This task is used to replace tokens in an archive file. The task is configured with match patterns which will be replaced with values from variables in the build or release definition.
- Only .zip archive format is supported (we use System.IO.Compression.ZipFile)
- The task is using powershell and runs where powershell can run and necessary libraries are available (not cross-platform)
- We do not have explicit encoding handling implemented
Add a new task and select Tokenize in Archive from the Utility category and configure as needed.
- Path - Base path to packages. A recursive search will be performed from this path.
- Packages - Package file name pattern to look for. I.e. *.zip.
- FilesToTokenize - File name pattern to look for inside a package. I.e. web.config.
- Prefix - Token prefix
- Suffix - Token suffix
- ReplaceWithEmpty - If token is not found, replace with empty value. (Default is to keep the token)