Warning: This execution may take a long time (>24 hours)
Remember to download the route file. Refer to the instructions on main readme.md. Assuming you are in parent folder Chattanooga_CS_24_hours you can follow these commands.
$ cd network
$ unzip Chattanooga_SUMO_Network.net.zip
$ cd ../routes
$ wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/6sr0w60d96098v3/Chattanooga_Daily_Trips.rou.xml.tar.gz?dl=0
$ tar -xzvf Chattanooga_Daily_Trips.rou.xml.tar.gz
check a file called Chattanooga_Daily_Trips.rou.xml is in the routes folder.
check if MD5 (Chattanooga_Daily_Trips.rou.xml) = dfbd1bc3bd889f58d179d268132708a9
Then get to the top folder Chattanooga_CS_24_hours
$ cd Chattanooga_CS_24_hours
$ python3 driver_24.py
Result are available in /Simulation1/output
. The output folder includes trajectories for buses, bus stop information, and edge information, all in csv format. An example of the same is available at https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1w9hj8wMJOGemEWVHgJ4_zvXnMT2Htbv9.
Now you can perform post processing as described in the instructions on main readme.md