diff --git a/azure_learning_roadmap.html b/azure_learning_roadmap.html index 97bfc38..29a5e56 100644 --- a/azure_learning_roadmap.html +++ b/azure_learning_roadmap.html @@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ - + Azure Learning Roadmap for Azure DevOps Senior Platform Engineers | Skunkworks Academy - + + + + }); + // Function to update skills progress + function updateSkillsProgress(skill, value) { + const index = skillsChart.data.labels.indexOf(skill); + if (index !== -1) { + skillsChart.data.datasets[0].data[index] = value; + skillsChart.update(); + } + } - - - + // Simulating skills progress update + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('Azure Fundamentals', 60), 1000); + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('DevOps', 75), 2000); + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('Kubernetes', 40), 3000); + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('AI & ML', 30), 4000); + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('Data Management', 50), 5000); + setTimeout(() => updateSkillsProgress('Cloud Security', 65), 6000); + // GSAP Animations + gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); + // Fade in sections on scroll + gsap.utils.toArray("section").forEach(section => { + gsap.from(section, { + opacity: 0, + y: 50, + duration: 1, + scrollTrigger: { + trigger: section, + start: "top 80%", + end: "bottom 20%", + toggleActions: "play none none reverse" + } + }); + }); + + // Animate contact button + gsap.to("#contactButton", { + scale: 1.1, + duration: 0.5, + repeat: -1, + yoyo: true + }); + + // Contact Form Modal + const contactButton = document.getElementById('contactButton'); + contactButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => { + e.preventDefault(); + const modal = document.createElement('div'); + modal.className = 'fixed inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 flex items-center justify-center z-50'; + modal.innerHTML = ` +

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