converters for the generic 4D radar dataset which is here.
- convert the rosbag to a generic folder of a 4D radar dataset sequence
- convert the content of a generic folder of a 4D radar dataset sequence to a rosbag
The frame definitions and extrinsic calibrations are provided in the matlab folder.
The intrinsic parameters of the zed2i stereo camera are in the topics of each bag, /zed2i/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info and /zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info.
The python scripts require a ros1 distribution to run, e.g., ros1 noetic which can be installed for ubuntu <=20.04 following instructions.
For higher ubuntu versions say 22.04, a docker container or the robostack can be used to run this program. Both are pretty easy to install and use.
The matlab scripts require a MATLAB >=2007a installation.