ldjesmaterializer is a commandline command (Python3 program) that takes line-delimited JSON records and some arguments as input and materializes information from other records (stored in an elasticsearch index) into them.
required arguments:
-elasticsearch-index-name ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NAME the name of the elasticsearch index to use (default: None)
-elasticsearch-index-type ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_TYPE elasticsearch index (document) type to use (default: None)
-source-field SOURCE_FIELD the field name in the (source) record whose value should be used to request the records for materialization (default: None)
-seed-field SEED_FIELD the field name in the records in the elasticsearch index that should be used to request the records with the seed value for materialization (default: None)
-materialization-field MATERIALIZATION_FIELD the field name in the records in the elasticsearch index that contains the information for materialization (default: None)
-target-field TARGET_FIELD the field name in the (target) records that should be used to write the information retrieved from the materialization request to the elasticsearch index (default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-elasticsearch-instance-host ELASTICSEARCH_INSTANCE_HOST hostname or IP address of the elasticsearch instance to use (default: localhost)
-elasticsearch-instance-port ELASTICSEARCH_INSTANCE_PORT port of the elasticsearch instance to use (default: 9200)
-target-field-is-multivalued indicates, whether the target field should be a JSON array (for multiple values) or a JSON object / simple value (for single values); default is false, i.e., the retrieved values will be written into a JSON array (default: False)
-materialization-value-count-only indicates, whether the only the materialization value count should be written into the target field (default: False)
- example:
ldjesmaterializer -elasticsearch-instance-host [HOSTNAME OR IP OF YOUR ELASTICSEARCH INSTANCE] -elasticsearch-instance-port [PORT OF YOUR ELASTICSEARCH INSTANCE] -elasticsearch-index-name [YOUR ELASTICSEARCH INDEX NAME] -elasticsearch-index-type [DOCUMENT TYPE OF THE ELEASTICSEARCH INDEX] -source-field [SOURCE FIELD NAME] -seed-field [SEED FIELD NAME] -materialization-field [MATERIALIZATION FIELD NAME] -target-field [TARGET FIELD NAME]
(optionally) install pip for Python 3.x:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
install requirements with pip:
sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt
apt-get install python-elasticsearch
- install elasticsearch-py
- clone this git repo or just download the ldjesmaterializer.py file
- run ./ldjesmaterializer.py
- for a hackish way to use ldjesmaterializer system-wide, copy to /usr/local/bin
- via pip:
(which provides you
as a system-wide commandline command)