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<link rel=stylesheet href=https://latest.cactus.chat/style.css type=text/css><meta charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=x-ua-compatible content="IE=edge"><title>SoftwareArchitect.ID</title><link rel=canonical href=https://softwarearchitect.id/><meta name=description content=" Initiated by [Iman Tumorang](https://imantumorang.com) (Ex-Software Architect @ Xendit).
SoftwareArchitect.ID was founded with the pioneering vision of establishing a council of Software Architects, offering expert services to address complex architectural challenges.
This service includes a comprehensive consultation and hands-on implementation, actively involving a dedicated Architect who will not only serve as your point of contact (PIC) but also collaborate with a team of fellow architects to bring a wide range of expert insights to your project.
### Why Choose Us?
* **Expert Council:** Our architects aren't just consultants; they are pioneers in their field. Each architect brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring your architectural problems are not only heard but solved with precision and creativity.
* **Hands-On Collaboration:** We don’t just advise; we act. Our architects work closely with your team, engaging in hands-on implementation to ensure solutions are practical, sustainable, and seamlessly integrated.
* **Personalized Architect-In-Charge:** When you work with us, you’ll have a dedicated Architect-in-Charge (PIC). Your PIC serves as your primary point of contact, bringing your specific challenges to the council of architects where they are discussed and dissected in detail.
* **Collective Expertise:** Your architectural challenges are met with collective wisdom. Our collaborative approach means that every solution is backed by the collective expertise and unanimous support of our entire council.
Contact us at iman[@]softwarearchitect.id for business inquiries
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SoftwareArchitect.ID was founded with the pioneering vision of establishing a council of Software Architects, offering expert services to address complex architectural challenges.
This service includes a comprehensive consultation and hands-on implementation, actively involving a dedicated Architect who will not only serve as your point of contact (PIC) but also collaborate with a team of fellow architects to bring a wide range of expert insights to your project.
### Why Choose Us?
* **Expert Council:** Our architects aren't just consultants; they are pioneers in their field. Each architect brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring your architectural problems are not only heard but solved with precision and creativity.
* **Hands-On Collaboration:** We don’t just advise; we act. Our architects work closely with your team, engaging in hands-on implementation to ensure solutions are practical, sustainable, and seamlessly integrated.
* **Personalized Architect-In-Charge:** When you work with us, you’ll have a dedicated Architect-in-Charge (PIC). Your PIC serves as your primary point of contact, bringing your specific challenges to the council of architects where they are discussed and dissected in detail.
* **Collective Expertise:** Your architectural challenges are met with collective wisdom. Our collaborative approach means that every solution is backed by the collective expertise and unanimous support of our entire council.
Contact us at iman[@]softwarearchitect.id for business inquiries
"><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content="https://softwarearchitect.id/"><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="SoftwareArchitect.ID"><meta name=twitter:description content=" Initiated by [Iman Tumorang](https://imantumorang.com) (Ex-Software Architect @ Xendit).
SoftwareArchitect.ID was founded with the pioneering vision of establishing a council of Software Architects, offering expert services to address complex architectural challenges.
This service includes a comprehensive consultation and hands-on implementation, actively involving a dedicated Architect who will not only serve as your point of contact (PIC) but also collaborate with a team of fellow architects to bring a wide range of expert insights to your project.
### Why Choose Us?
* **Expert Council:** Our architects aren't just consultants; they are pioneers in their field. Each architect brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring your architectural problems are not only heard but solved with precision and creativity.
* **Hands-On Collaboration:** We don’t just advise; we act. Our architects work closely with your team, engaging in hands-on implementation to ensure solutions are practical, sustainable, and seamlessly integrated.
* **Personalized Architect-In-Charge:** When you work with us, you’ll have a dedicated Architect-in-Charge (PIC). Your PIC serves as your primary point of contact, bringing your specific challenges to the council of architects where they are discussed and dissected in detail.
* **Collective Expertise:** Your architectural challenges are met with collective wisdom. Our collaborative approach means that every solution is backed by the collective expertise and unanimous support of our entire council.
Contact us at iman[@]softwarearchitect.id for business inquiries
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<script>window.dataLayer=window.dataLayer||[];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)}gtag("js",new Date),gtag("config","G-CEZGYPD6MR")</script></head><body class="max-width mx-auto px3 ltr"><div class="content index py4"><header id=header><div id=logo-site><a href=https://softwarearchitect.id><div id=logo style=background-image:url(https://softwarearchitect.id/images/logo.png)></div><div id=title><h1>SoftwareArchitect.ID</h1></div></div></a><div id=nav><ul><li class=icon><a href=# aria-label=Menu><i class="fas fa-bars fa-2x" aria-hidden=true></i></a></li></ul></div></header><section id=about><img src=/images/banner.png alt=softwarearchitect.id style=max-width:98%><p>Initiated by <a href=https://imantumorang.com>Iman Tumorang</a> (Ex-Software Architect @ Xendit).</p><p>SoftwareArchitect.ID was founded with the pioneering vision of establishing a council of Software Architects, offering expert services to address complex architectural challenges.
This service includes a comprehensive consultation and hands-on implementation, actively involving a dedicated Architect who will not only serve as your point of contact (PIC) but also collaborate with a team of fellow architects to bring a wide range of expert insights to your project.</p><h3 id=why-choose-us>Why Choose Us?</h3><ul><li><strong>Expert Council:</strong> Our architects aren’t just consultants; they are pioneers in their field. Each architect brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring your architectural problems are not only heard but solved with precision and creativity.</li><li><strong>Hands-On Collaboration:</strong> We don’t just advise; we act. Our architects work closely with your team, engaging in hands-on implementation to ensure solutions are practical, sustainable, and seamlessly integrated.</li><li><strong>Personalized Architect-In-Charge:</strong> When you work with us, you’ll have a dedicated Architect-in-Charge (PIC). Your PIC serves as your primary point of contact, bringing your specific challenges to the council of architects where they are discussed and dissected in detail.</li><li><strong>Collective Expertise:</strong> Your architectural challenges are met with collective wisdom. Our collaborative approach means that every solution is backed by the collective expertise and unanimous support of our entire council.</li></ul><p>Contact us at iman[@]softwarearchitect.id for business inquiries</p></section><section id=links><span class=h1><a href=#links>Links</a></span>
Get To Know More!<ul class=project-list><li class=project-item><a href=https://notes.softwarearchitect.id/ target=_blank>notes.softwarearchitect.id</a>: Our news letter and publication for our latest research, architecture notes, blog-post and discussion. Subscribe to get the latest news and updated notes from us.</li><li class=project-item><a href=https://engineers.id/#Software%20Architecture target=_blank>engineers.id</a>: Our curated feed for reading from our recommended publications in the Software Engineering ecosystem.</li></ul></section><footer id=footer><div class=footer-left>Copyright © 2024 SoftwareArchitect.ID</div><div class=footer-right><nav><ul></ul></nav></div></footer></div></body><link rel=stylesheet href=/lib/font-awesome/css/all.min.css><script src=/lib/jquery/jquery.min.js></script>
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