A fun investigation into Ihampion Csland source code. Thanks to all discord members involved with putting the necessary files for the minified code together.
- Cat go brrr
- Make "Infinite" Marathon
- Change length of marathon
- Figure out how game determines ends
- Find hit detection function
- Swap hit function into conditional statement for determining end game
- Offroad ends game
- Make it so first place doesn't glitch
- Don't play video if first place (video function returns and score never shown to player)
- Rewarding scroll would be nice
- Spawning obstacles need to be harder probably (this is not true)
- For some reason "on road" aka Q_ is set 0 when holding left (I think it's because the tile ends and the ah function checks the current tile)
- Roll indoors
- Custom climbing/rugby/skate maps?
- Go???