Releases: softwareventures/eslint-config
Releases · softwareventures/eslint-config
5.0.0 (2022-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- deps: support eslint v8 (#64) (701bda4)
- deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 (#56) (afeb8d6)
- deps: use latest versions of dependencies (930885d)
- naming-convention: fix naming convention rule for type parameters (911d565)
- naming-convention: fix naming convention rule for type parameters (1fbb478)
- don't require tsconfig to check js files (1ddd484)
- deps: require newer typescript-eslint, fixing missing rule 'prefer-return-this-type' (163ad79)
- esm: don't parse CommonJS as ESM (e637bbc)
- no-duplicate-imports: don't complain in case where duplicate imports are required (58a67a2)
- treat all source files in test subdirectories as automated tests (f2346be)
- array-callback-return: require array callbacks return a value (except forEach) (b2ae4a8)
- ban-tslint-comment: enable rule (1e0ea6b)
- ban-types: update to more closely match typescript-eslint recommended configuration (0fd05e4)
- consistent-return: require functions to always or never return an explicit value (5c7888c)
- consistent-type-assertions: enforce use of "as", disallow object literal type assertions (9cfec1c)
- consistent-type-definitions: prefer "interface" over "type" where possible (9812a01)
- consistent-type-imports: enforce rule with default settings (f1fb31d)
- deps: update dependency eslint to v8 (f22c703)
- esm: add additional set of rules for ESM projects (6e60cde)
- explicit-module-boundary-types: exported variables must now specify an explicit type (dcd1234)
- method-signature-style: enforce property/lambda-style syntax for methods (337caec)
- naming-convention: enforce some naming conventions (fb0e22b)
- naming-convention: in tsx files, allow functions to have PascalCase names (7ca06ce)
- no-alert: disallow calls to alert, confirm, or prompt (d116bc5)
- no-all-duplicated-branches: disallow conditionals with duplicated branches (af8034e)
- no-base-to-string: disallow calling the base implementation of Object.toString (6bb6cc6)
- no-collapsible-if: disallow nested collapsible if statements (00f2fba)
- no-collection-size-mischeck: disallow meaningless collection size checks (a482481)
- no-confusing-non-null-assertion: disallow confusing non-null assertions (ca89b31)
- no-confusing-void-expression: disallow confusing void expressions (c152caf)
- no-constructor-return: disallow returning a value from a constructor (12db42d)
- no-duplicated-branches: disallow duplicate branches in conditional statements (8952277)
- no-element-overwrite: disallow unconditional overwrite of previously set collection element (166155d)
- no-empty-collection: disallow access or iteration of collections that are definitely empty (6d31e0d)
- no-explicit-any: disallow use of
type (5864f89) - no-extend-native: disallow modifying the prototypes of built-in types (0e44e39)
- no-extra-arguments: disallow passing extra unused arguments to a function in plain JS (07d200b)
- no-extra-semi: disable rule, prettier handles this (0cae947)
- no-gratuitous-expressions: disallow boolean expressions that have no effect (38baddd)
- no-identical-conditions: disallow related if/else if statements with identical conditions (867c013)
- no-identical-expressions: disallow identical expressions either side of some binary operators (1bb86e0)
- no-identical-functions: disallow identical functions (f9a3ed0)
- no-ignored-return: disallow ignoring the return value of functions that have no side effects (50b62a5)
- no-implicit-any-catch: disallow use of
type in catch clause (249eb6f) - no-implicit-coercion: disallow confusing implicit coercions (099420a)
- no-invalid-this: disallow use of
keyword outside classes or class-like objects (e44f9c0) - no-invalid-void-type: disallow use of
type outside generic or return types (7046a8b) - no-inverted-boolean-check: disallow needlessly complex inverted boolean checks (f35ce7d)
- no-irregular-whitespace: also enforce rule in string literals (942909b)
- no-iterator: disallow use of obsolete
extension (db2c93e) - no-lone-blocks: disallow unnecessary nested blocks (4d6f66e)
- no-loop-func: disallow function declarations with unsafe references inside loop statements (4e722b5)
- no-loss-of-precision: disallow literal numbers that lose precision ([687f30a](
5.0.0-alpha.12 (2022-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v5 (#73) (400699c)
- deps: update dependency @typescript-eslint/parser to v5 (#74) (655cff1)
- deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v37 (#75) (4847a7e)
- deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 (#55) (d0ed5eb)
5.0.0-alpha.10 (2021-12-03)
Bug Fixes
5.0.0-alpha.9 (2021-11-09)
- treat all source files in test subdirectories as automated tests (f2346be)
- Source files in subdirectories named "test" are now treated as automated tests.