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aeonRequestsDialog is a highly configurable jQuery plugin that displays a confirmation dialog for requests in the Aeon system. It contains a template that is both highly configurable and completely overridable. It also provides some convenience functionality like combining requests, automatically parsing form data, or adding advanced copy options. aeonRequestsDialog uses jQueryUI for display elements and the jqote2 javascript template library (included in zip for convenience) for the templates.

aeonRequestsDialog has three primary modes of operation, determined by the datasource property, which define how the data the dialog requires is acquired. The three modes are 'form', which reads values from an html form; 'json', which uses ajax to fetch a json object; and 'custom', which relies on the developer to provide the data directly. Each mode is described in more detail below. The dialog can have both regular item fields, as well as global fields that apply to all items in a request, e.g. 'Site'.

Basic Installation

  1. Determine which type of datasource you wish to use and make the necessary preparations. See below for more details.

  2. Unpack the zip file and copy aeonRequestsDialog.min.js and jquery.jqote2.min.js to the location you wish to serve javascript files from, then copy aeonRequestsDialog.css to the location you wish to serve css files from.

  3. Add necessary stylesheets and code libraries. I recommend using CDNs where available.

    In the head of your document, add

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/aeonRequestsDialog.css" />

    At the end of the body, add

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="path/to/jquery.jqote2.min.js"></script>
    <script src="path/to/aeonRequestsDialog.min.js"></script>
  4. Configure settings and startup dialog. This will create the dialog and bind the show action to the button.

    var settings = { ... };

    Most settings have reasonable defaults, but be sure and set 'url', which is the the url to the Aeon DLL. Other mandatory settings can be found in the individual mode section.



Form mode is the default mode of operation. It gathers data from an html form and prepares it for use by the dialog. Specifically, it gathers data from a form that matches the EADRequest form designed for the Aeon system. The plugin assumes the following default form structure:

<form id="EADRequest" name="EADRequest" url="url_to_aeon_dll" method="POST">
  <!-- global fields that apply to all requests -->
  <input type="hidden" name="globalField1" value="globalValue1"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="globalField2" value="globalValue2"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="globalFieldLast" value="globalValueLast"/>

  <!-- item 1 -->
  <input name="Request" value="some_unique_identifier" type="checkbox" id="Request_some_unique_identifier" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemField1_some_unique_identifier" value="itemField1Value" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemField2_some_unique_identifier" value="itemField2Value" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemFieldLast_some_unique_identifier" value="itemFieldLastValue" />
  <label for="Request_some_unique_identifier">Item1 Label</label>

  <!-- item 2 -->
  <input name="Request" value="some_unique_identifier" type="checkbox" id="Request_some_unique_identifier2" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemField1_some_unique_identifier2" value="itemField1Value" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemField2_some_unique_identifier2" value="itemField2Value" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemFieldLast_some_unique_identifier2" value="itemFieldLastValue" />
  <label for="Request_some_unique_identifier2">Item2 Label</label>

  <input type="submit" id="aeon_submit" class="aeon_submit" value="Submit Request" />

When configuring the dialog for use with forms, be sure and check the following:

  • You MUST, at a minimum, provide the list of item fields to be processed, using the itemFields setting. This setting takes an array of objects in the following form:

      itemFields: [
          'name': 'FieldName1',
          'label': 'FieldLabel1'
          'name': 'FieldName2',
          'label': 'FieldLabel2'

    'name' refers to name attribute of the hidden form element minus the unique identifier, e.g. 'ItemTitle' would refer to the input with a name like 'ItemTitle_0'.

    'label' refers to the label that will be displayed on the dialog. If you do not provide a label, that field will not be displayed on the dialog, but it WILL still be submitted to the Aeon system.

  • In addition, you may specify a number of global fields that apply to every request, e.g. 'Site' or 'Location'. These fields will be read from the hidden fields at the top of the form, but you can also supply default values when you define the fields, like so:

      globalFields: [
          'name': 'GlobalField1'
          'name': 'GlobalField2',
          'value': 'defaultValue'
  • The submit button in the form should be the button used when initializing the plugin.

  • If the id of your form differs, be sure and set the 'form' attribute to your form id.

  • If you have renamed the checkboxes on the form, be sure and set 'checkedItemSelector' to the appropriate new selector. E.g., if you changed your checkboxes to 'NewRequestName', 'checkedItemSelector' should be set to 'input[name="NewRequestName"]:checked'. Note the ':checked' - the processing assumes the result of calling $(checkedItemSelector) will only contain requests to include.


JSON processing assumes that the data will be accessed through a JSON object acquired through an ajax call. When configuring the dialog for use with JSON, be sure and check the following:

  • 'datasource' must be set to 'json'

  • 'jsonUrl' must be set to the url to access the JSON. Query parameters should be included in the 'jsonContent' field.

  • 'jsonCallback' must be set to a function that will transform the result of the json call into the expected data format and return that object. The returned object must conform to the following format:

        globalFields: [
            'name': 'GlobalField1',
            'value': 'GlobalValue1'
            'name': 'GlobalField2',
            'value': 'GlobalValue2'
        items : [
            fields: [
                'name': 'FieldName1',
                'label': 'FieldLabel1',
                'value': 'FieldValue1-1',
                'name': 'FieldName2',
                'label': 'FieldLabel2',
                'value': 'FieldValue1-2',
            fields: [
                'name': 'FieldName1',
                'label': 'FieldLabel1',
                'value': 'FieldValue2-1',
                'name': 'FieldName2',
                'label': 'FieldLabel2',
                'value': 'FieldValue2-2',

    As with form processing, if 'label' is omitted, the field will not be displayed but will be included in form submission.

    If a null (or other 'falsey') value is returned from this function, the dialog will not be shown.

  • 'jsonContent' holds any additional query args needed to be passed to 'jsonUrl' and is a key-value object, e.g.:

        'isAeon': 1,
        'showJSON': 1
  • There are two event callbacks for the json request: jsonSubmit and jsonComplete. jsonSubmit is called just prior to the AJAX call to fetch the json. jsonComplete is called after the json response has arrived and is passed the json response. Returning a false value from either of these will prevent the dialog from being shown.

  • If using compressRequests, you must set itemFields.


Custom processing is an advanced mode for users for whom the form and json processing is inadequate. It allows users to define their own datasource completely, whether the data's ultimate source is a static object on the page, the result of some function calls, or another, more exotic method. This is accomplished by defining a callback to get the data. This function must return an object in the same format as required from the json processing above, and, like json processing, if the returned object is a null, the dialog is not displayed.

If you need custom processing, be sure and set the following:

  • 'datasource' needs to be set to 'custom'

  • 'customCallback' - function that fetches, builds, or otherwise readies the data for use by the dialog. Must return an object in the following format:

        globalFields: [
            'name': 'GlobalField1',
            'value': 'GlobalValue1'
            'name': 'GlobalField2',
            'value': 'GlobalValue2'
        items : [
            fields: [
                'name': 'FieldName1',
                'label': 'FieldLabel1',
                'value': 'FieldValue1-1',
                'name': 'FieldName2',
                'label': 'FieldLabel2',
                'value': 'FieldValue1-2',
            fields: [
                'name': 'FieldName1',
                'label': 'FieldLabel1',
                'value': 'FieldValue2-1',
                'name': 'FieldName2',
                'label': 'FieldLabel2',
                'value': 'FieldValue2-2',

    As with form processing, if 'label' is omitted, the field will not be displayed but will be included in form submission.

    If a null (or other 'falsey') value is returned from this function, the dialog will not be shown.

  • If using compressRequests, you must set itemFields.

UI and Behavior extras

This plugin has some extra behaviors and UI elements available for use.

  • Select All and Select None buttons: pair of buttons for selecting all or none of the requested items on the dialog. To enable, set selectAllButtonsPosition to one of: top, bottom, both; buttons will be added to the top, bottom, or both, of the items display. The buttons are also optionally limited by a minimum item count threshhold: set selectAllButtonsShowAt to the number of items you wish as a minimum threshhold. The labels shown can be customized by setting selectAllButtonLabel and selectNoneButtonLabel. Finally, the buttons can become anchor tags by simply setting selectButtonsTag to 'a'.

  • Notes field: by default, a textarea for notes is added with a customizable message. To disable, set 'includeNotes' to false. To customize the message, set 'notesMessage' to the desired message.

  • Scheduled date: by default, a radio group is added to the dialog for scheduling the date of desired request fulfillment or for saving in the user's Aeon account. This includes a jQueryUI datepicker for choosing the date. The message for the option of choosing a date can be set with 'scheduledDateMessage', and the message for user review can be set with 'userReviewMessage'. To disable, set 'includeScheduledDate' to false.

  • Simple copy options: adds a checkbox and a message to the dialog that allows for toggling the RequestType between 'Loan' and 'Copy'. To enable, set 'includeSimpleCopyOptions' to true. To customize the checkbox label, set 'simpleCopyLabel'. To add an explanatory or other message above the checkbox, set 'simpleCopyMessage'.

  • Advanced copy options: adds a series of options to more granularly define what is desired in the copy. It will automatically set the RequestType to 'Copy' and add select boxes and labels for Format, ServiceLevel, and ShippingOptions, as well as a checkbox and label for ForPublication. To enable, set 'includeAdvancedCopyOptions' to true.

    Each select has a default set of options that can be overriden in two ways:

    1. Array of strings. Each string will be set as the value and label of the option, like so:

    2. Array of objects, each object containing a 'label' and a 'value' field. The label field will be the displayed value and the 'value' field will be set as the 'value' attribute:

        <option value="value">label</option>

    Additionally, each of these has a default label to be displayed to the left of the select that is overrideable by setting, e.g., 'formatLabel'.

    Finally, a message can be added before the selects by setting 'advancedCopyMessage'.

  • Clean values: performs string substitution on the values obtained during form processing ONLY. By default, this performs a head and tail trim of whitespace. To customize, set 'cleanValues' to the function that will perform the clean.

  • Compress requests: compresses requests on a given field, to minimize the number of requests that appear in the Aeon system. E.g. if a user wants to request multiple items from a box with the same barcode, it would be useful to combine all of those requests into one. To enable this feature, set 'compressRequests' to true and set 'compressRequestsField' to the field that should be the one to collapse on, which defaults to 'ItemNumber'. When enabled, the dialog will concatenate the different values for a given field into a new instance of that field, separated by '; '. For example, consider a request for the following items:

      ItemNumber: 1
      ItemTitle: Title1
      ItemSubTitle: SubTitle
      ItemNumber: 1
      ItemTitle: Title1-2
      ItemSubTitle: SubTitle
      ItemNumber: 2
      ItemTitle: Title2
      ItemSubTitle: SubTitle2

    These would produce the following requests in Aeon:

      ItemNumber: 1
      ItemTitle: Title1; Title1-2
      ItemSubTitle: SubTitle
      ItemNumber: 2
      ItemTitle: Title2
      ItemSubTitle: SubTitle2

    Requires that itemFields is defined.

  • Strip unchecked: strips out the hidden form values holding the item information for items that are unchecked on the dialog on dialog submission. On by default.

  • Clean notes: replaces newlines in the notes field with spaces. Needed because Aeon strips out (or doesn't display) anything past the first newline. On by default.



To update the look, you can set any or all of the labels and messages, which include: title, header, footer, and a message above the buttons, along with the other labels discussed above. The submit and cancel buttons can be customized by setting their labels, as well as by turning the inputs into buttons or anchor tags by setting submitButtonsTag.

In addition, you can set the minWidth, width, maxWidth, minHeight, height, and maxHeight properties of the dialog. Only minWidth has a default, which is 750px. Width will take precedence over min or max, and the same goes for height.

More advanced customization can be had by providing new templates the items display or the whole dialog itself. These new templates must be jqote2 templates, so view those docs to see the templating syntax.

If you wish to override the templates, I highly recommend you use the embedding method described in the jqote2 docs and that you set the option to the selector for the template. E.g.

<script type="text/x-jqote2-template" id="template">
  My new template


template: '#template'

If you override the default template, you will need to provide your own event binding as well as prevent the default bindings from occuring. To do this, see 'Behavior' section below.

If you change the class of the div used to contain the items, be sure and set 'itemsAttachpointSelector' to the appropriate selector.


To customize behavior, three event hooks have been added: createDialog, destroyDialog, and onSubmit.

  • createDialog is called after the call to $().dialog but before the dialog is shown. It is intended as a place to wire up custom UI elements or perform any other pre-show processing.

  • destroyDialog is called before the dialog is destroyed, to allow for the unbinding of events and destruction of custom UI elements, as well as any post-cancel processing that needs to occur.

  • onSubmit is called after the user hits the submit button on the dialog to send the request to Aeon. If this method returns false, submission does not occur.

If the default behavior of the UI elements is undesireable, you can prevent its implementation by setting 'useDefaultBindings' to false. Beware: setting this to false will prevent ALL default UI bindings, so you will have to provide your own in the createDialog method. This is primarily intended for those users who are completely replacing the default template.



All methods are called using the default jQuery style. E.g.:

  • show: shows the dialog. Generally no need to call directly, as the plugin binds the submit button to this action

  • options:

    1. with no arguments: returns the options object containing dialog settings
    2. with one string argument: returns the option named by the given argument
    3. with an object argument: extends the options object with the passed arguments then returns it
    4. with two string arguments: sets the option given in the first argument to the value given in the second argument, then returns options
  • destroy: destroys the plugin


  • 'url': url to Aeon DLL

  • 'dialogId': id of the main dialog div. If putting more than one dialog on a page, be sure and set this to something other than default on second dialog.

    default: 'aeon_request_dialog'

  • 'submitButtonSelector': selector of button used to show dialog

    default: '.aeon_submit',

  • 'AeonForm': argument passed to Aeon DLL for processing on their side

    default: 'EADRequest'

  • 'RequestType': whether copy or loan.

    default: 'Loan'

  • 'globalFields': fields common to all requests

    default: []

  • 'itemFields': fields for individual items

    default: []

  • 'items': items to be requested

    default: []

  • 'datasource': sets source of data for dialog. Values:

    1. form: use default form processing
    2. json: use default json processsing
    3. custom: provide custom data processing

    default: form

  • 'form': id of form for form processing

    default: 'EADRequest'

  • 'requestsSelector': selector for items on dialog

    default: 'input[name="Request"]',

  • 'jsonUrl': url to json

    default: null

  • 'jsonCallback': callback for json response to process into correct format

    default: null

  • 'jsonContent': args to be passed as the content of the json request

    default: null

  • 'jsonSubmit': callback called just prior to ajax call to fetch json; return false to prevent the dialog from showing

    default: function(){return true;}

  • 'jsonComplete': callback called just after json response is received; passed the json response; return false to prevent the dialog from showing

    default: function(data){return true;}

  • 'customCallback': function used in custom processing to provide the data

    default: null

  • 'useDefaultBindings': setup default bindings. Set to false if completely replacing template.

    default: true

  • 'createDialog': event hook for dialog creation

    default: function(){return this;}

  • 'destroyDialog': event hook for dialog destruction

    default: function (){return this;}

  • 'onSubmit': event hook for form submission

    default: function(){return true;},

  • 'minWidth': minimum width of dialog

    default: 750

  • 'width': width of dialog

  • 'maxWidth': max width of dialog

  • 'minHeight': minimum height of dialog

  • 'height': height of dialog

  • 'maxHeight': max height of dialog

  • 'title': dialog title

    default: 'Confirm your request'

  • 'header': header message

    default: ''

  • 'footer': footer message

    default: ''

  • 'submitButtonsMessage': message to be displayed above the submit and cancel buttons

    default: ''

  • 'submitButtonLabel': label on the dialog's submit button

    default: 'Submit Request'

  • 'cancelButtonLabel': label on the dialog's cancel button

    default: 'Cancel Request'

  • 'submitButtonsTag': html tag to use for creating buttons. Values:

    1. input: form elements of type submit and reset
    2. button: button element
    3. a: anchor tag with href="#"

    default: input

  • 'selectAllButtonsPosition': position(s) to show select all/none buttons at. Values:

    1. '': no buttons
    2. 'top': top of item display
    3. 'bottom': bottom of item display
    4. 'both': both top and bottom of item display

    default: ''

  • 'selectAllButtonsShowAt': number of items required before buttons are shown

    default: 0

  • 'selectAllButtonsTag': html tag to use for creating buttons: Values:

    1. button: button element
    2. a: anchor tag

    default: button

  • 'selectAllButtonLabel': label for select all button

    default: 'Select All'

  • 'selectNoneButtonLabel': label for select none button

    default: 'Select None'

  • 'includeSimpleCopyOption': include the simple copy options

    default: false

  • 'simpleCopyLabel': label for simple copy checkbox

    default: 'Requesting Duplication of Material'

  • 'simpleCopyMessage': message to be displayed above copy check

    default: ''

  • 'includeAdvancedCopyOptions': include the advanced copy options

    default: false

  • 'advancedCopyMessage': message to be displayed above copy options

    default: ''

  • 'formatLabel': label for Format select

    default: 'Format'

  • 'formatOptions': options for Format select

    default: [ 'Photocopy', 'Scan (DVD/CD)', 'Scan (Electronic Delivery)' ]

  • 'serviceLevelLabel': label for ServiceLevel select

    default: 'Intended Use'

  • 'serviceLevelOptions': options for ServiceLevel select

    default: ['Advertisement (Commercial)', 'Advertisement (PSA)', 'Educational Use', 'Government', 'Live Presentation', 'Museum Use', 'Non Profit', 'Personal Use', 'Preservation Use']

  • 'shippingOptionLabel': label for ShippingOption select

    default: 'Shipping Option'

  • 'shippingOptions': options for ShippingOption select

    default: ['Download/FTP (User Provided)', 'Download/FTP (Institution Provided)', 'Pick up Onsite', 'Fed Ex (User Account)', 'UPS (User Account)', 'USPS (First Class)', 'USPS (Overseas)' ]

  • 'forPublicationLabel': label for ForPublication checkbox

    default: 'For Publication'

  • 'includeNotes': include the notes field

    default: true

  • 'notesMessage': message to be displayed about notes textarea

    default: 'Please include any notes that might help us identify the specific items requested or any other pertinent information:'

  • 'includeScheduledDate': include the scheduled date ui elements

    default: true

  • 'scheduledDateMessage': message to be displayed above the scheduled date options

  • 'scheduledDateLabel': label for the scheduled date option

    default: 'Scheduled Date'

  • 'userReviewLabel': label for the user review option

    default: 'Keep this request saved in your account for later review. It will not be sent to Libraries staff for fulfilment.'

  • 'compressRequests': set to true to compress requests on a given field

    default: false

  • 'compressRequestsField': field to compress on

    default: 'ItemNumber'

  • 'stripUnchecked': set to true to strip form fields for unchecked items

    default: true

  • 'cleanValues': function used during form processing to clean values from form


        return s.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/,'');
  • 'cleanNotes': set to true to strip newlines from notes field

    default: true

  • 'itemsAttachpointSelector': selector for attachpoint of items

    default: '.aeon_request_items'

  • 'itemsTemplate': jqote template for items


      '<div>' +
        '<% for ( var x=0; x < this.items.length; x++ ) { %>' +
          '<div class="requestItem" style="clear:both">' +
            '<div class="request_inputs">' +
              '<input type="checkbox" name="Request" value="<%= x %>" checked="checked"/>' +
              '<% for ( var y=0; y < this.items[x].fields.length; y++ ){ %>' +
                '<input type="hidden" name="<%= this.items[x].fields[y].name %>_<%= x %>" value="<%= this.items[x].fields[y].value %>">' +
              '<% } %>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<% for ( var y=0; y < this.items[x].fields.length; y++ ){ %>' +
              '<% if ( this.items[x].fields[y].label ) { %>' +
                '<div class="requestDesc"><span class="label"><%= this.items[x].fields[y].label %>:</span> <%= this.items[x].fields[y].value %></div>' +
              '<% } %>' +
            '<% } %>' +
          '</div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
  • 'template': jqote template for dialog


      '<form method="POST" action="<%= this.url %>" class="aeon_request_form" target="_self" name="<%= this.AeonForm %>">' +
        '<input name="AeonForm" type="hidden" value="<%= this.AeonForm %>"/>' +
        '<input name="RequestType" type="hidden" value="<%= this.RequestType %>" />' +
        '<input name="SubmitButton" value="Submit Request" type="hidden" />' +
        '<% for (var x=0; x < this.globalFields.length; x++ ) { %>' +
          '<input name="<%= this.globalFields[x].name %>" type="hidden" value="<%= this.globalFields[x].value %>" />' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if ( this.header ) { %>' +
          '<div class="aeon_request_header"><%= this.header %></div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if ( this.selectAllButtonsPosition === "top" || this.selectAllButtonsPosition === "both" ) { %>' +
          '<% if ( !this.selectAllButtonsShowAt || ( this.items.length >= this.selectAllButtonsShowAt ) ) { %>' +
            '<div class="select_all_buttons"><button class="select_all">Select All</button><button class="select_none">Select None</button></div>' +
          '<% } %>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<div class="aeon_request_items"></div>' +
        '<% if ( this.selectAllButtonsPosition === "bottom" || this.selectAllButtonsPosition === "both" ) { %>' +
          '<% if ( !this.selectAllButtonsShowAt || ( this.items.length >= this.selectAllButtonsShowAt ) ) { %>' +
            '<div class="select_all_buttons"><button class="select_all">Select All</button><button class="select_none">Select None</button></div>' +
          '<% } %>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if ( this.includeSimpleCopyOption ) { %>' +
          '<div class="simple_copy_opt">' +
            '<% if ( this.simpleCopyMessage ) { %>' +
              '<div class="simple_copy_message message"><%= this.simpleCopyMessage %></div>' +
            '<% } %>' +
            '<div class="request_inputs">' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="copy_check" value="Yes"/>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="requestDesc"><label for="aeon_request_copy"><span class="label"><%= this.simpleCopyLabel %></span></label></div>' +
          '</div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if ( this.includeAdvancedCopyOptions ) { %>' +
          '<div class="advanced_copy_opt">' +
            '<% if ( this.advancedCopyMessage ) { %>' +
              '<div class="adv_copy_message message"><%= this.advancedCopyMessage %></div>' +
            '<% } %>' +
            '<div class="adv_copy_element">' +
              '<label for="Format" class="label"><%= this.formatLabel %></label>' +
              '<select name="Format" class="adv_copy_select">' +
                '<% for ( var x=0; x < this.formatOptions.length; x++ ) { %>' +
                  '<% var o = this.formatOptions[x]; %>' +
                  '<% if ( typeof o === "object" ) { %>' +
                    '<option value="<%= o.value %>"><%= o.label %></option>'+
                  '<% } else { %>' +
                    '<option><%= o %></option>'+
                  '<% } %>' +
                '<% } %>' +
              '</select>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="adv_copy_element">' +
              '<label for="ServiceLevel" class="label"><%= this.serviceLevelLabel %></label>' +
              '<select name="ServiceLevel" class="adv_copy_select">' +
                '<% for ( var x=0; x < this.serviceLevelOptions.length; x++ ) { %>' +
                  '<% var o = this.serviceLevelOptions[x]; %>' +
                  '<% if ( typeof o === "object" ) { %>' +
                    '<option value="<%= o.value %>"><%= o.label %></option>'+
                  '<% } else { %>' +
                    '<option><%= o %></option>'+
                  '<% } %>' +
                '<% } %>' +
              '</select>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="adv_copy_element">' +
              '<label for="ShippingOption" class="label"><%= this.shippingOptionLabel %></label>' +
              '<select name="ShippingOption" class="adv_copy_select">' +
                '<% for ( var x=0; x < this.shippingOptions.length; x++ ) { %>' +
                  '<% var o = this.shippingOptions[x]; %>' +
                  '<% if ( typeof o === "object" ) { %>' +
                    '<option value="<%= o.value %>"><%= o.label %></option>'+
                  '<% } else { %>' +
                    '<option><%= o %></option>'+
                  '<% } %>' +
                '<% } %>' +
              '</select>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="adv_copy_element">' +
              '<label for="ForPublication" class="label"><%= this.forPublicationLabel %></label>' +
              '<input name="ForPublication" type="checkbox" value="Yes">' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if ( this.includeNotes ) { %>' +
          '<div class="notes">' +
            '<% if ( this.notesMessage ) { %>' +
              '<label for="Notes" class="notes_message message"><%= this.notesMessage %></label><br/>' +
            '<% } %>' +
            '<textarea name="Notes" cols="60" rows="4"></textarea>' +
          '</div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<% if (this.includeScheduledDate) { %>' +
          '<div class="scheduled_date_options">'+
            '<% if ( this.scheduledDateMessage ) { %>' +
              '<div class="scheduled_date_message message"><%= this.scheduledDateMessage %></div>' +
            '<% } %>' +
            '<div class="rev_sched_opt">' +
              '<input type="radio" name="UserReview" class="schedule_opt scheduled_date_radio" value="No" checked="checked"/>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="scheduled_date">' +
              '<label for="scheduled_date_radio"><span class="label"><%= this.scheduledDateLabel %></span></label><br/>' +
              '<input type="text" class="datepicker"  name="ScheduledDate"/>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="rev_sched_opt">' +
              '<input type="radio" name="UserReview" value="Yes" class="schedule_opt user_review_radio"/>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="review disabled">' +
              '<label for="user_review_radio"><%= this.userReviewLabel %></label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
        '<% } %>' +
        '<div class="buttons">' +
          '<% if ( this.buttonsMessage ) { %>' +
            '<div class="buttonMessage message"><%= this.buttonsMessage %></div>' +
          '<% } %>' +
          '<% if ( this.submitButtonsTag === "input" ) { %>' +
            '<input type="submit" value="<%= this.submitButtonLabel %>" class="dialog_submit"/>' +
            '<input type="reset" value="<%= this.cancelButtonLabel %>" class="dialog_cancel"/>' +
          '<% } else { %>' +
            '<<%= this.submitButtonsTag %> class="dialog_submit" <%= this.submitButtonsTag === \'a\' ? \'href="#"\' : "" %>><%= this.submitButtonLabel %></<%= this.submitButtonsTag %>>' +
              '<<%= this.submitButtonsTag %> class="dialog_cancel" <%= this.submitButtonsTag === \'a\' ? \'href="#"\' : "" %>><%= this.cancelButtonLabel %></<%= this.submitButtonsTag %>>' +
          '<% } %>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<% if ( this.footer ) { %>' +
          '<div class="aeon_footer"><%= this.footer %></div>' +
        '<% } %>' +


This sofware is released under the MIT License:

Copyright (c) 2013 University of Georgia

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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