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Using just to start local deployment

Local CA needs to be provisioned. Just installed.

To list all available commands:


There are two local environments available:

  • multi_ne - no entitlements
  • multi - entitlements are enabled

The environment name always needs to be provided through RUN_ENV variable.

Config, build and start in background:

just RUN_ENV=multi config-and-start


just RUN_ENV=multi stop

See colored logs in realtime (Ctrl-C to exit):

just RUN_ENV=multi tail-logs

Just build:

just RUN_ENV=multi build

Just start with the existing config and binary:

just RUN_ENV=multi start

Restart after rebuilding with current changes:

just RUN_ENV=multi restart

Building and running go tests

There are just commands to run go tests, go test works too:

just test ./...  # Run go test
just test-all # Run all go tests from module root
just t # Run all tests from current dir

just t-debug -run TestMyName  # Run TestMyName with info logging and test printing
just t-debug-debug -run TestMyName  # Run TestMyName with debug logging and test printing

Running the archiver service locally against different environments

To run a local archiver service that downloads from various public networks, use the command for that environment and pass in a specific configuration to store the data in the local database, which is written in core/env/local/archiver/config.yaml.

Example: Running against omega nodes

# Make sure postgres container is running

# Make sure to use an absolute path to refer to the archiver-local.yaml file
# populate RIVER_REPO_PATH with the absolute path to the root of your river repository
./env/omega/ archive -c $RIVER_REPO_PATH/core/env/local/archiver/config.yaml

Example: Running against gamma nodes


./env/gamma/ archive -c $RIVER_REPO_PATH/core/env/archiver/config.yaml

Note: some networks, such as omega, may have hundreds of gigabytes of stream data available. Be sure to increase the maximum storage, CPU and/or memory of your docker service / postgres container appropriately so it can handle the load.

Installing just

brew install just

Installing protoc and Buf

brew install protobuf@3
brew link --overwrite protobuf@3
go install

There are addition install steps for go tools in ./node/

Building protobufs

Protobufs are generated for go and typescript

cd proto
yarn buf:generate

cd node
go generate -v -x protocol/gen.go

Setting up local CA for TLS

First create the CA and register it with Mac OS:


Then generate the TLS certificates for the node:


Running River Tests

Run client tests:

yarn csb:turbo

Run node tests:

cd node
go test -v ./...

Clean Build after Yarn Install or Branch Switching

Build is incremental, as such it may get confused when packages are updated or branches are switched.

Clean build artifacts and rebuild:

yarn csb:clean
yarn csb:build