A tiny PHP class for use SQLite3 databases
(c) 2019 Alfonso Saavedra "Son Link"
Under the GNU/GPL 3 or newer license
Download tinysqlite.php and include on your project:
require_once 'tinysqlite.php'
Create a new class instance and pass the file name contains the SQLite3 database:
$db = new TinySQLite('file')
- $num_rows (int): Contain the num rows affected by SELECT.
- $errorInfo (array): Contain ifo if have any error.
- $lastInsertId (int): Contain the last insertion ID after last INSERT.
- $result (array): Contain the result of the last query.
Execute any SQL sentence:
$db->query($sql, $values=array()):
- $sql (string, required): is the SQL sentence.
- $values (array): Array with values to pass to the sentence.
Returns: Boolean indicate if the query is executed correctly
$db->query('SELECT * FROM table');
$db->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?', 1);
// Obtein the result for a SELECT
// Or the last insert ID if the table contains a AUTO INCREMENT column:
Execute a SELECT sentence:
- $params (array, required): A associative array with the parameters to use:
- table (string, required): the name of the table to get the result
- fields (array): A array with the fields to get (by default is all (*))
- conditions (array or string): array or string with conditions. The array always use the AND operator, if you can use other operators or JOINS, etc, pass as string.
- orderby (string): order the result using ORDER BY.
- limit (int): the limit of results to return
Returns: associative array with the result or false if the query fails
// Get all users
$result = $db->select(array('table' => 'users'));
// Get only the user with a specific username
$result = $db->select(
'table' => 'users',
'conditions' => array ('username' => 'son-link')
// Get all users order by username
$result = $db->select(
'table' => 'users',
'orderby' => 'username ASC'
Insert new row on the database
$db->insert($table, $values):
- $table (string, required): The table to insert the new row.
- $values (array): Associative array with the values.
Returns: A int value with the last insert id (if the table contains a PRIMARY KEY with AUTO_INCREMENT) or false if the query fails.
$insert = $db->insert('users', array(
'username' => 'son-link',
'passwd' => 12345,
'email' => 'son-link@myhost.com'
Update row(s)
$db->update($table, $values, $conditions=''):
- $table (string, required): is affected table.
- $values (array, required): Associative array with values to update.
- $conditions (array): Associative array with the conditions to update
Returns: Boolean indicate if the update is executed correctly
$update = $db->update(
array('email' => 'son-link@example.com'),
array('id' => 1)
Delete row(s)
$db->delete($table, $conditions, $limit=''):
- $table (string, required): is the affected table.
- $conditions (array, required): Associative array with the conditions to delete a row.
- $limit (int): A limit if affected a more than one row.
Returns: Boolean indicate if the delete is executed correctly
$delete = $db->delete(
'users', array('user' => 'son-link'),