From c838e26156ca1847873fdb968883453055ce90b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sandino Scheidegger Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 09:01:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Adding translation for surveys and survey response page --- shared/locales/de/website-survey.json | 120 +++++++++++++++++++ shared/locales/en/website-survey.json | 2 + shared/locales/fr/website-survey.json | 123 +++++++++++++++++++ shared/locales/it/website-survey.json | 166 ++++++++++++++------------ 4 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) create mode 100644 shared/locales/de/website-survey.json create mode 100644 shared/locales/fr/website-survey.json diff --git a/shared/locales/de/website-survey.json b/shared/locales/de/website-survey.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3e053c37 --- /dev/null +++ b/shared/locales/de/website-survey.json @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +{ + "titleOnboarding": "Onboarding Umfrage", + "titleCheckin": "Check-in Umfrage", + "titleOffboarding": "Offboarding Umfrage", + "titleFollowup": "Follow-up Umfrage", + "select": "Auswählen", + "save": "Speichern", + "freetext": "Gib deine Antwort ein", + "demo": "Im Demomodus kann die Umfrage nicht gespeichert werden", + "survey": { + "login": { + "message": "Bitte gib deine Telefonnummer und den Zugangscode ein, den wir dir geschickt haben.", + "phoneNumber": "Mobile-Money-Nummer", + "accessCode": "Zugangscode für die Umfrage", + "loadSurvey": "Umfrage laden", + "loading": "Lädt...", + "error": "Wir konnten die Umfrage nicht finden. Bitte überprüfe erneut deine Telefonnummer und den Zugangscode. Bitte kontaktiere das Team von Social Income, falls der Fehler weiterhin auftritt." + }, + "common": { + "start": "Starten", + "previous": "Zurück", + "next": "Weiter", + "complete": "Abschliessen", + "preview": "Vorschau", + "edit": "Bearbeiten", + "loading": "Lädt...", + "missingCredentials": "Es fehlen Anmeldedaten für die Umfrage. Bitte kontaktiere das Team von Social Income.", + "authError": "Fehler beim Login. Bitte kontaktiere das Team von Social Income.", + "loadingError": "Fehler beim Laden der Umfrage. Bitte kontaktiere das Team von Social Income.", + "progressSavingSuccess": "Deine Antwort wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.", + "progressSavingError": "Deine Antwort konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Erneuter Versuch... Bitte kontaktiere das Team von Social Income, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht.", + "completed": "Vielen Dank für das Ausfüllen der Umfrage.", + "alreadyCompleted": "Diese Umfrage wurde bereits ausgefüllt. Vielen Dank.", + "hello": "Hallo", + "welcome": "Das Ziel dieser Umfrage ist herauszufinden, welche Auswirkungen ein Social Income für dich hat. Das Ausfüllen dauert ungefähr 5 Minuten." + }, + "questions": { + "yesNoChoices": { + "yes": "Ja", + "no": "Nein", + "true": "Ja", + "false": "Nein" + }, + "livingLocationTitleV1": "Wo wohnst du?", + "livingLocationDescV1": "Freetown = Western Area Urban", + "livingLocationChoices": { + "westernAreaUrbanFreetown": "Western Area Urban", + "westernAreaRural": "Western Area Rural", + "easternProvince": "Eastern Province", + "northernProvince": "Northern Province", + "southernProvince": "Southern Province", + "northWestProvince": "North West Province" + }, + "maritalStatusTitleV1": "Was ist dein Familienstand?", + "maritalStatusChoices": { + "married": "Verheiratet", + "widowed": "Verwitwet", + "divorced": "Geschieden", + "separated": "Getrennt", + "neverMarried": "Noch nie verheiratet" + }, + "hasDependentsTitleV1": "Hast du Personen, die von dir abhängig sind?", + "hasDependentsDescV1": "Menschen, die finanziell von dir abhängig sind.", + "nrDependentsTitleV1": "Wie viele Personen sind finanziell von dir abhängig?", + "nrDependentsChoices": { + "1-2": "1-2", + "3-4": "3-4", + "5-7": "5-7", + "8-10": "8-10", + "10-": "mehr als 10" + }, + "attendingSchoolV1": "Gehst du derzeit zur Schule?", + "employmentStatusTitleV1": "Wie ist dein aktueller Beschäftigungsstatus?", + "employmentStatusChoices": { + "employed": "Angestellt", + "selfEmployed": "Selbständig", + "notEmployed": "Arbeitslos", + "retired": "Pensioniert" + }, + "notEmployedTitleV1": "Suchst du derzeit nach Arbeit?", + "disabilityTitleV1": "Hast du eine Behinderung oder Erkrankung, die deine Möglichkeiten einschränkt, eine Arbeit zu finden oder zu behalten?", + "skippingMealsTitleV1": "Kommt es vor, dass du oder andere Familienmitglieder in deinem Haushalt Mahlzeiten auslassen, weil das Geld für Lebensmittel nicht ausreicht?", + "skippingMealsLastWeekTitleV1": "Ist dies letzte Woche passiert?", + "skippingMealsLastWeek3MealsTitleV1": "Hast du in der vergangenen Woche mehr als 3 Mahlzeiten ausgelassen?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredTitleV1": "Hast du genug Geld, um unerwartete Ausgaben wie z.B. Arztbesuche zu decken?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredDescV1": "Ein Arztbesuch, der zum Beispiel 100 SLE oder mehr kostet.", + "savingsTitleV1": "Kannst du aktuell Geld sparen?", + "debtPersonalTitleV1": "Hast du Schulden?", + "debtPersonalDescV1": "Ab 500 SLE oder mehr.", + "debtPersonalRepayTitleV1": "Kannst du deine Schulden zurückzahlen?", + "debtHouseholdTitleV1": "Hat jemand in deinem Haushalt Schulden?", + "debtHouseholdDescV1": "Ab 500 SLE oder mehr.", + "debtHouseholdWhoRepaysTitleV1": "Bist du die Hauptperson, die diese Schulden zurückzahlt?", + "otherSupportTitleV1": "Erhältst du derzeit finanzielle Unterstützung aus anderer Quelle?", + "plannedAchievementTitleV1": "Was hoffst du in den nächsten 3 Jahren mit Social Income zu erreichen?", + "spendingTitleV1": "Wofür gibst du dein Social Income hauptsächlich aus?", + "spendingDescV1": "Bildung: Schulgebühren, Schreibwaren, Lehrbücher etc. // Essen: für dich oder deinen Haushalt // Wohnen: Miete, Instandhaltung etc. // Gesundheitsversorgung: Arzt, Krankenhausbesuch, Medikamente etc. // Transport: Bus, Taxi, Poda Poda, Keke etc. // Sparen: Bankkonto oder Mobile-Money-Konto etc. // Investitionen: Dünger, Werkzeuge, Diesel für Maschinen etc.", + "spendingChoices": { + "education": "Bildung", + "food": "Essen", + "housing": "Wohnen", + "healthCare": "Gesundheitsversorgung", + "mobility": "Transport", + "saving": "Sparen", + "investment": "Investition" + }, + "spendingRankingTitleV1": "Bitte priorisiere die ausgewählten Ausgabenbereiche von am wichtigsten bis am wenigsten wichtig.", + "spendingRankingDescV1": "Du kannst die Kategorien per Drag & Drop anordnen.", + "plannedAchievementRemainingTitleV1": "Was hoffst du in der restlichen Zeit im Social Income Programm zu erreichen?", + "financialIndependenceTitleV1": "Hat Social Income dir geholfen, dich finanziell sicherer und unabhängiger zu fühlen?", + "impactLifeGeneralTitleV1": "Welchen Einfluss hatte Social Income auf dein Leben?", + "longEnoughTitleV1": "Waren drei Jahre Social Income-Zahlungen lang genug, um finanziell stabil zu werden?", + "achievementsAchievedTitleV1": "Hast du das erreicht, was du dir in den letzten drei Jahren erhofft hast?", + "achievementsNotAchievedCommentTitleV1": "Was hat dich daran gehindert, dieses Ziel zu erreichen? Gibt es etwas, das wir hätten tun können, um dich weiter zu unterstützen? (z.B. Mentoring, Kontakte)", + "happierTitleV1": "Hat dich Social Income glücklicher gemacht?", + "happierCommentTitleV1": "Wie genau?", + "notHappierCommentTitleV1": "Kannst du uns sagen, warum?" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/shared/locales/en/website-survey.json b/shared/locales/en/website-survey.json index e343dcef4..6d361d483 100644 --- a/shared/locales/en/website-survey.json +++ b/shared/locales/en/website-survey.json @@ -121,3 +121,5 @@ } } } + + diff --git a/shared/locales/fr/website-survey.json b/shared/locales/fr/website-survey.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5beac2cce --- /dev/null +++ b/shared/locales/fr/website-survey.json @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +{ + "titleOnboarding": "Enquête d'intégration", + "titleCheckin": "Enquête de check-in", + "titleOffboarding": "Enquête de fin de participation", + "titleFollowup": "Enquête de suivi", + "select": "Sélectionner", + "save": "Enregistrer", + "freetext": "Entrez votre réponse", + "demo": "En mode démo, l'enquête ne peut pas être sauvegardée", + "survey": { + "login": { + "message": "Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone ainsi que le code d'accès que nous vous avons envoyé.", + "phoneNumber": "Numéro Mobile Money", + "accessCode": "Code d'accès pour l'enquête", + "loadSurvey": "Charger l'enquête", + "loading": "Chargement...", + "error": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé l'enquête. Veuillez vérifier à nouveau votre numéro de téléphone et votre code d'accès. Contactez l'équipe Social Income si l'erreur persiste." + }, + "common": { + "start": "Démarrer", + "previous": "Précédent", + "next": "Suivant", + "complete": "Terminer", + "preview": "Aperçu", + "edit": "Modifier", + "loading": "Chargement...", + "missingCredentials": "Identifiants manquants pour l'enquête. Veuillez contacter l'équipe Social Income.", + "authError": "Erreur lors de la connexion. Veuillez contacter l'équipe Social Income.", + "loadingError": "Erreur lors du chargement de l'enquête. Veuillez contacter l'équipe Social Income.", + "progressSavingSuccess": "Votre réponse a été enregistrée avec succès.", + "progressSavingError": "Impossible d'enregistrer votre réponse. Nouvel essai... Veuillez contacter l'équipe Social Income si l'erreur persiste.", + "completed": "Merci beaucoup d'avoir complété l'enquête.", + "alreadyCompleted": "Cette enquête est déjà terminée. Merci beaucoup.", + "hello": "Bonjour", + "welcome": "L’objectif de cette enquête est de découvrir l’impact d’un Social Income sur vous. Cela prend environ 5 minutes à compléter." + }, + "questions": { + "yesNoChoices": { + "yes": "Oui", + "no": "Non", + "true": "Oui", + "false": "Non" + }, + "livingLocationTitleV1": "Où habitez-vous ?", + "livingLocationDescV1": "Freetown = Western Area Urban", + "livingLocationChoices": { + "westernAreaUrbanFreetown": "Western Area Urban", + "westernAreaRural": "Western Area Rural", + "easternProvince": "Province de l'Est", + "northernProvince": "Province du Nord", + "southernProvince": "Province du Sud", + "northWestProvince": "Province du Nord-Ouest" + }, + "maritalStatusTitleV1": "Quel est votre état matrimonial ?", + "maritalStatusChoices": { + "married": "Marié(e)", + "widowed": "Veuf / Veuve", + "divorced": "Divorcé(e)", + "separated": "Séparé(e)", + "neverMarried": "Jamais marié(e)" + }, + "hasDependentsTitleV1": "Avez-vous des personnes à charge ?", + "hasDependentsDescV1": "Des personnes qui dépendent financièrement de vous.", + "nrDependentsTitleV1": "Combien de personnes dépendent financièrement de vous ?", + "nrDependentsChoices": { + "1-2": "1-2", + "3-4": "3-4", + "5-7": "5-7", + "8-10": "8-10", + "10-": "plus de 10" + }, + "attendingSchoolV1": "Êtes-vous actuellement scolarisé(e) ?", + "employmentStatusTitleV1": "Quel est votre statut d'emploi actuel ?", + "employmentStatusChoices": { + "employed": "Employé(e)", + "selfEmployed": "Indépendant(e)", + "notEmployed": "Sans emploi", + "retired": "Retraité(e)" + }, + "notEmployedTitleV1": "Êtes-vous actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi ?", + "disabilityTitleV1": "Avez-vous un handicap ou une maladie qui affecte vos possibilités de trouver ou de garder un emploi ?", + "skippingMealsTitleV1": "Vous ou d'autres membres de votre foyer sautez-vous parfois des repas parce que vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour acheter de la nourriture ?", + "skippingMealsLastWeekTitleV1": "Cela s'est-il produit la semaine dernière ?", + "skippingMealsLastWeek3MealsTitleV1": "Avez-vous sauté plus de 3 repas au cours de la semaine dernière ?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredTitleV1": "Avez-vous suffisamment d'argent pour couvrir des dépenses imprévues comme consulter un médecin ?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredDescV1": "Par exemple, un rendez-vous chez le médecin coûtant 100 SLE ou plus.", + "savingsTitleV1": "Pouvez-vous actuellement mettre de l'argent de côté ?", + "debtPersonalTitleV1": "Avez-vous des dettes ?", + "debtPersonalDescV1": "À partir de 500 SLE ou plus.", + "debtPersonalRepayTitleV1": "Pouvez-vous rembourser vos dettes ?", + "debtHouseholdTitleV1": "Quelqu'un dans votre foyer a-t-il des dettes ?", + "debtHouseholdDescV1": "À partir de 500 SLE ou plus.", + "debtHouseholdWhoRepaysTitleV1": "Êtes-vous la principale personne qui rembourse ces dettes ?", + "otherSupportTitleV1": "Recevez-vous actuellement une autre forme d'aide financière d'ailleurs ?", + "plannedAchievementTitleV1": "Qu'espérez-vous accomplir au cours des 3 prochaines années grâce à Social Income ?", + + "spendingTitleV1": "Quelles sont les principales catégories de dépenses pour lesquelles vous utilisez votre Social Income ?", + "spendingDescV1": "Éducation : frais de scolarité, fournitures, manuels, etc. // Alimentation : pour vous ou votre foyer // Logement : loyer, entretien de la maison, etc. // Santé : médecin, hôpital, médicaments, etc. // Transport : bus, taxi, poda poda, keke, etc. // Épargne : compte bancaire ou compte Mobile Money, etc. // Investissement : engrais, outils, carburant pour machines, etc.", + "spendingChoices": { + "education": "Éducation", + "food": "Alimentation", + "housing": "Logement", + "healthCare": "Santé", + "mobility": "Transport", + "saving": "Épargne", + "investment": "Investissement" + }, + "spendingRankingTitleV1": "Veuillez classer les catégories de dépenses sélectionnées, de la plus importante à la moins importante.", + "spendingRankingDescV1": "Vous pouvez déplacer les catégories par glisser-déposer.", + "plannedAchievementRemainingTitleV1": "Que souhaitez-vous accomplir pendant le temps qu’il vous reste dans le programme Social Income ?", + + "financialIndependenceTitleV1": "Social Income vous a-t-il permis de vous sentir plus en sécurité financièrement et plus indépendant(e) ?", + "impactLifeGeneralTitleV1": "Quel impact Social Income a-t-il eu sur votre vie ?", + + "longEnoughTitleV1": "Trois ans de paiements Social Income étaient-ils suffisants pour atteindre une stabilité financière ?", + "achievementsAchievedTitleV1": "Avez-vous réalisé ce que vous espériez au cours de ces trois dernières années ?", + "achievementsNotAchievedCommentTitleV1": "Qu'est-ce qui vous a empêché d'atteindre cet objectif ? Y a-t-il quelque chose que nous aurions pu faire pour mieux vous soutenir ? (par exemple : mentorat, mises en relation)", + "happierTitleV1": "Social Income vous a-t-il rendu plus heureux/heureuse ?", + "happierCommentTitleV1": "Comment cela ?", + "notHappierCommentTitleV1": "Pouvez-vous nous dire pourquoi ?" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/shared/locales/it/website-survey.json b/shared/locales/it/website-survey.json index 842d547d8..4dfdf4b34 100644 --- a/shared/locales/it/website-survey.json +++ b/shared/locales/it/website-survey.json @@ -1,110 +1,120 @@ { + "titleOnboarding": "Questionario di onboarding", + "titleCheckin": "Questionario di check-in", + "titleOffboarding": "Questionario di offboarding", + "titleFollowup": "Questionario di follow-up", + "select": "Seleziona", + "save": "Salva", + "freetext": "Inserisci la tua risposta", + "demo": "In modalità demo il questionario non può essere salvato", "survey": { "login": { - "message": "Please enter your phone number and the access token which we sent you.", - "phoneNumber": "Mobile Money Number", - "accessCode": "Survey Access Code", - "loadSurvey": "Load Survey", - "loading": "Loading...", - "error": "We couldn't find the survey. Please check again the phone number and access token. Please contact the Social Income team if the error persists." + "message": "Inserisci il tuo numero di telefono e il token di accesso che ti abbiamo inviato.", + "phoneNumber": "Numero Mobile Money", + "accessCode": "Codice di accesso al questionario", + "loadSurvey": "Carica questionario", + "loading": "Caricamento in corso...", + "error": "Non siamo riusciti a trovare il questionario. Controlla di nuovo il numero di telefono e il token di accesso. Contatta il team di Social Income se l'errore persiste." }, "common": { - "start": "Start", - "previous": "Previous", - "next": "Next", - "complete": "Complete", - "preview": "Preview", - "edit": "Edit", - "loading": "Loading...", - "missingCredentials": "Missing credentials for the survey. Please contact the Social Income team.", - "authError": "Error during login. Please contact the Social Income team.", - "loadingError": "Error loading the survey. Please contact the Social Income team.", - "progressSavingSuccess": "Your answer was successfully saved.", - "progressSavingError": "Your answer couldn't be saved. Retrying... Please contact the Social Income team if the error persists.", - "completed": "Thank you very much for completing the survey.", - "alreadyCompleted": "This survey is already completed. Thank you very much.", - "hello": "Hello", - "welcome": "The goal of this survey is to find out the impact of a Social Income for you. Takes around 5 minutes to complete." + "start": "Inizia", + "previous": "Precedente", + "next": "Successivo", + "complete": "Completa", + "preview": "Anteprima", + "edit": "Modifica", + "loading": "Caricamento in corso...", + "missingCredentials": "Credenziali mancanti per il questionario. Contatta il team di Social Income.", + "authError": "Errore durante l'accesso. Contatta il team di Social Income.", + "loadingError": "Errore durante il caricamento del questionario. Contatta il team di Social Income.", + "progressSavingSuccess": "La tua risposta è stata salvata con successo.", + "progressSavingError": "Impossibile salvare la tua risposta. Riprovo... Contatta il team di Social Income se l'errore persiste.", + "completed": "Grazie mille per aver completato il questionario.", + "alreadyCompleted": "Questo questionario è già stato completato. Grazie mille.", + "hello": "Ciao", + "welcome": "Lo scopo di questo questionario è capire l'impatto di un Social Income su di te. Richiede circa 5 minuti per essere completato." }, "questions": { "yesNoChoices": { - "yes": "Yes", + "yes": "Sì", "no": "No", - "true": "Yes", + "true": "Sì", "false": "No" }, - "livingLocationTitleV1": "Where do you live?", + "livingLocationTitleV1": "Dove vivi?", + "livingLocationDescV1": "Freetown = Western Area Urban", "livingLocationChoices": { - "westernAreaUrbanFreetown": "Western Area Urban (Freetown)", + "westernAreaUrbanFreetown": "Western Area Urban", "westernAreaRural": "Western Area Rural", "easternProvince": "Eastern Province", "northernProvince": "Northern Province", "southernProvince": "Southern Province", "northWestProvince": "North West Province" }, - "maritalStatusTitleV1": "What is your marital status?", + "maritalStatusTitleV1": "Qual è il tuo stato civile?", "maritalStatusChoices": { - "married": "Married", - "widowed": "Widowed", - "divorced": "Divorced", - "separated": "Separated", - "neverMarried": "Never married" + "married": "Sposato/a", + "widowed": "Vedovo/a", + "divorced": "Divorziato/a", + "separated": "Separato/a", + "neverMarried": "Mai sposato/a" }, - "hasDependentsTitleV1": "Do you have any dependents?", - "hasDependentsDescV1": "People who depend financially on you.", - "nrDependentsTitleV1": "How many people depend on you financially?", + "hasDependentsTitleV1": "Hai persone a carico?", + "hasDependentsDescV1": "Persone che dipendono economicamente da te.", + "nrDependentsTitleV1": "Quante persone dipendono economicamente da te?", "nrDependentsChoices": { "1-2": "1-2", "3-4": "3-4", "5-7": "5-7", "8-10": "8-10", - "10-": "more than 10" + "10-": "più di 10" }, - "attendingSchoolV1": "Are you currently attending school?", - "employmentStatusTitleV1": "What is your current employment status?", + "attendingSchoolV1": "Stai attualmente frequentando la scuola?", + "employmentStatusTitleV1": "Qual è la tua situazione lavorativa attuale?", "employmentStatusChoices": { - "employed": "Employed", - "selfEmployed": "Self-employed", - "notEmployed": "Not employed", - "retired": "Retired" + "employed": "Lavoratore dipendente", + "selfEmployed": "Lavoratore autonomo", + "notEmployed": "Disoccupato/a", + "retired": "Pensionato/a" }, - "notEmployedTitleV1": "Are you currently looking for work?", - "disabilityTitleV1": "Do you have a disability or illness that affects your possibilities of getting work or keeping your job?", - "skippingMealsTitleV1": "Do you or other family members in your household ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?", - "skippingMealsLastWeekTitleV1": "Did this happen last week?", - "skippingMealsLastWeek3MealsTitleV1": "Did you skip more than 3 meals in the past week?", - "unexpectedExpensesCoveredTitleV1": "Do you have enough money to cover unexpected expenses like seeing a doctor costing 100 SLE?", - "savingsTitleV1": "Are you currently able to save money?", - "debtPersonalTitleV1": "Are you in debt? (SLE 500 or above)", - "debtPersonalRepayTitleV1": "Are you able to repay the debt?", - "debtHouseholdTitleV1": "Is anyone in your household in debt? (SLE 500 or above)", - "debtHouseholdWhoRepaysTitleV1": "Are you the main person repaying the debt?", - "otherSupportTitleV1": "Are you currently receiving any other form of financial support from anywhere else?", - "plannedAchievementTitleV1": "What do you hope to achieve within the next 3 years with Social Income? ", - - "spendingTitleV1": "Tell us what are the key categories that you spend your Social Income payments on:", + "notEmployedTitleV1": "Stai cercando lavoro al momento?", + "disabilityTitleV1": "Hai una disabilità o una malattia che influisce sulla possibilità di trovare o mantenere un lavoro?", + "skippingMealsTitleV1": "Tu o altri membri del tuo nucleo familiare saltate mai dei pasti perché non avete abbastanza soldi per il cibo?", + "skippingMealsLastWeekTitleV1": "È successo la scorsa settimana?", + "skippingMealsLastWeek3MealsTitleV1": "Hai saltato più di 3 pasti nell'ultima settimana?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredTitleV1": "Hai abbastanza denaro per coprire spese impreviste come una visita dal medico?", + "unexpectedExpensesCoveredDescV1": "Ad esempio, un medico che costa 100 SLE o più.", + "savingsTitleV1": "Attualmente riesci a risparmiare denaro?", + "debtPersonalTitleV1": "Hai dei debiti?", + "debtPersonalDescV1": "500 SLE o più.", + "debtPersonalRepayTitleV1": "Sei in grado di ripagare il debito?", + "debtHouseholdTitleV1": "Qualcuno della tua famiglia è indebitato?", + "debtHouseholdDescV1": "500 SLE o più.", + "debtHouseholdWhoRepaysTitleV1": "Sei la persona principale che ripaga il debito?", + "otherSupportTitleV1": "Stai attualmente ricevendo qualche altra forma di sostegno finanziario da un'altra fonte?", + "plannedAchievementTitleV1": "Cosa speri di ottenere nei prossimi 3 anni con Social Income?", + "spendingTitleV1": "Quali sono le categorie principali su cui spendi i pagamenti di Social Income?", + "spendingDescV1": "Istruzione: tasse scolastiche, cancelleria, libri di testo ecc. // Cibo per te o per la tua famiglia // Abitazione: affitto, manutenzione della casa ecc. // Assistenza sanitaria: medico, visita in ospedale, medicinali ecc. // Trasporti: autobus, taxi, poda poda, keke ecc. // Risparmio: su conto bancario o conto di mobile money ecc. // Investimenti: fertilizzanti, attrezzi, diesel per macchinari ecc.", "spendingChoices": { - "education": "Education (school fees, stationary, textbooks ...)", - "food": "Food for you or your household", - "housing": "Housing (rent, house maintenance ...)", - "healthCare": "Health care (doctor, hospital visit, medicine ...)", - "mobility": "Transportation (bus, taxi, poda poda, keke ...)", - "saving": "Saving for the future (saving it in a bank account or on my mobile money account ...)", - "investment": "Investment (fertilizers, tools, diesel for machinery ...)" + "education": "Istruzione", + "food": "Cibo", + "housing": "Abitazione", + "healthCare": "Assistenza sanitaria", + "mobility": "Trasporti", + "saving": "Risparmio", + "investment": "Investimento" }, - "spendingRankingTitleV1": "Please rank the selected spending categories from the most important to the least.", - "spendingRankingDescV1": "You can drag and drop the categories.", - "plannedAchievementRemainingTitleV1": "What do you hope to achieve within the remaining time in the Social Income program? ", - - "financialIndependenceTitleV1": "Did Social Income make you feel financially more secure and independent?", - "impactLifeGeneralTitleV1": "What impact did Social Income have on your life?", - - "longEnoughTitleV1": "Was three years of Social Income payments long enough to become financially stable?", - "achievementsAchievedTitleV1": "Have you achieved what you hoped to over the course of the last three years?", - "achievementsNotAchievedCommentTitleV1": "What has kept you from achieving this goal? Is there something we could have done to further support you? (e.g. mentoring, connections)", - "happierTitleV1": "Has Social Income made you feel happier?", - "happierCommentTitleV1": "How so?", - "notHappierCommentTitleV1": "Can you tell us why?" + "spendingRankingTitleV1": "Classifica le categorie di spesa selezionate, dalla più importante alla meno importante.", + "spendingRankingDescV1": "Puoi trascinare e rilasciare le categorie.", + "plannedAchievementRemainingTitleV1": "Cosa speri di ottenere nel tempo rimanente nel programma Social Income?", + "financialIndependenceTitleV1": "Social Income ti ha fatto sentire più sicuro/a economicamente e più indipendente?", + "impactLifeGeneralTitleV1": "Che impatto ha avuto Social Income sulla tua vita?", + "longEnoughTitleV1": "Tre anni di pagamenti di Social Income sono stati sufficienti per raggiungere la stabilità finanziaria?", + "achievementsAchievedTitleV1": "Hai raggiunto ciò che speravi negli ultimi tre anni?", + "achievementsNotAchievedCommentTitleV1": "Cosa ti ha impedito di raggiungere questo obiettivo? C'è qualcosa che avremmo potuto fare per offrirti ulteriore supporto? (ad esempio mentoring, contatti)", + "happierTitleV1": "Social Income ti ha reso più felice?", + "happierCommentTitleV1": "In che modo?", + "notHappierCommentTitleV1": "Puoi dirci il perché?" } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file