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LeetCode 342. Power of Four

##題目 Given an integer (signed 32 bits), write a function to check whether it is a power of 4.

Example: Given num = 16, return true. Given num = 5, return false.

Follow up: Could you solve it without loops/recursion?

##翻譯 判斷一個32bits的int整數是否為4的倍數。

進階:不用迴圈,遞迴解題。 ##思路 一直除4,如果出現餘數,就不是4的整數。


 * @param {number} num
 * @return {boolean}
var isPowerOfFour = function(num) {
    if(num <= 0 ) return false;
    if(num   == 1) return true;
    if(num%2 == 1) return false;
    while(num >= 4){
        if(num%4!=0) return false;
        num = parseInt(num/4);
    return num==1 ;