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Releases: socnetv/app

Release build (v2.7)

28 Dec 20:20
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Release build (v2.6)

28 Dec 12:06
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Release build (v2.6f)

28 Dec 18:08
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Release build (v2.5)

08 Mar 10:31
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  • New feature: Prominence scores distribution in HTML reports and mini-chart in app sidebar
  • New feature: Search for and select multiple nodes by their numbers / labels / scores
    You can now search for multiple nodes by their number, label or prominence
    score. Matched nodes are highlighted.
  • New feature: Lattice network generator
    SocNetV can now create regular lattices of arbitrary dimensions.
    You can define the lattice dimension d, and the length/size l of each dimension.
    Also, you can define custom neighborhood size n, which is the distance within which
    the neighbors on the lattice will be connected.
  • New feature: Edge dichotomization
    In weighted networks with valued edges, the user can now ask SocNetV to
    dichotomize the edges according to some threshold. All edges with weight
    above that threshold will become binary. The result is a non-valued graph,
    which is displayed in a new relation.
  • New feature: Custom icons in nodes
    You can now select and use any image (i.e. PNG, JPEG, SVG) as node icon.
    Also, except the legacy node shapes (box, circle, diamond, etc), SocNetV
    offers many more built-in icons (person, computer, bug etc).
    And you can select any image file from your filesysten to be used
    as custom node icon in your network.
  • New feature: Export network to any image format
    You can now export the network to any of the image formats
    supported by Qt
  • New feature: Much improved PDF exporting
    You can now select orientation as well as quality and DPI.
  • New feature: Uniform UI theme
    High quality theme, inspired from Material Design,
    for uniform look'n'feel of SocNetV across all OSes.
  • New Control Panel toolbox menu: Network Auto Create
    You can now automatically create a network with one click in the new toolbox
    menu. Random nets, famous data-sets and web crawler are supported.
  • Improved Web Crawler
    The built-in web crawler runs faster and allows you to exclude/include
    social network links, parent and child links.
  • Support for network files where edge weights are (double)
    SocNetV now understands (double) edge weights in Adjacency, GraphML, Pajek,
    edgelists, GML, etc. This means that edge weights in network files can be valid numerical characters
    along with the plus/minus sign, the characters g and e used in scientific notation,
    and the decimal point. Fixed bug with non-integer edge weights while
    importing Adjacency.
  • Speed optimization and improved memory management.
  • Improved menu accessibility with hotkeys
  • Many bugs fixed, i.e.
    Added workaround for QProgressDialog bug on macOS

Release build (v2.5-beta)

19 Feb 19:45
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SocNetV v2.4

27 Feb 19:48
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Version 2.4 released with many new features:

  • New Force-Directed Placement layout: Kamada-Kawai.
  • New layout type by prominence score: Node colors.
  • Less clutter in visualization due to reciprocated edges. These are now being drawn in a single line.
  • Improved memory consumption during user interaction with large networks
  • Improved web crawler with pattern include and exclude options
  • Improved Statistics Panel.
  • Performance options in Settings dialog
  • Improved UCINET format support (fullmatrix two-mode and edgelist).
  • New "Check for updates" procedure.
  • Much improved stability. See Changelog for bugs closed.

Executables and binary packages are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

SocNetV v2.3

05 Jul 10:03
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SocNetV version 2.3, codenamed "fixer", is mainly a bugfix release. New features are Dyad and Actor/Ego reciprocity and zero-weighted edge support and zero-weighted edge color selection functionality in Settings. The new version is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Read Release Notes for more info on this release.

SocNetV v2.2

21 Jan 21:20
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SocNetV version 2.2, codenamed "beyond", brings many new features, supports more social network analysis methods (i.e. eigenvector centrality, hierarchical cluster analysis) and it is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Read Release Notes for more info on this release.