This project is to create an efficient and easy to use object relational model with an inbuilt query optimizing principles and a extended support for all relational databases.
Write a Query Once and Use it for all databases
- Object Oriented
- Simple and Transparent
- Maximum controll over Query Objects
- Inbuilt Optimization for sql query ( ML Concepts )
- Query Reusability
These are key principles that I aim to develop in this package. If you are intrested you are welcomed to contribute
- Where Condition
- Alias Support
- Presist Functionality
Create a new Select Query
SelectQuery query_object = new SelectQuery( <Base_Table_Name>);
returns a query object for the base table. similar to
select * from Base_Table_Name ;
Create / Add a select column
add the <Column_Name> to the select query, if the column belongs to base table.
Add the columns of different tables to the query.
Get Query String
returns the query as string, it can be used to excecute
Create Join
Join join_object = new Join(<Table Name>);
returns a Join object which uses the
as Inital Base Table and this object will be the parent for all joins, you can add, remove joins in this -
Create / Appending Sub Joins
join_object.add(new FullJoin(base-table, new-table, base-colum, new-column)); join_object.add(new RightJoin(base-table, new-table, base-colum, new-column)); join_object.add(new LeftJoin(base-table, new-table, base-colum, new-column)); join_object.add(new InnerJoin(base-table, new-table, base-colum, new-column));
This used to append multiple joins in join_object. this will take a Join Object as paramenter
Adding Join in Select Query
append the join string in the select query object.
Remove a subjoin in join
To imporve the reusability the join_object can remove the sub joins that are appended to it, provided if the joins new-table is not used as base table in the query