09:00 Introduction; motivation and principles for decentralisation
09:30 Protocol and APIs
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Getting your own personal data store.
11:30 Getting started with solid.js, Pastebin walkthrough
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Hackathon
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Hackathon
17:00 Present what you worked on and discussion of today's experiences
17:30 End
We discuss ongoing work and ideas on gitter at gitter.im/solid/chat. Feel free to ask any questions here!
Repositories for various projects are in the Solid github organisation, github.com/solid
- The set of complementary standards and data formats/vocabularies used in Solid.
- The spec that describes a REST API that extends those existing standards, contains design notes on the individual components used, and is intended as a guide for developers who plan to build servers or applications.
- Servers that implement this specification.
- A test suite for testing and validating Solid implementations.
- An ecosystem of social apps, identity providers and helper libraries (such as solid.js) that run on the Solid platform.
- A community providing documentation, tutorials and talks/presentations.