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The <a href="index.html" title="">SoDa Labs</a> research team. |
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Principal Investigators |
Meet the lead team of <a href="index.html" title="">SoDa Labs</a>. |
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Dr. Klaus Ackermann |
Klaus is Lecturer at the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. His passion is in technology, economics, data and computational approaches to get exciting insights about human behaviour. Broadly speaking, his research sits under the headline: how does technological progress affect societies and vice versa? What behavioural patterns that were disguised previously can now be researched as people reveal their choices through the use of technology? How can we use collected data to improve operational outcomes of not for profit organizations by using Machine Learning? There are social issues that need to be addressed on an individual level, but he believes it is possible to impact the world on an aggregate level by using data.<br><br>Website: <a href=" https://sites.google.com/site/acck1aus/" title=" https://sites.google.com/site/acck1aus/">https://sites.google.com/site/acck1aus/</a> |
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Simon Angus is a computational and complexity scientist and Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Monash University. With a background across the physical and social sciences, he has diverse interests including complex systems science, data-science, networks, systems biology, evolutionary game theory and most principally in Economics, the study of technology and innovation. Simon has co-founded a number of academic, commercial and not-for-profit impact outlets including <a href="" title="">KASPR Datahaus Pty Ltd</a>, the <a href=" http://ip-observatory.org" title="">IP Observatory</a>, and <a href=" http://sharedintentions.net]" title="">SharedIntentions.net</a>. <br><br>Simon is also a multi-award winning educator for his innovations in peer-assessment, feedback and in-class learning design, most often supported by learning analytics software he has developed. |
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Dr. Simon Angus |
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Dr. Nathan Lane |
Nathan is a lecturer at Monash University. Nathan is an empirical economist working at the intersection of political economics, development economics, and economic history. <br><br>Nathan specializes in extracting insights from old and messy data using computational techniques. He's worked extensively digitizing hard copy data and using optical character recognition, and has a passion for unstructured data.<br><br> |
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Dr. Paul Raschky |
Paul is Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics at Monash University.His research interests are in the fields of political economy, environmental economics, insurance economics and development economics. <br><br>Paul's research has been published, among others, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics,Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and Journal of Public Economics. Some of his work has been featured by media outlets such as The Economist, The Washington Post, Wired, or MIT Tech Review.<br><br>Paul the founding director of datainspace, co-founder of the IP Observatory, and co-founder and one of the directors of KASPR Datahaus PTY LTD<br><br>Web <a href=" https://praschky.github.io/" title=" https://praschky.github.io/">https://praschky.github.io/</a><br>Twitter <a href=" https://twitter.com/PaulRaschky" title=" https://twitter.com/PaulRaschky">https://twitter.com/PaulRaschky</a> |
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SoDa Labs - Est. 2018 |