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Jeroen Schmit edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 8 revisions

Theater for Wordpress

Theme developer documentation

Event listings

Theater comes with two types of event listings:

  • A list of all upcoming events.
  • A list of upcoming events for a particular production.

A list of all upcoming events

You can use a shortcode to show an event listing in a post or a page.

You can also use the global $wp_theatre variable to add an event listing to your template:

echo $wp_theatre->events->get_html();

Or generate your own listing:

$args = array(
    'start' =>'now',
$events = $wp_theatre->events->get($args);
foreach ($events as $event) {
    echo $event->title();
    // do other stuff with your event        

A list of upcoming events for a particular production.

The Wordpress admin already has some options to add events listings to production pages.

You can also use the WPT_Production class to add an event listing to your production template:

$args = array(
	'production' => get_the_id(),
	'start' => 'now'
echo $wp_theatre->events->get_html();

Or generate your own listing:

$args = array(
	'production' => get_the_id(),
	'start' => 'now'
$events = $wp_theatre->events->get($args);
foreach ($events as $event) {
    echo $event->title();
    // do other stuff with your event        



Theatre integrates nicely with existing Ticketing solutions. Available integrations:

Need integration with another ticketing system? Drop me an email and I will look into it.

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