouteAnnouncer extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props)\n this.announcementRef = React.createRef()\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps, nextProps) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n let pageName = `new page at ${this.props.location.pathname}`\n if (document.title) {\n pageName = document.title\n }\n const pageHeadings = document.querySelectorAll(`#gatsby-focus-wrapper h1`)\n if (pageHeadings && pageHeadings.length) {\n pageName = pageHeadings[0].textContent\n }\n const newAnnouncement = `Navigated to ${pageName}`\n if (this.announcementRef.current) {\n const oldAnnouncement = this.announcementRef.current.innerText\n if (oldAnnouncement !== newAnnouncement) {\n this.announcementRef.current.innerText = newAnnouncement\n }\n }\n })\n }\n\n render() {\n return
\n }\n}\n\nconst compareLocationProps = (prevLocation, nextLocation) => {\n if (prevLocation.href !== nextLocation.href) {\n return true\n }\n\n if (prevLocation?.state?.key !== nextLocation?.state?.key) {\n return true\n }\n\n return false\n}\n\n// Fire on(Pre)RouteUpdate APIs\nclass RouteUpdates extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props)\n onPreRouteUpdate(props.location, null)\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n onRouteUpdate(this.props.location, null)\n }\n\n shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {\n if (compareLocationProps(this.props.location, nextProps.location)) {\n onPreRouteUpdate(nextProps.location, this.props.location)\n return true\n }\n return false\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {\n if (compareLocationProps(prevProps.location, this.props.location)) {\n onRouteUpdate(this.props.location, prevProps.location)\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n
\n {this.props.children}\n \n \n )\n }\n}\n\nRouteUpdates.propTypes = {\n location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport { init, shouldUpdateScroll, RouteUpdates, maybeGetBrowserRedirect }\n","// Pulled from react-compat\n// https://github.com/developit/preact-compat/blob/7c5de00e7c85e2ffd011bf3af02899b63f699d3a/src/index.js#L349\nfunction shallowDiffers(a, b) {\n for (var i in a) {\n if (!(i in b)) return true;\n }for (var _i in b) {\n if (a[_i] !== b[_i]) return true;\n }return false;\n}\n\nexport default (function (instance, nextProps, nextState) {\n return shallowDiffers(instance.props, nextProps) || shallowDiffers(instance.state, nextState);\n});","import React from \"react\"\nimport loader, { PageResourceStatus } from \"./loader\"\nimport shallowCompare from \"shallow-compare\"\n\nclass EnsureResources extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super()\n const { location, pageResources } = props\n this.state = {\n location: { ...location },\n pageResources:\n pageResources ||\n loader.loadPageSync(location.pathname + location.search, {\n withErrorDetails: true,\n }),\n }\n }\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps({ location }, prevState) {\n if (prevState.location.href !== location.href) {\n const pageResources = loader.loadPageSync(\n location.pathname + location.search,\n {\n withErrorDetails: true,\n }\n )\n\n return {\n pageResources,\n location: { ...location },\n }\n }\n\n return {\n location: { ...location },\n }\n }\n\n loadResources(rawPath) {\n loader.loadPage(rawPath).then(pageResources => {\n if (pageResources && pageResources.status !== PageResourceStatus.Error) {\n this.setState({\n location: { ...window.location },\n pageResources,\n })\n } else {\n window.history.replaceState({}, ``, location.href)\n window.location = rawPath\n }\n })\n }\n\n shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n // Always return false if we're missing resources.\n if (!nextState.pageResources) {\n this.loadResources(\n nextProps.location.pathname + nextProps.location.search\n )\n return false\n }\n\n if (\n process.env.BUILD_STAGE === `develop` &&\n nextState.pageResources.stale\n ) {\n this.loadResources(\n nextProps.location.pathname + nextProps.location.search\n )\n return false\n }\n\n // Check if the component or json have changed.\n if (this.state.pageResources !== nextState.pageResources) {\n return true\n }\n if (\n this.state.pageResources.component !== nextState.pageResources.component\n ) {\n return true\n }\n\n if (this.state.pageResources.json !== nextState.pageResources.json) {\n return true\n }\n // Check if location has changed on a page using internal routing\n // via matchPath configuration.\n if (\n this.state.location.key !== nextState.location.key &&\n nextState.pageResources.page &&\n (nextState.pageResources.page.matchPath ||\n nextState.pageResources.page.path)\n ) {\n return true\n }\n return shallowCompare(this, nextProps, nextState)\n }\n\n render() {\n if (\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== `production` &&\n (!this.state.pageResources ||\n this.state.pageResources.status === PageResourceStatus.Error)\n ) {\n const message = `EnsureResources was not able to find resources for path: \"${this.props.location.pathname}\"\nThis typically means that an issue occurred building components for that path.\nRun \\`gatsby clean\\` to remove any cached elements.`\n if (this.state.pageResources?.error) {\n console.error(message)\n throw this.state.pageResources.error\n }\n\n throw new Error(message)\n }\n\n return this.props.children(this.state)\n }\n}\n\nexport default EnsureResources\n","import { apiRunner, apiRunnerAsync } from \"./api-runner-browser\"\nimport React from \"react\"\nimport { Router, navigate, Location, BaseContext } from \"@gatsbyjs/reach-router\"\nimport { ScrollContext } from \"gatsby-react-router-scroll\"\nimport { StaticQueryContext } from \"./static-query\"\nimport {\n SlicesMapContext,\n SlicesContext,\n SlicesResultsContext,\n} from \"./slice/context\"\nimport {\n shouldUpdateScroll,\n init as navigationInit,\n RouteUpdates,\n} from \"./navigation\"\nimport emitter from \"./emitter\"\nimport PageRenderer from \"./page-renderer\"\nimport asyncRequires from \"$virtual/async-requires\"\nimport {\n setLoader,\n ProdLoader,\n publicLoader,\n PageResourceStatus,\n getStaticQueryResults,\n getSliceResults,\n} from \"./loader\"\nimport EnsureResources from \"./ensure-resources\"\nimport stripPrefix from \"./strip-prefix\"\n\n// Generated during bootstrap\nimport matchPaths from \"$virtual/match-paths.json\"\nimport { reactDOMUtils } from \"./react-dom-utils\"\n\nconst loader = new ProdLoader(asyncRequires, matchPaths, window.pageData)\nsetLoader(loader)\nloader.setApiRunner(apiRunner)\n\nconst { render, hydrate } = reactDOMUtils()\n\nwindow.asyncRequires = asyncRequires\nwindow.___emitter = emitter\nwindow.___loader = publicLoader\n\nnavigationInit()\n\nconst reloadStorageKey = `gatsby-reload-compilation-hash-match`\n\napiRunnerAsync(`onClientEntry`).then(() => {\n // Let plugins register a service worker. The plugin just needs\n // to return true.\n if (apiRunner(`registerServiceWorker`).filter(Boolean).length > 0) {\n require(`./register-service-worker`)\n }\n\n // In gatsby v2 if Router is used in page using matchPaths\n // paths need to contain full path.\n // For example:\n // - page have `/app/*` matchPath\n // - inside template user needs to use `/app/xyz` as path\n // Resetting `basepath`/`baseuri` keeps current behaviour\n // to not introduce breaking change.\n // Remove this in v3\n const RouteHandler = props => (\n
\n \n \n )\n\n const DataContext = React.createContext({})\n\n const slicesContext = {\n renderEnvironment: `browser`,\n }\n\n class GatsbyRoot extends React.Component {\n render() {\n const { children } = this.props\n return (\n
\n {({ location }) => (\n \n {({ pageResources, location }) => {\n const staticQueryResults = getStaticQueryResults()\n const sliceResults = getSliceResults()\n\n return (\n \n \n \n \n \n {children}\n \n \n \n \n \n )\n }}\n \n )}\n \n )\n }\n }\n\n class LocationHandler extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n
\n {({ pageResources, location }) => (\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n )}\n \n )\n }\n }\n\n const { pagePath, location: browserLoc } = window\n\n // Explicitly call navigate if the canonical path (window.pagePath)\n // is different to the browser path (window.location.pathname). SSR\n // page paths might include search params, while SSG and DSG won't.\n // If page path include search params we also compare query params.\n // But only if NONE of the following conditions hold:\n //\n // - The url matches a client side route (page.matchPath)\n // - it's a 404 page\n // - it's the offline plugin shell (/offline-plugin-app-shell-fallback/)\n if (\n pagePath &&\n __BASE_PATH__ + pagePath !==\n browserLoc.pathname + (pagePath.includes(`?`) ? browserLoc.search : ``) &&\n !(\n loader.findMatchPath(stripPrefix(browserLoc.pathname, __BASE_PATH__)) ||\n pagePath.match(/^\\/(404|500)(\\/?|.html)$/) ||\n pagePath.match(/^\\/offline-plugin-app-shell-fallback\\/?$/)\n )\n ) {\n navigate(\n __BASE_PATH__ +\n pagePath +\n (!pagePath.includes(`?`) ? browserLoc.search : ``) +\n browserLoc.hash,\n {\n replace: true,\n }\n )\n }\n\n // It's possible that sessionStorage can throw an exception if access is not granted, see https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/34512\n const getSessionStorage = () => {\n try {\n return sessionStorage\n } catch {\n return null\n }\n }\n\n publicLoader.loadPage(browserLoc.pathname + browserLoc.search).then(page => {\n const sessionStorage = getSessionStorage()\n\n if (\n page?.page?.webpackCompilationHash &&\n page.page.webpackCompilationHash !== window.___webpackCompilationHash\n ) {\n // Purge plugin-offline cache\n if (\n `serviceWorker` in navigator &&\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller !== null &&\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.state === `activated`\n ) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({\n gatsbyApi: `clearPathResources`,\n })\n }\n\n // We have not matching html + js (inlined `window.___webpackCompilationHash`)\n // with our data (coming from `app-data.json` file). This can cause issues such as\n // errors trying to load static queries (as list of static queries is inside `page-data`\n // which might not match to currently loaded `.js` scripts).\n // We are making attempt to reload if hashes don't match, but we also have to handle case\n // when reload doesn't fix it (possibly broken deploy) so we don't end up in infinite reload loop\n if (sessionStorage) {\n const isReloaded = sessionStorage.getItem(reloadStorageKey) === `1`\n\n if (!isReloaded) {\n sessionStorage.setItem(reloadStorageKey, `1`)\n window.location.reload(true)\n return\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (sessionStorage) {\n sessionStorage.removeItem(reloadStorageKey)\n }\n\n if (!page || page.status === PageResourceStatus.Error) {\n const message = `page resources for ${browserLoc.pathname} not found. Not rendering React`\n\n // if the chunk throws an error we want to capture the real error\n // This should help with https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/19618\n if (page && page.error) {\n console.error(message)\n throw page.error\n }\n\n throw new Error(message)\n }\n\n const SiteRoot = apiRunner(\n `wrapRootElement`,\n { element:
,\n ({ result }) => {\n return { element: result }\n }\n ).pop()\n\n const App = function App() {\n const onClientEntryRanRef = React.useRef(false)\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (!onClientEntryRanRef.current) {\n onClientEntryRanRef.current = true\n if (performance.mark) {\n performance.mark(`onInitialClientRender`)\n }\n\n apiRunner(`onInitialClientRender`)\n }\n }, [])\n\n return
{SiteRoot} \n }\n\n const focusEl = document.getElementById(`gatsby-focus-wrapper`)\n\n // Client only pages have any empty body so we just do a normal\n // render to avoid React complaining about hydration mis-matches.\n let defaultRenderer = render\n if (focusEl && focusEl.children.length) {\n defaultRenderer = hydrate\n }\n\n const renderer = apiRunner(\n `replaceHydrateFunction`,\n undefined,\n defaultRenderer\n )[0]\n\n function runRender() {\n const rootElement =\n typeof window !== `undefined`\n ? document.getElementById(`___gatsby`)\n : null\n\n renderer(
, rootElement)\n }\n\n // https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/blob/b5ed8d607f67724788ec9ff492be297f64d47dfc/src/zepto.js#L439-L450\n // TODO remove IE 10 support\n const doc = document\n if (\n doc.readyState === `complete` ||\n (doc.readyState !== `loading` && !doc.documentElement.doScroll)\n ) {\n setTimeout(function () {\n runRender()\n }, 0)\n } else {\n const handler = function () {\n doc.removeEventListener(`DOMContentLoaded`, handler, false)\n window.removeEventListener(`load`, handler, false)\n\n runRender()\n }\n\n doc.addEventListener(`DOMContentLoaded`, handler, false)\n window.addEventListener(`load`, handler, false)\n }\n\n return\n })\n})\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\n\nimport loader from \"./loader\"\nimport InternalPageRenderer from \"./page-renderer\"\n\nconst ProdPageRenderer = ({ location }) => {\n const pageResources = loader.loadPageSync(location.pathname)\n if (!pageResources) {\n return null\n }\n return React.createElement(InternalPageRenderer, {\n location,\n pageResources,\n ...pageResources.json,\n })\n}\n\nProdPageRenderer.propTypes = {\n location: PropTypes.shape({\n pathname: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n }).isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default ProdPageRenderer\n","const preferDefault = m => (m && m.default) || m\n\nif (process.env.BUILD_STAGE === `develop`) {\n module.exports = preferDefault(require(`./public-page-renderer-dev`))\n} else if (process.env.BUILD_STAGE === `build-javascript`) {\n module.exports = preferDefault(require(`./public-page-renderer-prod`))\n} else {\n module.exports = () => null\n}\n","const map = new WeakMap()\n\nexport function reactDOMUtils() {\n const reactDomClient = require(`react-dom/client`)\n\n const render = (Component, el) => {\n let root = map.get(el)\n if (!root) {\n map.set(el, (root = reactDomClient.createRoot(el)))\n }\n root.render(Component)\n }\n\n const hydrate = (Component, el) => reactDomClient.hydrateRoot(el, Component)\n\n return { render, hydrate }\n}\n","import redirects from \"./redirects.json\"\n\n// Convert to a map for faster lookup in maybeRedirect()\n\nconst redirectMap = new Map()\nconst redirectIgnoreCaseMap = new Map()\n\nredirects.forEach(redirect => {\n if (redirect.ignoreCase) {\n redirectIgnoreCaseMap.set(redirect.fromPath, redirect)\n } else {\n redirectMap.set(redirect.fromPath, redirect)\n }\n})\n\nexport function maybeGetBrowserRedirect(pathname) {\n let redirect = redirectMap.get(pathname)\n if (!redirect) {\n redirect = redirectIgnoreCaseMap.get(pathname.toLowerCase())\n }\n return redirect\n}\n","import { apiRunner } from \"./api-runner-browser\"\n\nif (\n window.location.protocol !== `https:` &&\n window.location.hostname !== `localhost`\n) {\n console.error(\n `Service workers can only be used over HTTPS, or on localhost for development`\n )\n} else if (`serviceWorker` in navigator) {\n navigator.serviceWorker\n .register(`${__BASE_PATH__}/sw.js`)\n .then(function (reg) {\n reg.addEventListener(`updatefound`, () => {\n apiRunner(`onServiceWorkerUpdateFound`, { serviceWorker: reg })\n // The updatefound event implies that reg.installing is set; see\n // https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#service-worker-registration-updatefound-event\n const installingWorker = reg.installing\n console.log(`installingWorker`, installingWorker)\n installingWorker.addEventListener(`statechange`, () => {\n switch (installingWorker.state) {\n case `installed`:\n if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {\n // At this point, the old content will have been purged and the fresh content will\n // have been added to the cache.\n\n // We set a flag so Gatsby Link knows to refresh the page on next navigation attempt\n window.___swUpdated = true\n // We call the onServiceWorkerUpdateReady API so users can show update prompts.\n apiRunner(`onServiceWorkerUpdateReady`, { serviceWorker: reg })\n\n // If resources failed for the current page, reload.\n if (window.___failedResources) {\n console.log(`resources failed, SW updated - reloading`)\n window.location.reload()\n }\n } else {\n // At this point, everything has been precached.\n // It's the perfect time to display a \"Content is cached for offline use.\" message.\n console.log(`Content is now available offline!`)\n\n // Post to service worker that install is complete.\n // Delay to allow time for the event listener to be added --\n // otherwise fetch is called too soon and resources aren't cached.\n apiRunner(`onServiceWorkerInstalled`, { serviceWorker: reg })\n }\n break\n\n case `redundant`:\n console.error(`The installing service worker became redundant.`)\n apiRunner(`onServiceWorkerRedundant`, { serviceWorker: reg })\n break\n\n case `activated`:\n apiRunner(`onServiceWorkerActive`, { serviceWorker: reg })\n break\n }\n })\n })\n })\n .catch(function (e) {\n console.error(`Error during service worker registration:`, e)\n })\n}\n","import React from \"react\"\n\nconst SlicesResultsContext = React.createContext({})\nconst SlicesContext = React.createContext({})\nconst SlicesMapContext = React.createContext({})\nconst SlicesPropsContext = React.createContext({})\n\nexport {\n SlicesResultsContext,\n SlicesContext,\n SlicesMapContext,\n SlicesPropsContext,\n}\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { createServerOrClientContext } from \"./context-utils\"\n\nconst StaticQueryContext = createServerOrClientContext(`StaticQuery`, {})\n\nfunction StaticQueryDataRenderer({ staticQueryData, data, query, render }) {\n const finalData = data\n ? data.data\n : staticQueryData[query] && staticQueryData[query].data\n\n return (\n
\n {finalData && render(finalData)}\n {!finalData && Loading (StaticQuery)
}\n \n )\n}\n\nlet warnedAboutStaticQuery = false\n\n// TODO(v6): Remove completely\nconst StaticQuery = props => {\n const { data, query, render, children } = props\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` && !warnedAboutStaticQuery) {\n console.warn(\n `The
component is deprecated and will be removed in Gatsby v6. Use useStaticQuery instead. Refer to the migration guide for more information: https://gatsby.dev/migrating-4-to-5/#staticquery--is-deprecated`\n )\n warnedAboutStaticQuery = true\n }\n\n return (\n
\n {staticQueryData => (\n \n )}\n \n )\n}\n\nStaticQuery.propTypes = {\n data: PropTypes.object,\n query: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n render: PropTypes.func,\n children: PropTypes.func,\n}\n\nconst useStaticQuery = query => {\n if (\n typeof React.useContext !== `function` &&\n process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`\n ) {\n // TODO(v5): Remove since we require React >= 18\n throw new Error(\n `You're likely using a version of React that doesn't support Hooks\\n` +\n `Please update React and ReactDOM to 16.8.0 or later to use the useStaticQuery hook.`\n )\n }\n\n const context = React.useContext(StaticQueryContext)\n\n // query is a stringified number like `3303882` when wrapped with graphql, If a user forgets\n // to wrap the query in a grqphql, then casting it to a Number results in `NaN` allowing us to\n // catch the misuse of the API and give proper direction\n if (isNaN(Number(query))) {\n throw new Error(`useStaticQuery was called with a string but expects to be called using \\`graphql\\`. Try this:\n\nimport { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby';\n\nuseStaticQuery(graphql\\`${query}\\`);\n`)\n }\n\n if (context[query]?.data) {\n return context[query].data\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n `The result of this StaticQuery could not be fetched.\\n\\n` +\n `This is likely a bug in Gatsby and if refreshing the page does not fix it, ` +\n `please open an issue in https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues`\n )\n }\n}\n\nexport { StaticQuery, StaticQueryContext, useStaticQuery }\n","import React from \"react\"\n\n// Ensure serverContext is not created more than once as React will throw when creating it more than once\n// https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/dd2d6522754f52c70d02c51db25eb7cbd5d1c8eb/packages/react/src/ReactServerContext.js#L101\nconst createServerContext = (name, defaultValue = null) => {\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n if (!globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT) {\n globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT = {}\n }\n\n if (!globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name]) {\n globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name] = React.createServerContext(\n name,\n defaultValue\n )\n }\n\n return globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name]\n}\n\nfunction createServerOrClientContext(name, defaultValue) {\n if (React.createServerContext) {\n return createServerContext(name, defaultValue)\n }\n\n return React.createContext(defaultValue)\n}\n\nexport { createServerOrClientContext }\n","/**\n * Remove a prefix from a string. Return the input string if the given prefix\n * isn't found.\n */\n\nexport default function stripPrefix(str, prefix = ``) {\n if (!prefix) {\n return str\n }\n\n if (str === prefix) {\n return `/`\n }\n\n if (str.startsWith(`${prefix}/`)) {\n return str.slice(prefix.length)\n }\n\n return str\n}\n","import React, { useEffect, useState } from \"react\"\nimport { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport { i18n, getFilePath, getFragment } from \"../common\"\nimport { Link as GatsbyLink } from \"gatsby\"\n\nimport { getConfigAndConceptSchemes } from \"../hooks/configAndConceptSchemes\"\nimport { useSkoHubContext } from \"../context/Context\"\n\nconst getNestedItems = (item) => {\n let ids = [item.id]\n if (item.narrower) {\n item.narrower.forEach((narrower) => {\n ids = ids.concat(getNestedItems(narrower))\n })\n }\n return ids\n}\n\n/**\n * Building the tree view for the vocabs\n * @param {Array} items - list of concepts\n * @param {string} current - current concept id\n * @param {Object|null} queryFilter\n * @param {string} queryFilter.field\n * @param {Array} queryFilter.result\n * @param {RegExp|null} highlight - RegExp of the search term\n * @param {string} language\n * @returns\n */\nconst NestedList = ({\n items,\n current,\n queryFilter,\n highlight,\n language,\n topLevel = false,\n customDomain,\n}) => {\n const { config } = getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n\n const style = css`\n list-style-type: none;\n padding: 0;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n position: relative;\n\n li {\n display: flex;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n & a {\n display: block;\n padding-bottom: 10px;\n }\n\n > button + div {\n margin-bottom: 10px;\n }\n\n > div {\n flex: 1;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n }\n\n &::before {\n content: \"\";\n position: absolute;\n height: 100%;\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleGrey};\n width: 1px;\n left: -16px;\n }\n\n .notation {\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n\n span {\n word-break: normal;\n }\n\n span > strong {\n display: inline-flex;\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n }\n\n .treeItemIcon {\n display: inline-flex;\n border-radius: 50%;\n width: 20px;\n height: 20px;\n margin-right: 5px;\n font-weight: bold;\n position: relative;\n top: -1px;\n\n &:before {\n content: \"\";\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n position: absolute;\n width: 60%;\n height: 3px;\n left: 50%;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);\n }\n\n &.collapsed {\n &:after {\n content: \"\";\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n position: absolute;\n width: 3px;\n height: 60%;\n left: 50%;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\n }\n\n & + div > a + ul {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n }\n `\n const { data, _ } = useSkoHubContext()\n useEffect(() => {\n if (!language) {\n language = data.selectedLanguage\n }\n }, [data?.selectedLanguage])\n\n const filteredIds =\n queryFilter && queryFilter.length\n ? queryFilter.flatMap((f) => f.result)\n : []\n\n const getFilteredItems = () => {\n if (!queryFilter) {\n return items\n } else if (filteredIds.length) {\n return items.filter(\n (item) =>\n !queryFilter ||\n filteredIds.some((filter) => getNestedItems(item).includes(filter))\n )\n } else {\n return []\n }\n }\n\n const filteredItems = getFilteredItems()\n const t = i18n(language)\n\n const isExpanded = (item, truthy, falsy) => {\n return queryFilter || getNestedItems(item).some((id) => id === current)\n ? truthy\n : falsy\n }\n\n function associateLabelsByIds(queryFilter) {\n const labelsByIds = {}\n\n queryFilter &&\n queryFilter.forEach((item) => {\n item.result.forEach((id) => {\n if (!labelsByIds[id]) {\n labelsByIds[id] = []\n }\n if (item.field !== \"prefLabel\") labelsByIds[id].push(item.field)\n })\n })\n return labelsByIds\n }\n const labelsByIds = associateLabelsByIds(queryFilter)\n\n const capitalize = (word) => {\n return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)\n }\n\n const renderItemLink = (item) => {\n // checks if current item is a hash-uri */\n // Gatsby Link Component can't handle hash URIs so we use an anchor-tag instead\n const LinkTag = getFragment(item.id) ? \"a\" : GatsbyLink\n\n const notation = item.notation && (\n
{item.notation.join(\",\")} \n )\n const renderPrefLabel = () => {\n // Function for handling highlighting\n function handleHighlight(text, highlight) {\n text = item.deprecated\n ? `
(DEPRECATED) ${text}`\n : text\n if (highlight) {\n return text.replace(highlight, (str) => `
${str} `)\n } else {\n return text\n }\n }\n const matchingLabels = labelsByIds[item.id]\n\n const matchHint = () => {\n const hints = []\n const testLabelAndPush = (label, labelAttribute) => {\n if (highlight.test(label)) {\n hints.push(\n `${capitalize(labelAttribute)}: ${handleHighlight(\n label,\n highlight\n )}`\n )\n }\n }\n\n matchingLabels.forEach((labelAttribute) => {\n // for attributes that are languageMapsArrays, e.g. skos:altLabel\n if (Array.isArray(item[labelAttribute][language])) {\n item[labelAttribute][language].forEach((label) =>\n testLabelAndPush(label, labelAttribute)\n )\n // for attributes that are arrays, e.g. skos:notation\n } else if (Array.isArray(item[labelAttribute])) {\n item[labelAttribute].forEach((label) =>\n testLabelAndPush(label, labelAttribute)\n )\n // for attributes that are LanguageMaps, e.g. skos:definition\n } else {\n testLabelAndPush(item[labelAttribute][language], labelAttribute)\n }\n })\n return hints\n }\n matchingLabels && matchHint()\n // Function for rendering HTML\n function renderHtml(text) {\n // add info about other matching labels\n // if its not the prefLabel that matches\n return matchingLabels?.length ? (\n <>\n
( \n
) \n >\n ) : (\n <>\n
\n >\n )\n }\n\n // give a warning if no prefLabel in selected language is provided\n if (!t(item.prefLabel)) {\n return (\n
\n No label for language \"{language}\" provided\n \n )\n } else {\n const htmlText = handleHighlight(t(item.prefLabel), highlight)\n return renderHtml(htmlText)\n }\n }\n const children = (\n <>\n {notation}\n {renderPrefLabel()}\n >\n )\n const Link = React.createElement(\n LinkTag,\n {\n className: item.id === current ? \"current\" : \"\",\n \"aria-current\": item.id === current ? \"true\" : \"false\",\n ...(LinkTag === \"a\"\n ? { href: getFragment(item.id) }\n : { to: getFilePath(item.id, `html`, customDomain) }),\n },\n children\n )\n return Link\n }\n\n // only return nothing found for topLevel nestedList\n if (!filteredItems.length && topLevel) return
Nothing found!
\n\n return (\n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default NestedList\n","import { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\n\nconst style = css`\n display: flex;\n margin-bottom: 10px;\n\n input[type=\"button\"] {\n flex: 1;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n\n &:first-of-type {\n margin-right: 10px;\n }\n }\n`\n\nconst TreeControls = () => (\n
\n {\n ;[...document.querySelectorAll(\".treeItemIcon\")].forEach((el) => {\n el.classList.add(\"collapsed\")\n el.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", false)\n })\n }}\n />\n {\n ;[...document.querySelectorAll(\".collapsed\")].forEach((el) => {\n el.classList.remove(\"collapsed\")\n el.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", true)\n })\n }}\n />\n
\n)\n\nexport default TreeControls\n","const GearIcon = () => (\n
\n \n \n \n)\n\nexport default GearIcon\n","import { useEffect, useRef } from \"react\"\nimport { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\n\nfunction isMarginClick(element, event) {\n var width = element.offsetWidth\n var height = element.offsetHeight\n var x = parseFloat(event.offsetX)\n var y = parseFloat(event.offsetY)\n\n return x < 0 || x > width || y < 0 || y > height\n}\n\nfunction useOnClickOutside(ref, handler) {\n useEffect(() => {\n const listener = (event) => {\n // a dialog puts a big margin around itself\n // do nothing if it is not a margin click\n if (!isMarginClick(event.target, event)) {\n return\n }\n handler(event)\n }\n document.addEventListener(\"mousedown\", listener)\n document.addEventListener(\"touchstart\", listener)\n return () => {\n document.removeEventListener(\"mousedown\", listener)\n document.removeEventListener(\"touchstart\", listener)\n }\n }, [ref, handler])\n}\n\nconst Modal = ({ openModal, closeModal, id, children }) => {\n const style = css`\n dialog {\n border: none;\n border-radius: 10px;\n `\n\n const ref = useRef()\n\n useEffect(() => {\n if (openModal) {\n ref.current?.showModal()\n } else {\n ref.current?.close()\n }\n }, [openModal])\n\n useOnClickOutside(ref, closeModal)\n\n return (\n
\n \n {children}\n \n \n Close\n \n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Modal\n","import { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport { getConfigAndConceptSchemes } from \"../hooks/configAndConceptSchemes\"\n\nfunction UnderlinedText(props) {\n return
{props.children} \n}\n\nconst LabelFilter = ({ labels, toggleClick }) => {\n const { config } = getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n const style = css`\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);\n gap: 2px 30px;\n padding: 2px;\n\n .slider-wrapper {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n }\n /* The switch - the box around the slider */\n .switch {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n width: 2.5rem;\n height: 1.5rem;\n margin: 0 0.5rem 0 0;\n }\n\n /* Hide default HTML checkbox */\n .switch input {\n opacity: 0;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n }\n\n /* The slider */\n .slider {\n position: absolute;\n cursor: pointer;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n background-color: #ccc;\n -webkit-transition: 0.4s;\n transition: 0.4s;\n }\n\n .slider:before {\n position: absolute;\n content: \"\";\n height: 1rem;\n width: 1rem;\n left: 4px;\n bottom: 4px;\n background-color: white;\n -webkit-transition: 0.4s;\n transition: 0.4s;\n }\n\n input:checked + .slider {\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n }\n\n input:focus + .slider {\n box-shadow: 0 0 1px ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n }\n\n input:checked + .slider:before {\n -webkit-transform: translateX(1rem);\n -ms-transform: translateX(1rem);\n transform: translateX(1rem);\n }\n\n /* Rounded sliders */\n .slider.round {\n border-radius: 1.5rem;\n }\n\n .slider.round:before {\n border-radius: 50%;\n }\n `\n const handleClick = (e) => {\n toggleClick(e)\n }\n const labelBoxes = Object.entries(labels).map((label) => (\n
\n \n handleClick(label[0])}\n />\n \n \n {label[0][0]} \n {label[0].slice(1)}\n
\n ))\n\n return
\n}\n\nexport default LabelFilter\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\"\nimport { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport GearIcon from \"../icons/Gear\"\nimport Modal from \"./Modal\"\nimport LabelFilter from \"../components/LabelFilter\"\n\nconst Search = ({ handleQueryInput, labels, onLabelClick }) => {\n const style = css`\n .search {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n margin-bottom: 10px;\n\n input[type=\"text\"] {\n width: 100%;\n padding: 10px;\n margin-right: 10px;\n }\n button {\n border: none;\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n dialog {\n button.close {\n background: lightgrey;\n border-width: 2px;\n border-radius: 10px;\n padding: 5px 15px;\n margin: 5px;\n }\n }\n }\n `\n const [modal, setModal] = useState(false)\n\n return (\n
setModal(true)}>\n \n \n
setModal(false)}\n id=\"settingsModal\"\n >\n Which labels do you want to include in the search?
\n \n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Search\n","import { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\n\nexport const conceptStyle = (colors) => css`\n display: flex;\n height: 100%;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n display: block;\n flex-direction: column;\n height: auto;\n }\n\n a.current {\n color: ${colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n font-weight: 700;\n }\n\n .block {\n background-color: ${colors.skoHubWhite};\n box-shadow: 0px 10px 20px ${colors.skoHubMiddleGrey};\n padding: 30px;\n border-radius: 30px;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {\n padding: 15px;\n }\n }\n\n .concepts {\n overflow: auto;\n }\n\n .nav-block {\n flex: 1;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n display: block;\n height: 45vh;\n padding: 15px 15px 30px 15px;\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n\n .main-block {\n flex: 2;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n\n & > nav {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n overflow: auto;\n\n & > ul {\n overflow: auto;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 10px;\n height: 100%;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n overflow: visible;\n height: auto;\n }\n }\n\n & > ul:before {\n content: none;\n }\n }\n\n .content {\n position: relative;\n overflow: auto;\n margin-left: 20px;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n margin: 20px 0 0 0;\n }\n\n button {\n padding: 10px 20px;\n }\n\n .json-png {\n position: absolute;\n right: 30px;\n top: 30px;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {\n position: relative;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n }\n }\n\n h1 {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0 0 15px 0;\n font-size: 30px;\n line-height: 32px;\n font-weight: 700;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n font-size: 24px;\n line-height: 26px;\n }\n }\n\n h2 {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0 0 0 0;\n font-size: 24px;\n line-height: 28px;\n font-weight: 700;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n font-size: 20px;\n line-height: 26px;\n }\n }\n\n a {\n color: ${colors.skoHubAction};\n text-decoration: underline;\n\n &:hover {\n color: ${colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n }\n }\n }\n\n .markdown {\n padding-top: 10px;\n }\n\n .conceptURI {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n\n button {\n border: 2px solid transparent;\n border-radius: 5px;\n padding: 5px;\n margin: 5px;\n background-color: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n button:hover {\n border: 2px solid ${colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n }\n }\n /* Tooltip container */\n .tooltip {\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n /* Tooltip text */\n .tooltip .tooltiptext {\n visibility: hidden;\n width: 120px;\n background-color: #555;\n color: #fff;\n text-align: center;\n padding: 5px 0;\n border-radius: 6px;\n\n /* Position the tooltip text */\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 1;\n bottom: 125%;\n left: 50%;\n margin-left: -60px;\n\n /* Fade in tooltip */\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.3s;\n }\n\n /* Tooltip arrow */\n .tooltip .tooltiptext::after {\n content: \"\";\n position: absolute;\n top: 100%;\n left: 50%;\n margin-left: -5px;\n border-width: 5px;\n border-style: solid;\n border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent;\n }\n\n /* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */\n .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {\n visibility: visible;\n opacity: 1;\n }\n`\n\nexport default conceptStyle\n","import{SUPPORT_ASYNC,SUPPORT_CACHE,SUPPORT_SERIALIZE,SUPPORT_STORE,SUPPORT_TAGS,SUPPORT_WORKER}from\"./config.js\";import Index from\"./index.js\";import{DocumentInterface}from\"./type.js\";import Cache,{searchCache}from\"./cache.js\";import{create_object,is_array,is_string,is_object,parse_option,get_keys}from\"./common.js\";import apply_async from\"./async.js\";import{intersect,intersect_union}from\"./intersect.js\";import{exportDocument,importDocument}from\"./serialize.js\";import WorkerIndex from\"./worker/index.js\";function Document(a){if(!(this instanceof Document))return new Document(a);const b=a.document||a.doc||a;let c;this.tree=[],this.field=[],this.marker=[],this.register=create_object(),this.key=(c=b.key||b.id)&&parse_tree(c,this.marker)||\"id\",this.fastupdate=parse_option(a.fastupdate,!0),SUPPORT_STORE&&(this.storetree=(c=b.store)&&!0!==c&&[],this.store=c&&create_object()),SUPPORT_TAGS&&(this.tag=(c=b.tag)&&parse_tree(c,this.marker),this.tagindex=c&&create_object()),SUPPORT_CACHE&&(this.cache=(c=a.cache)&&new Cache(c),a.cache=!1),SUPPORT_WORKER&&(this.worker=a.worker),SUPPORT_ASYNC&&(this.async=!1),this.index=parse_descriptor.call(this,a,b)}export default Document;function parse_descriptor(a,b){const c=create_object();let d=b.index||b.field||b;is_string(d)&&(d=[d]);for(let e,f,g=0;g
b||c)&&(e=e.slice(c,c+b)),d&&(e=apply_enrich.call(this,e)),{tag:a,result:e}}function apply_enrich(a){const b=Array(a.length);for(let c,d=0;d {\n const { data, updateState } = useSkoHubContext()\n const { config, conceptSchemes } = getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n const style = conceptStyle(config.colors)\n const [index, setIndex] = useState({})\n const [query, setQuery] = useState(null)\n const [tree, setTree] = useState(\n pageContext.node.type === \"ConceptScheme\" ? pageContext.node : null\n )\n let showTreeControls = false\n\n const [labels, setLabels] = useState(\n Object.fromEntries(\n config.searchableAttributes.map((attr) => [\n attr,\n attr === \"prefLabel\" ? true : false,\n ])\n )\n )\n\n handleKeypresses(labels, setLabels)\n\n if (!showTreeControls && tree && tree.hasTopConcept) {\n for (const topConcept of tree.hasTopConcept) {\n if (topConcept.narrower?.length > 0) {\n showTreeControls = true\n break\n }\n }\n }\n\n const [language, setLanguage] = useState(\"\")\n const [currentScheme, setCurrentScheme] = useState(null)\n\n // get current scheme\n useEffect(() => {\n const fetchConceptSchemeForCollection = async (collection) => {\n for (const member of collection.member) {\n const path = replaceFilePathInUrl(\n location.pathname,\n member.id,\n \"json\",\n config.customDomain\n )\n const res = await (await fetch(path)).json()\n const cs = res.inScheme[0]\n if (res.type === \"Concept\") {\n return cs\n }\n }\n }\n\n const getCurrentScheme = async () => {\n if (pageContext.node.type === \"ConceptScheme\")\n setCurrentScheme(pageContext.node)\n else if (pageContext.node.type === \"Concept\")\n setCurrentScheme(pageContext.node.inScheme[0])\n else if (pageContext.node.type === \"Collection\") {\n const cs = await fetchConceptSchemeForCollection(pageContext.node)\n setCurrentScheme(cs)\n } else return {}\n }\n getCurrentScheme()\n }, [])\n\n // set language stuff\n useEffect(() => {\n if (currentScheme) {\n const languageFromUrl = getLanguageFromUrl(location)\n\n if (languageFromUrl && !data.selectedLanguage) {\n const userLang = getUserLang({\n availableLanguages: conceptSchemes[currentScheme.id].languages,\n selectedLanguage: languageFromUrl,\n })\n setLanguage(userLang)\n updateState({\n ...data,\n currentScheme,\n indexPage: false,\n selectedLanguage: userLang,\n availableLanguages: conceptSchemes[currentScheme.id].languages,\n })\n } else {\n const userLang = getUserLang({\n availableLanguages: conceptSchemes[currentScheme.id].languages,\n selectedLanguage: data?.selectedLanguage || null,\n })\n setLanguage(userLang)\n updateState({\n ...data,\n currentScheme,\n indexPage: false,\n selectedLanguage: userLang,\n availableLanguages: conceptSchemes[currentScheme.id].languages,\n })\n }\n }\n }, [data?.languages, data?.selectedLanguage, currentScheme])\n\n // useEffect(() => {\n // data?.conceptSchemeLanguages && setLanguage(data.selectedLanguage)\n // }, [data?.selectedLanguage])\n\n // Fetch and load the serialized index\n useEffect(() => {\n importIndex(\n data?.currentScheme?.id,\n labels,\n data.selectedLanguage,\n setIndex,\n config.customDomain\n )\n }, [data, language, labels])\n\n // Fetch and load the tree\n useEffect(() => {\n data?.currentScheme?.id &&\n // if node.type would be concept scheme the tree would already have been set\n pageContext.node.type !== \"ConceptScheme\" &&\n fetch(\n withPrefix(\n getFilePath(data?.currentScheme?.id, \"json\", config.customDomain)\n )\n )\n .then((response) => response.json())\n .then((tree) => setTree(tree))\n }, [data, pageContext.node.type])\n\n // Scroll current item into view\n useEffect(() => {\n const current = document.querySelector(\".current\")\n current &&\n current.scrollIntoView({\n behavior: \"smooth\",\n block: \"center\",\n inline: \"nearest\",\n })\n })\n\n const toggleClick = (e) => setLabels({ ...labels, [e]: !labels[e] })\n\n return (\n \n \n \n
\n setQuery(e.target.value || null)}\n labels={labels}\n onLabelClick={(e) => toggleClick(e)}\n />\n {showTreeControls && }\n \n {tree && (\n \n )}\n
\n \n {children}\n
\n \n )\n}\n\nexport default App\n","import { useEffect } from \"react\"\nimport Document from \"flexsearch/dist/module/document.js\"\nimport { i18n, getFilePath } from \"../common\"\nimport { withPrefix } from \"gatsby\"\n\nexport const handleKeypresses = (labels, setLabels) => {\n useEffect(() => {\n function handleKeyDown(e) {\n // ctrl + k\n if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 75) {\n e.preventDefault()\n // Get the reference to the input element\n const inputElement = document.getElementById(\"searchInput\")\n // Set the focus on the input element\n inputElement.focus()\n // alt + p\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 80) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"prefLabel\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"prefLabel\"]: !labels[\"prefLabel\"] })\n // alt + n\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 78) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"notation\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"notation\"]: !labels[\"notation\"] })\n // alt + a\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 65) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"altLabel\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"altLabel\"]: !labels[\"altLabel\"] })\n // alt + d\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 68) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"definition\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"definition\"]: !labels[\"definition\"] })\n // alt + e\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 69) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"example\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"example\"]: !labels[\"example\"] })\n // alt + h\n } else if (e.altKey && e.which === 72) {\n e.preventDefault()\n Object.keys(labels).includes(\"hiddenLabel\") &&\n setLabels({ ...labels, [\"hiddenLabel\"]: !labels[\"hiddenLabel\"] })\n }\n }\n document.addEventListener(\"keydown\", handleKeyDown)\n // Don't forget to clean up\n return function cleanup() {\n document.removeEventListener(\"keydown\", handleKeyDown)\n }\n })\n}\n\nexport const importIndex = async (\n conceptSchemeId,\n labels,\n language,\n setIndex,\n customDomain\n) => {\n if (!conceptSchemeId) return\n const idx = new Document({\n tokenize: \"full\",\n charset: \"latin\",\n id: \"id\",\n document: {\n id: \"id\",\n // store: [\"prefLabel\", \"altLabel\"], /* not working flexsearchside */\n index: [\n \"notation\",\n \"prefLabel\",\n \"altLabel\",\n \"hiddenLabel\",\n \"definition\",\n \"example\",\n ],\n },\n })\n // filter from labels object the selected entries\n // and append the needed keys\n // add reg, which is not specific to a key\n const keys = Object.entries(labels)\n .filter((label) => label[1] === true)\n .flatMap((label) => [\n `${label[0]}.cfg`,\n `${label[0]}.ctx`,\n `${label[0]}.map`,\n `${label[0]}.store` /* might be useful later, when importing with stores works in flexsearch */,\n `${label[0]}.tag`,\n ])\n .concat([\"reg\"])\n for (let i = 0, key; i < keys.length; i += 1) {\n key = keys[i]\n let data\n try {\n const path =\n getFilePath(conceptSchemeId) + `-cs/search/${language}/${key}`\n data = await fetch(withPrefix(getFilePath(path, `json`, customDomain)))\n const jsonData = await data.json()\n idx.import(key, jsonData ?? null)\n } catch (e) {\n // console.log(e)\n }\n }\n setIndex(idx)\n}\n","/**\n * Implement Gatsby's Browser APIs in this file.\n *\n * See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/browser-apis/\n */\n\nimport React from \"react\"\nimport App from \"./src/templates/App\"\nimport { ContextProvider } from \"./src/context/Context\"\n\nexport const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (\n {element} \n)\n\n// if the pageContext contains node data, e.g. it's a concept scheme,\n// concept or collection it gets wrapped in the App component\n// otherwise the present page is delivered (in our case the index page)\nexport const wrapPageElement = ({ element, props }) => {\n return props.pageContext.node ? {element} : element\n}\n","const getLocation = source => {\n const { search, hash, href, origin, protocol, host, hostname, port } =\n source.location\n let { pathname } = source.location\n\n if (!pathname && href && canUseDOM) {\n const url = new URL(href)\n pathname = url.pathname\n }\n\n return {\n pathname: encodeURI(decodeURI(pathname)),\n search,\n hash,\n href,\n origin,\n protocol,\n host,\n hostname,\n port,\n state: source.history.state,\n key: (source.history.state && source.history.state.key) || \"initial\",\n }\n}\n\nconst createHistory = (source, options) => {\n let listeners = []\n let location = getLocation(source)\n let transitioning = false\n let resolveTransition = () => {}\n\n return {\n get location() {\n return location\n },\n\n get transitioning() {\n return transitioning\n },\n\n _onTransitionComplete() {\n transitioning = false\n resolveTransition()\n },\n\n listen(listener) {\n listeners.push(listener)\n\n const popstateListener = () => {\n location = getLocation(source)\n listener({ location, action: \"POP\" })\n }\n\n source.addEventListener(\"popstate\", popstateListener)\n\n return () => {\n source.removeEventListener(\"popstate\", popstateListener)\n listeners = listeners.filter(fn => fn !== listener)\n }\n },\n\n navigate(to, { state, replace = false } = {}) {\n if (typeof to === \"number\") {\n source.history.go(to)\n } else {\n state = { ...state, key: Date.now() + \"\" }\n // try...catch iOS Safari limits to 100 pushState calls\n try {\n if (transitioning || replace) {\n source.history.replaceState(state, null, to)\n } else {\n source.history.pushState(state, null, to)\n }\n } catch (e) {\n source.location[replace ? \"replace\" : \"assign\"](to)\n }\n }\n\n location = getLocation(source)\n transitioning = true\n const transition = new Promise(res => (resolveTransition = res))\n listeners.forEach(listener => listener({ location, action: \"PUSH\" }))\n return transition\n },\n }\n}\n\n// Stores history entries in memory for testing or other platforms like Native\nconst createMemorySource = (initialPath = \"/\") => {\n const searchIndex = initialPath.indexOf(\"?\")\n const initialLocation = {\n pathname:\n searchIndex > -1 ? initialPath.substr(0, searchIndex) : initialPath,\n search: searchIndex > -1 ? initialPath.substr(searchIndex) : \"\",\n }\n let index = 0\n const stack = [initialLocation]\n const states = [null]\n\n return {\n get location() {\n return stack[index]\n },\n addEventListener(name, fn) {},\n removeEventListener(name, fn) {},\n history: {\n get entries() {\n return stack\n },\n get index() {\n return index\n },\n get state() {\n return states[index]\n },\n pushState(state, _, uri) {\n const [pathname, search = \"\"] = uri.split(\"?\")\n index++\n stack.push({ pathname, search: search.length ? `?${search}` : search })\n states.push(state)\n },\n replaceState(state, _, uri) {\n const [pathname, search = \"\"] = uri.split(\"?\")\n stack[index] = { pathname, search }\n states[index] = state\n },\n go(to) {\n const newIndex = index + to\n\n if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex > states.length - 1) {\n return\n }\n\n index = newIndex\n },\n },\n }\n}\n\n// global history - uses window.history as the source if available, otherwise a\n// memory history\nconst canUseDOM = !!(\n typeof window !== \"undefined\" &&\n window.document &&\n window.document.createElement\n)\nconst getSource = () => {\n return canUseDOM ? window : createMemorySource()\n}\n\nconst globalSource = getSource()\nconst globalHistory = createHistory(globalSource)\nconst { navigate } = globalHistory\n\nexport { globalHistory, navigate, createHistory, createMemorySource }\n","/* eslint-disable no-undef */\n\nimport React from \"react\"\n\nconst createServerContext = (name, defaultValue = null) => {\n if (!globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT) {\n globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT = {}\n }\n\n if (!globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name]) {\n globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name] = React.createServerContext(\n name,\n defaultValue\n )\n }\n\n return globalThis.__SERVER_CONTEXT[name]\n}\n\nfunction createServerOrClientContext(name, defaultValue) {\n if (React.createServerContext) {\n return createServerContext(name, defaultValue)\n }\n\n return React.createContext(defaultValue)\n}\n\nexport const BaseContext = createServerOrClientContext(\"Base\", {\n baseuri: \"/\",\n basepath: \"/\",\n})\nexport const LocationContext = createServerOrClientContext(\"Location\")\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { BaseContext, LocationContext } from \"./hooks-create-context\"\n\nexport const useBaseContext = () => React.useContext(BaseContext)\nexport const useLocationContext = () => React.useContext(LocationContext)\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { navigate } from \"./history\"\nimport { resolve, insertParams } from \"./utils\"\nimport { useBaseContext, useLocationContext } from \"./hooks-use-context\"\n\nfunction RedirectRequest(uri) {\n this.uri = uri\n}\n\nconst isRedirect = o => o instanceof RedirectRequest\n\nconst redirectTo = to => {\n throw new RedirectRequest(to)\n}\n\nfunction RedirectImpl(props) {\n const { to, replace = true, state, noThrow, baseuri } = props\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n const resolvedTo = resolve(to, baseuri)\n navigate(insertParams(resolvedTo, props), { replace, state })\n })\n }, [])\n\n const resolvedTo = resolve(to, baseuri)\n\n if (!noThrow) {\n redirectTo(insertParams(resolvedTo, props))\n }\n\n return null\n}\n\nconst Redirect = props => {\n const locationContext = useLocationContext()\n const { baseuri } = useBaseContext()\n\n return \n}\n\nRedirect.propTypes = {\n from: PropTypes.string,\n to: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport { Redirect, isRedirect, redirectTo }\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport invariant from \"invariant\"\nimport { Redirect } from \"./redirect\"\n\n/**\n * startsWith(string, search) - Check if `string` starts with `search`\n */\nconst startsWith = (string, search) => {\n return string.substr(0, search.length) === search\n}\n\n/**\n * pick(routes, uri)\n\n Ranks and picks the best route to match. Each segment gets the highest\n amount of points, then the type of segment gets an additional amount of\n points where\n\n static > dynamic > splat > root\n\n This way we don't have to worry about the order of our routes, let the\n computers do it.\n\n A route looks like this\n\n { path, default, value }\n\n And a returned match looks like:\n\n { route, params, uri }\n\n I know, I should use TypeScript not comments for these types. \n */\nconst pick = (routes, uri) => {\n let match\n let default_\n\n const [uriPathname] = uri.split(\"?\")\n const uriSegments = segmentize(uriPathname)\n const isRootUri = uriSegments[0] === \"\"\n const ranked = rankRoutes(routes)\n\n for (let i = 0, l = ranked.length; i < l; i++) {\n let missed = false\n const route = ranked[i].route\n\n if (route.default) {\n default_ = {\n route,\n params: {},\n uri,\n }\n continue\n }\n\n const routeSegments = segmentize(route.path)\n const params = {}\n const max = Math.max(uriSegments.length, routeSegments.length)\n let index = 0\n\n for (; index < max; index++) {\n const routeSegment = routeSegments[index]\n const uriSegment = uriSegments[index]\n\n if (isSplat(routeSegment)) {\n // Hit a splat, just grab the rest, and return a match\n // uri: /files/documents/work\n // route: /files/*\n const param = routeSegment.slice(1) || \"*\"\n params[param] = uriSegments\n .slice(index)\n .map(decodeURIComponent)\n .join(\"/\")\n break\n }\n\n if (uriSegment === undefined) {\n // URI is shorter than the route, no match\n // uri: /users\n // route: /users/:userId\n missed = true\n break\n }\n\n const dynamicMatch = paramRe.exec(routeSegment)\n\n if (dynamicMatch && !isRootUri) {\n const matchIsNotReserved = reservedNames.indexOf(dynamicMatch[1]) === -1\n invariant(\n matchIsNotReserved,\n ` dynamic segment \"${dynamicMatch[1]}\" is a reserved name. Please use a different name in path \"${route.path}\".`\n )\n const value = decodeURIComponent(uriSegment)\n params[dynamicMatch[1]] = value\n } else if (routeSegment !== uriSegment) {\n // Current segments don't match, not dynamic, not splat, so no match\n // uri: /users/123/settings\n // route: /users/:id/profile\n missed = true\n break\n }\n }\n\n if (!missed) {\n match = {\n route,\n params,\n uri: \"/\" + uriSegments.slice(0, index).join(\"/\"),\n }\n break\n }\n }\n\n return match || default_ || null\n}\n\n/**\n * match(path, uri) - Matches just one path to a uri, also lol\n */\nconst match = (path, uri) => pick([{ path }], uri)\n\n/**\n * resolve(to, basepath)\n\n Resolves URIs as though every path is a directory, no files. Relative URIs\n in the browser can feel awkward because not only can you be \"in a directory\"\n you can be \"at a file\", too. For example\n\n browserSpecResolve('foo', '/bar/') => /bar/foo\n browserSpecResolve('foo', '/bar') => /foo\n\n But on the command line of a file system, it's not as complicated, you can't\n `cd` from a file, only directories. This way, links have to know less about\n their current path. To go deeper you can do this:\n\n \n // instead of\n \n\n Just like `cd`, if you want to go deeper from the command line, you do this:\n\n cd deeper\n // not\n cd $(pwd)/deeper\n\n By treating every path as a directory, linking to relative paths should\n require less contextual information and (fingers crossed) be more intuitive.\n */\nconst resolve = (to, base) => {\n // /foo/bar, /baz/qux => /foo/bar\n if (startsWith(to, \"/\")) {\n return to\n }\n\n const [toPathname, toQuery] = to.split(\"?\")\n const [basePathname] = base.split(\"?\")\n\n const toSegments = segmentize(toPathname)\n const baseSegments = segmentize(basePathname)\n\n // ?a=b, /users?b=c => /users?a=b\n if (toSegments[0] === \"\") {\n return addQuery(basePathname, toQuery)\n }\n\n // profile, /users/789 => /users/789/profile\n if (!startsWith(toSegments[0], \".\")) {\n const pathname = baseSegments.concat(toSegments).join(\"/\")\n return addQuery((basePathname === \"/\" ? \"\" : \"/\") + pathname, toQuery)\n }\n\n // ./ /users/123 => /users/123\n // ../ /users/123 => /users\n // ../.. /users/123 => /\n // ../../one /a/b/c/d => /a/b/one\n // .././one /a/b/c/d => /a/b/c/one\n const allSegments = baseSegments.concat(toSegments)\n const segments = []\n for (let i = 0, l = allSegments.length; i < l; i++) {\n const segment = allSegments[i]\n if (segment === \"..\") segments.pop()\n else if (segment !== \".\") segments.push(segment)\n }\n\n return addQuery(\"/\" + segments.join(\"/\"), toQuery)\n}\n\nconst insertParams = (path, params) => {\n const [pathBase, query = \"\"] = path.split(\"?\")\n const segments = segmentize(pathBase)\n let constructedPath =\n \"/\" +\n segments\n .map(segment => {\n const match = paramRe.exec(segment)\n return match ? params[match[1]] : segment\n })\n .join(\"/\")\n const { location: { search = \"\" } = {} } = params\n const searchSplit = search.split(\"?\")[1] || \"\"\n constructedPath = addQuery(constructedPath, query, searchSplit)\n return constructedPath\n}\n\nconst validateRedirect = (from, to) => {\n const filter = segment => isDynamic(segment)\n const fromString = segmentize(from).filter(filter).sort().join(\"/\")\n const toString = segmentize(to).filter(filter).sort().join(\"/\")\n return fromString === toString\n}\n\nconst paramRe = /^:(.+)/\n\nconst SEGMENT_POINTS = 4\nconst STATIC_POINTS = 3\nconst DYNAMIC_POINTS = 2\nconst SPLAT_PENALTY = 1\nconst ROOT_POINTS = 1\n\nconst isRootSegment = segment => segment === \"\"\nconst isDynamic = segment => paramRe.test(segment)\nconst isSplat = segment => segment && segment[0] === \"*\"\n\nconst rankRoute = (route, index) => {\n const score = route.default\n ? 0\n : segmentize(route.path).reduce((score, segment) => {\n score += SEGMENT_POINTS\n if (isRootSegment(segment)) score += ROOT_POINTS\n else if (isDynamic(segment)) score += DYNAMIC_POINTS\n else if (isSplat(segment)) score -= SEGMENT_POINTS + SPLAT_PENALTY\n else score += STATIC_POINTS\n return score\n }, 0)\n return { route, score, index }\n}\n\nconst rankRoutes = routes =>\n routes\n .map(rankRoute)\n .sort((a, b) =>\n a.score < b.score ? 1 : a.score > b.score ? -1 : a.index - b.index\n )\n\nconst segmentize = uri =>\n uri\n // strip starting/ending slashes\n .replace(/(^\\/+|\\/+$)/g, \"\")\n .split(\"/\")\n\nconst addQuery = (pathname, ...query) => {\n query = query.filter(q => q && q.length > 0)\n return pathname + (query && query.length > 0 ? `?${query.join(\"&\")}` : \"\")\n}\n\nconst reservedNames = [\"uri\", \"path\"]\n\n/**\n * Shallow compares two objects.\n * @param {Object} obj1 The first object to compare.\n * @param {Object} obj2 The second object to compare.\n */\nconst shallowCompare = (obj1, obj2) => {\n const obj1Keys = Object.keys(obj1)\n return (\n obj1Keys.length === Object.keys(obj2).length &&\n obj1Keys.every(key => obj2.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj1[key] === obj2[key])\n )\n}\n\nconst stripSlashes = str => str.replace(/(^\\/+|\\/+$)/g, \"\")\n\nconst createRoute = basepath => element => {\n if (!element) {\n return null\n }\n\n if (element.type === React.Fragment && element.props.children) {\n return React.Children.map(element.props.children, createRoute(basepath))\n }\n invariant(\n element.props.path || element.props.default || element.type === Redirect,\n `: Children of must have a \\`path\\` or \\`default\\` prop, or be a \\`\\`. None found on element type \\`${element.type}\\``\n )\n\n invariant(\n !(element.type === Redirect && (!element.props.from || !element.props.to)),\n ` requires both \"from\" and \"to\" props when inside a .`\n )\n\n invariant(\n !(\n element.type === Redirect &&\n !validateRedirect(element.props.from, element.props.to)\n ),\n ` has mismatched dynamic segments, ensure both paths have the exact same dynamic segments.`\n )\n\n if (element.props.default) {\n return { value: element, default: true }\n }\n\n const elementPath =\n element.type === Redirect ? element.props.from : element.props.path\n\n const path =\n elementPath === \"/\"\n ? basepath\n : `${stripSlashes(basepath)}/${stripSlashes(elementPath)}`\n\n return {\n value: element,\n default: element.props.default,\n path: element.props.children ? `${stripSlashes(path)}/*` : path,\n }\n}\n\nconst shouldNavigate = event =>\n !event.defaultPrevented &&\n event.button === 0 &&\n !(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey)\n\nexport {\n startsWith,\n pick,\n match,\n resolve,\n insertParams,\n validateRedirect,\n shallowCompare,\n createRoute,\n shouldNavigate,\n}\n","/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content */\nimport * as React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { navigate } from \"./history\"\nimport { resolve, startsWith, shouldNavigate, shallowCompare } from \"./utils\"\nimport { useBaseContext, useLocationContext } from \"./hooks-use-context\"\n\nlet { forwardRef } = React\n\nif (typeof forwardRef === \"undefined\") {\n forwardRef = C => C\n}\n\nconst k = () => {}\n\nexport const Link = forwardRef(({ innerRef, ...props }, ref) => {\n const { baseuri } = useBaseContext()\n const { location } = useLocationContext()\n\n const { to, state, replace, getProps = k, ...anchorProps } = props\n const href = resolve(to, baseuri)\n const encodedHref = encodeURI(href)\n const isCurrent = location.pathname === encodedHref\n const isPartiallyCurrent = startsWith(location.pathname, encodedHref)\n\n return (\n {\n if (anchorProps.onClick) anchorProps.onClick(event)\n if (shouldNavigate(event)) {\n event.preventDefault()\n let shouldReplace = replace\n if (typeof replace !== \"boolean\" && isCurrent) {\n const { key, ...restState } = { ...location.state }\n shouldReplace = shallowCompare({ ...state }, restState)\n }\n navigate(href, {\n state,\n replace: shouldReplace,\n })\n }\n }}\n />\n )\n})\n\nLink.displayName = \"Link\"\n\nLink.propTypes = {\n to: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n}\n","// MIT LICENSE - Taken from: https://github.com/tatethurston/react-use-error-boundary/blob/525225a34d4ad50f52b5f5ac8731cdf6999cf8a8/src/index.tsx\n\nimport * as React from \"react\"\n\nclass ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {\n displayName = \"ReactUseErrorBoundary\"\n\n componentDidCatch(...args) {\n // silence React warning:\n // ErrorBoundary: Error boundaries should implement getDerivedStateFromError(). In that method, return a state update to display an error message or fallback UI\n this.setState({})\n this.props.onError(...args)\n }\n\n render() {\n return this.props.children\n }\n}\n\nconst noop = () => false\n\nconst errorBoundaryContext = React.createContext({\n componentDidCatch: { current: undefined },\n error: undefined,\n setError: noop,\n})\n\nexport function ErrorBoundaryContext({ children }) {\n const [error, setError] = React.useState()\n const componentDidCatch = React.useRef()\n const ctx = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n componentDidCatch,\n error,\n setError,\n }),\n [error]\n )\n return (\n \n {\n setError(error)\n componentDidCatch.current?.(error, errorInfo)\n }}\n >\n {children}\n \n \n )\n}\nErrorBoundaryContext.displayName = \"ReactUseErrorBoundaryContext\"\n\nexport function withErrorBoundary(WrappedComponent) {\n function WithErrorBoundary(props) {\n return (\n \n \n \n )\n }\n WithErrorBoundary.displayName = `WithErrorBoundary(${\n WrappedComponent.displayName ?? WrappedComponent.name ?? \"Component\"\n })`\n\n return WithErrorBoundary\n}\n\nexport function useErrorBoundary(componentDidCatch) {\n const ctx = React.useContext(errorBoundaryContext)\n ctx.componentDidCatch.current = componentDidCatch\n const resetError = React.useCallback(() => {\n ctx.setError(undefined)\n }, [])\n\n return [ctx.error, resetError]\n}\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { globalHistory, navigate } from \"./history\"\nimport { isRedirect } from \"./redirect\"\nimport { LocationContext } from \"./hooks-create-context\"\nimport { withErrorBoundary, useErrorBoundary } from \"./error-boundary\"\n\nexport const LocationProvider = withErrorBoundary(\n ({ history = globalHistory, children }) => {\n const { location } = history\n\n const [context, setContext] = React.useState({ location })\n const [error] = useErrorBoundary()\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n history._onTransitionComplete()\n }, [context.location])\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n let isCancelled = false\n const unlisten = history.listen(({ location }) => {\n Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (!isCancelled) {\n setContext({ location })\n }\n })\n })\n })\n return () => {\n isCancelled = true\n unlisten()\n }\n }, [])\n\n if (error) {\n if (isRedirect(error)) {\n navigate(error.uri, { replace: true })\n } else {\n throw error\n }\n }\n\n return (\n \n {typeof children === \"function\" ? children(context) : children || null}\n \n )\n }\n)\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { useLocationContext } from \"./hooks-use-context\"\nimport { LocationProvider } from \"./location-provider\"\n\nexport const Location = ({ children }) => {\n const context = useLocationContext()\n\n if (context) {\n return children(context)\n } else {\n return {children} \n }\n}\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { LocationContext } from \"./hooks-create-context\"\n\nexport const ServerLocation = ({ url, children }) => {\n const searchIndex = url.indexOf(\"?\")\n const searchExists = searchIndex > -1\n let pathname\n let search = \"\"\n const hash = \"\"\n\n if (searchExists) {\n pathname = url.substring(0, searchIndex)\n search = url.substring(searchIndex)\n } else {\n pathname = url\n }\n\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n )\n}\n","import { useBaseContext, useLocationContext } from \"./hooks-use-context\"\nimport { resolve, match } from \"./utils\"\n\nconst Match = ({ path, children }) => {\n const { baseuri } = useBaseContext()\n const { location } = useLocationContext()\n\n const resolvedPath = resolve(path, baseuri)\n const result = match(resolvedPath, location.pathname)\n return children({\n location,\n match: result\n ? {\n ...result.params,\n uri: result.uri,\n path,\n }\n : null,\n })\n}\n\nexport { Match }\n","import * as React from \"react\"\n\nexport const FocusHandler = ({ uri, location, component, ...domProps }) => {\n return (\n \n )\n}\n\nlet focusHandlerCount = 0\n\nconst FocusHandlerImpl = ({\n children,\n style,\n component: Comp = \"div\",\n uri,\n location,\n ...domProps\n}) => {\n const focusWrapperRef = React.useRef()\n const initialRenderRef = React.useRef(true)\n const uriRef = React.useRef(uri)\n const pathnameRef = React.useRef(location.pathname)\n const shouldFocusRef = React.useRef(false)\n\n const _requestFocus = requestNode => {\n if (shouldFocusRef.current && requestNode) {\n requestNode.focus()\n }\n }\n\n // Initial mount/unmount logic\n React.useEffect(() => {\n focusHandlerCount++\n focus()\n\n return () => {\n focusHandlerCount--\n if (focusHandlerCount === 0) {\n initialRenderRef.current = true\n }\n }\n }, [])\n\n // Subsequent navigation logic\n React.useEffect(() => {\n let uriChanged = false\n let pathnameChanged = false\n\n if (uri !== uriRef.current) {\n uriRef.current = uri\n uriChanged = true\n }\n\n if (location.pathname !== pathnameRef.current) {\n pathnameRef.current = location.pathname\n pathnameChanged = true\n }\n\n const navigatedUpToMe = pathnameChanged && location.pathname === uri\n\n shouldFocusRef.current = uriChanged || navigatedUpToMe\n\n if (shouldFocusRef.current) {\n focus()\n }\n }, [uri, location])\n\n const focus = React.useCallback(() => {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === \"test\") {\n // TODO: Check if change for tests still needed\n return\n }\n\n // Don't focus the on initial render\n if (initialRenderRef.current) {\n initialRenderRef.current = false\n } else {\n _requestFocus(focusWrapperRef.current)\n }\n }, [])\n\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n )\n}\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { BaseContext } from \"./hooks-create-context\"\nimport { createRoute, pick } from \"./utils\"\nimport { FocusHandler } from \"./focus-handler\"\nimport { useBaseContext, useLocationContext } from \"./hooks-use-context\"\n\nexport const Router = props => {\n const baseContext = useBaseContext()\n const locationContext = useLocationContext()\n\n return \n}\n\nfunction RouterImpl(props) {\n const {\n location,\n primary = true,\n children,\n basepath,\n baseuri,\n component = \"div\",\n ...domProps\n } = props\n\n const routes = React.Children.toArray(children).reduce((array, child) => {\n const routes = createRoute(basepath)(child)\n return array.concat(routes)\n }, [])\n const { pathname } = location\n const match = pick(routes, pathname)\n\n if (match) {\n const {\n params,\n uri,\n route,\n route: { value: element },\n } = match\n\n // remove the /* from the end for child routes relative paths\n const normalizedBasePath = route.default\n ? basepath\n : route.path.replace(/\\*$/, \"\")\n\n const props = {\n ...params,\n uri,\n location,\n }\n\n const clone = React.cloneElement(\n element,\n props,\n element.props.children ? (\n \n {element.props.children}\n \n ) : undefined\n )\n\n // using 'div' for < 16.3 support\n const FocusWrapper = primary ? FocusHandler : component\n // don't pass any props to 'div'\n const wrapperProps = primary\n ? { uri, location, component, ...domProps }\n : domProps\n\n return (\n \n {clone} \n \n )\n } else {\n return null\n }\n}\n","import { useLocationContext } from \"../lib/hooks-use-context\"\n\nexport const useLocation = () => {\n const context = useLocationContext()\n\n if (!context) {\n throw new Error(\n \"useLocation hook was used but a LocationContext.Provider was not found in the parent tree. Make sure this is used in a component that is a child of Router\"\n )\n }\n\n return context.location\n}\n","export const useNavigate = () => {\n throw new Error(\n \"useNavigate is removed. Use import { navigate } from 'gatsby' instead\"\n )\n}\n","import { useBaseContext } from \"../lib/hooks-use-context\"\nimport { match } from \"../lib/utils\"\nimport { useLocation } from \"./use-location\"\n\nexport const useParams = () => {\n const context = useBaseContext()\n\n if (!context) {\n throw new Error(\n \"useParams hook was used but a LocationContext.Provider was not found in the parent tree. Make sure this is used in a component that is a child of Router\"\n )\n }\n\n const location = useLocation()\n\n const results = match(context.basepath, location.pathname)\n\n return results ? results.params : null\n}\n","import { useBaseContext } from \"../lib/hooks-use-context\"\nimport { resolve, match } from \"../lib/utils\"\nimport { useLocation } from \"./use-location\"\n\nexport const useMatch = path => {\n if (!path) {\n throw new Error(\n \"useMatch(path: string) requires an argument of a string to match against\"\n )\n }\n const context = useBaseContext()\n\n if (!context) {\n throw new Error(\n \"useMatch hook was used but a LocationContext.Provider was not found in the parent tree. Make sure this is used in a component that is a child of Router\"\n )\n }\n\n const location = useLocation()\n\n const resolvedPath = resolve(path, context.baseuri)\n const result = match(resolvedPath, location.pathname)\n return result\n ? {\n ...result.params,\n uri: result.uri,\n path,\n }\n : null\n}\n","/* global __MANIFEST_PLUGIN_HAS_LOCALISATION__ */\nimport { withPrefix } from \"gatsby\";\nimport getManifestForPathname from \"./get-manifest-pathname\";\n\n// when we don't have localisation in our manifest, we tree shake everything away\nexport const onRouteUpdate = function onRouteUpdate({\n location\n}, pluginOptions) {\n if (__MANIFEST_PLUGIN_HAS_LOCALISATION__) {\n const {\n localize\n } = pluginOptions;\n const manifestFilename = getManifestForPathname(location.pathname, localize, true);\n const manifestEl = document.head.querySelector(`link[rel=\"manifest\"]`);\n if (manifestEl) {\n manifestEl.setAttribute(`href`, withPrefix(manifestFilename));\n }\n }\n};","\"use strict\";\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.default = void 0;\nvar _gatsby = require(\"gatsby\");\n/**\n * Get a manifest filename depending on localized pathname\n *\n * @param {string} pathname\n * @param {Array<{start_url: string, lang: string}>} localizedManifests\n * @param {boolean} shouldPrependPathPrefix\n * @return string\n */\nvar _default = (pathname, localizedManifests, shouldPrependPathPrefix = false) => {\n const defaultFilename = `manifest.webmanifest`;\n if (!Array.isArray(localizedManifests)) {\n return defaultFilename;\n }\n const localizedManifest = localizedManifests.find(app => {\n let startUrl = app.start_url;\n if (shouldPrependPathPrefix) {\n startUrl = (0, _gatsby.withPrefix)(startUrl);\n }\n return pathname.startsWith(startUrl);\n });\n if (!localizedManifest) {\n return defaultFilename;\n }\n return `manifest_${localizedManifest.lang}.webmanifest`;\n};\nexports.default = _default;","const yaml = require(\"js-yaml\")\nconst fs = require(\"fs\")\n\nconst i18n = (lang) => (localized) => localized[lang] || \"\"\n\nconst getFilePath = (url, extension, pattern) => {\n if (!pattern) {\n pattern = /^https?:\\//\n } else if (pattern.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n pattern = pattern.slice(0, -1)\n }\n let path = url.replace(pattern, \"\").split(\"#\").shift()\n path.endsWith(\"/\") && (path += \"index\")\n return extension ? `${path}.${extension}` : path\n}\n\n/**\nGet File Path for Gatsby Link component\n@param {string} path\n@param {string} extension\n@returns {string} linkPath\n@example\n// returns \"../1.de.html\"\ngetLinkPath(\"http://w3id.org/class/hochschulfaecher/1\", \"de.html\")\n**/\nconst getLinkPath = (path, extension, customDomain) => {\n const linkPath =\n \"../\" +\n getFilePath(path, \"\", customDomain).split(\"/\").pop() +\n \".\" +\n extension\n return linkPath\n}\n\n/**\nReplaces the last part (Filepath) of a given url with the last part (Filepath) of another url\n@param {string} url\n@param {string} replaceId\n@param {string} [extension] - extension to be added\n@returns {string} path\n**/\nconst replaceFilePathInUrl = (url, replaceId, extension, customDomain) => {\n // we use getFilePath function to add a missing \"index\" if necessary\n const path = getFilePath(url)\n .replace(\n /\\/[^\\/]*$/,\n \"/\" + getFilePath(replaceId, \"\", customDomain).split(\"/\").pop()\n )\n .split(\"#\")\n .shift()\n return extension ? `${path}.${extension}` : path\n}\n\nconst getFragment = (url) => new URL(url).hash\n\nconst getDomId = (url) => {\n const fragment = getFragment(url)\n return fragment ? fragment.substr(1) : url\n}\n\n/**\n * Parses languages from a json ld graph (Concept or Concept Scheme)\n * @param {array} graph\n * @returns {array} languages - found languages\n */\nconst parseLanguages = (graph) => {\n const languages = new Set()\n const parse = (arrayOfObj) => {\n for (let obj of arrayOfObj) {\n // Concept Schemes\n obj?.title &&\n Object.keys(obj.title).forEach((l) => obj.title[l] && languages.add(l))\n // Concepts\n obj?.prefLabel &&\n Object.keys(obj.prefLabel).forEach(\n (l) => obj.prefLabel[l] && languages.add(l)\n )\n obj?.altLabel &&\n Object.keys(obj.altLabel).forEach(\n (l) => obj.altLabel[l] && languages.add(l)\n )\n obj?.hiddenLabel &&\n Object.keys(obj.hiddenLabel).forEach(\n (l) => obj.hiddenLabel[l] && languages.add(l)\n )\n obj?.hasTopConcept && parse(obj.hasTopConcept)\n obj?.narrower && parse(obj.narrower)\n }\n }\n parse(graph)\n return languages\n}\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Config\n * @property {string} title\n * @property {string} logo\n * @property {string} tokenizer\n * @property {Object} colors\n * @property {string} customDomain\n */\n\n/**\n * Loads and parses the config file.\n * If no configFile is provided it will use the default config file.\n * @param {string} configFile\n * @param {string} defaultFile\n * @returns {Config} config\n */\nfunction loadConfig(configFile, defaultFile) {\n let userConfig\n const defaults = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(defaultFile, \"utf8\"))\n\n try {\n userConfig = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, \"utf8\"))\n } catch (e) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n // TODO when #253 is further investigated this might be turned on again\n // console.log(\"no user config provided, using default config\")\n userConfig = defaults\n }\n\n if (!userConfig.ui.title) {\n throw Error(\"A Title has to be provided! Please check your config.yaml\")\n }\n\n /**\n the values for these attributes are necessary\n for SkoHub Vocabs to work correctly. Therefore we use\n default values from config.example.yaml if there are \n no values provided\n */\n\n /** @type Config */\n const config = {\n title: userConfig.ui.title,\n logo: userConfig.ui.logo || \"\",\n tokenizer: userConfig.tokenizer || defaults.tokenizer,\n colors: userConfig.ui.colors || defaults.ui.colors,\n fonts: userConfig.ui.fonts || defaults.ui.fonts,\n searchableAttributes:\n userConfig.searchableAttributes || defaults.searchableAttributes,\n customDomain: userConfig.custom_domain || \"\",\n failOnValidation: userConfig.fail_on_validation,\n }\n\n // check if all relevant colors are contained, otherwise use default colors\n const checkColors = () => {\n const neededColors = [\n \"skoHubWhite\",\n \"skoHubDarkColor\",\n \"skoHubMiddleColor\",\n \"skoHubLightColor\",\n \"skoHubThinColor\",\n \"skoHubBlackColor\",\n \"skoHubAction\",\n \"skoHubNotice\",\n \"skoHubDarkGrey\",\n \"skoHubMiddleGrey\",\n \"skoHubLightGrey\",\n ]\n if (neededColors.every((r) => Object.keys(config.colors).includes(r))) {\n return true\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n // console.log(\"some needed colors are not defined, using default colors\")\n return false\n }\n }\n\n const checkFonts = () => {\n const neededProps = [\"font_family\", \"font_style\", \"font_weight\", \"name\"]\n if (\n neededProps.every((r) => Object.keys(config.fonts.regular).includes(r)) &&\n neededProps.every((r) => Object.keys(config.fonts.bold).includes(r))\n ) {\n return true\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n // console.log(\n // \"Some necessary font props were not given, using default fonts\"\n // )\n return false\n }\n }\n\n if (!checkColors()) {\n config.colors = defaults.ui.colors\n }\n\n if (!checkFonts()) {\n config.fonts = defaults.ui.fonts\n }\n return config\n}\n\n/**\n * Location object from reach router, see https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/location-data-from-props/\n * @typedef {Object} Location\n * @property {string} key\n * @property {string} pathname\n * @property {string} search\n */\n\n/**\n * Parses the location object for an URL parameter \"lang\".\n * If multiple \"lang\" params are given, the first one is taken.\n * @param {Location} location\n * @returns {string|null} parsed language or null if none is given\n */\nconst getLanguageFromUrl = (location) => {\n const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search)\n const language = params.get(\"lang\")\n return language\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n i18n,\n getFilePath,\n replaceFilePathInUrl,\n getFragment,\n getDomId,\n getLinkPath,\n parseLanguages,\n loadConfig,\n getLanguageFromUrl,\n}\n","import React, { useEffect, useState } from \"react\"\nimport { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport { Link, withPrefix } from \"gatsby\"\nimport { getFilePath } from \"../common\"\nimport { useSkoHubContext } from \"../context/Context.jsx\"\nimport { getConfigAndConceptSchemes } from \"../hooks/configAndConceptSchemes\"\nimport { getUserLang } from \"../hooks/getUserLanguage\"\n\nconst Header = ({ siteTitle }) => {\n const { config, conceptSchemes: conceptSchemesData } =\n getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n const { data, updateState } = useSkoHubContext()\n const style = css`\n background: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n\n .headerContent {\n padding: 20px 20px 0 20px;\n display: flex;\n }\n\n .skohubLogo {\n margin: 0;\n display: inline-block;\n width: calc(100% - 80px);\n\n a {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n }\n\n .skohubImg {\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle;\n width: 30px;\n height: 30px;\n }\n\n .skohubTitle {\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle;\n padding: 0 0 0 15px;\n font-size: 24px;\n line-height: 24px;\n font-weight: 700;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n padding: 0 0 0 8px;\n font-size: 18px;\n }\n }\n .conceptSchemes {\n display: flex;\n }\n\n .conceptScheme {\n padding: 15px 15px 0 0;\n font-size: 24px;\n }\n .conceptScheme:not(:last-child):after {\n content: \", \";\n }\n }\n\n ul.language-menu {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n list-style: none;\n display: inline-block;\n width: 80px;\n text-align: right;\n\n li {\n margin: 0 0 0 5px;\n display: inline;\n\n button {\n background: none;\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 5px;\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleGrey};\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleGrey};\n border-radius: 30px;\n\n &:hover {\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubAction};\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubAction};\n }\n }\n\n .currentLanguage {\n color: black;\n font-weight: bold;\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 5px;\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubLightColor};\n border-radius: 30px;\n }\n }\n }\n `\n const [languages, setLanguages] = useState([])\n const [language, setLanguage] = useState(\"\")\n\n // set page language\n useEffect(() => {\n if (typeof languages !== \"undefined\" && languages.length) {\n if (!data.selectedLanguage) {\n const userLang = getUserLang({\n availableLanguages: languages,\n })\n setLanguage(userLang)\n // updateState({ ...data, selectedLanguage: userLang })\n } else {\n setLanguage(data.selectedLanguage)\n }\n }\n }, [data])\n\n // Set Languages\n useEffect(() => {\n if (!data?.currentScheme?.id) {\n setLanguages(data.languages)\n } else {\n setLanguages(conceptSchemesData[data.currentScheme.id].languages)\n }\n }, [data])\n\n return (\n \n )\n}\n\nexport default Header\n","import { css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport React from \"react\"\n\nimport { getConfigAndConceptSchemes } from \"../hooks/configAndConceptSchemes\"\n\nconst Footer = () => {\n const { config } = getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n\n const style = css`\n background: ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n\n .footerContent {\n padding: 20px;\n text-align: right;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {\n text-align: center;\n }\n\n ul {\n display: flex;\n list-style: none;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n\n li {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 0 20px 0 0px;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n .push-right {\n margin-left: auto;\n }\n }\n\n a {\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n font-weight: 700;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n }\n }\n `\n return (\n \n )\n}\n\nFooter.propTypes = {\n siteTitle: PropTypes.string,\n}\n\nFooter.defaultProps = {\n siteTitle: ``,\n}\n\nexport default Footer\n","/**\n * Layout component that queries for data\n * with Gatsby's StaticQuery component\n *\n * See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/static-query/\n */\nimport React from \"react\"\nimport { Global, css } from \"@emotion/react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { useStaticQuery, graphql, withPrefix } from \"gatsby\"\n\nimport { getConfigAndConceptSchemes } from \"../hooks/configAndConceptSchemes\"\n\nimport Header from \"./header.jsx\"\nimport Footer from \"./footer.jsx\"\n\nconst Layout = ({ children }) => {\n const { config } = getConfigAndConceptSchemes()\n const style = css`\n height: 100vh;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n\n main {\n flex: 1;\n overflow: auto;\n padding: 20px;\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {\n overflow: visible;\n }\n }\n\n .centerPage {\n max-width: 1200px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n }\n\n .forkMe {\n position: fixed;\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n padding: 0 60px;\n height: 40px;\n transform: rotate(45deg);\n font-size: 14px;\n line-height: 40px;\n font-weight: 700;\n bottom: 60px;\n left: -60px;\n box-shadow: 0 10px 20px ${config.colors.skoHubBlackColor};\n }\n `\n const qdata = useStaticQuery(graphql`\n query SiteTitleQuery {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n `)\n return (\n \n ul {\n margin-left: 1.45rem;\n margin-bottom: calc(1.45rem / 2);\n margin-top: calc(1.45rem / 2);\n }\n\n li {\n margin-bottom: calc(1.45rem / 2);\n }\n\n a {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n\n &:hover {\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubAction};\n }\n }\n\n .inputStyle {\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n cursor: pointer;\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubDarkGrey};\n border-radius: 30px;\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubDarkColor};\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: ${config.colors.skoHubLightGrey};\n }\n\n &[type=\"button\"] {\n background: ${config.colors.skoHubLightGrey};\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubLightGrey};\n font-weight: 700;\n\n &:hover {\n background: ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n border: 1px solid ${config.colors.skoHubMiddleColor};\n color: ${config.colors.skoHubWhite};\n }\n }\n }\n `}\n />\n \n {children} \n\n \n
\n )\n}\nLayout.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default Layout\n","import PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport withSideEffect from 'react-side-effect';\nimport isEqual from 'react-fast-compare';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport objectAssign from 'object-assign';\n\nvar ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = {\n BODY: \"bodyAttributes\",\n HTML: \"htmlAttributes\",\n TITLE: \"titleAttributes\"\n};\n\nvar TAG_NAMES = {\n BASE: \"base\",\n BODY: \"body\",\n HEAD: \"head\",\n HTML: \"html\",\n LINK: \"link\",\n META: \"meta\",\n NOSCRIPT: \"noscript\",\n SCRIPT: \"script\",\n STYLE: \"style\",\n TITLE: \"title\"\n};\n\nvar VALID_TAG_NAMES = Object.keys(TAG_NAMES).map(function (name) {\n return TAG_NAMES[name];\n});\n\nvar TAG_PROPERTIES = {\n CHARSET: \"charset\",\n CSS_TEXT: \"cssText\",\n HREF: \"href\",\n HTTPEQUIV: \"http-equiv\",\n INNER_HTML: \"innerHTML\",\n ITEM_PROP: \"itemprop\",\n NAME: \"name\",\n PROPERTY: \"property\",\n REL: \"rel\",\n SRC: \"src\",\n TARGET: \"target\"\n};\n\nvar REACT_TAG_MAP = {\n accesskey: \"accessKey\",\n charset: \"charSet\",\n class: \"className\",\n contenteditable: \"contentEditable\",\n contextmenu: \"contextMenu\",\n \"http-equiv\": \"httpEquiv\",\n itemprop: \"itemProp\",\n tabindex: \"tabIndex\"\n};\n\nvar HELMET_PROPS = {\n DEFAULT_TITLE: \"defaultTitle\",\n DEFER: \"defer\",\n ENCODE_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS: \"encodeSpecialCharacters\",\n ON_CHANGE_CLIENT_STATE: \"onChangeClientState\",\n TITLE_TEMPLATE: \"titleTemplate\"\n};\n\nvar HTML_TAG_MAP = Object.keys(REACT_TAG_MAP).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n obj[REACT_TAG_MAP[key]] = key;\n return obj;\n}, {});\n\nvar SELF_CLOSING_TAGS = [TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT, TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT, TAG_NAMES.STYLE];\n\nvar HELMET_ATTRIBUTE = \"data-react-helmet\";\n\nvar _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) {\n return typeof obj;\n} : function (obj) {\n return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj;\n};\n\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\n\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\nvar inherits = function (subClass, superClass) {\n if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" + typeof superClass);\n }\n\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;\n};\n\nvar objectWithoutProperties = function (obj, keys) {\n var target = {};\n\n for (var i in obj) {\n if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue;\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue;\n target[i] = obj[i];\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\nvar possibleConstructorReturn = function (self, call) {\n if (!self) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\");\n }\n\n return call && (typeof call === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\") ? call : self;\n};\n\nvar encodeSpecialCharacters = function encodeSpecialCharacters(str) {\n var encode = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;\n\n if (encode === false) {\n return String(str);\n }\n\n return String(str).replace(/&/g, \"&\").replace(//g, \">\").replace(/\"/g, \""\").replace(/'/g, \"'\");\n};\n\nvar getTitleFromPropsList = function getTitleFromPropsList(propsList) {\n var innermostTitle = getInnermostProperty(propsList, TAG_NAMES.TITLE);\n var innermostTemplate = getInnermostProperty(propsList, HELMET_PROPS.TITLE_TEMPLATE);\n\n if (innermostTemplate && innermostTitle) {\n // use function arg to avoid need to escape $ characters\n return innermostTemplate.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return Array.isArray(innermostTitle) ? innermostTitle.join(\"\") : innermostTitle;\n });\n }\n\n var innermostDefaultTitle = getInnermostProperty(propsList, HELMET_PROPS.DEFAULT_TITLE);\n\n return innermostTitle || innermostDefaultTitle || undefined;\n};\n\nvar getOnChangeClientState = function getOnChangeClientState(propsList) {\n return getInnermostProperty(propsList, HELMET_PROPS.ON_CHANGE_CLIENT_STATE) || function () {};\n};\n\nvar getAttributesFromPropsList = function getAttributesFromPropsList(tagType, propsList) {\n return propsList.filter(function (props) {\n return typeof props[tagType] !== \"undefined\";\n }).map(function (props) {\n return props[tagType];\n }).reduce(function (tagAttrs, current) {\n return _extends({}, tagAttrs, current);\n }, {});\n};\n\nvar getBaseTagFromPropsList = function getBaseTagFromPropsList(primaryAttributes, propsList) {\n return propsList.filter(function (props) {\n return typeof props[TAG_NAMES.BASE] !== \"undefined\";\n }).map(function (props) {\n return props[TAG_NAMES.BASE];\n }).reverse().reduce(function (innermostBaseTag, tag) {\n if (!innermostBaseTag.length) {\n var keys = Object.keys(tag);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var attributeKey = keys[i];\n var lowerCaseAttributeKey = attributeKey.toLowerCase();\n\n if (primaryAttributes.indexOf(lowerCaseAttributeKey) !== -1 && tag[lowerCaseAttributeKey]) {\n return innermostBaseTag.concat(tag);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return innermostBaseTag;\n }, []);\n};\n\nvar getTagsFromPropsList = function getTagsFromPropsList(tagName, primaryAttributes, propsList) {\n // Calculate list of tags, giving priority innermost component (end of the propslist)\n var approvedSeenTags = {};\n\n return propsList.filter(function (props) {\n if (Array.isArray(props[tagName])) {\n return true;\n }\n if (typeof props[tagName] !== \"undefined\") {\n warn(\"Helmet: \" + tagName + \" should be of type \\\"Array\\\". Instead found type \\\"\" + _typeof(props[tagName]) + \"\\\"\");\n }\n return false;\n }).map(function (props) {\n return props[tagName];\n }).reverse().reduce(function (approvedTags, instanceTags) {\n var instanceSeenTags = {};\n\n instanceTags.filter(function (tag) {\n var primaryAttributeKey = void 0;\n var keys = Object.keys(tag);\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var attributeKey = keys[i];\n var lowerCaseAttributeKey = attributeKey.toLowerCase();\n\n // Special rule with link tags, since rel and href are both primary tags, rel takes priority\n if (primaryAttributes.indexOf(lowerCaseAttributeKey) !== -1 && !(primaryAttributeKey === TAG_PROPERTIES.REL && tag[primaryAttributeKey].toLowerCase() === \"canonical\") && !(lowerCaseAttributeKey === TAG_PROPERTIES.REL && tag[lowerCaseAttributeKey].toLowerCase() === \"stylesheet\")) {\n primaryAttributeKey = lowerCaseAttributeKey;\n }\n // Special case for innerHTML which doesn't work lowercased\n if (primaryAttributes.indexOf(attributeKey) !== -1 && (attributeKey === TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML || attributeKey === TAG_PROPERTIES.CSS_TEXT || attributeKey === TAG_PROPERTIES.ITEM_PROP)) {\n primaryAttributeKey = attributeKey;\n }\n }\n\n if (!primaryAttributeKey || !tag[primaryAttributeKey]) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var value = tag[primaryAttributeKey].toLowerCase();\n\n if (!approvedSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey]) {\n approvedSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey] = {};\n }\n\n if (!instanceSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey]) {\n instanceSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey] = {};\n }\n\n if (!approvedSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey][value]) {\n instanceSeenTags[primaryAttributeKey][value] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }).reverse().forEach(function (tag) {\n return approvedTags.push(tag);\n });\n\n // Update seen tags with tags from this instance\n var keys = Object.keys(instanceSeenTags);\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var attributeKey = keys[i];\n var tagUnion = objectAssign({}, approvedSeenTags[attributeKey], instanceSeenTags[attributeKey]);\n\n approvedSeenTags[attributeKey] = tagUnion;\n }\n\n return approvedTags;\n }, []).reverse();\n};\n\nvar getInnermostProperty = function getInnermostProperty(propsList, property) {\n for (var i = propsList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var props = propsList[i];\n\n if (props.hasOwnProperty(property)) {\n return props[property];\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\nvar reducePropsToState = function reducePropsToState(propsList) {\n return {\n baseTag: getBaseTagFromPropsList([TAG_PROPERTIES.HREF, TAG_PROPERTIES.TARGET], propsList),\n bodyAttributes: getAttributesFromPropsList(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.BODY, propsList),\n defer: getInnermostProperty(propsList, HELMET_PROPS.DEFER),\n encode: getInnermostProperty(propsList, HELMET_PROPS.ENCODE_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS),\n htmlAttributes: getAttributesFromPropsList(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.HTML, propsList),\n linkTags: getTagsFromPropsList(TAG_NAMES.LINK, [TAG_PROPERTIES.REL, TAG_PROPERTIES.HREF], propsList),\n metaTags: getTagsFromPropsList(TAG_NAMES.META, [TAG_PROPERTIES.NAME, TAG_PROPERTIES.CHARSET, TAG_PROPERTIES.HTTPEQUIV, TAG_PROPERTIES.PROPERTY, TAG_PROPERTIES.ITEM_PROP], propsList),\n noscriptTags: getTagsFromPropsList(TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT, [TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML], propsList),\n onChangeClientState: getOnChangeClientState(propsList),\n scriptTags: getTagsFromPropsList(TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT, [TAG_PROPERTIES.SRC, TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML], propsList),\n styleTags: getTagsFromPropsList(TAG_NAMES.STYLE, [TAG_PROPERTIES.CSS_TEXT], propsList),\n title: getTitleFromPropsList(propsList),\n titleAttributes: getAttributesFromPropsList(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.TITLE, propsList)\n };\n};\n\nvar rafPolyfill = function () {\n var clock = Date.now();\n\n return function (callback) {\n var currentTime = Date.now();\n\n if (currentTime - clock > 16) {\n clock = currentTime;\n callback(currentTime);\n } else {\n setTimeout(function () {\n rafPolyfill(callback);\n }, 0);\n }\n };\n}();\n\nvar cafPolyfill = function cafPolyfill(id) {\n return clearTimeout(id);\n};\n\nvar requestAnimationFrame = typeof window !== \"undefined\" ? window.requestAnimationFrame && window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || rafPolyfill : global.requestAnimationFrame || rafPolyfill;\n\nvar cancelAnimationFrame = typeof window !== \"undefined\" ? window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || cafPolyfill : global.cancelAnimationFrame || cafPolyfill;\n\nvar warn = function warn(msg) {\n return console && typeof console.warn === \"function\" && console.warn(msg);\n};\n\nvar _helmetCallback = null;\n\nvar handleClientStateChange = function handleClientStateChange(newState) {\n if (_helmetCallback) {\n cancelAnimationFrame(_helmetCallback);\n }\n\n if (newState.defer) {\n _helmetCallback = requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n commitTagChanges(newState, function () {\n _helmetCallback = null;\n });\n });\n } else {\n commitTagChanges(newState);\n _helmetCallback = null;\n }\n};\n\nvar commitTagChanges = function commitTagChanges(newState, cb) {\n var baseTag = newState.baseTag,\n bodyAttributes = newState.bodyAttributes,\n htmlAttributes = newState.htmlAttributes,\n linkTags = newState.linkTags,\n metaTags = newState.metaTags,\n noscriptTags = newState.noscriptTags,\n onChangeClientState = newState.onChangeClientState,\n scriptTags = newState.scriptTags,\n styleTags = newState.styleTags,\n title = newState.title,\n titleAttributes = newState.titleAttributes;\n\n updateAttributes(TAG_NAMES.BODY, bodyAttributes);\n updateAttributes(TAG_NAMES.HTML, htmlAttributes);\n\n updateTitle(title, titleAttributes);\n\n var tagUpdates = {\n baseTag: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.BASE, baseTag),\n linkTags: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.LINK, linkTags),\n metaTags: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.META, metaTags),\n noscriptTags: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT, noscriptTags),\n scriptTags: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT, scriptTags),\n styleTags: updateTags(TAG_NAMES.STYLE, styleTags)\n };\n\n var addedTags = {};\n var removedTags = {};\n\n Object.keys(tagUpdates).forEach(function (tagType) {\n var _tagUpdates$tagType = tagUpdates[tagType],\n newTags = _tagUpdates$tagType.newTags,\n oldTags = _tagUpdates$tagType.oldTags;\n\n\n if (newTags.length) {\n addedTags[tagType] = newTags;\n }\n if (oldTags.length) {\n removedTags[tagType] = tagUpdates[tagType].oldTags;\n }\n });\n\n cb && cb();\n\n onChangeClientState(newState, addedTags, removedTags);\n};\n\nvar flattenArray = function flattenArray(possibleArray) {\n return Array.isArray(possibleArray) ? possibleArray.join(\"\") : possibleArray;\n};\n\nvar updateTitle = function updateTitle(title, attributes) {\n if (typeof title !== \"undefined\" && document.title !== title) {\n document.title = flattenArray(title);\n }\n\n updateAttributes(TAG_NAMES.TITLE, attributes);\n};\n\nvar updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(tagName, attributes) {\n var elementTag = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0];\n\n if (!elementTag) {\n return;\n }\n\n var helmetAttributeString = elementTag.getAttribute(HELMET_ATTRIBUTE);\n var helmetAttributes = helmetAttributeString ? helmetAttributeString.split(\",\") : [];\n var attributesToRemove = [].concat(helmetAttributes);\n var attributeKeys = Object.keys(attributes);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < attributeKeys.length; i++) {\n var attribute = attributeKeys[i];\n var value = attributes[attribute] || \"\";\n\n if (elementTag.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) {\n elementTag.setAttribute(attribute, value);\n }\n\n if (helmetAttributes.indexOf(attribute) === -1) {\n helmetAttributes.push(attribute);\n }\n\n var indexToSave = attributesToRemove.indexOf(attribute);\n if (indexToSave !== -1) {\n attributesToRemove.splice(indexToSave, 1);\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = attributesToRemove.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) {\n elementTag.removeAttribute(attributesToRemove[_i]);\n }\n\n if (helmetAttributes.length === attributesToRemove.length) {\n elementTag.removeAttribute(HELMET_ATTRIBUTE);\n } else if (elementTag.getAttribute(HELMET_ATTRIBUTE) !== attributeKeys.join(\",\")) {\n elementTag.setAttribute(HELMET_ATTRIBUTE, attributeKeys.join(\",\"));\n }\n};\n\nvar updateTags = function updateTags(type, tags) {\n var headElement = document.head || document.querySelector(TAG_NAMES.HEAD);\n var tagNodes = headElement.querySelectorAll(type + \"[\" + HELMET_ATTRIBUTE + \"]\");\n var oldTags = Array.prototype.slice.call(tagNodes);\n var newTags = [];\n var indexToDelete = void 0;\n\n if (tags && tags.length) {\n tags.forEach(function (tag) {\n var newElement = document.createElement(type);\n\n for (var attribute in tag) {\n if (tag.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {\n if (attribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML) {\n newElement.innerHTML = tag.innerHTML;\n } else if (attribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.CSS_TEXT) {\n if (newElement.styleSheet) {\n newElement.styleSheet.cssText = tag.cssText;\n } else {\n newElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tag.cssText));\n }\n } else {\n var value = typeof tag[attribute] === \"undefined\" ? \"\" : tag[attribute];\n newElement.setAttribute(attribute, value);\n }\n }\n }\n\n newElement.setAttribute(HELMET_ATTRIBUTE, \"true\");\n\n // Remove a duplicate tag from domTagstoRemove, so it isn't cleared.\n if (oldTags.some(function (existingTag, index) {\n indexToDelete = index;\n return newElement.isEqualNode(existingTag);\n })) {\n oldTags.splice(indexToDelete, 1);\n } else {\n newTags.push(newElement);\n }\n });\n }\n\n oldTags.forEach(function (tag) {\n return tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag);\n });\n newTags.forEach(function (tag) {\n return headElement.appendChild(tag);\n });\n\n return {\n oldTags: oldTags,\n newTags: newTags\n };\n};\n\nvar generateElementAttributesAsString = function generateElementAttributesAsString(attributes) {\n return Object.keys(attributes).reduce(function (str, key) {\n var attr = typeof attributes[key] !== \"undefined\" ? key + \"=\\\"\" + attributes[key] + \"\\\"\" : \"\" + key;\n return str ? str + \" \" + attr : attr;\n }, \"\");\n};\n\nvar generateTitleAsString = function generateTitleAsString(type, title, attributes, encode) {\n var attributeString = generateElementAttributesAsString(attributes);\n var flattenedTitle = flattenArray(title);\n return attributeString ? \"<\" + type + \" \" + HELMET_ATTRIBUTE + \"=\\\"true\\\" \" + attributeString + \">\" + encodeSpecialCharacters(flattenedTitle, encode) + \"\" + type + \">\" : \"<\" + type + \" \" + HELMET_ATTRIBUTE + \"=\\\"true\\\">\" + encodeSpecialCharacters(flattenedTitle, encode) + \"\" + type + \">\";\n};\n\nvar generateTagsAsString = function generateTagsAsString(type, tags, encode) {\n return tags.reduce(function (str, tag) {\n var attributeHtml = Object.keys(tag).filter(function (attribute) {\n return !(attribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML || attribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.CSS_TEXT);\n }).reduce(function (string, attribute) {\n var attr = typeof tag[attribute] === \"undefined\" ? attribute : attribute + \"=\\\"\" + encodeSpecialCharacters(tag[attribute], encode) + \"\\\"\";\n return string ? string + \" \" + attr : attr;\n }, \"\");\n\n var tagContent = tag.innerHTML || tag.cssText || \"\";\n\n var isSelfClosing = SELF_CLOSING_TAGS.indexOf(type) === -1;\n\n return str + \"<\" + type + \" \" + HELMET_ATTRIBUTE + \"=\\\"true\\\" \" + attributeHtml + (isSelfClosing ? \"/>\" : \">\" + tagContent + \"\" + type + \">\");\n }, \"\");\n};\n\nvar convertElementAttributestoReactProps = function convertElementAttributestoReactProps(attributes) {\n var initProps = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n return Object.keys(attributes).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n obj[REACT_TAG_MAP[key] || key] = attributes[key];\n return obj;\n }, initProps);\n};\n\nvar convertReactPropstoHtmlAttributes = function convertReactPropstoHtmlAttributes(props) {\n var initAttributes = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n return Object.keys(props).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n obj[HTML_TAG_MAP[key] || key] = props[key];\n return obj;\n }, initAttributes);\n};\n\nvar generateTitleAsReactComponent = function generateTitleAsReactComponent(type, title, attributes) {\n var _initProps;\n\n // assigning into an array to define toString function on it\n var initProps = (_initProps = {\n key: title\n }, _initProps[HELMET_ATTRIBUTE] = true, _initProps);\n var props = convertElementAttributestoReactProps(attributes, initProps);\n\n return [React.createElement(TAG_NAMES.TITLE, props, title)];\n};\n\nvar generateTagsAsReactComponent = function generateTagsAsReactComponent(type, tags) {\n return tags.map(function (tag, i) {\n var _mappedTag;\n\n var mappedTag = (_mappedTag = {\n key: i\n }, _mappedTag[HELMET_ATTRIBUTE] = true, _mappedTag);\n\n Object.keys(tag).forEach(function (attribute) {\n var mappedAttribute = REACT_TAG_MAP[attribute] || attribute;\n\n if (mappedAttribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.INNER_HTML || mappedAttribute === TAG_PROPERTIES.CSS_TEXT) {\n var content = tag.innerHTML || tag.cssText;\n mappedTag.dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { __html: content };\n } else {\n mappedTag[mappedAttribute] = tag[attribute];\n }\n });\n\n return React.createElement(type, mappedTag);\n });\n};\n\nvar getMethodsForTag = function getMethodsForTag(type, tags, encode) {\n switch (type) {\n case TAG_NAMES.TITLE:\n return {\n toComponent: function toComponent() {\n return generateTitleAsReactComponent(type, tags.title, tags.titleAttributes, encode);\n },\n toString: function toString() {\n return generateTitleAsString(type, tags.title, tags.titleAttributes, encode);\n }\n };\n case ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.BODY:\n case ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.HTML:\n return {\n toComponent: function toComponent() {\n return convertElementAttributestoReactProps(tags);\n },\n toString: function toString() {\n return generateElementAttributesAsString(tags);\n }\n };\n default:\n return {\n toComponent: function toComponent() {\n return generateTagsAsReactComponent(type, tags);\n },\n toString: function toString() {\n return generateTagsAsString(type, tags, encode);\n }\n };\n }\n};\n\nvar mapStateOnServer = function mapStateOnServer(_ref) {\n var baseTag = _ref.baseTag,\n bodyAttributes = _ref.bodyAttributes,\n encode = _ref.encode,\n htmlAttributes = _ref.htmlAttributes,\n linkTags = _ref.linkTags,\n metaTags = _ref.metaTags,\n noscriptTags = _ref.noscriptTags,\n scriptTags = _ref.scriptTags,\n styleTags = _ref.styleTags,\n _ref$title = _ref.title,\n title = _ref$title === undefined ? \"\" : _ref$title,\n titleAttributes = _ref.titleAttributes;\n return {\n base: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.BASE, baseTag, encode),\n bodyAttributes: getMethodsForTag(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.BODY, bodyAttributes, encode),\n htmlAttributes: getMethodsForTag(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.HTML, htmlAttributes, encode),\n link: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.LINK, linkTags, encode),\n meta: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.META, metaTags, encode),\n noscript: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT, noscriptTags, encode),\n script: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT, scriptTags, encode),\n style: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.STYLE, styleTags, encode),\n title: getMethodsForTag(TAG_NAMES.TITLE, { title: title, titleAttributes: titleAttributes }, encode)\n };\n};\n\nvar Helmet = function Helmet(Component) {\n var _class, _temp;\n\n return _temp = _class = function (_React$Component) {\n inherits(HelmetWrapper, _React$Component);\n\n function HelmetWrapper() {\n classCallCheck(this, HelmetWrapper);\n return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.apply(this, arguments));\n }\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {\n return !isEqual(this.props, nextProps);\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.mapNestedChildrenToProps = function mapNestedChildrenToProps(child, nestedChildren) {\n if (!nestedChildren) {\n return null;\n }\n\n switch (child.type) {\n case TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT:\n case TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT:\n return {\n innerHTML: nestedChildren\n };\n\n case TAG_NAMES.STYLE:\n return {\n cssText: nestedChildren\n };\n }\n\n throw new Error(\"<\" + child.type + \" /> elements are self-closing and can not contain children. Refer to our API for more information.\");\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.flattenArrayTypeChildren = function flattenArrayTypeChildren(_ref) {\n var _babelHelpers$extends;\n\n var child = _ref.child,\n arrayTypeChildren = _ref.arrayTypeChildren,\n newChildProps = _ref.newChildProps,\n nestedChildren = _ref.nestedChildren;\n\n return _extends({}, arrayTypeChildren, (_babelHelpers$extends = {}, _babelHelpers$extends[child.type] = [].concat(arrayTypeChildren[child.type] || [], [_extends({}, newChildProps, this.mapNestedChildrenToProps(child, nestedChildren))]), _babelHelpers$extends));\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.mapObjectTypeChildren = function mapObjectTypeChildren(_ref2) {\n var _babelHelpers$extends2, _babelHelpers$extends3;\n\n var child = _ref2.child,\n newProps = _ref2.newProps,\n newChildProps = _ref2.newChildProps,\n nestedChildren = _ref2.nestedChildren;\n\n switch (child.type) {\n case TAG_NAMES.TITLE:\n return _extends({}, newProps, (_babelHelpers$extends2 = {}, _babelHelpers$extends2[child.type] = nestedChildren, _babelHelpers$extends2.titleAttributes = _extends({}, newChildProps), _babelHelpers$extends2));\n\n case TAG_NAMES.BODY:\n return _extends({}, newProps, {\n bodyAttributes: _extends({}, newChildProps)\n });\n\n case TAG_NAMES.HTML:\n return _extends({}, newProps, {\n htmlAttributes: _extends({}, newChildProps)\n });\n }\n\n return _extends({}, newProps, (_babelHelpers$extends3 = {}, _babelHelpers$extends3[child.type] = _extends({}, newChildProps), _babelHelpers$extends3));\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.mapArrayTypeChildrenToProps = function mapArrayTypeChildrenToProps(arrayTypeChildren, newProps) {\n var newFlattenedProps = _extends({}, newProps);\n\n Object.keys(arrayTypeChildren).forEach(function (arrayChildName) {\n var _babelHelpers$extends4;\n\n newFlattenedProps = _extends({}, newFlattenedProps, (_babelHelpers$extends4 = {}, _babelHelpers$extends4[arrayChildName] = arrayTypeChildren[arrayChildName], _babelHelpers$extends4));\n });\n\n return newFlattenedProps;\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.warnOnInvalidChildren = function warnOnInvalidChildren(child, nestedChildren) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n if (!VALID_TAG_NAMES.some(function (name) {\n return child.type === name;\n })) {\n if (typeof child.type === \"function\") {\n return warn(\"You may be attempting to nest components within each other, which is not allowed. Refer to our API for more information.\");\n }\n\n return warn(\"Only elements types \" + VALID_TAG_NAMES.join(\", \") + \" are allowed. Helmet does not support rendering <\" + child.type + \"> elements. Refer to our API for more information.\");\n }\n\n if (nestedChildren && typeof nestedChildren !== \"string\" && (!Array.isArray(nestedChildren) || nestedChildren.some(function (nestedChild) {\n return typeof nestedChild !== \"string\";\n }))) {\n throw new Error(\"Helmet expects a string as a child of <\" + child.type + \">. Did you forget to wrap your children in braces? ( <\" + child.type + \">{``}\" + child.type + \"> ) Refer to our API for more information.\");\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.mapChildrenToProps = function mapChildrenToProps(children, newProps) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var arrayTypeChildren = {};\n\n React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) {\n if (!child || !child.props) {\n return;\n }\n\n var _child$props = child.props,\n nestedChildren = _child$props.children,\n childProps = objectWithoutProperties(_child$props, [\"children\"]);\n\n var newChildProps = convertReactPropstoHtmlAttributes(childProps);\n\n _this2.warnOnInvalidChildren(child, nestedChildren);\n\n switch (child.type) {\n case TAG_NAMES.LINK:\n case TAG_NAMES.META:\n case TAG_NAMES.NOSCRIPT:\n case TAG_NAMES.SCRIPT:\n case TAG_NAMES.STYLE:\n arrayTypeChildren = _this2.flattenArrayTypeChildren({\n child: child,\n arrayTypeChildren: arrayTypeChildren,\n newChildProps: newChildProps,\n nestedChildren: nestedChildren\n });\n break;\n\n default:\n newProps = _this2.mapObjectTypeChildren({\n child: child,\n newProps: newProps,\n newChildProps: newChildProps,\n nestedChildren: nestedChildren\n });\n break;\n }\n });\n\n newProps = this.mapArrayTypeChildrenToProps(arrayTypeChildren, newProps);\n return newProps;\n };\n\n HelmetWrapper.prototype.render = function render() {\n var _props = this.props,\n children = _props.children,\n props = objectWithoutProperties(_props, [\"children\"]);\n\n var newProps = _extends({}, props);\n\n if (children) {\n newProps = this.mapChildrenToProps(children, newProps);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(Component, newProps);\n };\n\n createClass(HelmetWrapper, null, [{\n key: \"canUseDOM\",\n\n\n // Component.peek comes from react-side-effect:\n // For testing, you may use a static peek() method available on the returned component.\n // It lets you get the current state without resetting the mounted instance stack.\n // Don’t use it for anything other than testing.\n\n /**\n * @param {Object} base: {\"target\": \"_blank\", \"href\": \"http://mysite.com/\"}\n * @param {Object} bodyAttributes: {\"className\": \"root\"}\n * @param {String} defaultTitle: \"Default Title\"\n * @param {Boolean} defer: true\n * @param {Boolean} encodeSpecialCharacters: true\n * @param {Object} htmlAttributes: {\"lang\": \"en\", \"amp\": undefined}\n * @param {Array} link: [{\"rel\": \"canonical\", \"href\": \"http://mysite.com/example\"}]\n * @param {Array} meta: [{\"name\": \"description\", \"content\": \"Test description\"}]\n * @param {Array} noscript: [{\"innerHTML\": \" console.log(newState)\"\n * @param {Array} script: [{\"type\": \"text/javascript\", \"src\": \"http://mysite.com/js/test.js\"}]\n * @param {Array} style: [{\"type\": \"text/css\", \"cssText\": \"div { display: block; color: blue; }\"}]\n * @param {String} title: \"Title\"\n * @param {Object} titleAttributes: {\"itemprop\": \"name\"}\n * @param {String} titleTemplate: \"MySite.com - %s\"\n */\n set: function set$$1(canUseDOM) {\n Component.canUseDOM = canUseDOM;\n }\n }]);\n return HelmetWrapper;\n }(React.Component), _class.propTypes = {\n base: PropTypes.object,\n bodyAttributes: PropTypes.object,\n children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]),\n defaultTitle: PropTypes.string,\n defer: PropTypes.bool,\n encodeSpecialCharacters: PropTypes.bool,\n htmlAttributes: PropTypes.object,\n link: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n meta: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n noscript: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n onChangeClientState: PropTypes.func,\n script: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n style: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n title: PropTypes.string,\n titleAttributes: PropTypes.object,\n titleTemplate: PropTypes.string\n }, _class.defaultProps = {\n defer: true,\n encodeSpecialCharacters: true\n }, _class.peek = Component.peek, _class.rewind = function () {\n var mappedState = Component.rewind();\n if (!mappedState) {\n // provide fallback if mappedState is undefined\n mappedState = mapStateOnServer({\n baseTag: [],\n bodyAttributes: {},\n encodeSpecialCharacters: true,\n htmlAttributes: {},\n linkTags: [],\n metaTags: [],\n noscriptTags: [],\n scriptTags: [],\n styleTags: [],\n title: \"\",\n titleAttributes: {}\n });\n }\n\n return mappedState;\n }, _temp;\n};\n\nvar NullComponent = function NullComponent() {\n return null;\n};\n\nvar HelmetSideEffects = withSideEffect(reducePropsToState, handleClientStateChange, mapStateOnServer)(NullComponent);\n\nvar HelmetExport = Helmet(HelmetSideEffects);\nHelmetExport.renderStatic = HelmetExport.rewind;\n\nexport default HelmetExport;\nexport { HelmetExport as Helmet };\n","/**\n * SEO component that queries for data with\n * Gatsby's useStaticQuery React hook\n *\n * See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/use-static-query/\n */\n\nimport React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport { Helmet } from \"react-helmet\"\nimport { useStaticQuery, graphql } from \"gatsby\"\n\nfunction SEO({ description, lang, meta, keywords, title }) {\n const { site } = useStaticQuery(graphql`\n query {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n title\n description\n author\n }\n }\n }\n `)\n\n const metaDescription = description || site.siteMetadata.description\n\n return (\n 0\n ? {\n name: `keywords`,\n content: keywords.join(`, `),\n }\n : []\n )\n .concat(meta)}\n />\n )\n}\n\nSEO.defaultProps = {\n lang: `en`,\n meta: [],\n keywords: [],\n description: ``,\n}\n\nSEO.propTypes = {\n description: PropTypes.string,\n lang: PropTypes.string,\n meta: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),\n keywords: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),\n title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default SEO\n","import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from \"react\"\n\nconst defaultState = {\n currentScheme: {},\n selectedLanguage: \"\",\n conceptSchemeLanguages: [],\n indexPage: false,\n}\nconst Context = createContext(defaultState)\n\nexport const ContextProvider = ({ children }) => {\n const [data, setData] = useState(defaultState)\n const updateState = (_data) => setData(_data)\n\n const contextValues = {\n data,\n updateState,\n }\n\n return {children} \n}\n\nexport const useSkoHubContext = () => {\n const context = useContext(Context)\n if (context === undefined || context === null) {\n throw new Error(`useSkoHubContext must be called within ContextProvider`)\n }\n return context\n}\n","import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from \"gatsby\"\n\nexport const getConfigAndConceptSchemes = () => {\n const { site, allConceptScheme } = useStaticQuery(graphql`\n query Colors {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n colors {\n skoHubWhite\n skoHubDarkColor\n skoHubMiddleColor\n skoHubLightColor\n skoHubThinColor\n skoHubBlackColor\n skoHubAction\n skoHubNotice\n skoHubDarkGrey\n skoHubMiddleGrey\n skoHubLightGrey\n }\n logo\n title\n fonts {\n bold {\n font_family\n font_style\n font_weight\n name\n }\n regular {\n font_family\n font_style\n font_weight\n name\n }\n }\n searchableAttributes\n customDomain\n failOnValidation\n }\n }\n allConceptScheme {\n edges {\n node {\n id\n fields {\n languages\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n `)\n const conceptSchemes = allConceptScheme.edges\n .map(({ node }) => ({\n [node.id]: { languages: node.fields.languages },\n }))\n .reduce((prev, curr) => ({ ...prev, ...curr }), {})\n return { config: site.siteMetadata, conceptSchemes }\n}\n","/**\n * @param {object} concept\n * @param {object} conceptSchemes\n */\nexport const getUserLang = ({ availableLanguages = [], selectedLanguage }) => {\n if (typeof window !== \"undefined\") {\n /** @prop {string} */\n const userLang = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).slice(0, 2)\n if (selectedLanguage && availableLanguages.includes(selectedLanguage)) {\n return selectedLanguage\n } else if (\n selectedLanguage &&\n !availableLanguages.includes(selectedLanguage) &&\n availableLanguages.includes(userLang)\n ) {\n return userLang\n } else if (availableLanguages.includes(userLang)) return userLang\n else {\n const language = availableLanguages[0]\n return language\n }\n }\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nvar reactIs = require('react-is');\n\n/**\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\nvar REACT_STATICS = {\n childContextTypes: true,\n contextType: true,\n contextTypes: true,\n defaultProps: true,\n displayName: true,\n getDefaultProps: true,\n getDerivedStateFromError: true,\n getDerivedStateFromProps: true,\n mixins: true,\n propTypes: true,\n type: true\n};\nvar KNOWN_STATICS = {\n name: true,\n length: true,\n prototype: true,\n caller: true,\n callee: true,\n arguments: true,\n arity: true\n};\nvar FORWARD_REF_STATICS = {\n '$$typeof': true,\n render: true,\n defaultProps: true,\n displayName: true,\n propTypes: true\n};\nvar MEMO_STATICS = {\n '$$typeof': true,\n compare: true,\n defaultProps: true,\n displayName: true,\n propTypes: true,\n type: true\n};\nvar TYPE_STATICS = {};\nTYPE_STATICS[reactIs.ForwardRef] = FORWARD_REF_STATICS;\nTYPE_STATICS[reactIs.Memo] = MEMO_STATICS;\n\nfunction getStatics(component) {\n // React v16.11 and below\n if (reactIs.isMemo(component)) {\n return MEMO_STATICS;\n } // React v16.12 and above\n\n\n return TYPE_STATICS[component['$$typeof']] || REACT_STATICS;\n}\n\nvar defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;\nvar getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;\nvar objectPrototype = Object.prototype;\nfunction hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent, blacklist) {\n if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') {\n // don't hoist over string (html) components\n if (objectPrototype) {\n var inheritedComponent = getPrototypeOf(sourceComponent);\n\n if (inheritedComponent && inheritedComponent !== objectPrototype) {\n hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, inheritedComponent, blacklist);\n }\n }\n\n var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent);\n\n if (getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n keys = keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(sourceComponent));\n }\n\n var targetStatics = getStatics(targetComponent);\n var sourceStatics = getStatics(sourceComponent);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n var key = keys[i];\n\n if (!KNOWN_STATICS[key] && !(blacklist && blacklist[key]) && !(sourceStatics && sourceStatics[key]) && !(targetStatics && targetStatics[key])) {\n var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceComponent, key);\n\n try {\n // Avoid failures from read-only properties\n defineProperty(targetComponent, key, descriptor);\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return targetComponent;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = hoistNonReactStatics;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments\n * to provide information about what broke and what you were\n * expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant\n * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nvar invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');\n }\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error(\n 'Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' +\n 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.'\n );\n } else {\n var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(\n format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; })\n );\n error.name = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame\n throw error;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;\n","'use strict';\n\n\nvar loader = require('./lib/loader');\nvar dumper = require('./lib/dumper');\n\n\nfunction renamed(from, to) {\n return function () {\n throw new Error('Function yaml.' + from + ' is removed in js-yaml 4. ' +\n 'Use yaml.' + to + ' instead, which is now safe by default.');\n };\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports.Type = require('./lib/type');\nmodule.exports.Schema = require('./lib/schema');\nmodule.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = require('./lib/schema/failsafe');\nmodule.exports.JSON_SCHEMA = require('./lib/schema/json');\nmodule.exports.CORE_SCHEMA = require('./lib/schema/core');\nmodule.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = require('./lib/schema/default');\nmodule.exports.load = loader.load;\nmodule.exports.loadAll = loader.loadAll;\nmodule.exports.dump = dumper.dump;\nmodule.exports.YAMLException = require('./lib/exception');\n\n// Re-export all types in case user wants to create custom schema\nmodule.exports.types = {\n binary: require('./lib/type/binary'),\n float: require('./lib/type/float'),\n map: require('./lib/type/map'),\n null: require('./lib/type/null'),\n pairs: require('./lib/type/pairs'),\n set: require('./lib/type/set'),\n timestamp: require('./lib/type/timestamp'),\n bool: require('./lib/type/bool'),\n int: require('./lib/type/int'),\n merge: require('./lib/type/merge'),\n omap: require('./lib/type/omap'),\n seq: require('./lib/type/seq'),\n str: require('./lib/type/str')\n};\n\n// Removed functions from JS-YAML 3.0.x\nmodule.exports.safeLoad = renamed('safeLoad', 'load');\nmodule.exports.safeLoadAll = renamed('safeLoadAll', 'loadAll');\nmodule.exports.safeDump = renamed('safeDump', 'dump');\n","'use strict';\n\n\nfunction isNothing(subject) {\n return (typeof subject === 'undefined') || (subject === null);\n}\n\n\nfunction isObject(subject) {\n return (typeof subject === 'object') && (subject !== null);\n}\n\n\nfunction toArray(sequence) {\n if (Array.isArray(sequence)) return sequence;\n else if (isNothing(sequence)) return [];\n\n return [ sequence ];\n}\n\n\nfunction extend(target, source) {\n var index, length, key, sourceKeys;\n\n if (source) {\n sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);\n\n for (index = 0, length = sourceKeys.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n key = sourceKeys[index];\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\n\nfunction repeat(string, count) {\n var result = '', cycle;\n\n for (cycle = 0; cycle < count; cycle += 1) {\n result += string;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n\nfunction isNegativeZero(number) {\n return (number === 0) && (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / number);\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports.isNothing = isNothing;\nmodule.exports.isObject = isObject;\nmodule.exports.toArray = toArray;\nmodule.exports.repeat = repeat;\nmodule.exports.isNegativeZero = isNegativeZero;\nmodule.exports.extend = extend;\n","'use strict';\n\n/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/\n\nvar common = require('./common');\nvar YAMLException = require('./exception');\nvar DEFAULT_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default');\n\nvar _toString = Object.prototype.toString;\nvar _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar CHAR_BOM = 0xFEFF;\nvar CHAR_TAB = 0x09; /* Tab */\nvar CHAR_LINE_FEED = 0x0A; /* LF */\nvar CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; /* CR */\nvar CHAR_SPACE = 0x20; /* Space */\nvar CHAR_EXCLAMATION = 0x21; /* ! */\nvar CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22; /* \" */\nvar CHAR_SHARP = 0x23; /* # */\nvar CHAR_PERCENT = 0x25; /* % */\nvar CHAR_AMPERSAND = 0x26; /* & */\nvar CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27; /* ' */\nvar CHAR_ASTERISK = 0x2A; /* * */\nvar CHAR_COMMA = 0x2C; /* , */\nvar CHAR_MINUS = 0x2D; /* - */\nvar CHAR_COLON = 0x3A; /* : */\nvar CHAR_EQUALS = 0x3D; /* = */\nvar CHAR_GREATER_THAN = 0x3E; /* > */\nvar CHAR_QUESTION = 0x3F; /* ? */\nvar CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT = 0x40; /* @ */\nvar CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5B; /* [ */\nvar CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5D; /* ] */\nvar CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60; /* ` */\nvar CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7B; /* { */\nvar CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x7C; /* | */\nvar CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7D; /* } */\n\nvar ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = {};\n\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x00] = '\\\\0';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x07] = '\\\\a';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x08] = '\\\\b';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x09] = '\\\\t';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0A] = '\\\\n';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0B] = '\\\\v';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0C] = '\\\\f';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0D] = '\\\\r';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x1B] = '\\\\e';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x22] = '\\\\\"';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x5C] = '\\\\\\\\';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x85] = '\\\\N';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0xA0] = '\\\\_';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2028] = '\\\\L';\nESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2029] = '\\\\P';\n\nvar DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX = [\n 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON',\n 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'\n];\n\nvar DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?$/;\n\nfunction compileStyleMap(schema, map) {\n var result, keys, index, length, tag, style, type;\n\n if (map === null) return {};\n\n result = {};\n keys = Object.keys(map);\n\n for (index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n tag = keys[index];\n style = String(map[tag]);\n\n if (tag.slice(0, 2) === '!!') {\n tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tag.slice(2);\n }\n type = schema.compiledTypeMap['fallback'][tag];\n\n if (type && _hasOwnProperty.call(type.styleAliases, style)) {\n style = type.styleAliases[style];\n }\n\n result[tag] = style;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction encodeHex(character) {\n var string, handle, length;\n\n string = character.toString(16).toUpperCase();\n\n if (character <= 0xFF) {\n handle = 'x';\n length = 2;\n } else if (character <= 0xFFFF) {\n handle = 'u';\n length = 4;\n } else if (character <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n handle = 'U';\n length = 8;\n } else {\n throw new YAMLException('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');\n }\n\n return '\\\\' + handle + common.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;\n}\n\n\nvar QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE = 1,\n QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE = 2;\n\nfunction State(options) {\n this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA;\n this.indent = Math.max(1, (options['indent'] || 2));\n this.noArrayIndent = options['noArrayIndent'] || false;\n this.skipInvalid = options['skipInvalid'] || false;\n this.flowLevel = (common.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);\n this.styleMap = compileStyleMap(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);\n this.sortKeys = options['sortKeys'] || false;\n this.lineWidth = options['lineWidth'] || 80;\n this.noRefs = options['noRefs'] || false;\n this.noCompatMode = options['noCompatMode'] || false;\n this.condenseFlow = options['condenseFlow'] || false;\n this.quotingType = options['quotingType'] === '\"' ? QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE : QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE;\n this.forceQuotes = options['forceQuotes'] || false;\n this.replacer = typeof options['replacer'] === 'function' ? options['replacer'] : null;\n\n this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;\n this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit;\n\n this.tag = null;\n this.result = '';\n\n this.duplicates = [];\n this.usedDuplicates = null;\n}\n\n// Indents every line in a string. Empty lines (\\n only) are not indented.\nfunction indentString(string, spaces) {\n var ind = common.repeat(' ', spaces),\n position = 0,\n next = -1,\n result = '',\n line,\n length = string.length;\n\n while (position < length) {\n next = string.indexOf('\\n', position);\n if (next === -1) {\n line = string.slice(position);\n position = length;\n } else {\n line = string.slice(position, next + 1);\n position = next + 1;\n }\n\n if (line.length && line !== '\\n') result += ind;\n\n result += line;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction generateNextLine(state, level) {\n return '\\n' + common.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);\n}\n\nfunction testImplicitResolving(state, str) {\n var index, length, type;\n\n for (index = 0, length = state.implicitTypes.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n type = state.implicitTypes[index];\n\n if (type.resolve(str)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\n// [33] s-white ::= s-space | s-tab\nfunction isWhitespace(c) {\n return c === CHAR_SPACE || c === CHAR_TAB;\n}\n\n// Returns true if the character can be printed without escaping.\n// From YAML 1.2: \"any allowed characters known to be non-printable\n// should also be escaped. [However,] This isn’t mandatory\"\n// Derived from nb-char - \\t - #x85 - #xA0 - #x2028 - #x2029.\nfunction isPrintable(c) {\n return (0x00020 <= c && c <= 0x00007E)\n || ((0x000A1 <= c && c <= 0x00D7FF) && c !== 0x2028 && c !== 0x2029)\n || ((0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD) && c !== CHAR_BOM)\n || (0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF);\n}\n\n// [34] ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white\n// [27] nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark\n// [26] b-char ::= b-line-feed | b-carriage-return\n// Including s-white (for some reason, examples doesn't match specs in this aspect)\n// ns-char ::= c-printable - b-line-feed - b-carriage-return - c-byte-order-mark\nfunction isNsCharOrWhitespace(c) {\n return isPrintable(c)\n && c !== CHAR_BOM\n // - b-char\n && c !== CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN\n && c !== CHAR_LINE_FEED;\n}\n\n// [127] ns-plain-safe(c) ::= c = flow-out ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out\n// c = flow-in ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in\n// c = block-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out\n// c = flow-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in\n// [128] ns-plain-safe-out ::= ns-char\n// [129] ns-plain-safe-in ::= ns-char - c-flow-indicator\n// [130] ns-plain-char(c) ::= ( ns-plain-safe(c) - “:” - “#” )\n// | ( /* An ns-char preceding */ “#” )\n// | ( “:” /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c) */ )\nfunction isPlainSafe(c, prev, inblock) {\n var cIsNsCharOrWhitespace = isNsCharOrWhitespace(c);\n var cIsNsChar = cIsNsCharOrWhitespace && !isWhitespace(c);\n return (\n // ns-plain-safe\n inblock ? // c = flow-in\n cIsNsCharOrWhitespace\n : cIsNsCharOrWhitespace\n // - c-flow-indicator\n && c !== CHAR_COMMA\n && c !== CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET\n )\n // ns-plain-char\n && c !== CHAR_SHARP // false on '#'\n && !(prev === CHAR_COLON && !cIsNsChar) // false on ': '\n || (isNsCharOrWhitespace(prev) && !isWhitespace(prev) && c === CHAR_SHARP) // change to true on '[^ ]#'\n || (prev === CHAR_COLON && cIsNsChar); // change to true on ':[^ ]'\n}\n\n// Simplified test for values allowed as the first character in plain style.\nfunction isPlainSafeFirst(c) {\n // Uses a subset of ns-char - c-indicator\n // where ns-char = nb-char - s-white.\n // No support of ( ( “?” | “:” | “-” ) /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c)) */ ) part\n return isPrintable(c) && c !== CHAR_BOM\n && !isWhitespace(c) // - s-white\n // - (c-indicator ::=\n // “-” | “?” | “:” | “,” | “[” | “]” | “{” | “}”\n && c !== CHAR_MINUS\n && c !== CHAR_QUESTION\n && c !== CHAR_COLON\n && c !== CHAR_COMMA\n && c !== CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET\n && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET\n // | “#” | “&” | “*” | “!” | “|” | “=” | “>” | “'” | “\"”\n && c !== CHAR_SHARP\n && c !== CHAR_AMPERSAND\n && c !== CHAR_ASTERISK\n && c !== CHAR_EXCLAMATION\n && c !== CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE\n && c !== CHAR_EQUALS\n && c !== CHAR_GREATER_THAN\n && c !== CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE\n && c !== CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE\n // | “%” | “@” | “`”)\n && c !== CHAR_PERCENT\n && c !== CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT\n && c !== CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT;\n}\n\n// Simplified test for values allowed as the last character in plain style.\nfunction isPlainSafeLast(c) {\n // just not whitespace or colon, it will be checked to be plain character later\n return !isWhitespace(c) && c !== CHAR_COLON;\n}\n\n// Same as 'string'.codePointAt(pos), but works in older browsers.\nfunction codePointAt(string, pos) {\n var first = string.charCodeAt(pos), second;\n if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && pos + 1 < string.length) {\n second = string.charCodeAt(pos + 1);\n if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {\n // https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae\n return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;\n }\n }\n return first;\n}\n\n// Determines whether block indentation indicator is required.\nfunction needIndentIndicator(string) {\n var leadingSpaceRe = /^\\n* /;\n return leadingSpaceRe.test(string);\n}\n\nvar STYLE_PLAIN = 1,\n STYLE_SINGLE = 2,\n STYLE_LITERAL = 3,\n STYLE_FOLDED = 4,\n STYLE_DOUBLE = 5;\n\n// Determines which scalar styles are possible and returns the preferred style.\n// lineWidth = -1 => no limit.\n// Pre-conditions: str.length > 0.\n// Post-conditions:\n// STYLE_PLAIN or STYLE_SINGLE => no \\n are in the string.\n// STYLE_LITERAL => no lines are suitable for folding (or lineWidth is -1).\n// STYLE_FOLDED => a line > lineWidth and can be folded (and lineWidth != -1).\nfunction chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,\n testAmbiguousType, quotingType, forceQuotes, inblock) {\n\n var i;\n var char = 0;\n var prevChar = null;\n var hasLineBreak = false;\n var hasFoldableLine = false; // only checked if shouldTrackWidth\n var shouldTrackWidth = lineWidth !== -1;\n var previousLineBreak = -1; // count the first line correctly\n var plain = isPlainSafeFirst(codePointAt(string, 0))\n && isPlainSafeLast(codePointAt(string, string.length - 1));\n\n if (singleLineOnly || forceQuotes) {\n // Case: no block styles.\n // Check for disallowed characters to rule out plain and single.\n for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {\n char = codePointAt(string, i);\n if (!isPrintable(char)) {\n return STYLE_DOUBLE;\n }\n plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);\n prevChar = char;\n }\n } else {\n // Case: block styles permitted.\n for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {\n char = codePointAt(string, i);\n if (char === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {\n hasLineBreak = true;\n // Check if any line can be folded.\n if (shouldTrackWidth) {\n hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine ||\n // Foldable line = too long, and not more-indented.\n (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&\n string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' ');\n previousLineBreak = i;\n }\n } else if (!isPrintable(char)) {\n return STYLE_DOUBLE;\n }\n plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);\n prevChar = char;\n }\n // in case the end is missing a \\n\n hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine || (shouldTrackWidth &&\n (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&\n string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' '));\n }\n // Although every style can represent \\n without escaping, prefer block styles\n // for multiline, since they're more readable and they don't add empty lines.\n // Also prefer folding a super-long line.\n if (!hasLineBreak && !hasFoldableLine) {\n // Strings interpretable as another type have to be quoted;\n // e.g. the string 'true' vs. the boolean true.\n if (plain && !forceQuotes && !testAmbiguousType(string)) {\n return STYLE_PLAIN;\n }\n return quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? STYLE_DOUBLE : STYLE_SINGLE;\n }\n // Edge case: block indentation indicator can only have one digit.\n if (indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator(string)) {\n return STYLE_DOUBLE;\n }\n // At this point we know block styles are valid.\n // Prefer literal style unless we want to fold.\n if (!forceQuotes) {\n return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE_FOLDED : STYLE_LITERAL;\n }\n return quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? STYLE_DOUBLE : STYLE_SINGLE;\n}\n\n// Note: line breaking/folding is implemented for only the folded style.\n// NB. We drop the last trailing newline (if any) of a returned block scalar\n// since the dumper adds its own newline. This always works:\n// • No ending newline => unaffected; already using strip \"-\" chomping.\n// • Ending newline => removed then restored.\n// Importantly, this keeps the \"+\" chomp indicator from gaining an extra line.\nfunction writeScalar(state, string, level, iskey, inblock) {\n state.dump = (function () {\n if (string.length === 0) {\n return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? '\"\"' : \"''\";\n }\n if (!state.noCompatMode) {\n if (DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(string) !== -1 || DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX.test(string)) {\n return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? ('\"' + string + '\"') : (\"'\" + string + \"'\");\n }\n }\n\n var indent = state.indent * Math.max(1, level); // no 0-indent scalars\n // As indentation gets deeper, let the width decrease monotonically\n // to the lower bound min(state.lineWidth, 40).\n // Note that this implies\n // state.lineWidth ≤ 40 + state.indent: width is fixed at the lower bound.\n // state.lineWidth > 40 + state.indent: width decreases until the lower bound.\n // This behaves better than a constant minimum width which disallows narrower options,\n // or an indent threshold which causes the width to suddenly increase.\n var lineWidth = state.lineWidth === -1\n ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(state.lineWidth, 40), state.lineWidth - indent);\n\n // Without knowing if keys are implicit/explicit, assume implicit for safety.\n var singleLineOnly = iskey\n // No block styles in flow mode.\n || (state.flowLevel > -1 && level >= state.flowLevel);\n function testAmbiguity(string) {\n return testImplicitResolving(state, string);\n }\n\n switch (chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, state.indent, lineWidth,\n testAmbiguity, state.quotingType, state.forceQuotes && !iskey, inblock)) {\n\n case STYLE_PLAIN:\n return string;\n case STYLE_SINGLE:\n return \"'\" + string.replace(/'/g, \"''\") + \"'\";\n case STYLE_LITERAL:\n return '|' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)\n + dropEndingNewline(indentString(string, indent));\n case STYLE_FOLDED:\n return '>' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)\n + dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(string, lineWidth), indent));\n case STYLE_DOUBLE:\n return '\"' + escapeString(string, lineWidth) + '\"';\n default:\n throw new YAMLException('impossible error: invalid scalar style');\n }\n }());\n}\n\n// Pre-conditions: string is valid for a block scalar, 1 <= indentPerLevel <= 9.\nfunction blockHeader(string, indentPerLevel) {\n var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator(string) ? String(indentPerLevel) : '';\n\n // note the special case: the string '\\n' counts as a \"trailing\" empty line.\n var clip = string[string.length - 1] === '\\n';\n var keep = clip && (string[string.length - 2] === '\\n' || string === '\\n');\n var chomp = keep ? '+' : (clip ? '' : '-');\n\n return indentIndicator + chomp + '\\n';\n}\n\n// (See the note for writeScalar.)\nfunction dropEndingNewline(string) {\n return string[string.length - 1] === '\\n' ? string.slice(0, -1) : string;\n}\n\n// Note: a long line without a suitable break point will exceed the width limit.\n// Pre-conditions: every char in str isPrintable, str.length > 0, width > 0.\nfunction foldString(string, width) {\n // In folded style, $k$ consecutive newlines output as $k+1$ newlines—\n // unless they're before or after a more-indented line, or at the very\n // beginning or end, in which case $k$ maps to $k$.\n // Therefore, parse each chunk as newline(s) followed by a content line.\n var lineRe = /(\\n+)([^\\n]*)/g;\n\n // first line (possibly an empty line)\n var result = (function () {\n var nextLF = string.indexOf('\\n');\n nextLF = nextLF !== -1 ? nextLF : string.length;\n lineRe.lastIndex = nextLF;\n return foldLine(string.slice(0, nextLF), width);\n }());\n // If we haven't reached the first content line yet, don't add an extra \\n.\n var prevMoreIndented = string[0] === '\\n' || string[0] === ' ';\n var moreIndented;\n\n // rest of the lines\n var match;\n while ((match = lineRe.exec(string))) {\n var prefix = match[1], line = match[2];\n moreIndented = (line[0] === ' ');\n result += prefix\n + (!prevMoreIndented && !moreIndented && line !== ''\n ? '\\n' : '')\n + foldLine(line, width);\n prevMoreIndented = moreIndented;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n// Greedy line breaking.\n// Picks the longest line under the limit each time,\n// otherwise settles for the shortest line over the limit.\n// NB. More-indented lines *cannot* be folded, as that would add an extra \\n.\nfunction foldLine(line, width) {\n if (line === '' || line[0] === ' ') return line;\n\n // Since a more-indented line adds a \\n, breaks can't be followed by a space.\n var breakRe = / [^ ]/g; // note: the match index will always be <= length-2.\n var match;\n // start is an inclusive index. end, curr, and next are exclusive.\n var start = 0, end, curr = 0, next = 0;\n var result = '';\n\n // Invariants: 0 <= start <= length-1.\n // 0 <= curr <= next <= max(0, length-2). curr - start <= width.\n // Inside the loop:\n // A match implies length >= 2, so curr and next are <= length-2.\n while ((match = breakRe.exec(line))) {\n next = match.index;\n // maintain invariant: curr - start <= width\n if (next - start > width) {\n end = (curr > start) ? curr : next; // derive end <= length-2\n result += '\\n' + line.slice(start, end);\n // skip the space that was output as \\n\n start = end + 1; // derive start <= length-1\n }\n curr = next;\n }\n\n // By the invariants, start <= length-1, so there is something left over.\n // It is either the whole string or a part starting from non-whitespace.\n result += '\\n';\n // Insert a break if the remainder is too long and there is a break available.\n if (line.length - start > width && curr > start) {\n result += line.slice(start, curr) + '\\n' + line.slice(curr + 1);\n } else {\n result += line.slice(start);\n }\n\n return result.slice(1); // drop extra \\n joiner\n}\n\n// Escapes a double-quoted string.\nfunction escapeString(string) {\n var result = '';\n var char = 0;\n var escapeSeq;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {\n char = codePointAt(string, i);\n escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[char];\n\n if (!escapeSeq && isPrintable(char)) {\n result += string[i];\n if (char >= 0x10000) result += string[i + 1];\n } else {\n result += escapeSeq || encodeHex(char);\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction writeFlowSequence(state, level, object) {\n var _result = '',\n _tag = state.tag,\n index,\n length,\n value;\n\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n value = object[index];\n\n if (state.replacer) {\n value = state.replacer.call(object, String(index), value);\n }\n\n // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.\n if (writeNode(state, level, value, false, false) ||\n (typeof value === 'undefined' &&\n writeNode(state, level, null, false, false))) {\n\n if (_result !== '') _result += ',' + (!state.condenseFlow ? ' ' : '');\n _result += state.dump;\n }\n }\n\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.dump = '[' + _result + ']';\n}\n\nfunction writeBlockSequence(state, level, object, compact) {\n var _result = '',\n _tag = state.tag,\n index,\n length,\n value;\n\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n value = object[index];\n\n if (state.replacer) {\n value = state.replacer.call(object, String(index), value);\n }\n\n // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.\n if (writeNode(state, level + 1, value, true, true, false, true) ||\n (typeof value === 'undefined' &&\n writeNode(state, level + 1, null, true, true, false, true))) {\n\n if (!compact || _result !== '') {\n _result += generateNextLine(state, level);\n }\n\n if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {\n _result += '-';\n } else {\n _result += '- ';\n }\n\n _result += state.dump;\n }\n }\n\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.dump = _result || '[]'; // Empty sequence if no valid values.\n}\n\nfunction writeFlowMapping(state, level, object) {\n var _result = '',\n _tag = state.tag,\n objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),\n index,\n length,\n objectKey,\n objectValue,\n pairBuffer;\n\n for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n\n pairBuffer = '';\n if (_result !== '') pairBuffer += ', ';\n\n if (state.condenseFlow) pairBuffer += '\"';\n\n objectKey = objectKeyList[index];\n objectValue = object[objectKey];\n\n if (state.replacer) {\n objectValue = state.replacer.call(object, objectKey, objectValue);\n }\n\n if (!writeNode(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {\n continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;\n }\n\n if (state.dump.length > 1024) pairBuffer += '? ';\n\n pairBuffer += state.dump + (state.condenseFlow ? '\"' : '') + ':' + (state.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ');\n\n if (!writeNode(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {\n continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.\n }\n\n pairBuffer += state.dump;\n\n // Both key and value are valid.\n _result += pairBuffer;\n }\n\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.dump = '{' + _result + '}';\n}\n\nfunction writeBlockMapping(state, level, object, compact) {\n var _result = '',\n _tag = state.tag,\n objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),\n index,\n length,\n objectKey,\n objectValue,\n explicitPair,\n pairBuffer;\n\n // Allow sorting keys so that the output file is deterministic\n if (state.sortKeys === true) {\n // Default sorting\n objectKeyList.sort();\n } else if (typeof state.sortKeys === 'function') {\n // Custom sort function\n objectKeyList.sort(state.sortKeys);\n } else if (state.sortKeys) {\n // Something is wrong\n throw new YAMLException('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');\n }\n\n for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n pairBuffer = '';\n\n if (!compact || _result !== '') {\n pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);\n }\n\n objectKey = objectKeyList[index];\n objectValue = object[objectKey];\n\n if (state.replacer) {\n objectValue = state.replacer.call(object, objectKey, objectValue);\n }\n\n if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true, true)) {\n continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.\n }\n\n explicitPair = (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') ||\n (state.dump && state.dump.length > 1024);\n\n if (explicitPair) {\n if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {\n pairBuffer += '?';\n } else {\n pairBuffer += '? ';\n }\n }\n\n pairBuffer += state.dump;\n\n if (explicitPair) {\n pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);\n }\n\n if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {\n continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.\n }\n\n if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {\n pairBuffer += ':';\n } else {\n pairBuffer += ': ';\n }\n\n pairBuffer += state.dump;\n\n // Both key and value are valid.\n _result += pairBuffer;\n }\n\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.dump = _result || '{}'; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.\n}\n\nfunction detectType(state, object, explicit) {\n var _result, typeList, index, length, type, style;\n\n typeList = explicit ? state.explicitTypes : state.implicitTypes;\n\n for (index = 0, length = typeList.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n type = typeList[index];\n\n if ((type.instanceOf || type.predicate) &&\n (!type.instanceOf || ((typeof object === 'object') && (object instanceof type.instanceOf))) &&\n (!type.predicate || type.predicate(object))) {\n\n if (explicit) {\n if (type.multi && type.representName) {\n state.tag = type.representName(object);\n } else {\n state.tag = type.tag;\n }\n } else {\n state.tag = '?';\n }\n\n if (type.represent) {\n style = state.styleMap[type.tag] || type.defaultStyle;\n\n if (_toString.call(type.represent) === '[object Function]') {\n _result = type.represent(object, style);\n } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(type.represent, style)) {\n _result = type.represent[style](object, style);\n } else {\n throw new YAMLException('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not \"' + style + '\" style');\n }\n\n state.dump = _result;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\n// Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.\n// Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.\n//\nfunction writeNode(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey, isblockseq) {\n state.tag = null;\n state.dump = object;\n\n if (!detectType(state, object, false)) {\n detectType(state, object, true);\n }\n\n var type = _toString.call(state.dump);\n var inblock = block;\n var tagStr;\n\n if (block) {\n block = (state.flowLevel < 0 || state.flowLevel > level);\n }\n\n var objectOrArray = type === '[object Object]' || type === '[object Array]',\n duplicateIndex,\n duplicate;\n\n if (objectOrArray) {\n duplicateIndex = state.duplicates.indexOf(object);\n duplicate = duplicateIndex !== -1;\n }\n\n if ((state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') || duplicate || (state.indent !== 2 && level > 0)) {\n compact = false;\n }\n\n if (duplicate && state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {\n state.dump = '*ref_' + duplicateIndex;\n } else {\n if (objectOrArray && duplicate && !state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {\n state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex] = true;\n }\n if (type === '[object Object]') {\n if (block && (Object.keys(state.dump).length !== 0)) {\n writeBlockMapping(state, level, state.dump, compact);\n if (duplicate) {\n state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;\n }\n } else {\n writeFlowMapping(state, level, state.dump);\n if (duplicate) {\n state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;\n }\n }\n } else if (type === '[object Array]') {\n if (block && (state.dump.length !== 0)) {\n if (state.noArrayIndent && !isblockseq && level > 0) {\n writeBlockSequence(state, level - 1, state.dump, compact);\n } else {\n writeBlockSequence(state, level, state.dump, compact);\n }\n if (duplicate) {\n state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;\n }\n } else {\n writeFlowSequence(state, level, state.dump);\n if (duplicate) {\n state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;\n }\n }\n } else if (type === '[object String]') {\n if (state.tag !== '?') {\n writeScalar(state, state.dump, level, iskey, inblock);\n }\n } else if (type === '[object Undefined]') {\n return false;\n } else {\n if (state.skipInvalid) return false;\n throw new YAMLException('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);\n }\n\n if (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') {\n // Need to encode all characters except those allowed by the spec:\n //\n // [35] ns-dec-digit ::= [#x30-#x39] /* 0-9 */\n // [36] ns-hex-digit ::= ns-dec-digit\n // | [#x41-#x46] /* A-F */ | [#x61-#x66] /* a-f */\n // [37] ns-ascii-letter ::= [#x41-#x5A] /* A-Z */ | [#x61-#x7A] /* a-z */\n // [38] ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”\n // [39] ns-uri-char ::= “%” ns-hex-digit ns-hex-digit | ns-word-char | “#”\n // | “;” | “/” | “?” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” | “+” | “$” | “,”\n // | “_” | “.” | “!” | “~” | “*” | “'” | “(” | “)” | “[” | “]”\n //\n // Also need to encode '!' because it has special meaning (end of tag prefix).\n //\n tagStr = encodeURI(\n state.tag[0] === '!' ? state.tag.slice(1) : state.tag\n ).replace(/!/g, '%21');\n\n if (state.tag[0] === '!') {\n tagStr = '!' + tagStr;\n } else if (tagStr.slice(0, 18) === 'tag:yaml.org,2002:') {\n tagStr = '!!' + tagStr.slice(18);\n } else {\n tagStr = '!<' + tagStr + '>';\n }\n\n state.dump = tagStr + ' ' + state.dump;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction getDuplicateReferences(object, state) {\n var objects = [],\n duplicatesIndexes = [],\n index,\n length;\n\n inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);\n\n for (index = 0, length = duplicatesIndexes.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n state.duplicates.push(objects[duplicatesIndexes[index]]);\n }\n state.usedDuplicates = new Array(length);\n}\n\nfunction inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {\n var objectKeyList,\n index,\n length;\n\n if (object !== null && typeof object === 'object') {\n index = objects.indexOf(object);\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (duplicatesIndexes.indexOf(index) === -1) {\n duplicatesIndexes.push(index);\n }\n } else {\n objects.push(object);\n\n if (Array.isArray(object)) {\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n inspectNode(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);\n }\n } else {\n objectKeyList = Object.keys(object);\n\n for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n inspectNode(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction dump(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n var state = new State(options);\n\n if (!state.noRefs) getDuplicateReferences(input, state);\n\n var value = input;\n\n if (state.replacer) {\n value = state.replacer.call({ '': value }, '', value);\n }\n\n if (writeNode(state, 0, value, true, true)) return state.dump + '\\n';\n\n return '';\n}\n\nmodule.exports.dump = dump;\n","// YAML error class. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8458984\n//\n'use strict';\n\n\nfunction formatError(exception, compact) {\n var where = '', message = exception.reason || '(unknown reason)';\n\n if (!exception.mark) return message;\n\n if (exception.mark.name) {\n where += 'in \"' + exception.mark.name + '\" ';\n }\n\n where += '(' + (exception.mark.line + 1) + ':' + (exception.mark.column + 1) + ')';\n\n if (!compact && exception.mark.snippet) {\n where += '\\n\\n' + exception.mark.snippet;\n }\n\n return message + ' ' + where;\n}\n\n\nfunction YAMLException(reason, mark) {\n // Super constructor\n Error.call(this);\n\n this.name = 'YAMLException';\n this.reason = reason;\n this.mark = mark;\n this.message = formatError(this, false);\n\n // Include stack trace in error object\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n // Chrome and NodeJS\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);\n } else {\n // FF, IE 10+ and Safari 6+. Fallback for others\n this.stack = (new Error()).stack || '';\n }\n}\n\n\n// Inherit from Error\nYAMLException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\nYAMLException.prototype.constructor = YAMLException;\n\n\nYAMLException.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {\n return this.name + ': ' + formatError(this, compact);\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = YAMLException;\n","'use strict';\n\n/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/\n\nvar common = require('./common');\nvar YAMLException = require('./exception');\nvar makeSnippet = require('./snippet');\nvar DEFAULT_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default');\n\n\nvar _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\n\nvar CONTEXT_FLOW_IN = 1;\nvar CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT = 2;\nvar CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN = 3;\nvar CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT = 4;\n\n\nvar CHOMPING_CLIP = 1;\nvar CHOMPING_STRIP = 2;\nvar CHOMPING_KEEP = 3;\n\n\nvar PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\\x00-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F\\x7F-\\x84\\x86-\\x9F\\uFFFE\\uFFFF]|[\\uD800-\\uDBFF](?![\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])|(?:[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|^)[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/;\nvar PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS = /[\\x85\\u2028\\u2029]/;\nvar PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS = /[,\\[\\]\\{\\}]/;\nvar PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\\-]+!)$/i;\nvar PATTERN_TAG_URI = /^(?:!|[^,\\[\\]\\{\\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\\-#;\\/\\?:@&=\\+\\$,_\\.!~\\*'\\(\\)\\[\\]])*$/i;\n\n\nfunction _class(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); }\n\nfunction is_EOL(c) {\n return (c === 0x0A/* LF */) || (c === 0x0D/* CR */);\n}\n\nfunction is_WHITE_SPACE(c) {\n return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) || (c === 0x20/* Space */);\n}\n\nfunction is_WS_OR_EOL(c) {\n return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ||\n (c === 0x20/* Space */) ||\n (c === 0x0A/* LF */) ||\n (c === 0x0D/* CR */);\n}\n\nfunction is_FLOW_INDICATOR(c) {\n return c === 0x2C/* , */ ||\n c === 0x5B/* [ */ ||\n c === 0x5D/* ] */ ||\n c === 0x7B/* { */ ||\n c === 0x7D/* } */;\n}\n\nfunction fromHexCode(c) {\n var lc;\n\n if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {\n return c - 0x30;\n }\n\n /*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/\n lc = c | 0x20;\n\n if ((0x61/* a */ <= lc) && (lc <= 0x66/* f */)) {\n return lc - 0x61 + 10;\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction escapedHexLen(c) {\n if (c === 0x78/* x */) { return 2; }\n if (c === 0x75/* u */) { return 4; }\n if (c === 0x55/* U */) { return 8; }\n return 0;\n}\n\nfunction fromDecimalCode(c) {\n if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {\n return c - 0x30;\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction simpleEscapeSequence(c) {\n /* eslint-disable indent */\n return (c === 0x30/* 0 */) ? '\\x00' :\n (c === 0x61/* a */) ? '\\x07' :\n (c === 0x62/* b */) ? '\\x08' :\n (c === 0x74/* t */) ? '\\x09' :\n (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ? '\\x09' :\n (c === 0x6E/* n */) ? '\\x0A' :\n (c === 0x76/* v */) ? '\\x0B' :\n (c === 0x66/* f */) ? '\\x0C' :\n (c === 0x72/* r */) ? '\\x0D' :\n (c === 0x65/* e */) ? '\\x1B' :\n (c === 0x20/* Space */) ? ' ' :\n (c === 0x22/* \" */) ? '\\x22' :\n (c === 0x2F/* / */) ? '/' :\n (c === 0x5C/* \\ */) ? '\\x5C' :\n (c === 0x4E/* N */) ? '\\x85' :\n (c === 0x5F/* _ */) ? '\\xA0' :\n (c === 0x4C/* L */) ? '\\u2028' :\n (c === 0x50/* P */) ? '\\u2029' : '';\n}\n\nfunction charFromCodepoint(c) {\n if (c <= 0xFFFF) {\n return String.fromCharCode(c);\n }\n // Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair\n // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#Code_points_U.2B010000_to_U.2B10FFFF\n return String.fromCharCode(\n ((c - 0x010000) >> 10) + 0xD800,\n ((c - 0x010000) & 0x03FF) + 0xDC00\n );\n}\n\nvar simpleEscapeCheck = new Array(256); // integer, for fast access\nvar simpleEscapeMap = new Array(256);\nfor (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n simpleEscapeCheck[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i) ? 1 : 0;\n simpleEscapeMap[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i);\n}\n\n\nfunction State(input, options) {\n this.input = input;\n\n this.filename = options['filename'] || null;\n this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA;\n this.onWarning = options['onWarning'] || null;\n // (Hidden) Remove? makes the loader to expect YAML 1.1 documents\n // if such documents have no explicit %YAML directive\n this.legacy = options['legacy'] || false;\n\n this.json = options['json'] || false;\n this.listener = options['listener'] || null;\n\n this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;\n this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap;\n\n this.length = input.length;\n this.position = 0;\n this.line = 0;\n this.lineStart = 0;\n this.lineIndent = 0;\n\n // position of first leading tab in the current line,\n // used to make sure there are no tabs in the indentation\n this.firstTabInLine = -1;\n\n this.documents = [];\n\n /*\n this.version;\n this.checkLineBreaks;\n this.tagMap;\n this.anchorMap;\n this.tag;\n this.anchor;\n this.kind;\n this.result;*/\n\n}\n\n\nfunction generateError(state, message) {\n var mark = {\n name: state.filename,\n buffer: state.input.slice(0, -1), // omit trailing \\0\n position: state.position,\n line: state.line,\n column: state.position - state.lineStart\n };\n\n mark.snippet = makeSnippet(mark);\n\n return new YAMLException(message, mark);\n}\n\nfunction throwError(state, message) {\n throw generateError(state, message);\n}\n\nfunction throwWarning(state, message) {\n if (state.onWarning) {\n state.onWarning.call(null, generateError(state, message));\n }\n}\n\n\nvar directiveHandlers = {\n\n YAML: function handleYamlDirective(state, name, args) {\n\n var match, major, minor;\n\n if (state.version !== null) {\n throwError(state, 'duplication of %YAML directive');\n }\n\n if (args.length !== 1) {\n throwError(state, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument');\n }\n\n match = /^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(args[0]);\n\n if (match === null) {\n throwError(state, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive');\n }\n\n major = parseInt(match[1], 10);\n minor = parseInt(match[2], 10);\n\n if (major !== 1) {\n throwError(state, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document');\n }\n\n state.version = args[0];\n state.checkLineBreaks = (minor < 2);\n\n if (minor !== 1 && minor !== 2) {\n throwWarning(state, 'unsupported YAML version of the document');\n }\n },\n\n TAG: function handleTagDirective(state, name, args) {\n\n var handle, prefix;\n\n if (args.length !== 2) {\n throwError(state, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments');\n }\n\n handle = args[0];\n prefix = args[1];\n\n if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(handle)) {\n throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive');\n }\n\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.tagMap, handle)) {\n throwError(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for \"' + handle + '\" tag handle');\n }\n\n if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(prefix)) {\n throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive');\n }\n\n try {\n prefix = decodeURIComponent(prefix);\n } catch (err) {\n throwError(state, 'tag prefix is malformed: ' + prefix);\n }\n\n state.tagMap[handle] = prefix;\n }\n};\n\n\nfunction captureSegment(state, start, end, checkJson) {\n var _position, _length, _character, _result;\n\n if (start < end) {\n _result = state.input.slice(start, end);\n\n if (checkJson) {\n for (_position = 0, _length = _result.length; _position < _length; _position += 1) {\n _character = _result.charCodeAt(_position);\n if (!(_character === 0x09 ||\n (0x20 <= _character && _character <= 0x10FFFF))) {\n throwError(state, 'expected valid JSON character');\n }\n }\n } else if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(_result)) {\n throwError(state, 'the stream contains non-printable characters');\n }\n\n state.result += _result;\n }\n}\n\nfunction mergeMappings(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) {\n var sourceKeys, key, index, quantity;\n\n if (!common.isObject(source)) {\n throwError(state, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable');\n }\n\n sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);\n\n for (index = 0, quantity = sourceKeys.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {\n key = sourceKeys[index];\n\n if (!_hasOwnProperty.call(destination, key)) {\n destination[key] = source[key];\n overridableKeys[key] = true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode,\n startLine, startLineStart, startPos) {\n\n var index, quantity;\n\n // The output is a plain object here, so keys can only be strings.\n // We need to convert keyNode to a string, but doing so can hang the process\n // (deeply nested arrays that explode exponentially using aliases).\n if (Array.isArray(keyNode)) {\n keyNode = Array.prototype.slice.call(keyNode);\n\n for (index = 0, quantity = keyNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {\n if (Array.isArray(keyNode[index])) {\n throwError(state, 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys');\n }\n\n if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode[index]) === '[object Object]') {\n keyNode[index] = '[object Object]';\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Avoid code execution in load() via toString property\n // (still use its own toString for arrays, timestamps,\n // and whatever user schema extensions happen to have @@toStringTag)\n if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode) === '[object Object]') {\n keyNode = '[object Object]';\n }\n\n\n keyNode = String(keyNode);\n\n if (_result === null) {\n _result = {};\n }\n\n if (keyTag === 'tag:yaml.org,2002:merge') {\n if (Array.isArray(valueNode)) {\n for (index = 0, quantity = valueNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {\n mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode[index], overridableKeys);\n }\n } else {\n mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode, overridableKeys);\n }\n } else {\n if (!state.json &&\n !_hasOwnProperty.call(overridableKeys, keyNode) &&\n _hasOwnProperty.call(_result, keyNode)) {\n state.line = startLine || state.line;\n state.lineStart = startLineStart || state.lineStart;\n state.position = startPos || state.position;\n throwError(state, 'duplicated mapping key');\n }\n\n // used for this specific key only because Object.defineProperty is slow\n if (keyNode === '__proto__') {\n Object.defineProperty(_result, keyNode, {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: valueNode\n });\n } else {\n _result[keyNode] = valueNode;\n }\n delete overridableKeys[keyNode];\n }\n\n return _result;\n}\n\nfunction readLineBreak(state) {\n var ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x0A/* LF */) {\n state.position++;\n } else if (ch === 0x0D/* CR */) {\n state.position++;\n if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x0A/* LF */) {\n state.position++;\n }\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'a line break is expected');\n }\n\n state.line += 1;\n state.lineStart = state.position;\n state.firstTabInLine = -1;\n}\n\nfunction skipSeparationSpace(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {\n var lineBreaks = 0,\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n if (ch === 0x09/* Tab */ && state.firstTabInLine === -1) {\n state.firstTabInLine = state.position;\n }\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (allowComments && ch === 0x23/* # */) {\n do {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n } while (ch !== 0x0A/* LF */ && ch !== 0x0D/* CR */ && ch !== 0);\n }\n\n if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n readLineBreak(state);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n lineBreaks++;\n state.lineIndent = 0;\n\n while (ch === 0x20/* Space */) {\n state.lineIndent++;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (checkIndent !== -1 && lineBreaks !== 0 && state.lineIndent < checkIndent) {\n throwWarning(state, 'deficient indentation');\n }\n\n return lineBreaks;\n}\n\nfunction testDocumentSeparator(state) {\n var _position = state.position,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);\n\n // Condition state.position === state.lineStart is tested\n // in parent on each call, for efficiency. No needs to test here again.\n if ((ch === 0x2D/* - */ || ch === 0x2E/* . */) &&\n ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 1) &&\n ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 2)) {\n\n _position += 3;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);\n\n if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction writeFoldedLines(state, count) {\n if (count === 1) {\n state.result += ' ';\n } else if (count > 1) {\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', count - 1);\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction readPlainScalar(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {\n var preceding,\n following,\n captureStart,\n captureEnd,\n hasPendingContent,\n _line,\n _lineStart,\n _lineIndent,\n _kind = state.kind,\n _result = state.result,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) ||\n is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch) ||\n ch === 0x23/* # */ ||\n ch === 0x26/* & */ ||\n ch === 0x2A/* * */ ||\n ch === 0x21/* ! */ ||\n ch === 0x7C/* | */ ||\n ch === 0x3E/* > */ ||\n ch === 0x27/* ' */ ||\n ch === 0x22/* \" */ ||\n ch === 0x25/* % */ ||\n ch === 0x40/* @ */ ||\n ch === 0x60/* ` */) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {\n following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);\n\n if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||\n withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n state.kind = 'scalar';\n state.result = '';\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n hasPendingContent = false;\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {\n following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);\n\n if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||\n withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {\n break;\n }\n\n } else if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {\n preceding = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position - 1);\n\n if (is_WS_OR_EOL(preceding)) {\n break;\n }\n\n } else if ((state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) ||\n withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {\n break;\n\n } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n _line = state.line;\n _lineStart = state.lineStart;\n _lineIndent = state.lineIndent;\n skipSeparationSpace(state, false, -1);\n\n if (state.lineIndent >= nodeIndent) {\n hasPendingContent = true;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n continue;\n } else {\n state.position = captureEnd;\n state.line = _line;\n state.lineStart = _lineStart;\n state.lineIndent = _lineIndent;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (hasPendingContent) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);\n writeFoldedLines(state, state.line - _line);\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n hasPendingContent = false;\n }\n\n if (!is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n captureEnd = state.position + 1;\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);\n\n if (state.result) {\n return true;\n }\n\n state.kind = _kind;\n state.result = _result;\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction readSingleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {\n var ch,\n captureStart, captureEnd;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch !== 0x27/* ' */) {\n return false;\n }\n\n state.kind = 'scalar';\n state.result = '';\n state.position++;\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n\n while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {\n if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {\n captureStart = state.position;\n state.position++;\n captureEnd = state.position;\n } else {\n return true;\n }\n\n } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);\n writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n\n } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar');\n\n } else {\n state.position++;\n captureEnd = state.position;\n }\n }\n\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar');\n}\n\nfunction readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {\n var captureStart,\n captureEnd,\n hexLength,\n hexResult,\n tmp,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch !== 0x22/* \" */) {\n return false;\n }\n\n state.kind = 'scalar';\n state.result = '';\n state.position++;\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n\n while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {\n if (ch === 0x22/* \" */) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);\n state.position++;\n return true;\n\n } else if (ch === 0x5C/* \\ */) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent);\n\n // TODO: rework to inline fn with no type cast?\n } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck[ch]) {\n state.result += simpleEscapeMap[ch];\n state.position++;\n\n } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen(ch)) > 0) {\n hexLength = tmp;\n hexResult = 0;\n\n for (; hexLength > 0; hexLength--) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if ((tmp = fromHexCode(ch)) >= 0) {\n hexResult = (hexResult << 4) + tmp;\n\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'expected hexadecimal character');\n }\n }\n\n state.result += charFromCodepoint(hexResult);\n\n state.position++;\n\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'unknown escape sequence');\n }\n\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n\n } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);\n writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));\n captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;\n\n } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar');\n\n } else {\n state.position++;\n captureEnd = state.position;\n }\n }\n\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar');\n}\n\nfunction readFlowCollection(state, nodeIndent) {\n var readNext = true,\n _line,\n _lineStart,\n _pos,\n _tag = state.tag,\n _result,\n _anchor = state.anchor,\n following,\n terminator,\n isPair,\n isExplicitPair,\n isMapping,\n overridableKeys = Object.create(null),\n keyNode,\n keyTag,\n valueNode,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x5B/* [ */) {\n terminator = 0x5D;/* ] */\n isMapping = false;\n _result = [];\n } else if (ch === 0x7B/* { */) {\n terminator = 0x7D;/* } */\n isMapping = true;\n _result = {};\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch === terminator) {\n state.position++;\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.anchor = _anchor;\n state.kind = isMapping ? 'mapping' : 'sequence';\n state.result = _result;\n return true;\n } else if (!readNext) {\n throwError(state, 'missed comma between flow collection entries');\n } else if (ch === 0x2C/* , */) {\n // \"flow collection entries can never be completely empty\", as per YAML 1.2, section 7.4\n throwError(state, \"expected the node content, but found ','\");\n }\n\n keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;\n isPair = isExplicitPair = false;\n\n if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {\n following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);\n\n if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {\n isPair = isExplicitPair = true;\n state.position++;\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);\n }\n }\n\n _line = state.line; // Save the current line.\n _lineStart = state.lineStart;\n _pos = state.position;\n composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);\n keyTag = state.tag;\n keyNode = state.result;\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if ((isExplicitPair || state.line === _line) && ch === 0x3A/* : */) {\n isPair = true;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);\n composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);\n valueNode = state.result;\n }\n\n if (isMapping) {\n storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos);\n } else if (isPair) {\n _result.push(storeMappingPair(state, null, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos));\n } else {\n _result.push(keyNode);\n }\n\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x2C/* , */) {\n readNext = true;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n } else {\n readNext = false;\n }\n }\n\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection');\n}\n\nfunction readBlockScalar(state, nodeIndent) {\n var captureStart,\n folding,\n chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP,\n didReadContent = false,\n detectedIndent = false,\n textIndent = nodeIndent,\n emptyLines = 0,\n atMoreIndented = false,\n tmp,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x7C/* | */) {\n folding = false;\n } else if (ch === 0x3E/* > */) {\n folding = true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n\n state.kind = 'scalar';\n state.result = '';\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x2B/* + */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {\n if (CHOMPING_CLIP === chomping) {\n chomping = (ch === 0x2B/* + */) ? CHOMPING_KEEP : CHOMPING_STRIP;\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier');\n }\n\n } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode(ch)) >= 0) {\n if (tmp === 0) {\n throwError(state, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one');\n } else if (!detectedIndent) {\n textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1;\n detectedIndent = true;\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier');\n }\n\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }\n while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch));\n\n if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {\n do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }\n while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0));\n }\n }\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n readLineBreak(state);\n state.lineIndent = 0;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n while ((!detectedIndent || state.lineIndent < textIndent) &&\n (ch === 0x20/* Space */)) {\n state.lineIndent++;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (!detectedIndent && state.lineIndent > textIndent) {\n textIndent = state.lineIndent;\n }\n\n if (is_EOL(ch)) {\n emptyLines++;\n continue;\n }\n\n // End of the scalar.\n if (state.lineIndent < textIndent) {\n\n // Perform the chomping.\n if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP) {\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);\n } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP) {\n if (didReadContent) { // i.e. only if the scalar is not empty.\n state.result += '\\n';\n }\n }\n\n // Break this `while` cycle and go to the funciton's epilogue.\n break;\n }\n\n // Folded style: use fancy rules to handle line breaks.\n if (folding) {\n\n // Lines starting with white space characters (more-indented lines) are not folded.\n if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n atMoreIndented = true;\n // except for the first content line (cf. Example 8.1)\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);\n\n // End of more-indented block.\n } else if (atMoreIndented) {\n atMoreIndented = false;\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', emptyLines + 1);\n\n // Just one line break - perceive as the same line.\n } else if (emptyLines === 0) {\n if (didReadContent) { // i.e. only if we have already read some scalar content.\n state.result += ' ';\n }\n\n // Several line breaks - perceive as different lines.\n } else {\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', emptyLines);\n }\n\n // Literal style: just add exact number of line breaks between content lines.\n } else {\n // Keep all line breaks except the header line break.\n state.result += common.repeat('\\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);\n }\n\n didReadContent = true;\n detectedIndent = true;\n emptyLines = 0;\n captureStart = state.position;\n\n while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, false);\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction readBlockSequence(state, nodeIndent) {\n var _line,\n _tag = state.tag,\n _anchor = state.anchor,\n _result = [],\n following,\n detected = false,\n ch;\n\n // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;\n // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar\n if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;\n\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {\n state.position = state.firstTabInLine;\n throwError(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');\n }\n\n if (ch !== 0x2D/* - */) {\n break;\n }\n\n following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);\n\n if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {\n break;\n }\n\n detected = true;\n state.position++;\n\n if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {\n if (state.lineIndent <= nodeIndent) {\n _result.push(null);\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n _line = state.line;\n composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN, false, true);\n _result.push(state.result);\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {\n throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry');\n } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (detected) {\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.anchor = _anchor;\n state.kind = 'sequence';\n state.result = _result;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction readBlockMapping(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {\n var following,\n allowCompact,\n _line,\n _keyLine,\n _keyLineStart,\n _keyPos,\n _tag = state.tag,\n _anchor = state.anchor,\n _result = {},\n overridableKeys = Object.create(null),\n keyTag = null,\n keyNode = null,\n valueNode = null,\n atExplicitKey = false,\n detected = false,\n ch;\n\n // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;\n // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar\n if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;\n\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n if (!atExplicitKey && state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {\n state.position = state.firstTabInLine;\n throwError(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');\n }\n\n following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);\n _line = state.line; // Save the current line.\n\n //\n // Explicit notation case. There are two separate blocks:\n // first for the key (denoted by \"?\") and second for the value (denoted by \":\")\n //\n if ((ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x3A/* : */) && is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {\n\n if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {\n if (atExplicitKey) {\n storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);\n keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;\n }\n\n detected = true;\n atExplicitKey = true;\n allowCompact = true;\n\n } else if (atExplicitKey) {\n // i.e. 0x3A/* : */ === character after the explicit key.\n atExplicitKey = false;\n allowCompact = true;\n\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line');\n }\n\n state.position += 1;\n ch = following;\n\n //\n // Implicit notation case. Flow-style node as the key first, then \":\", and the value.\n //\n } else {\n _keyLine = state.line;\n _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;\n _keyPos = state.position;\n\n if (!composeNode(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT, false, true)) {\n // Neither implicit nor explicit notation.\n // Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.\n break;\n }\n\n if (state.line === _line) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {\n throwError(state, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping');\n }\n\n if (atExplicitKey) {\n storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);\n keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;\n }\n\n detected = true;\n atExplicitKey = false;\n allowCompact = false;\n keyTag = state.tag;\n keyNode = state.result;\n\n } else if (detected) {\n throwError(state, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed');\n\n } else {\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.anchor = _anchor;\n return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.\n }\n\n } else if (detected) {\n throwError(state, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key');\n\n } else {\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.anchor = _anchor;\n return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.\n }\n }\n\n //\n // Common reading code for both explicit and implicit notations.\n //\n if (state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) {\n if (atExplicitKey) {\n _keyLine = state.line;\n _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;\n _keyPos = state.position;\n }\n\n if (composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, true, allowCompact)) {\n if (atExplicitKey) {\n keyNode = state.result;\n } else {\n valueNode = state.result;\n }\n }\n\n if (!atExplicitKey) {\n storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);\n keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;\n }\n\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n }\n\n if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {\n throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry');\n } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n //\n // Epilogue.\n //\n\n // Special case: last mapping's node contains only the key in explicit notation.\n if (atExplicitKey) {\n storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);\n }\n\n // Expose the resulting mapping.\n if (detected) {\n state.tag = _tag;\n state.anchor = _anchor;\n state.kind = 'mapping';\n state.result = _result;\n }\n\n return detected;\n}\n\nfunction readTagProperty(state) {\n var _position,\n isVerbatim = false,\n isNamed = false,\n tagHandle,\n tagName,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch !== 0x21/* ! */) return false;\n\n if (state.tag !== null) {\n throwError(state, 'duplication of a tag property');\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n if (ch === 0x3C/* < */) {\n isVerbatim = true;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n } else if (ch === 0x21/* ! */) {\n isNamed = true;\n tagHandle = '!!';\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n\n } else {\n tagHandle = '!';\n }\n\n _position = state.position;\n\n if (isVerbatim) {\n do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }\n while (ch !== 0 && ch !== 0x3E/* > */);\n\n if (state.position < state.length) {\n tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag');\n }\n } else {\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {\n\n if (ch === 0x21/* ! */) {\n if (!isNamed) {\n tagHandle = state.input.slice(_position - 1, state.position + 1);\n\n if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(tagHandle)) {\n throwError(state, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters');\n }\n\n isNamed = true;\n _position = state.position + 1;\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks');\n }\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);\n\n if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(tagName)) {\n throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters');\n }\n }\n\n if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(tagName)) {\n throwError(state, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName);\n }\n\n try {\n tagName = decodeURIComponent(tagName);\n } catch (err) {\n throwError(state, 'tag name is malformed: ' + tagName);\n }\n\n if (isVerbatim) {\n state.tag = tagName;\n\n } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.tagMap, tagHandle)) {\n state.tag = state.tagMap[tagHandle] + tagName;\n\n } else if (tagHandle === '!') {\n state.tag = '!' + tagName;\n\n } else if (tagHandle === '!!') {\n state.tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tagName;\n\n } else {\n throwError(state, 'undeclared tag handle \"' + tagHandle + '\"');\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction readAnchorProperty(state) {\n var _position,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch !== 0x26/* & */) return false;\n\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n throwError(state, 'duplication of an anchor property');\n }\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n _position = state.position;\n\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (state.position === _position) {\n throwError(state, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character');\n }\n\n state.anchor = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction readAlias(state) {\n var _position, alias,\n ch;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (ch !== 0x2A/* * */) return false;\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n _position = state.position;\n\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (state.position === _position) {\n throwError(state, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character');\n }\n\n alias = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);\n\n if (!_hasOwnProperty.call(state.anchorMap, alias)) {\n throwError(state, 'unidentified alias \"' + alias + '\"');\n }\n\n state.result = state.anchorMap[alias];\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction composeNode(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) {\n var allowBlockStyles,\n allowBlockScalars,\n allowBlockCollections,\n indentStatus = 1, // 1: this>parent, 0: this=parent, -1: this parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = 1;\n } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = 0;\n } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = -1;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (indentStatus === 1) {\n while (readTagProperty(state) || readAnchorProperty(state)) {\n if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {\n atNewLine = true;\n allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles;\n\n if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = 1;\n } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = 0;\n } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {\n indentStatus = -1;\n }\n } else {\n allowBlockCollections = false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (allowBlockCollections) {\n allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact;\n }\n\n if (indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext) {\n if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT === nodeContext) {\n flowIndent = parentIndent;\n } else {\n flowIndent = parentIndent + 1;\n }\n\n blockIndent = state.position - state.lineStart;\n\n if (indentStatus === 1) {\n if (allowBlockCollections &&\n (readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent) ||\n readBlockMapping(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) ||\n readFlowCollection(state, flowIndent)) {\n hasContent = true;\n } else {\n if ((allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar(state, flowIndent)) ||\n readSingleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent) ||\n readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent)) {\n hasContent = true;\n\n } else if (readAlias(state)) {\n hasContent = true;\n\n if (state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null) {\n throwError(state, 'alias node should not have any properties');\n }\n\n } else if (readPlainScalar(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext)) {\n hasContent = true;\n\n if (state.tag === null) {\n state.tag = '?';\n }\n }\n\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;\n }\n }\n } else if (indentStatus === 0) {\n // Special case: block sequences are allowed to have same indentation level as the parent.\n // http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2799784\n hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent);\n }\n }\n\n if (state.tag === null) {\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;\n }\n\n } else if (state.tag === '?') {\n // Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'\n // non-specific tag is only automatically assigned to plain scalars.\n //\n // We only need to check kind conformity in case user explicitly assigns '?'\n // tag, for example like this: \"!> [0]\"\n //\n if (state.result !== null && state.kind !== 'scalar') {\n throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !> tag; it should be \"scalar\", not \"' + state.kind + '\"');\n }\n\n for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {\n type = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex];\n\n if (type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched\n state.result = type.construct(state.result);\n state.tag = type.tag;\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n } else if (state.tag !== '!') {\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.typeMap[state.kind || 'fallback'], state.tag)) {\n type = state.typeMap[state.kind || 'fallback'][state.tag];\n } else {\n // looking for multi type\n type = null;\n typeList = state.typeMap.multi[state.kind || 'fallback'];\n\n for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = typeList.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {\n if (state.tag.slice(0, typeList[typeIndex].tag.length) === typeList[typeIndex].tag) {\n type = typeList[typeIndex];\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!type) {\n throwError(state, 'unknown tag !<' + state.tag + '>');\n }\n\n if (state.result !== null && type.kind !== state.kind) {\n throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state.tag + '> tag; it should be \"' + type.kind + '\", not \"' + state.kind + '\"');\n }\n\n if (!type.resolve(state.result, state.tag)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched\n throwError(state, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state.tag + '> explicit tag');\n } else {\n state.result = type.construct(state.result, state.tag);\n if (state.anchor !== null) {\n state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (state.listener !== null) {\n state.listener('close', state);\n }\n return state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null || hasContent;\n}\n\nfunction readDocument(state) {\n var documentStart = state.position,\n _position,\n directiveName,\n directiveArgs,\n hasDirectives = false,\n ch;\n\n state.version = null;\n state.checkLineBreaks = state.legacy;\n state.tagMap = Object.create(null);\n state.anchorMap = Object.create(null);\n\n while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);\n\n if (state.lineIndent > 0 || ch !== 0x25/* % */) {\n break;\n }\n\n hasDirectives = true;\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n _position = state.position;\n\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n directiveName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);\n directiveArgs = [];\n\n if (directiveName.length < 1) {\n throwError(state, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length');\n }\n\n while (ch !== 0) {\n while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {\n do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_EOL(ch));\n break;\n }\n\n if (is_EOL(ch)) break;\n\n _position = state.position;\n\n while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {\n ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);\n }\n\n directiveArgs.push(state.input.slice(_position, state.position));\n }\n\n if (ch !== 0) readLineBreak(state);\n\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(directiveHandlers, directiveName)) {\n directiveHandlers[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs);\n } else {\n throwWarning(state, 'unknown document directive \"' + directiveName + '\"');\n }\n }\n\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n\n if (state.lineIndent === 0 &&\n state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2D/* - */ &&\n state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1) === 0x2D/* - */ &&\n state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 2) === 0x2D/* - */) {\n state.position += 3;\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n\n } else if (hasDirectives) {\n throwError(state, 'directives end mark is expected');\n }\n\n composeNode(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, false, true);\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n\n if (state.checkLineBreaks &&\n PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) {\n throwWarning(state, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content');\n }\n\n state.documents.push(state.result);\n\n if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {\n\n if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2E/* . */) {\n state.position += 3;\n skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {\n throwError(state, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected');\n } else {\n return;\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction loadDocuments(input, options) {\n input = String(input);\n options = options || {};\n\n if (input.length !== 0) {\n\n // Add tailing `\\n` if not exists\n if (input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 0x0A/* LF */ &&\n input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 0x0D/* CR */) {\n input += '\\n';\n }\n\n // Strip BOM\n if (input.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {\n input = input.slice(1);\n }\n }\n\n var state = new State(input, options);\n\n var nullpos = input.indexOf('\\0');\n\n if (nullpos !== -1) {\n state.position = nullpos;\n throwError(state, 'null byte is not allowed in input');\n }\n\n // Use 0 as string terminator. That significantly simplifies bounds check.\n state.input += '\\0';\n\n while (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x20/* Space */) {\n state.lineIndent += 1;\n state.position += 1;\n }\n\n while (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {\n readDocument(state);\n }\n\n return state.documents;\n}\n\n\nfunction loadAll(input, iterator, options) {\n if (iterator !== null && typeof iterator === 'object' && typeof options === 'undefined') {\n options = iterator;\n iterator = null;\n }\n\n var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);\n\n if (typeof iterator !== 'function') {\n return documents;\n }\n\n for (var index = 0, length = documents.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n iterator(documents[index]);\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction load(input, options) {\n var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);\n\n if (documents.length === 0) {\n /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/\n return undefined;\n } else if (documents.length === 1) {\n return documents[0];\n }\n throw new YAMLException('expected a single document in the stream, but found more');\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports.loadAll = loadAll;\nmodule.exports.load = load;\n","'use strict';\n\n/*eslint-disable max-len*/\n\nvar YAMLException = require('./exception');\nvar Type = require('./type');\n\n\nfunction compileList(schema, name) {\n var result = [];\n\n schema[name].forEach(function (currentType) {\n var newIndex = result.length;\n\n result.forEach(function (previousType, previousIndex) {\n if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag &&\n previousType.kind === currentType.kind &&\n previousType.multi === currentType.multi) {\n\n newIndex = previousIndex;\n }\n });\n\n result[newIndex] = currentType;\n });\n\n return result;\n}\n\n\nfunction compileMap(/* lists... */) {\n var result = {\n scalar: {},\n sequence: {},\n mapping: {},\n fallback: {},\n multi: {\n scalar: [],\n sequence: [],\n mapping: [],\n fallback: []\n }\n }, index, length;\n\n function collectType(type) {\n if (type.multi) {\n result.multi[type.kind].push(type);\n result.multi['fallback'].push(type);\n } else {\n result[type.kind][type.tag] = result['fallback'][type.tag] = type;\n }\n }\n\n for (index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n arguments[index].forEach(collectType);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n\nfunction Schema(definition) {\n return this.extend(definition);\n}\n\n\nSchema.prototype.extend = function extend(definition) {\n var implicit = [];\n var explicit = [];\n\n if (definition instanceof Type) {\n // Schema.extend(type)\n explicit.push(definition);\n\n } else if (Array.isArray(definition)) {\n // Schema.extend([ type1, type2, ... ])\n explicit = explicit.concat(definition);\n\n } else if (definition && (Array.isArray(definition.implicit) || Array.isArray(definition.explicit))) {\n // Schema.extend({ explicit: [ type1, type2, ... ], implicit: [ type1, type2, ... ] })\n if (definition.implicit) implicit = implicit.concat(definition.implicit);\n if (definition.explicit) explicit = explicit.concat(definition.explicit);\n\n } else {\n throw new YAMLException('Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], ' +\n 'or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })');\n }\n\n implicit.forEach(function (type) {\n if (!(type instanceof Type)) {\n throw new YAMLException('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');\n }\n\n if (type.loadKind && type.loadKind !== 'scalar') {\n throw new YAMLException('There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.');\n }\n\n if (type.multi) {\n throw new YAMLException('There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.');\n }\n });\n\n explicit.forEach(function (type) {\n if (!(type instanceof Type)) {\n throw new YAMLException('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');\n }\n });\n\n var result = Object.create(Schema.prototype);\n\n result.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(implicit);\n result.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(explicit);\n\n result.compiledImplicit = compileList(result, 'implicit');\n result.compiledExplicit = compileList(result, 'explicit');\n result.compiledTypeMap = compileMap(result.compiledImplicit, result.compiledExplicit);\n\n return result;\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = Schema;\n","// Standard YAML's Core schema.\n// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923\n//\n// NOTE: JS-YAML does not support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.\n// So, Core schema has no distinctions from JSON schema is JS-YAML.\n\n\n'use strict';\n\n\nmodule.exports = require('./json');\n","// JS-YAML's default schema for `safeLoad` function.\n// It is not described in the YAML specification.\n//\n// This schema is based on standard YAML's Core schema and includes most of\n// extra types described at YAML tag repository. (http://yaml.org/type/)\n\n\n'use strict';\n\n\nmodule.exports = require('./core').extend({\n implicit: [\n require('../type/timestamp'),\n require('../type/merge')\n ],\n explicit: [\n require('../type/binary'),\n require('../type/omap'),\n require('../type/pairs'),\n require('../type/set')\n ]\n});\n","// Standard YAML's Failsafe schema.\n// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2802346\n\n\n'use strict';\n\n\nvar Schema = require('../schema');\n\n\nmodule.exports = new Schema({\n explicit: [\n require('../type/str'),\n require('../type/seq'),\n require('../type/map')\n ]\n});\n","// Standard YAML's JSON schema.\n// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2803231\n//\n// NOTE: JS-YAML does not support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.\n// So, this schema is not such strict as defined in the YAML specification.\n// It allows numbers in binary notaion, use `Null` and `NULL` as `null`, etc.\n\n\n'use strict';\n\n\nmodule.exports = require('./failsafe').extend({\n implicit: [\n require('../type/null'),\n require('../type/bool'),\n require('../type/int'),\n require('../type/float')\n ]\n});\n","'use strict';\n\n\nvar common = require('./common');\n\n\n// get snippet for a single line, respecting maxLength\nfunction getLine(buffer, lineStart, lineEnd, position, maxLineLength) {\n var head = '';\n var tail = '';\n var maxHalfLength = Math.floor(maxLineLength / 2) - 1;\n\n if (position - lineStart > maxHalfLength) {\n head = ' ... ';\n lineStart = position - maxHalfLength + head.length;\n }\n\n if (lineEnd - position > maxHalfLength) {\n tail = ' ...';\n lineEnd = position + maxHalfLength - tail.length;\n }\n\n return {\n str: head + buffer.slice(lineStart, lineEnd).replace(/\\t/g, '→') + tail,\n pos: position - lineStart + head.length // relative position\n };\n}\n\n\nfunction padStart(string, max) {\n return common.repeat(' ', max - string.length) + string;\n}\n\n\nfunction makeSnippet(mark, options) {\n options = Object.create(options || null);\n\n if (!mark.buffer) return null;\n\n if (!options.maxLength) options.maxLength = 79;\n if (typeof options.indent !== 'number') options.indent = 1;\n if (typeof options.linesBefore !== 'number') options.linesBefore = 3;\n if (typeof options.linesAfter !== 'number') options.linesAfter = 2;\n\n var re = /\\r?\\n|\\r|\\0/g;\n var lineStarts = [ 0 ];\n var lineEnds = [];\n var match;\n var foundLineNo = -1;\n\n while ((match = re.exec(mark.buffer))) {\n lineEnds.push(match.index);\n lineStarts.push(match.index + match[0].length);\n\n if (mark.position <= match.index && foundLineNo < 0) {\n foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 2;\n }\n }\n\n if (foundLineNo < 0) foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 1;\n\n var result = '', i, line;\n var lineNoLength = Math.min(mark.line + options.linesAfter, lineEnds.length).toString().length;\n var maxLineLength = options.maxLength - (options.indent + lineNoLength + 3);\n\n for (i = 1; i <= options.linesBefore; i++) {\n if (foundLineNo - i < 0) break;\n line = getLine(\n mark.buffer,\n lineStarts[foundLineNo - i],\n lineEnds[foundLineNo - i],\n mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo - i]),\n maxLineLength\n );\n result = common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line - i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +\n ' | ' + line.str + '\\n' + result;\n }\n\n line = getLine(mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo], lineEnds[foundLineNo], mark.position, maxLineLength);\n result += common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +\n ' | ' + line.str + '\\n';\n result += common.repeat('-', options.indent + lineNoLength + 3 + line.pos) + '^' + '\\n';\n\n for (i = 1; i <= options.linesAfter; i++) {\n if (foundLineNo + i >= lineEnds.length) break;\n line = getLine(\n mark.buffer,\n lineStarts[foundLineNo + i],\n lineEnds[foundLineNo + i],\n mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo + i]),\n maxLineLength\n );\n result += common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +\n ' | ' + line.str + '\\n';\n }\n\n return result.replace(/\\n$/, '');\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports = makeSnippet;\n","'use strict';\n\nvar YAMLException = require('./exception');\n\nvar TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [\n 'kind',\n 'multi',\n 'resolve',\n 'construct',\n 'instanceOf',\n 'predicate',\n 'represent',\n 'representName',\n 'defaultStyle',\n 'styleAliases'\n];\n\nvar YAML_NODE_KINDS = [\n 'scalar',\n 'sequence',\n 'mapping'\n];\n\nfunction compileStyleAliases(map) {\n var result = {};\n\n if (map !== null) {\n Object.keys(map).forEach(function (style) {\n map[style].forEach(function (alias) {\n result[String(alias)] = style;\n });\n });\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction Type(tag, options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n Object.keys(options).forEach(function (name) {\n if (TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(name) === -1) {\n throw new YAMLException('Unknown option \"' + name + '\" is met in definition of \"' + tag + '\" YAML type.');\n }\n });\n\n // TODO: Add tag format check.\n this.options = options; // keep original options in case user wants to extend this type later\n this.tag = tag;\n this.kind = options['kind'] || null;\n this.resolve = options['resolve'] || function () { return true; };\n this.construct = options['construct'] || function (data) { return data; };\n this.instanceOf = options['instanceOf'] || null;\n this.predicate = options['predicate'] || null;\n this.represent = options['represent'] || null;\n this.representName = options['representName'] || null;\n this.defaultStyle = options['defaultStyle'] || null;\n this.multi = options['multi'] || false;\n this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases(options['styleAliases'] || null);\n\n if (YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind) === -1) {\n throw new YAMLException('Unknown kind \"' + this.kind + '\" is specified for \"' + tag + '\" YAML type.');\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Type;\n","'use strict';\n\n/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/\n\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\n\n// [ 64, 65, 66 ] -> [ padding, CR, LF ]\nvar BASE64_MAP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\\n\\r';\n\n\nfunction resolveYamlBinary(data) {\n if (data === null) return false;\n\n var code, idx, bitlen = 0, max = data.length, map = BASE64_MAP;\n\n // Convert one by one.\n for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {\n code = map.indexOf(data.charAt(idx));\n\n // Skip CR/LF\n if (code > 64) continue;\n\n // Fail on illegal characters\n if (code < 0) return false;\n\n bitlen += 6;\n }\n\n // If there are any bits left, source was corrupted\n return (bitlen % 8) === 0;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlBinary(data) {\n var idx, tailbits,\n input = data.replace(/[\\r\\n=]/g, ''), // remove CR/LF & padding to simplify scan\n max = input.length,\n map = BASE64_MAP,\n bits = 0,\n result = [];\n\n // Collect by 6*4 bits (3 bytes)\n\n for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {\n if ((idx % 4 === 0) && idx) {\n result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);\n result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);\n result.push(bits & 0xFF);\n }\n\n bits = (bits << 6) | map.indexOf(input.charAt(idx));\n }\n\n // Dump tail\n\n tailbits = (max % 4) * 6;\n\n if (tailbits === 0) {\n result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);\n result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);\n result.push(bits & 0xFF);\n } else if (tailbits === 18) {\n result.push((bits >> 10) & 0xFF);\n result.push((bits >> 2) & 0xFF);\n } else if (tailbits === 12) {\n result.push((bits >> 4) & 0xFF);\n }\n\n return new Uint8Array(result);\n}\n\nfunction representYamlBinary(object /*, style*/) {\n var result = '', bits = 0, idx, tail,\n max = object.length,\n map = BASE64_MAP;\n\n // Convert every three bytes to 4 ASCII characters.\n\n for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {\n if ((idx % 3 === 0) && idx) {\n result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];\n result += map[bits & 0x3F];\n }\n\n bits = (bits << 8) + object[idx];\n }\n\n // Dump tail\n\n tail = max % 3;\n\n if (tail === 0) {\n result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];\n result += map[bits & 0x3F];\n } else if (tail === 2) {\n result += map[(bits >> 10) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits >> 4) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits << 2) & 0x3F];\n result += map[64];\n } else if (tail === 1) {\n result += map[(bits >> 2) & 0x3F];\n result += map[(bits << 4) & 0x3F];\n result += map[64];\n result += map[64];\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction isBinary(obj) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Uint8Array]';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:binary', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlBinary,\n construct: constructYamlBinary,\n predicate: isBinary,\n represent: representYamlBinary\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nfunction resolveYamlBoolean(data) {\n if (data === null) return false;\n\n var max = data.length;\n\n return (max === 4 && (data === 'true' || data === 'True' || data === 'TRUE')) ||\n (max === 5 && (data === 'false' || data === 'False' || data === 'FALSE'));\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlBoolean(data) {\n return data === 'true' ||\n data === 'True' ||\n data === 'TRUE';\n}\n\nfunction isBoolean(object) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === '[object Boolean]';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:bool', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlBoolean,\n construct: constructYamlBoolean,\n predicate: isBoolean,\n represent: {\n lowercase: function (object) { return object ? 'true' : 'false'; },\n uppercase: function (object) { return object ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; },\n camelcase: function (object) { return object ? 'True' : 'False'; }\n },\n defaultStyle: 'lowercase'\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar common = require('../common');\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nvar YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN = new RegExp(\n // 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers\n '^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +\n // .2e4, .2\n // special case, seems not from spec\n '|\\\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +\n // .inf\n '|[-+]?\\\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)' +\n // .nan\n '|\\\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$');\n\nfunction resolveYamlFloat(data) {\n if (data === null) return false;\n\n if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(data) ||\n // Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_`\n // Probably should update regexp & check speed\n data[data.length - 1] === '_') {\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlFloat(data) {\n var value, sign;\n\n value = data.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase();\n sign = value[0] === '-' ? -1 : 1;\n\n if ('+-'.indexOf(value[0]) >= 0) {\n value = value.slice(1);\n }\n\n if (value === '.inf') {\n return (sign === 1) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;\n\n } else if (value === '.nan') {\n return NaN;\n }\n return sign * parseFloat(value, 10);\n}\n\n\nvar SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;\n\nfunction representYamlFloat(object, style) {\n var res;\n\n if (isNaN(object)) {\n switch (style) {\n case 'lowercase': return '.nan';\n case 'uppercase': return '.NAN';\n case 'camelcase': return '.NaN';\n }\n } else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === object) {\n switch (style) {\n case 'lowercase': return '.inf';\n case 'uppercase': return '.INF';\n case 'camelcase': return '.Inf';\n }\n } else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === object) {\n switch (style) {\n case 'lowercase': return '-.inf';\n case 'uppercase': return '-.INF';\n case 'camelcase': return '-.Inf';\n }\n } else if (common.isNegativeZero(object)) {\n return '-0.0';\n }\n\n res = object.toString(10);\n\n // JS stringifier can build scientific format without dots: 5e-100,\n // while YAML requres dot: 5.e-100. Fix it with simple hack\n\n return SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(res) ? res.replace('e', '.e') : res;\n}\n\nfunction isFloat(object) {\n return (Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === '[object Number]') &&\n (object % 1 !== 0 || common.isNegativeZero(object));\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:float', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlFloat,\n construct: constructYamlFloat,\n predicate: isFloat,\n represent: representYamlFloat,\n defaultStyle: 'lowercase'\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar common = require('../common');\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nfunction isHexCode(c) {\n return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) ||\n ((0x41/* A */ <= c) && (c <= 0x46/* F */)) ||\n ((0x61/* a */ <= c) && (c <= 0x66/* f */));\n}\n\nfunction isOctCode(c) {\n return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x37/* 7 */));\n}\n\nfunction isDecCode(c) {\n return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */));\n}\n\nfunction resolveYamlInteger(data) {\n if (data === null) return false;\n\n var max = data.length,\n index = 0,\n hasDigits = false,\n ch;\n\n if (!max) return false;\n\n ch = data[index];\n\n // sign\n if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {\n ch = data[++index];\n }\n\n if (ch === '0') {\n // 0\n if (index + 1 === max) return true;\n ch = data[++index];\n\n // base 2, base 8, base 16\n\n if (ch === 'b') {\n // base 2\n index++;\n\n for (; index < max; index++) {\n ch = data[index];\n if (ch === '_') continue;\n if (ch !== '0' && ch !== '1') return false;\n hasDigits = true;\n }\n return hasDigits && ch !== '_';\n }\n\n\n if (ch === 'x') {\n // base 16\n index++;\n\n for (; index < max; index++) {\n ch = data[index];\n if (ch === '_') continue;\n if (!isHexCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;\n hasDigits = true;\n }\n return hasDigits && ch !== '_';\n }\n\n\n if (ch === 'o') {\n // base 8\n index++;\n\n for (; index < max; index++) {\n ch = data[index];\n if (ch === '_') continue;\n if (!isOctCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;\n hasDigits = true;\n }\n return hasDigits && ch !== '_';\n }\n }\n\n // base 10 (except 0)\n\n // value should not start with `_`;\n if (ch === '_') return false;\n\n for (; index < max; index++) {\n ch = data[index];\n if (ch === '_') continue;\n if (!isDecCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {\n return false;\n }\n hasDigits = true;\n }\n\n // Should have digits and should not end with `_`\n if (!hasDigits || ch === '_') return false;\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlInteger(data) {\n var value = data, sign = 1, ch;\n\n if (value.indexOf('_') !== -1) {\n value = value.replace(/_/g, '');\n }\n\n ch = value[0];\n\n if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {\n if (ch === '-') sign = -1;\n value = value.slice(1);\n ch = value[0];\n }\n\n if (value === '0') return 0;\n\n if (ch === '0') {\n if (value[1] === 'b') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 2);\n if (value[1] === 'x') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 16);\n if (value[1] === 'o') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 8);\n }\n\n return sign * parseInt(value, 10);\n}\n\nfunction isInteger(object) {\n return (Object.prototype.toString.call(object)) === '[object Number]' &&\n (object % 1 === 0 && !common.isNegativeZero(object));\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:int', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlInteger,\n construct: constructYamlInteger,\n predicate: isInteger,\n represent: {\n binary: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0b' + obj.toString(2) : '-0b' + obj.toString(2).slice(1); },\n octal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0o' + obj.toString(8) : '-0o' + obj.toString(8).slice(1); },\n decimal: function (obj) { return obj.toString(10); },\n /* eslint-disable max-len */\n hexadecimal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase() : '-0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1); }\n },\n defaultStyle: 'decimal',\n styleAliases: {\n binary: [ 2, 'bin' ],\n octal: [ 8, 'oct' ],\n decimal: [ 10, 'dec' ],\n hexadecimal: [ 16, 'hex' ]\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', {\n kind: 'mapping',\n construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : {}; }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nfunction resolveYamlMerge(data) {\n return data === '<<' || data === null;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:merge', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlMerge\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nfunction resolveYamlNull(data) {\n if (data === null) return true;\n\n var max = data.length;\n\n return (max === 1 && data === '~') ||\n (max === 4 && (data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL'));\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlNull() {\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction isNull(object) {\n return object === null;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:null', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlNull,\n construct: constructYamlNull,\n predicate: isNull,\n represent: {\n canonical: function () { return '~'; },\n lowercase: function () { return 'null'; },\n uppercase: function () { return 'NULL'; },\n camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; },\n empty: function () { return ''; }\n },\n defaultStyle: 'lowercase'\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nvar _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar _toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\nfunction resolveYamlOmap(data) {\n if (data === null) return true;\n\n var objectKeys = [], index, length, pair, pairKey, pairHasKey,\n object = data;\n\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n pair = object[index];\n pairHasKey = false;\n\n if (_toString.call(pair) !== '[object Object]') return false;\n\n for (pairKey in pair) {\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(pair, pairKey)) {\n if (!pairHasKey) pairHasKey = true;\n else return false;\n }\n }\n\n if (!pairHasKey) return false;\n\n if (objectKeys.indexOf(pairKey) === -1) objectKeys.push(pairKey);\n else return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlOmap(data) {\n return data !== null ? data : [];\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:omap', {\n kind: 'sequence',\n resolve: resolveYamlOmap,\n construct: constructYamlOmap\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nvar _toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\nfunction resolveYamlPairs(data) {\n if (data === null) return true;\n\n var index, length, pair, keys, result,\n object = data;\n\n result = new Array(object.length);\n\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n pair = object[index];\n\n if (_toString.call(pair) !== '[object Object]') return false;\n\n keys = Object.keys(pair);\n\n if (keys.length !== 1) return false;\n\n result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlPairs(data) {\n if (data === null) return [];\n\n var index, length, pair, keys, result,\n object = data;\n\n result = new Array(object.length);\n\n for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {\n pair = object[index];\n\n keys = Object.keys(pair);\n\n result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs', {\n kind: 'sequence',\n resolve: resolveYamlPairs,\n construct: constructYamlPairs\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:seq', {\n kind: 'sequence',\n construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : []; }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nvar _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nfunction resolveYamlSet(data) {\n if (data === null) return true;\n\n var key, object = data;\n\n for (key in object) {\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {\n if (object[key] !== null) return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlSet(data) {\n return data !== null ? data : {};\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:set', {\n kind: 'mapping',\n resolve: resolveYamlSet,\n construct: constructYamlSet\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : ''; }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Type = require('../type');\n\nvar YAML_DATE_REGEXP = new RegExp(\n '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year\n '-([0-9][0-9])' + // [2] month\n '-([0-9][0-9])$'); // [3] day\n\nvar YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP = new RegExp(\n '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year\n '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [2] month\n '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [3] day\n '(?:[Tt]|[ \\\\t]+)' + // ...\n '([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [4] hour\n ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [5] minute\n ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [6] second\n '(?:\\\\.([0-9]*))?' + // [7] fraction\n '(?:[ \\\\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour\n '(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$'); // [11] tz_minute\n\nfunction resolveYamlTimestamp(data) {\n if (data === null) return false;\n if (YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;\n if (YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction constructYamlTimestamp(data) {\n var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0,\n delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date;\n\n match = YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data);\n if (match === null) match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data);\n\n if (match === null) throw new Error('Date resolve error');\n\n // match: [1] year [2] month [3] day\n\n year = +(match[1]);\n month = +(match[2]) - 1; // JS month starts with 0\n day = +(match[3]);\n\n if (!match[4]) { // no hour\n return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));\n }\n\n // match: [4] hour [5] minute [6] second [7] fraction\n\n hour = +(match[4]);\n minute = +(match[5]);\n second = +(match[6]);\n\n if (match[7]) {\n fraction = match[7].slice(0, 3);\n while (fraction.length < 3) { // milli-seconds\n fraction += '0';\n }\n fraction = +fraction;\n }\n\n // match: [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour [11] tz_minute\n\n if (match[9]) {\n tz_hour = +(match[10]);\n tz_minute = +(match[11] || 0);\n delta = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 60000; // delta in mili-seconds\n if (match[9] === '-') delta = -delta;\n }\n\n date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction));\n\n if (delta) date.setTime(date.getTime() - delta);\n\n return date;\n}\n\nfunction representYamlTimestamp(object /*, style*/) {\n return object.toISOString();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp', {\n kind: 'scalar',\n resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp,\n construct: constructYamlTimestamp,\n instanceOf: Date,\n represent: representYamlTimestamp\n});\n","/**\n * lodash (Custom Build) \n * Build: `lodash modularize exports=\"npm\" -o ./`\n * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors \n * Released under MIT license \n * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 \n * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors\n */\n\n/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\nvar INFINITY = 1 / 0;\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar symbolTag = '[object Symbol]';\n\n/**\n * Used to match `RegExp`\n * [syntax characters](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-patterns).\n */\nvar reRegExpChar = /[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|]/g,\n reHasRegExpChar = RegExp(reRegExpChar.source);\n\n/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */\nvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;\n\n/** Detect free variable `self`. */\nvar freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;\n\n/** Used as a reference to the global object. */\nvar root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/**\n * Used to resolve the\n * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring)\n * of values.\n */\nvar objectToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar Symbol = root.Symbol;\n\n/** Used to convert symbols to primitives and strings. */\nvar symbolProto = Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : undefined,\n symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : undefined;\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `_.toString` which doesn't convert nullish\n * values to empty strings.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {string} Returns the string.\n */\nfunction baseToString(value) {\n // Exit early for strings to avoid a performance hit in some environments.\n if (typeof value == 'string') {\n return value;\n }\n if (isSymbol(value)) {\n return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : '';\n }\n var result = (value + '');\n return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObjectLike({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObjectLike(value) {\n return !!value && typeof value == 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isSymbol('abc');\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isSymbol(value) {\n return typeof value == 'symbol' ||\n (isObjectLike(value) && objectToString.call(value) == symbolTag);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts `value` to a string. An empty string is returned for `null`\n * and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {string} Returns the string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.toString(null);\n * // => ''\n *\n * _.toString(-0);\n * // => '-0'\n *\n * _.toString([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => '1,2,3'\n */\nfunction toString(value) {\n return value == null ? '' : baseToString(value);\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes the `RegExp` special characters \"^\", \"$\", \"\\\", \".\", \"*\", \"+\",\n * \"?\", \"(\", \")\", \"[\", \"]\", \"{\", \"}\", and \"|\" in `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 3.0.0\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.escapeRegExp('[lodash](https://lodash.com/)');\n * // => '\\[lodash\\]\\(https://lodash\\.com/\\)'\n */\nfunction escapeRegExp(string) {\n string = toString(string);\n return (string && reHasRegExpChar.test(string))\n ? string.replace(reRegExpChar, '\\\\$&')\n : string;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = escapeRegExp;\n","/* global Map:readonly, Set:readonly, ArrayBuffer:readonly */\n\nvar hasElementType = typeof Element !== 'undefined';\nvar hasMap = typeof Map === 'function';\nvar hasSet = typeof Set === 'function';\nvar hasArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && !!ArrayBuffer.isView;\n\n// Note: We **don't** need `envHasBigInt64Array` in fde es6/index.js\n\nfunction equal(a, b) {\n // START: fast-deep-equal es6/index.js 3.1.3\n if (a === b) return true;\n\n if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') {\n if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false;\n\n var length, i, keys;\n if (Array.isArray(a)) {\n length = a.length;\n if (length != b.length) return false;\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)\n if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false;\n return true;\n }\n\n // START: Modifications:\n // 1. Extra `has &&` helpers in initial condition allow es6 code\n // to co-exist with es5.\n // 2. Replace `for of` with es5 compliant iteration using `for`.\n // Basically, take:\n //\n // ```js\n // for (i of a.entries())\n // if (!b.has(i[0])) return false;\n // ```\n //\n // ... and convert to:\n //\n // ```js\n // it = a.entries();\n // while (!(i = it.next()).done)\n // if (!b.has(i.value[0])) return false;\n // ```\n //\n // **Note**: `i` access switches to `i.value`.\n var it;\n if (hasMap && (a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) return false;\n it = a.entries();\n while (!(i = it.next()).done)\n if (!b.has(i.value[0])) return false;\n it = a.entries();\n while (!(i = it.next()).done)\n if (!equal(i.value[1], b.get(i.value[0]))) return false;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (hasSet && (a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) return false;\n it = a.entries();\n while (!(i = it.next()).done)\n if (!b.has(i.value[0])) return false;\n return true;\n }\n // END: Modifications\n\n if (hasArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) {\n length = a.length;\n if (length != b.length) return false;\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)\n if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;\n // START: Modifications:\n // Apply guards for `Object.create(null)` handling. See:\n // - https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-fast-compare/issues/64\n // - https://github.com/epoberezkin/fast-deep-equal/issues/49\n if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf && typeof a.valueOf === 'function' && typeof b.valueOf === 'function') return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();\n if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && typeof a.toString === 'function' && typeof b.toString === 'function') return a.toString() === b.toString();\n // END: Modifications\n\n keys = Object.keys(a);\n length = keys.length;\n if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;\n\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i])) return false;\n // END: fast-deep-equal\n\n // START: react-fast-compare\n // custom handling for DOM elements\n if (hasElementType && a instanceof Element) return false;\n\n // custom handling for React/Preact\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {\n if ((keys[i] === '_owner' || keys[i] === '__v' || keys[i] === '__o') && a.$$typeof) {\n // React-specific: avoid traversing React elements' _owner\n // Preact-specific: avoid traversing Preact elements' __v and __o\n // __v = $_original / $_vnode\n // __o = $_owner\n // These properties contain circular references and are not needed when\n // comparing the actual elements (and not their owners)\n // .$$typeof and ._store on just reasonable markers of elements\n\n continue;\n }\n\n // all other properties should be traversed as usual\n if (!equal(a[keys[i]], b[keys[i]])) return false;\n }\n // END: react-fast-compare\n\n // START: fast-deep-equal\n return true;\n }\n\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n}\n// end fast-deep-equal\n\nmodule.exports = function isEqual(a, b) {\n try {\n return equal(a, b);\n } catch (error) {\n if (((error.message || '').match(/stack|recursion/i))) {\n // warn on circular references, don't crash\n // browsers give this different errors name and messages:\n // chrome/safari: \"RangeError\", \"Maximum call stack size exceeded\"\n // firefox: \"InternalError\", too much recursion\"\n // edge: \"Error\", \"Out of stack space\"\n console.warn('react-fast-compare cannot handle circular refs');\n return false;\n }\n // some other error. we should definitely know about these\n throw error;\n }\n};\n","/** @license React v16.13.1\n * react-is.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';var b=\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for,c=b?Symbol.for(\"react.element\"):60103,d=b?Symbol.for(\"react.portal\"):60106,e=b?Symbol.for(\"react.fragment\"):60107,f=b?Symbol.for(\"react.strict_mode\"):60108,g=b?Symbol.for(\"react.profiler\"):60114,h=b?Symbol.for(\"react.provider\"):60109,k=b?Symbol.for(\"react.context\"):60110,l=b?Symbol.for(\"react.async_mode\"):60111,m=b?Symbol.for(\"react.concurrent_mode\"):60111,n=b?Symbol.for(\"react.forward_ref\"):60112,p=b?Symbol.for(\"react.suspense\"):60113,q=b?\nSymbol.for(\"react.suspense_list\"):60120,r=b?Symbol.for(\"react.memo\"):60115,t=b?Symbol.for(\"react.lazy\"):60116,v=b?Symbol.for(\"react.block\"):60121,w=b?Symbol.for(\"react.fundamental\"):60117,x=b?Symbol.for(\"react.responder\"):60118,y=b?Symbol.for(\"react.scope\"):60119;\nfunction z(a){if(\"object\"===typeof a&&null!==a){var u=a.$$typeof;switch(u){case c:switch(a=a.type,a){case l:case m:case e:case g:case f:case p:return a;default:switch(a=a&&a.$$typeof,a){case k:case n:case t:case r:case h:return a;default:return u}}case d:return u}}}function A(a){return z(a)===m}exports.AsyncMode=l;exports.ConcurrentMode=m;exports.ContextConsumer=k;exports.ContextProvider=h;exports.Element=c;exports.ForwardRef=n;exports.Fragment=e;exports.Lazy=t;exports.Memo=r;exports.Portal=d;\nexports.Profiler=g;exports.StrictMode=f;exports.Suspense=p;exports.isAsyncMode=function(a){return A(a)||z(a)===l};exports.isConcurrentMode=A;exports.isContextConsumer=function(a){return z(a)===k};exports.isContextProvider=function(a){return z(a)===h};exports.isElement=function(a){return\"object\"===typeof a&&null!==a&&a.$$typeof===c};exports.isForwardRef=function(a){return z(a)===n};exports.isFragment=function(a){return z(a)===e};exports.isLazy=function(a){return z(a)===t};\nexports.isMemo=function(a){return z(a)===r};exports.isPortal=function(a){return z(a)===d};exports.isProfiler=function(a){return z(a)===g};exports.isStrictMode=function(a){return z(a)===f};exports.isSuspense=function(a){return z(a)===p};\nexports.isValidElementType=function(a){return\"string\"===typeof a||\"function\"===typeof a||a===e||a===m||a===g||a===f||a===p||a===q||\"object\"===typeof a&&null!==a&&(a.$$typeof===t||a.$$typeof===r||a.$$typeof===h||a.$$typeof===k||a.$$typeof===n||a.$$typeof===w||a.$$typeof===x||a.$$typeof===y||a.$$typeof===v)};exports.typeOf=z;\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react-is.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react-is.development.js');\n}\n","/**\n * @license React\n * react-server-dom-webpack.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n'use strict';var k=require(\"react\"),l={stream:!0},n=new Map,p=Symbol.for(\"react.element\"),q=Symbol.for(\"react.lazy\"),r=Symbol.for(\"react.default_value\"),t=k.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ContextRegistry;function u(a){t[a]||(t[a]=k.createServerContext(a,r));return t[a]}function v(a,b,c){this._status=a;this._value=b;this._response=c}v.prototype.then=function(a){0===this._status?(null===this._value&&(this._value=[]),this._value.push(a)):a()};\nfunction w(a){switch(a._status){case 3:return a._value;case 1:var b=JSON.parse(a._value,a._response._fromJSON);a._status=3;return a._value=b;case 2:b=a._value;for(var c=b.chunks,d=0;d {\n const { forward = [], ...filteredConfig } = config || {};\n const configStr = JSON.stringify(filteredConfig, (k, v) => {\n if (typeof v === 'function') {\n v = String(v);\n if (v.startsWith(k + '(')) {\n v = 'function ' + v;\n }\n }\n return v;\n });\n return [\n `!(function(w,p,f,c){`,\n Object.keys(filteredConfig).length > 0\n ? `c=w[p]=Object.assign(w[p]||{},${configStr});`\n : `c=w[p]=w[p]||{};`,\n `c[f]=(c[f]||[])`,\n forward.length > 0 ? `.concat(${JSON.stringify(forward)})` : ``,\n `})(window,'partytown','forward');`,\n snippetCode,\n ].join('');\n};\n\n/**\n * The `type` attribute for Partytown scripts, which does two things:\n *\n * 1. Prevents the `
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