v1.0.0 (2020-06-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Revert removal of
require 'tax\_cloud'
in #34 #37 (brchristian)
Closed issues:
- DEPRECATION WARNING: SolidusSupport::EngineExtensions::Decorators is deprecated! #42
- PR #34 Broke Extension #36
- Dependabot couldn't find a Gemfile-local for this project #35
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #33
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #32
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #31
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #29
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #28
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #27
- solids_tax_cloud does not work for Rails version 5.2.0 and above #18
- Tests don't pass on Solidus 2.6 #14
- Configuration is wiped every time I restart server #4
- USPS ID is no longer required by TaxCloud API #3
- Translations missing for form labels #2
- Compatibility with Solidus 2.1.0? #1
Merged pull requests:
- Update extension template with solidus_dev_support #43 (aldesantis)
- Handle combined Address first name and last name #41 (filippoliverani)
- Relax Solidus Support dependency #40 (kennyadsl)
- Fix Dependabot looking for Gemfile-local #38 (aldesantis)
- Upgrade the extension using solidus_dev_support #34 (blocknotes)
- rename solidus_extension_dev_tools -> solidus_dev_support #30 (brchristian)
- Fix grammar/syntax in checkout_spec #26 (brchristian)
- Adopt solidus_extension_dev_tools #25 (aldesantis)
- Fix CircleCI build #22 (aldesantis)
- Adopt CircleCI instead of Travis #21 (aldesantis)
- Fix Travis build #20 (aitbw)
- Fix race conditions with asynchronous cache stores #19 (aldesantis)
- Add deface dependency #17 (alepore)
- Adds Travis test matrix for versions supported by master #15 (jeffreyguenther)
- Revises tax calculations to account for discounts #13 (jeffreyguenther)
- Fixes whitespace matches #12 (jeffreyguenther)
- Adds puma to Gemfile #11 (jeffreyguenther)
- Adding missing translations for the form labels #5 (funwhilelost)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator