Releases: slatinsky/DiscordChatExporter-frontend
Thank you for (almost) 200 stars and 2551 downloads! That means a lot to me!
- click on user profile and see name, nickname and user roles (requires exports from DiscordChatExporter >= v2.40.1)
- click on reaction and see users who reacted (requires exports from (now unreleased) DiscordChatExporter >= v2.40.4)
- highlight target messages after using
jump to message
button from search results - render mentioned channel names in messages
- render role names in messages (requires exports from DiscordChatExporter >= v2.40.1)
- render timestamps in messages (
format) - revamped documentation in
Bug fixes:
- fix unnecesary padding of images in messages
- fix jump to message not working in the already opened channel
- fix race condition making virtual scroll stuck in some situations. If it gets stuck again, resizing the window should fix it.
- fix virtual scroll getting stuck if viewport height is smaller than message height
- touch devices
- channel list is now scrollable
- hamburger and search icons are smaller
- skip invalid JSON exports, instead of crashing the app
- skip currently exporting JSON files, instead of crashing the app (PermissionError)
- only first line in mentioned message is rendered, like in Discord
- add lower case
to urlHash regex to workaround bug in unreleased version of DiscordChatExporter
Disabled features:
- disabled seach term highlighting in search results (breaks html formatting)
New bugs:
- target message used to jump to top/bottom should not be highlighted when switching channels from channels menu
- jump to bottom feature sometimes scrolls to bottom page by page
- merge
field withmessage.embeds.images
(fixes embeds not loaded exported by discordless ) - restyled scrollbars to look like in the discord client
- restyled guild icons in guild list to look like in the discord client
- restyled channel list to look like in the discord client
- search input is smaller if empty and not focused
- search now automatically submits if user selects value from autocomplete
- preprocess - speed improvements (processed assets are now cached)
- display names, nicknames, profile pictures of the same author of a message are diplayed correctly if they are different in different messages (fixes message relay bots)
- if nickname is different, messages are not merged together
- add system message rendering for
like in the discord client - don't merge messages together if the message is system message
- bot tag is now displayed to the right of message author name if message is sent by a bot
- restyled setting page to look like in the discord client
- settings are now separated into categories
- settings are now accessible bellow channel list on any page, like in the discord client
- settings are now applied immediately after change
- fixed hotlinked assets not loading (fixes Roachbones/discordless/issues/6)
- online mode (hotlinking from online sources) is now enabled for new users by default - change in settings
fixes for exports exported by Roachbones/discordless:
- render identicons (like on Github) instead of user avatar image if no asset was exported
- filter out null nicknames (fixes search autocomplete)
new features:
- add image caching (using
header) - search terms are highlighted in the results
- add guild message counts
- order guilds, categories, channels, threads by message count DESC. Previously they were sorted by time created ASC
- hide guilds by ID from the api (not configurable without modifying the code for now)
- SVGs in image gallery are now larger
fixes for exports exported by Roachbones/discordless - included in the next release
other fixes:
- fix duplicated results in search autocomplete
- fix selected guild indicator if guild list overflows
search autocomplete improvements:
- authors and channels are sorted by messages sent, emoji are sorted by usage count
- visible message / usage counters
- show author profile picture and emoji image
- authors, reactions, channels are not mixed between guilds
- see all previous user nicknames (
- show "original message was deleted" if referenced message is not found
- embed youtube videos in iframe (doesn't work with copyrighted content)
combination merged toname
(preparation for the new discord handles)- temporary database is wiped on incompatible schema changes
- docker images are now automatically built and pushed to dockerhub slada/dcef using github actions
Message rendering tweaks:
- Message grouping logic is now stricter (group only IF delta time < 5 minutes AND channels are the same AND authors are the same)
- render large emoji if message content contains only emoji (closes issue #18) (only for exports exported using
--markdown false
) - render date separator line if date between two messages is different
New features
- channel queries are now cached - subsequent channels loads are now very fast
- user interface now shows error message if search failed
- it is now possible to jump to mentioned message from search
- new context menu options -
copy channel name
,copy thread name
,copy author nickname
,copy author name+handle
- windows - user is now warned in console if any required port is used by other process
- windows -
now contain timestamps
Other changes:
- renamed search filters:
channel -> in
andchannel_id -> in_id
: - made clear in user interface, that regexes are used instead of strings in partial matches
- fix many search filters that didn't work -
- fix search jump button not jumping to correct message if channel was switched by that jump
- fix search jump button opening image gallery instead of jumping
- other css fixes
- add jump button to jump from search results to the message (it was previously possible to jump by clicking on timestamp)
- support exports exported using
--markdown false
are now clickable in messages (only if exported using--markdown false
tags in messsages are now replaced with author name+discriminator (--markdown false
and--markdown true
Only frontend changes were made, you do not need to delete database if you are upgrading from v2.0.8
Merging pull request #14 made by rebane2001 - thanks!:
- fixes extensionless files exported by DiscordChatExporter not being located
delete database folder "dcef/backend/mongodb/db/" if you are upgrading to recompute the assets.
I also added small demo site at, if you want to try out the user interface in the browser :). To view your own exports in it, you need to run DiscordChatExporter-frontend locally