diff --git a/shared/locales/de/website-campaign.json b/shared/locales/de/website-campaign.json
index e22795864..915132b12 100644
--- a/shared/locales/de/website-campaign.json
+++ b/shared/locales/de/website-campaign.json
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
- "campaign": {
- "not-found": "Die Kampagne konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.",
- "by": "Von {{ creator }}",
- "without-goal": {
- "collected_zero": "Noch keine Spenden. Mache den ersten Schritt!",
- "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{ count }} Spender:in gesammelt",
- "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{ count }} Spender:innen gesammelt"
- },
- "with-goal": {
- "collected-percentage": "{{percentage}}% gesammelt",
- "goal-title": "Ziel",
- "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{count}} Spender:in",
- "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{count}} Spender:innen",
- "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
- },
- "days-left_zero": "Letzter Tag",
- "days-left_one": "Noch einen Tag bis zum Spendeschluss",
- "days-left_other": "{{ count }} verbleibende Tage",
- "ended": "Die Kampagne ist beendet. Für reguläre Spenden verwende bitte die Hauptspendeseite.",
- "card-title": "Mein Beitrag",
- "about-si-title": "Über Social Income",
- "about-si-text-1": "Social Income ist eine NGO mit Sitz in der Schweiz, die bedingungslose Geldüberweisungen per Mobiltelefon an Menschen in multidimensionaler Armut in Westafrika bereitstellt.",
- "about-si-text-2": "Seit 2020 führt Social Income ein zeitlich unbegrenztes Programm für ein universelles Grundeinkommen in Sierra Leone durch.",
- "more-faq": "Mehr Fragen",
- "badge-highlight": "Aktuelle Kampagne"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "campaign": {
+ "not-found": "Die Kampagne konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.",
+ "by": "Von {{ creator }}",
+ "without-goal": {
+ "collected_zero": "Noch keine Spenden. Mache den ersten Schritt!",
+ "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{ count }} Spender:in gesammelt",
+ "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{ count }} Spender:innen gesammelt"
+ },
+ "with-goal": {
+ "collected-percentage": "{{percentage}}% gesammelt",
+ "goal-title": "Ziel",
+ "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{count}} Spender:in",
+ "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} von {{count}} Spender:innen",
+ "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
+ },
+ "days-left_zero": "Letzter Tag",
+ "days-left_one": "Noch einen Tag bis zum Spendeschluss",
+ "days-left_other": "{{ count }} verbleibende Tage",
+ "ended": "Die Kampagne ist beendet. Für reguläre Spenden verwende bitte die Hauptspendeseite.",
+ "card-title": "Mein Beitrag",
+ "about-si-title": "Über Social Income",
+ "about-si-text-1": "Social Income ist eine NGO mit Sitz in der Schweiz, die bedingungslose Geldüberweisungen per Mobiltelefon an Menschen in multidimensionaler Armut in Westafrika bereitstellt.",
+ "about-si-text-2": "Seit 2020 führt Social Income ein zeitlich unbegrenztes Programm für ein universelles Grundeinkommen in Sierra Leone durch.",
+ "more-faq": "Mehr Fragen",
+ "badge-highlight": "Aktuelle Kampagne"
+ }
diff --git a/shared/locales/en/website-campaign.json b/shared/locales/en/website-campaign.json
index 2f4c9cd1c..18be3814d 100644
--- a/shared/locales/en/website-campaign.json
+++ b/shared/locales/en/website-campaign.json
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
- "campaign": {
- "not-found": "Unfortunately, the campaign couldn't be found.",
- "by": "By {{ creator }}",
- "without-goal": {
- "collected_zero": "No contributions yet. Be the first!",
- "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} raised by {{ count }} contributor",
- "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} raised by {{ count }} contributors"
- },
- "with-goal": {
- "collected-percentage": "Raised {{percentage}}%",
- "goal-title": "Goal",
- "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} by {{count}} contributor",
- "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} by {{count}} contributors",
- "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
- },
- "days-left_zero": "Last day left to contribute",
- "days-left_one": "1 day left to contribute",
- "days-left_other": "{{ count }} days left to contribute",
- "ended": "The campaign has ended. For regular donations, please use the main donation page.",
- "card-title": "My Contribution",
- "about-si-title": "About Social Income",
- "about-si-text-1": "Social Income is a nonprofit organization based in Switzerland that provides unconditional cash transfers via mobile phone to people living in multidimensional poverty in West Africa.",
- "about-si-text-2": "Since 2020, Social Income has been running an open-ended universal basic income program in Sierra Leone.",
- "more-faq": "More questions",
- "badge-highlight": "Ongoing Campaign"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "campaign": {
+ "not-found": "Unfortunately, the campaign couldn't be found.",
+ "by": "By {{ creator }}",
+ "without-goal": {
+ "collected_zero": "No contributions yet. Be the first!",
+ "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} raised by {{ count }} contributor",
+ "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} raised by {{ count }} contributors"
+ },
+ "with-goal": {
+ "collected-percentage": "Raised {{percentage}}%",
+ "goal-title": "Goal",
+ "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} by {{count}} contributor",
+ "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} by {{count}} contributors",
+ "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
+ },
+ "days-left_zero": "Last day left to contribute",
+ "days-left_one": "1 day left to contribute",
+ "days-left_other": "{{ count }} days left to contribute",
+ "ended": "The campaign has ended. For regular donations, please use the main donation page.",
+ "card-title": "My Contribution",
+ "about-si-title": "About Social Income",
+ "about-si-text-1": "Social Income is a nonprofit organization based in Switzerland that provides unconditional cash transfers via mobile phone to people living in multidimensional poverty in West Africa.",
+ "about-si-text-2": "Since 2020, Social Income has been running an open-ended universal basic income program in Sierra Leone.",
+ "more-faq": "More questions",
+ "badge-highlight": "Ongoing Campaign"
+ }
diff --git a/shared/locales/fr/website-campaign.json b/shared/locales/fr/website-campaign.json
index b94021834..73ca6855c 100644
--- a/shared/locales/fr/website-campaign.json
+++ b/shared/locales/fr/website-campaign.json
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
- "campaign": {
- "not-found": "La campagne est malheureusement introuvable.",
- "by": "Par {{ creator }}",
- "without-goal": {
- "collected_zero": "Il n’y a pas encore de dons. Fais le premier pas!",
- "collected_one": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{ count }} personne",
- "collected_other": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{ count }} personnes"
- },
- "with-goal": {
- "collected-percentage": "Reçu {{percentage}}%",
- "goal-title": "Objectif",
- "collected-amount_one": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{count}} personne",
- "collected-amount_other": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{count}} personnes",
- "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
- },
- "days-left_zero": "Dernier jour",
- "days-left_one": "Plus qu’un jour jusqu’à la clôture de la campagne",
- "days-left_other": "Encore {{ count }} pour contribuer",
- "ended": " La campagne est terminée. Tu peux faire un don en allant sur la page principale du site.",
- "card-title": "Ma contribution",
- "about-si-title": "Über Social Income",
- "about-si-text-1": "Social Income est une ONG basée en Suisse qui assure des transferts d’argent inconditionnels par téléphone mobile à des personnes vivant dans une pauvreté multidimensionnelle en Afrique de l’Ouest.",
- "about-si-text-2": "Depuis 2020, Social Income gère un programme de revenu de base universel non limité dans le temps en Sierra Leone.",
- "more-faq": "Plus de questions",
- "badge-highlight": "Campagne actuelle"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "campaign": {
+ "not-found": "La campagne est malheureusement introuvable.",
+ "by": "Par {{ creator }}",
+ "without-goal": {
+ "collected_zero": "Il n’y a pas encore de dons. Fais le premier pas!",
+ "collected_one": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{ count }} personne",
+ "collected_other": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{ count }} personnes"
+ },
+ "with-goal": {
+ "collected-percentage": "Reçu {{percentage}}%",
+ "goal-title": "Objectif",
+ "collected-amount_one": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{count}} personne",
+ "collected-amount_other": "Reçu {{ amount, currency }} de {{count}} personnes",
+ "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
+ },
+ "days-left_zero": "Dernier jour",
+ "days-left_one": "Plus qu’un jour jusqu’à la clôture de la campagne",
+ "days-left_other": "Encore {{ count }} pour contribuer",
+ "ended": " La campagne est terminée. Tu peux faire un don en allant sur la page principale du site.",
+ "card-title": "Ma contribution",
+ "about-si-title": "Über Social Income",
+ "about-si-text-1": "Social Income est une ONG basée en Suisse qui assure des transferts d’argent inconditionnels par téléphone mobile à des personnes vivant dans une pauvreté multidimensionnelle en Afrique de l’Ouest.",
+ "about-si-text-2": "Depuis 2020, Social Income gère un programme de revenu de base universel non limité dans le temps en Sierra Leone.",
+ "more-faq": "Plus de questions",
+ "badge-highlight": "Campagne actuelle"
+ }
diff --git a/shared/locales/it/website-campaign.json b/shared/locales/it/website-campaign.json
index 6081fcb6f..8e12a2ac9 100644
--- a/shared/locales/it/website-campaign.json
+++ b/shared/locales/it/website-campaign.json
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
- "campaign": {
- "not-found": "Purtroppo, la campagna non è stata trovata.",
- "by": "Di {{ creator }}",
- "without-goal": {
- "collected_zero": "Nessun contributo ancora. Sii il primo!",
- "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} raccolti da {{ count }} sostenitore",
- "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} raccolti da {{ count }} sostenitori"
- },
- "with-goal": {
- "collected-percentage": "Raggiunto il {{percentage}}%",
- "goal-title": "Obiettivo",
- "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} da {{count}} sostenitore",
- "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} da {{count}} sostenitori",
- "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
- },
- "days-left_zero": "Ultimo giorno per contribuire",
- "days-left_one": "1 giorno rimanente per contribuire",
- "days-left_other": "{{ count }} giorni rimanenti per contribuire",
- "ended": "La campagna è terminata. Per donazioni regolari, si prega di utilizzare la pagina principale delle donazioni.",
- "card-title": "Il Mio Contributo",
- "about-si-title": "Informazioni su Social Income",
- "about-si-text-1": "Social Income è un'organizzazione no-profit con sede in Svizzera che fornisce trasferimenti di denaro incondizionati tramite cellulare a persone che vivono in condizioni di povertà multidimensionale nell'Africa occidentale.",
- "about-si-text-2": "Dal 2020, Social Income gestisce un programma di reddito di base universale aperto in Sierra Leone.",
- "more-faq": "Altre domande",
- "badge-highlight": "Campagna in corso"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "campaign": {
+ "not-found": "Purtroppo, la campagna non è stata trovata.",
+ "by": "Di {{ creator }}",
+ "without-goal": {
+ "collected_zero": "Nessun contributo ancora. Sii il primo!",
+ "collected_one": "{{ amount, currency }} raccolti da {{ count }} sostenitore",
+ "collected_other": "{{ amount, currency }} raccolti da {{ count }} sostenitori"
+ },
+ "with-goal": {
+ "collected-percentage": "Raggiunto il {{percentage}}%",
+ "goal-title": "Obiettivo",
+ "collected-amount_one": "{{ amount, currency }} da {{count}} sostenitore",
+ "collected-amount_other": "{{ amount, currency }} da {{count}} sostenitori",
+ "goal-amount": "{{ amount, currency }}"
+ },
+ "days-left_zero": "Ultimo giorno per contribuire",
+ "days-left_one": "1 giorno rimanente per contribuire",
+ "days-left_other": "{{ count }} giorni rimanenti per contribuire",
+ "ended": "La campagna è terminata. Per donazioni regolari, si prega di utilizzare la pagina principale delle donazioni.",
+ "card-title": "Il Mio Contributo",
+ "about-si-title": "Informazioni su Social Income",
+ "about-si-text-1": "Social Income è un'organizzazione no-profit con sede in Svizzera che fornisce trasferimenti di denaro incondizionati tramite cellulare a persone che vivono in condizioni di povertà multidimensionale nell'Africa occidentale.",
+ "about-si-text-2": "Dal 2020, Social Income gestisce un programma di reddito di base universale aperto in Sierra Leone.",
+ "more-faq": "Altre domande",
+ "badge-highlight": "Campagna in corso"
+ }