From e477df0f1e13f88515f65b8fed5d02e2a815e247 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Kobialka
Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 19:43:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add abs code
code/Makefile | 25 ++
code/ | 30 ++
code/journey.abs | 538 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 593 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 code/Makefile
create mode 100644 code/
create mode 100644 code/journey.abs
diff --git a/code/Makefile b/code/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3d4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.PHONY: compile
+compile: journey.abs ## Compile the model
+ absc -e journey.abs
+.PHONY: run
+run: compile ## Compile and run the model
+ gen/erl/run | python
+.PHONY: serve
+serve: compile ## Compile and run the model, including web api on port 8080
+ gen/erl/run -p 8080
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: ## Clean build artifacts
+ rm -rf gen/ *.csv
+# "make print-PATH" prints the value of PATH, etc.
+print-%: ; @echo $*=$($*)
+.PHONY: help
+help: ## Output this help message
+ @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_%-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
diff --git a/code/ b/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb14611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import re
+import sys
+def write_to_file(filename, lines):
+ with open(filename, 'w') as file:
+ for line in lines:
+ file.write(line)
+def main():
+ current_file = None
+ current_lines = []
+ filename_pattern = re.compile(r"===== ([a-zA-Z0-9._]+) =====")
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ match = filename_pattern.match(line.strip())
+ if match:
+ if current_file is not None:
+ write_to_file(current_file, current_lines)
+ current_lines = []
+ current_file = # Extract the filename from the matched pattern
+ else:
+ current_lines.append(line)
+ if current_file is not None:
+ write_to_file(current_file, current_lines)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/code/journey.abs b/code/journey.abs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b6d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/journey.abs
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+// A workflow simulator.
+// The basic idea, in one sequence diagram:
+// 1. The customer asks the WorkflowProvider which actions are
+// available. Depending on the workflow provider's strategy, this could be
+// all actions or only a subset.
+// 2. The customer decides whether to perform a controlled or uncontrolled
+// action. (Note that "controlled", "uncontrolled" are from the point of
+// view of the company; uncontrolled actions are undertaken by the
+// customer.)
+// 3. If the customer performs an uncontrollable action, it informs the
+// company about the action taken and its new state.
+// 4. If the customer decides to let the company decide the new action:
+// - The company asks the WorkflowProvider about available controllable
+// actions, and chooses one.
+// - The company decides on an action, and informs the customer about the
+// customer's new state.
+module Journeys;
+ ┌─┐ ,.-^^-._
+ ║"│ |-.____.-|
+ └┬┘ | |
+ ┌┼┐ | |
+ │ ┌───────┐ | |
+ ┌┴┐ │Company│ '-.____.-'
+ Customer └───────┘ WorkflowProvider
+ │ current state │
+ │ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────>
+ │ │ │
+ │ available controlled and uncontrolled actions │
+ │ <───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+ │ │ │
+ │ │ │
+║ ALT │ Customer chooses uncontrolled action│ │ ║
+╟──────┘ │ │ │ ║
+║ │ uncontrolled action, new state│ │ ║
+║ │ ──────────────────────────────> │ ║
+║ │ │ │ ║
+║ │ │ ╔═════════════════════════════╧═══╗ ║
+║ │ │ ║"Company notes customer action, ░║ ║
+║ │ │ ║new state" ║ ║
+║ [Customer lets Company choose] │ │ ║
+║ │ current state ┌┴┐ │ ║
+║ │ ────────────────────────────>│ │ │ ║
+║ │ │ │ │ ║
+║ │ │ │ customer state ┌┴┐ ║
+║ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────>│ │ ║
+║ │ │ │ └┬┘ ║
+║ │ │ │ available controlled actions │ ║
+║ │ │ │ <─────────────────────────────│ ║
+║ │ │ │ │ ║
+║ │ │ │ ╔════════════════════════╗ │ ║
+║ │ │ │ ║Company chooses action ░║ │ ║
+║ │ └┬┘ ╚════════════════════════╝ │ ║
+║ │ new state │ │ ║
+║ │ <────────────────────────────── │ ║
+// ==============================
+// Data types, database queries
+data WorkflowTask = WorkflowTask(String origin_state, // state of the customer before this action
+ String target_state, // state of the customer after this action
+ String action, // name of the action
+ String controllable, // "True" if action is controllable by the company, "False" otherwise
+ // -- note that these are strings, not ABS Bool values
+ Float gas // Cost measure of performing this action
+ );
+data Event = Event(Int event_id, String event_action, String event_timestamp);
+data StrategyEntry = StrategyEntry(String strategy_state, String strategy_action);
+def WorkflowEvent event_from_action(Int customer_id, String state, String timestamp, WorkflowTask task) =
+ WorkflowEvent(customer_id, timestamp, state, action(task), target_state(task), controllable(task), gas(task));
+data WorkflowEvent = WorkflowEvent ([HTTPName: "id"] Int,
+ [HTTPName: "timestamp"] String,
+ [HTTPName: "current_state"] String,
+ [HTTPName: "action"] String,
+ [HTTPName: "next_state"] String,
+ [HTTPName: "controllable"] String,
+ [HTTPName: "cost"] Float);
+def List workflow_uppaal()
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ "SELECT start, target, action, controllable, gas FROM workflow_uppaal");
+def List workflow_simulation()
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ "SELECT start, target, action, controllable, gas FROM workflow_simulation");
+def List events()
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ `SELECT id, name, timestamp FROM events ORDER BY id, timestamp`);
+def List event_ids()
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ `SELECT DISTINCT id FROM events ORDER BY id, timestamp`);
+def List events_for_id(Int id)
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ `SELECT id, name, timestamp FROM events WHERE id = ? ORDER BY id, timestamp`, id);
+def List strategy_names()
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ `SELECT DISTINCT strategy_name FROM strategies`);
+def List strategy(String strategy_name)
+ = builtin(sqlite3,
+ "../data/journeys.sqlite",
+ `SELECT state, action FROM strategies WHERE strategy_name = ?`, strategy_name);
+def List first_n(Int n, List events) = when n > 0 then Cons(head(events), first_n(n-1, tail(events))) else Nil;
+// ==============================
+// Available workflow tasks, separated into controllable (by the controller)
+// and uncontrollable (instigated by the customer).
+data WorkflowTasks = WorkflowTasks(List controllable_tasks, List uncontrollable_tasks);
+data WorkflowType = Uppaal | Simulation;
+interface WorkflowDriver {
+ WorkflowType getWorkflowType();
+ WorkflowTasks available_tasks(Int customer_id, String state);
+// This class implements a maximally permissive workflow driver. It offers
+// all controllable and uncontrollable actions available in a given state and
+// lets the client choose which action to take.
+class WorkflowDriver(WorkflowType workflow_type) implements WorkflowDriver {
+ Map> actions_in_state = map[];
+ {
+ List tasks = case workflow_type {
+ Uppaal => workflow_uppaal()
+ Simulation => workflow_simulation()
+ };
+ foreach (task in tasks) {
+ actions_in_state =
+ let List tasks = lookupDefault(actions_in_state, origin_state(task), Nil)
+ in put(actions_in_state, origin_state(task), Cons(task, tasks));
+ }
+ }
+ WorkflowType getWorkflowType() { return workflow_type; }
+ WorkflowTasks available_tasks(Int customer_id, String state) {
+ return
+ let List all_tasks = lookupDefault(actions_in_state, state, Nil)
+ in WorkflowTasks(filter((WorkflowTask t) => controllable(t) == "True")(all_tasks),
+ filter((WorkflowTask t) => controllable(t) == "False")(all_tasks));
+ }
+// This class implements a workflow driver that replays UPPAAL strategies, as
+// given by the files `../data/non_det_strategy.csv` and
+// `../data/refined_strategy.csv`. Such strategies specify which action to
+// take in a given state. In case there is no entry for a given state in the
+// strategy, we offer all controllable actions. We always offer all
+// uncontrollable actions, since the client is always free to choose those.
+// See the query in `strategy_names` for a list of strategies; currently we
+// have "non_det" and "refined".
+class StrategyWorkflowDriver(String strategy_name, WorkflowType workflow_type) implements WorkflowDriver {
+ Map> actions_in_state = map[];
+ Map> actions_for_strategy = map[];
+ {
+ assert(contains(set(strategy_names()), strategy_name));
+ List tasks = case workflow_type {
+ Uppaal => workflow_uppaal()
+ Simulation => workflow_simulation()
+ };
+ foreach (task in tasks) {
+ actions_in_state =
+ let List tasks = lookupDefault(actions_in_state, origin_state(task), Nil)
+ in put(actions_in_state, origin_state(task), Cons(task, tasks));
+ }
+ foreach (strategy_entry in strategy(strategy_name)) {
+ actions_for_strategy =
+ let List actions = lookupDefault(actions_for_strategy, strategy_state(strategy_entry), Nil)
+ in put(actions_for_strategy, strategy_state(strategy_entry), Cons(strategy_action(strategy_entry), actions));
+ }
+ }
+ WorkflowType getWorkflowType() { return workflow_type; }
+ // Return all controllable tasks in the strategy for the given state, plus
+ // all uncontrollable tasks in the given state
+ // TODO (rudi): this should be a database query instead of ABS code
+ WorkflowTasks available_tasks(Int customer_id, String state) {
+ List all_tasks = lookupDefault(actions_in_state, state, Nil);
+ Set actions_for_strategy = set(lookupDefault(actions_for_strategy, state, Nil));
+ List controllable_tasks = filter((WorkflowTask t) => controllable(t) == "True")(all_tasks);
+ List strategy_tasks = filter((WorkflowTask t) => contains(actions_for_strategy, action(t)))(controllable_tasks);
+ return WorkflowTasks(strategy_tasks, filter((WorkflowTask t) => controllable(t) == "False")(all_tasks));
+ }
+// ==============================
+// The company. Gets notified by customers about their uncontrolled actions
+// and consequent new state, and provides new state to customers that want to
+// have a controlled action performed.
+interface Company {
+ // Sends (uncontrolled) action and state that the customer decided to do.
+ Unit notifyUncontrolledAction(Int customer_id, String uncontrolled_action, String new_state);
+ // Ask the company to perform their favorite controlled action for the
+ // given customer and state, returning the chosen action, which contains
+ // the new state of the customer. In case the company cannot perform an
+ // action, returns the empty string.
+ Maybe performControlledAction(Int customer_id, String current_state);
+// The default company. Outsources decisions on available (controlled)
+// actions to the workflow driver provided. In case of a nondeterministic
+// workflow driver, chooses among the available actions randomly.
+class Company(WorkflowDriver workflow_driver) implements Company {
+ Unit notifyUncontrolledAction(Int customer_id, String uncontrolled_action, String new_state) {
+ skip;
+ }
+ Maybe performControlledAction(Int customer_id, String current_state) {
+ Maybe result = Nothing;
+ WorkflowTasks all_tasks = await workflow_driver!available_tasks(customer_id, current_state);
+ List controllable_tasks = controllable_tasks(all_tasks);
+ // The customer is only supposed to ask for an action if there's at
+ // least one available; otherwise, it's supposed to terminate
+ if (controllable_tasks != Nil) {
+ result = Just(nth(controllable_tasks, random(length(controllable_tasks))));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// ==============================
+// The customer interface and implementations.
+interface Customer {
+ Int getId();
+ WorkflowType getWorkflowType();
+ Int getNumberOfSteps();
+ String getEndState();
+ Float getAccumulatedGas();
+ Int getUncontrolledProbability();
+// Customer that performs an uncontrolled action with the given prability if
+// given the choice. If only controlled or uncontrolled actions are possible,
+// does those.
+// 0..totally obedient customer
+// 100..maximally uncontrolled customer
+class ParametricCustomer(Int customer_id, WorkflowDriver driver, Company company,
+ Int uncontrolled_probability /* 0..100 */ )
+ implements Customer
+ Bool finished = False;
+ String current_state = "start";
+ Int n_steps = 0;
+ Float accumulated_gas = 0.0;
+ Unit run() {
+ while (!finished) {
+ WorkflowTasks all_possible_tasks = await driver!available_tasks(customer_id, current_state);
+ if (uncontrollable_tasks(all_possible_tasks) != Nil
+ && controllable_tasks(all_possible_tasks) != Nil)
+ {
+ // Choose with the given probability whether to perform an
+ // uncontrollable or controllable action.
+ if (random(100) < uncontrolled_probability) {
+ this.performUncontrollableAction(uncontrollable_tasks(all_possible_tasks));
+ } else {
+ this.offerControllableAction();
+ }
+ } else if (uncontrollable_tasks(all_possible_tasks) != Nil) {
+ // Only uncontrollable actions available
+ this.performUncontrollableAction(uncontrollable_tasks(all_possible_tasks));
+ } else if (controllable_tasks(all_possible_tasks) != Nil) {
+ // Only controllable actions available
+ this.offerControllableAction();
+ } else {
+ // No action available: Customer reached an end state
+ finished = True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Unit performUncontrollableAction(List uncontrollable_tasks) {
+ WorkflowTask the_task = nth(uncontrollable_tasks, random(length(uncontrollable_tasks)));
+ await company!notifyUncontrolledAction(customer_id, action(the_task), target_state(the_task));
+ current_state = target_state(the_task);
+ accumulated_gas = accumulated_gas + gas(the_task);
+ n_steps = n_steps + 1;
+ }
+ Unit offerControllableAction() {
+ Maybe action = await company!performControlledAction(customer_id, current_state);
+ switch (action) {
+ Just(the_task) => {
+ current_state = target_state(the_task);
+ accumulated_gas = accumulated_gas + gas(the_task);
+ n_steps = n_steps + 1;
+ }
+ Nothing => finished = True;
+ }
+ }
+ Int getId() { return customer_id; }
+ WorkflowType getWorkflowType() {
+ WorkflowType result = await driver!getWorkflowType();
+ return result;
+ }
+ Int getNumberOfSteps() { await finished; return n_steps; }
+ String getEndState() { await finished; return current_state; }
+ Float getAccumulatedGas() { await finished; return accumulated_gas; }
+ Int getUncontrolledProbability() { return uncontrolled_probability; }
+// Helper class for creating customers and collecting results
+interface MainBlockUtil {
+ List create_customers(Int n_customers, WorkflowDriver driver, Company company, Int cooperativeness);
+ Map> printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(List customers, String filename);
+class MainBlockUtil implements MainBlockUtil {
+ List create_customers(Int n_customers, WorkflowDriver driver, Company company, Int cooperativeness) {
+ List result = Nil;
+ Int customer_id = 0;
+ while (customer_id < n_customers) {
+ customer_id = customer_id + 1;
+ Customer c = new ParametricCustomer(customer_id, driver, company, cooperativeness);
+ result = Cons(c, result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ Map> printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(List customers, String filename) {
+ Map> result = map[];
+ println(`===== $filename$ =====`);
+ println("Customer_id,WorkflowType,UncontrolledProbability,EndState,TraceLength,Gas");
+ foreach (c, i in customers) {
+ String end_state = await c!getEndState();
+ Int n_steps = await c!getNumberOfSteps();
+ Float accumulated_gas = await c!getAccumulatedGas();
+ Int id = await c!getId();
+ Int uncontrolled_probability = await c!getUncontrolledProbability();
+ WorkflowType workflow_type = await c!getWorkflowType();
+ println(`$id$,"$workflow_type$",$uncontrolled_probability$,"$end_state$",$n_steps$,$accumulated_gas$`);
+ result
+ = let Triple current_entry = lookupDefault(result, end_state, Triple(0, 0, 0.0))
+ in put(result, end_state,
+ Triple(fstT(current_entry) + 1,
+ sndT(current_entry) + n_steps,
+ trdT(current_entry) + accumulated_gas));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// ==============================
+// Main block. Things kick off here.
+ MainBlockUtil util = new MainBlockUtil();
+ Int n_customers_per_run = 1000;
+ // UPPAAL state machine: create a driver for each strategy, a company with each driver
+ WorkflowDriver non_det_uppaal_driver = new StrategyWorkflowDriver("non_det", Uppaal);
+ WorkflowDriver refined_uppaal_driver = new StrategyWorkflowDriver("refined", Uppaal);
+ WorkflowDriver no_strategy_uppaal_driver = new WorkflowDriver(Uppaal);
+ Company non_det_uppaal_company = new Company(non_det_uppaal_driver);
+ Company refined_uppaal_company = new Company(refined_uppaal_driver);
+ Company no_strategy_uppaal_company = new Company(no_strategy_uppaal_driver);
+ // Simulation state machine: create a driver for each strategy, a company with each driver
+ WorkflowDriver non_det_simulation_driver = new StrategyWorkflowDriver("non_det", Simulation);
+ WorkflowDriver refined_simulation_driver = new StrategyWorkflowDriver("refined", Simulation);
+ WorkflowDriver no_strategy_simulation_driver = new WorkflowDriver(Simulation);
+ Company non_det_simulation_company = new Company(non_det_simulation_driver);
+ Company refined_simulation_company = new Company(refined_simulation_driver);
+ Company no_strategy_simulation_company = new Company(no_strategy_simulation_driver);
+ // Start Simulation state machine simulations
+ List prob_100_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, non_det_simulation_driver, non_det_simulation_company, 0);
+ List prob_100_simulation_refined =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, refined_simulation_driver, refined_simulation_company, 0);
+ List prob_100_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, no_strategy_simulation_driver, no_strategy_simulation_company, 0);
+ List prob_90_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, non_det_simulation_driver, non_det_simulation_company, 10);
+ List prob_90_simulation_refined =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, refined_simulation_driver, refined_simulation_company, 10);
+ List prob_90_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, no_strategy_simulation_driver, no_strategy_simulation_company, 10);
+ List prob_80_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, non_det_simulation_driver, non_det_simulation_company, 20);
+ List prob_80_simulation_refined =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, refined_simulation_driver, refined_simulation_company, 15);
+ List prob_80_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, no_strategy_simulation_driver, no_strategy_simulation_company, 20);
+ List prob_70_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, non_det_simulation_driver, non_det_simulation_company, 30);
+ List prob_70_simulation_refined =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, refined_simulation_driver, refined_simulation_company, 30);
+ List prob_70_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, no_strategy_simulation_driver, no_strategy_simulation_company, 30);
+ List prob_60_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, non_det_simulation_driver, non_det_simulation_company, 40);
+ List prob_60_simulation_refined =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, refined_simulation_driver, refined_simulation_company, 40);
+ List prob_60_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!create_customers(n_customers_per_run, no_strategy_simulation_driver, no_strategy_simulation_company, 40);
+ // End states of SIMULATION customers.
+ // map is end state |-> (count, sum of path lengths, sum of gas).
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_100_simulation_nondet, "prob_100_simulation_nondeterministic.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_refined =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_100_simulation_refined, "prob_100_simulation_refined.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_100_simulation_no_strategy, "prob_100_simulation_no_strategy.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_90_simulation_nondet, "prob_90_simulation_nondeterministic.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_refined =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_90_simulation_refined, "prob_90_simulation_refined.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_90_simulation_no_strategy, "prob_90_simulation_no_strategy.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_80_simulation_nondet, "prob_80_simulation_nondeterministic.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_refined =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_80_simulation_refined, "prob_80_simulation_refined.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_80_simulation_no_strategy, "prob_80_simulation_no_strategy.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_70_simulation_nondet, "prob_70_simulation_nondeterministic.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_refined =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_70_simulation_refined, "prob_70_simulation_refined.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_70_simulation_no_strategy, "prob_70_simulation_no_strategy.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_nondet =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_60_simulation_nondet, "prob_60_simulation_nondeterministic.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_refined =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_60_simulation_refined, "prob_60_simulation_refined.csv");
+ Map> end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_no_strategy =
+ await util!printCustomersAsCsvAndCollectInMap(prob_60_simulation_no_strategy, "prob_60_simulation_no_strategy.csv");
+ // Results, in CSV
+ println("===== summary.csv =====");
+ println("WorkflowType,DisobedienceProbability,Strategy,EndState,Count,MeanTraceLength,MeanGas");
+ // Simulation end results
+ // print uncontrolled strategy
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_nondet)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",100,"Nondeterministic","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_refined)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",100,"Refined","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_100_simulation_no_strategy)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",100,"No_Strategy","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_nondet)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",90,"Nondeterministic","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_refined)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",90,"Refined","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_90_simulation_no_strategy)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",90,"No_Strategy","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_nondet)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",80,"Nondeterministic","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_refined)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",15,"Refined","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_80_simulation_no_strategy)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",80,"No_Strategy","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_nondet)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",70,"Nondeterministic","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_refined)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",70,"Refined","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_70_simulation_no_strategy)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",70,"No_Strategy","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_nondet)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",60,"Nondeterministic","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_refined)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",60,"Refined","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }
+ foreach (triple in entries(end_state_for_prob_60_simulation_no_strategy)) {
+ println(`"Simulation",60,"No_Strategy","$fst(triple)$",$fstT(snd(triple))$,$float(sndT(snd(triple))/fstT(snd(triple)))$,$trdT(snd(triple))/float(fstT(snd(triple)))$`);
+ }