This is the main Skycoin BBS executable. It runs a node that can host/subscribe to boards and connect to other nodes. It can host a thin client where users can submit content and interact with the board.
This is the help menu for bbsnode
$ bbsnode -h
bbsnode - Runs a Skycoin BBS Node
bbsnode [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--public whether this node is exposed publicly and shares it's subscribed boards
--memory whether to avoid storing BBS data on disk and use memory instead
--config-dir value the name of the directory to store and access BBS configuration and associated cxo data (if left blank, $HOME/.skybbs will be used)
--rpc whether to enable RPC interface to interact with BBS node (used for bbscli)
--rpc-port value port to serve BBS RPC interface (default: 8996)
--cxo-port value port to listen for CXO connections (default: 8998)
--cxo-rpc whether to enable RPC interface to interact with CXO (used for cxocli) (default: true)
--cxo-rpc-port value port to serve CXO RPC interface (default: 8997)
--enforced-messenger-addresses value list of addresses to messenger servers to enforce connections with
--enforced-subscriptions value list of public keys of boards to enforce subscriptions with
--web-port value port to serve http api (default: 8080)
--web-gui whether to enable web interface thin client
--web-gui-dir value directory where web interface static files are located
--web-tls whether to enable https for web interface thin client and api
--web-tls-cert-file value path of the tls certificate file
--web-tls-key-file value path of the tls key file
--open-browser whether to open a browser window
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
The following command runs a BBS node with an enforced connect with the main messenger server and subscribed to the BBS Community board.
$ bbsnode -enforced-messenger-addresses="" \