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File metadata and controls

98 lines (80 loc) · 3.2 KB


A python library to control the Gpios, Accel, Gyro, Temp, Baro, Magno sensors/pins easily

State of Neo.GPIO

Given the fact that the Neo line from Udoo has been discontinued, and there is no active support from Udoo, I will be archiving this repository for those who still have the boards like me, but I am not supporting it.


To install this package just download the zip and extract the library anwhere your python file will be EXAMPLE: place the neo folder on your desktop and then create a new python file on the desktop for your program


INFO: you must run python file as root not udooer or errors might occur like sensor not plugged int

Example on how to to run the files (You can replace the with whatever file you want to run):

echo udooer | sudo -S su -c 'python'


echo udooer | sudo -S su -c 'python'

To get started on the Neo use the examples that are provided in the zipped folder. For the Gpio use
Every pcb port number, which are labeled on the on the board itself

If you don't want to look through the example files here is how to use them

Create a new file outside of the neo folder called

Import the libraries

from neo import Gpio
from time import sleep

Associate with variables and create pins

gpio = Gpio()
writepin = 3
readpin = 2

Set each pin to certain direction (Input/Output)

gpio.pinMode(writepin, neo.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(readpin, neo.INPUT)

Lets blink forever and read our second pin (Remember read pin must be pulled fully to either LOW or HIGH not hanging)

while True:
    gpio.digitalWrite(writepin, neo.HIGH)
    gpio.digitalWrite(writepin, neo.LOW)
    print "Pin 2 current state is: "+str(gpio.digitalRead(readpin))

Using a more object oriented approach

from neo import Gpio
from time import sleep

pin = easyGpio(2) # Pin 2 with LED
readpin = easyGpio(3) # Pin 3 with switch

pin.pinOUT() # Make pin output 
readpin.pinIN() # Make pin in

while True:
    pin.on() # Turn pin on
    sleep(1) # wait one second # Turn pin off
    print "pin 3 state %d" % readpin.get() # Get current pin state

Yaay if everything worked correctly and you wired the LED and input button correctly then you should be able to read and write values
Remember GPIO is not the only thing you can do with this library you can use all the sensors that are provided currently for the Neo
Such as


Check them out in the and


There is a lot of error checking that goes through before sending pin values
The only thing that this won't handle is detecting is the cortex pins are on output, so if you set the cortex pin on output
If you don't know what I mean, just to be safe flash the cortex with the minimal sketch so you don't damage the board

Any questions? Contact me at