To delcare the class hash of a contract:
yarn gauntlet token:declare --network=<NETWORK>
The contract is pre-configured to be the LINK token contract.
yarn gauntlet token:deploy --network=<NETWORK> --owner=<OWNER_ADDRESS>
To deploy by referencing an existing class hash:
yarn gauntlet token:deploy --classHash=<CLASS_HASH> --network=<NETWORK> --owner=<OWNER_ADDRESS>
IMPORTANT: For the token contract to be used in L1<>L2 bridging the owner
must be the L2 Bridge address.
yarn gauntlet token:mint --network=<NETWORK> --recipient=<RECPIENT_ACCOUNT> --amount=<AMOUNT> <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
yarn gauntlet token:transfer --network=<NETWORK> --recipient=<RECPIENT_ACCOUNT> --amount=<AMOUNT> <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
yarn gauntlet token:balance_of --network=<NETWORK> --address=<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
yarn gauntlet token:upgrade --network=<NETWORK> --classHash=<CLASS_HASH> <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>