Add normalize css selector option; lets you use the following aliases
presentation => deck
step => incremental, delayed, action, build
notes => note, handout
Add chrome fix/workaround for inline styles (projection media needs to get set to screen,projection)
Move code to addons using new slideshow triggers; new addons include:
counter (slide counter e.g. 1/7)
controls (toggle, next, prev buttons, jumplist)
Moved sample transitions to jquery.slideshow.transitions.js
Changed .slide box-sizing to border-box (lets you use width: 100%; height: 100%;)
Minor fixes
Add minimalistic.html template; all styles (projection, screen, print) inline plus no less.js used
Clean up styles; move all styles (projection, screen, print) for controls into slideshow.js
/shared folder now split into /js and /css folders
Update jquery.js to 1.6.4
Update less.js to 1.1.4
Minor fixes
Adding blank5.html template (using more semantic tags e.g. header, footer, article, etc.) [Thanks Ryan McIlmoyl]
Switch all CSS stylesheets to use less.js CSS extension
Update jquery to 1.6.1
Easier CSS media type handling for projection (e.g. ids no longer required; plus can now handle multiple styles either using link or style tag)
Add right click on title handler for going back one slide
Update jquery to 1.5
Adding custom slide transitions plus some sample animations (e.g. slide up/down, fade out/in)
Adding clicker (click on title to go to next slide)
Adding autoplay (press a/p/s-key to toggle autoplay)
JavaScript cleanup; everything namespaced now using Slideshow
Removing svg gradient backgrounds; use css3 gradients instead
Move better browser banner for IE out of core; uses conditional comments for include.
Add support for steps/incrementals
You can’t perform that action at this time.