Tools that are deprecated, out of date, have better alternatives or have only niche uses.
- Yeoman (GitHub)
- Generator; Plop or hygen are modern alternatives
- slush (GitHub)
- Scaffolding tool meant to replace Yeoman
- kyt (GitHub)
- Web app configuration toolkit
- React Boilerplate (GitHub)
- Once popular, but now out of date
- Has a TypeScript fork
(GitHub)- Slow maintenance and development
- enclave (GitHub)
- React app compiler; supplanted by bundlers and Babel
- minipack (GitHub)
- StealJS (GitHub)
- HappyPack (GitHub)
- Pundle (GitHub)
- Bili (GitHub)
- Rollup-based library bundler
- Fastpack (GitHub)
- Jarvis (GitHub)
- Webpack dashboard, unmaintained
- Broccoli.js (GitHub)
- Asset pipeline
- Brunch (GitHub)
- QUnit (GitHub)
- Java-inspired, dated library
- PhantomJS (GitHub)
- Headless browser scripting; development suspended
- Zombie.js (GitHub)
- blanket (GitHub)
- Extension Boilerplate (GitHub)
- React Chrome Extension Boilerplate (GitHub)
- Extensionizr (GitHub)
(GitHub)- Replaced by
- Replaced by
- TSLint (GitHub)
- Deprecated in favor of
- Deprecated in favor of
- Grunt (GitHub)
- Gulp (GitHub)
- Bower (GitHub)
- Package manager, popular in the jQuery ecosystem
- JSHint (GitHub)
- A linter developed as a more configurable JSLint but now outclassed by ESLint
- Tern (GitHub)
- Outclassed by TypeScript, since
can also analyze JavaScript
- Outclassed by TypeScript, since
- JSLint (GitHub)
- Ancient despite still being updated
- Modernizr (GitHub)
- Feature detection can usually be replaced by polyfilling with
- Feature detection can usually be replaced by polyfilling with
- plato (GitHub)
- jsinspect (GitHub)
- React Hot Loader (GitHub)
- Replaced by React Fast Refresh
- Retire.js (GitHub)
- next-update (GitHub)
- dtslint (GitHub)
should be used instead (discussion)
- js-beautify (GitHub)
- Prettier is a modern alternative
- precise-commits (GitHub)
- DocPad (GitHub)
- JSMin (GitHub)
- CoffeeScript (GitHub)
(GitHub)- Misleadingly named; isn't
for Windows
- Misleadingly named; isn't