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94 lines (86 loc) · 13.3 KB

sraplus history


Ovando et al. 2021. Improving estimates of the state of global fisheries depends on better data. Fish and Fish. 22:1377-1391.


The following table lists all commits that were tagged and/or changed the DESCRIPTION file.

The 'Imports and LinkingTo' column shows the number of top-level package dependencies, along with package names that were added/removed in that commit.

The 'Rdirectory' column shows the number of files inside the R directory, along with filenames that were added/removed in that commit.

SHA Committed Version Imports and LinkingTo Rdirectory Tag
8664634 2019-01-15 (8) dplyr, FishLife, magrittr, purrr, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, stringr, TMB (4) RcppExports, format-driors, sysdata, utils-pipe
8a1a25d " " (9) tidyR (5) -[utils-pipe], cod, fit-sraplus
a9a7112 " " (10) TMBhelper (7) get_tmb_model, zzz
98e7053 " " " v1.0.0.9000
da85415 " " (11) tmbstan (8) sraplus-package
9f85ce1 2019-01-16 " (15) ggplot2, patchwork, ThorsonUtilities, tidybayes (12) get-posterior, plot-driors, plot-sraplus, theme-sraplus
10a9a13 2019-01-17 " (17) rstan, rstanarm "
2975e5c " " (14) -RcppArmadillo, -rstan, -rstanarm "
79a6afb " " (16) rstan, rstanarm "
2eb9a48 " " " v1.1.0.9000
3dd2920 " " " v1.2.0.9000
5baf155 " " "
22a7933 2019-01-18 " "
af7c1df 2019-01-30 " (13) stack-stan
c9284e8 " " "
1a974df 2019-01-31 " "
650a035 2019-02-01 " "
5efb2f7 2019-04-10 " (15) -ThorsonUtilities "
bf19adb 2019-07-25 " " v1.9
1a1c7db 2019-08-09 " (14) sraplus-simulator v2.0.0.9000
3c02f8d 2019-08-12 2.0.1 " "
4c3ca5c 2019-09-30 3.0.0 " (17) fit-prior-regression, plot-prior-posterior, summarize-sraplus v3.0
cccae5a 2019-10-14 3.0.1 " "
b77a2fc 2019-10-16 3.1.0 " "
31ceff9 " 3.0.2 " "
6408995 2019-10-18 3.1.0 " (18) diagnose-sraplus
4abb122 2019-11-04 3.1.1 " "
2b22c6f 2019-11-19 3.1.2 " "
ecb93d1 2019-11-26 3.1.3 " "
87fc067 " 3.1.4 " "
9b44ebe 2019-12-09 3.1.5 " "
a9bea04 2019-12-12 3.1.6 " "
3dfdd58 2020-01-24 3.2.0 " "
6f931bc 2020-02-14 3.2.1 " "
366fd89 2020-03-27 3.3.0 " "
ef5cf5e 2020-03-31 " (16) truncnorm "
246a597 " 3.4.0 " "
e64cfba 2020-04-01 " " "
14f5208 2020-04-07 3.4.1 " "
b2dec1e 2020-04-16 3.4.2 " "
ae35ecf 2020-04-24 " " (17) -[sysdata]
34aebe1 " 3.4.3 " "
4789cd0 2020-04-28 3.4.4 " "
1494f35 2020-05-01 3.5.0 " "
efc1a88 2020-05-01 " " " v3.5
f7e32ff 2020-05-06 3.5.1 " "
c0c5192 2020-05-12 3.5.2 " "
0540dc8 2020-05-17 3.5.3 " "
418cd27 2020-05-20 3.5.4 (18) doParallel, foreach (18) utils-pipe v3.5.4
43e83bd 2020-06-09 3.5.5 " "
1f25ad1 2020-06-10 3.5.6 " "
00356a1 2020-06-15 " (19) kknn "
52900c7 " 3.6.0 " "
c0eb154 2020-07-10 " " (19) get_prior_posterior
42a59e0 " 3.6.1 " "
aba5d42 2020-07-15 3.6.3 (20) parsnip "
4d037b6 2020-08-07 3.7.0 (19) -kknn "
a939a2a 2020-08-08 " (21) ranger, RcppRoll "
134490a " 3.7.1 " "
7c7df24 2020-09-10 3.7.2 " "
d44eec5 2020-10-07 " " "
447cc5b 2021-06-19 3.7.3 " " v3.73
217a1bb 2021-11-15 " " "
f85f5b9 2022-04-14 " " (23) data, find_ancestors, get_traits, search_species
b25d0cf " 3.7.4 (20) -TMBhelper (24) fit_tmb
300ddbe 2022-04-15 " (19) -FishLife "
05f93f2 2022-09-05 " " "
ac05e92 2022-09-09 " " "
aa47432 2022-11-08 3.7.5 " "

At aa47432 (2022-11-08), the top-level package dependencies are 19: doParallel, dplyr, foreach, ggplot2, magrittr, parsnip, patchwork, purrr, ranger, Rcpp, RcppRoll, rstan, rstanarm, stringr, tidybayes, tidyr, TMB, tmbstan, truncnorm.