Releases: songquanpeng/one-api
Releases · songquanpeng/one-api
What's Changed
- fix: remove useless wrong index by @Calcium-Ion in #916
- refactor: refactor relay part by @songquanpeng in #935
- fix: aff not effective with berry by @MartialBE in #937
- refactor: refactor relay part by @songquanpeng in #957
- fix: fix primary chat button in berry theme by @yongman in #951
- feat: sync models with OpenAI by @mrhaoji in #971
- chore: update code implementation by @Laisky in #978
New Contributors
- @songquanpeng made their first contribution in #935
- @yongman made their first contribution in #951
Full Changelog: v0.5.11...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- fix: gpt-4 vision 传入 base64 字符串图片时解析错误 by @MartialBE in #858
- feat: 改进阿里模型 stream 模式 & 使其支持联网搜索能力 by @moondie in #856
- chore(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #840
- fix: fix SearchUsers not working if using PostgreSQL by @ImSingee in #778
- fix: openai response should contains
by @Laisky in #841 - feat: able to change gemini safety setting by @tisfeng in #867
- fix: base 64 encoded format support of gemini-pro-vision for field im… by @liuzl in #878
- feat: add support for davinci-002 and babbage-002 by @Tailen in #888
- fix: fix button copywriting by @seven-yu in #880
- fix: support base64 encoded image_url for gemini-pro-vision by @Laisky in #872
- fix: fix token validation exception handling by @seven-yu in #901
- 一个现代化的web UI界面 by @MartialBE in #860
- fix: fix some issues with berry by @MartialBE in #913
- fix: fix bugs with theme berry by @MartialBE in #931
New Contributors
- @moondie made their first contribution in #856
- @Laisky made their first contribution in #841
- @tisfeng made their first contribution in #867
- @liuzl made their first contribution in #878
- @Tailen made their first contribution in #888
- @seven-yu made their first contribution in #880
Full Changelog: v0.5.10...v0.5.11
What's Changed
- feat: Refactor response parsing logic to support multiple formats by @igophper in #782
- gpt-4 vision计费方案 by @WqyJh in #795
- feat: add Google Gemini Pro support by @cnbeining in #826
- feat: reset image num to 1 when not given by @ye4293 in #821
- feat: able to set sqlite busy_timeout by @Calcium-Ion in #818
- feat: update ali relay implementation by @lichengwu in #830
- fix: Azure 渠道调用DALLE模型报错n_not_within_range by @ShinChven in #775
New Contributors
- @WqyJh made their first contribution in #795
- @cnbeining made their first contribution in #826
- @ye4293 made their first contribution in #821
- @Calcium-Ion made their first contribution in #818
- @lichengwu made their first contribution in #830
Full Changelog: v0.5.9...v0.5.10
What's Changed
- feat: 删除relay-text中的consumeQuota变量 by @igophper in #738
- feat: 发送邮件时添加 Message-ID by @ShinChven in #732
- 修复自建邮箱发送错误: INVALID HEADER Missing required header field: "Date" by @YOMIkio in #742
- feat: Support Azure OpenAI Whisper. by @techotaku in #720
- 兼容 Azure dall-e-3 模型 by @ShinChven in #754
- Fix "invalidPayload" error when request Azure dall-e-3 api without optional parameter by @simulacraliasing in #764
- 增加功能: 渠道 - 测试所有通道; 设置 - 运营设置 - 监控设置 - 成功时自动启用通道 by @YOMIkio in #771
New Contributors
- @ShinChven made their first contribution in #732
- @YOMIkio made their first contribution in #742
- @simulacraliasing made their first contribution in #764
Full Changelog: v0.5.8...v0.5.9
What's Changed
- fix: model.go for typos by @BaksiLi in #651
- feat: support chatglm_turbo by @prnake in #648
- 当使用Cloudflare AI Gateway时,支持openai渠道测试 by @woodchen-ink in #639
- fix: change quota calc code (close #599) by @wzxjohn in #627
- feat: sync pricing for new 1106 models by @dirname in #696
- fix: Numeric Sorting in Tables by @BaksiLi in #695
- Add deploy to Zeabur button by @MichaelYuhe in #693
- feat: Add improve docker-compose.yml and support fast startup by @qingfengfenga in #685
- fix: Incorrect column name on log search by @Kxzuir in #681
- bugfix for #515 最新版本谷歌PaLM模型无法使用 by @mylxsw in #667
- DALL·E 3, DALL·E 3 HD, DALL·E 2 支持、减少模型混淆以及更好的处理图像中继的代码逻辑 by @ckt1031 in #679
- 支持最新的 OpenAI TTS 模型 by @ckt1031 in #713
- fix: cloudflare test & expose detailed info about test failures by @dirname in #715
- 🐛 Fix cloudflare gateway request failure by @MartialBE in #666
- fix: Skip JSON deserialization when accessing transcriptions and translations. by @techotaku in #718
New Contributors
- @BaksiLi made their first contribution in #651
- @prnake made their first contribution in #648
- @wzxjohn made their first contribution in #627
- @MichaelYuhe made their first contribution in #693
- @qingfengfenga made their first contribution in #685
- @Kxzuir made their first contribution in #681
- @mylxsw made their first contribution in #667
- @MartialBE made their first contribution in #666
- @techotaku made their first contribution in #718
Full Changelog: v0.5.7...v0.5.8
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #591
- fix: 404 Component is missing by @dirname in #592
- 解决令牌页面聊天按钮丢失url参数的问题 by @zp96324511 in #562
- fix: docker compose healthcheck failed by @aoaostar in #593
- 更新缓存目录配置文档 by @jsubnew in #612
- update route for Cloudflare AI gateway for OpenAI models test, image, audio. by @v1cc0 in #607
- fix: 通义千问,流式调用不成功(在fastgpt里通过one-api调用);优化在国内构建镜像体验(设置镜像) by @yiGmMk in #615
- fix postgresql support by @ImSingee in #606
- 适配讯飞星火 v3 版本 by @MaricoHan in #637
New Contributors
- @dirname made their first contribution in #592
- @zp96324511 made their first contribution in #562
- @aoaostar made their first contribution in #593
- @jsubnew made their first contribution in #612
- @v1cc0 made their first contribution in #607
- @yiGmMk made their first contribution in #615
- @ImSingee made their first contribution in #606
- @MaricoHan made their first contribution in #637
Full Changelog: v0.5.6...v0.5.7
What's Changed
- 讯飞支持非 stream 模式 by @igophper in #498
- 支持设置渠道优先级 & 日志中显示使用的渠道 ID by @xyfacai in #484
- NULL 转换 int 时出现不支持的错误 by @igophper in #541
- 修复了无法取消设置 base url 和 model mapping 的问题
- 增加了对
的支持(#545) - 更新了阿里的模型名称
- 优化了 token encoder 初始化逻辑,减少了内存占用(#566)
- 现在如果检测到超级管理员用户使用默认密码登录会直接跳转修改密码页面(#526)
- 修复了预扣费时未检查额度为负的问题
New Contributors
- @xyfacai made their first contribution in #484
- @redreamality made their first contribution in #502
Full Changelog: v0.5.5...v0.5.6
What's Changed
- 支持阿里的 embedding 模型 by @igophper in #481
- 支持了数据库聚合更新,可显著减轻数据库压力(#414)
- 支持了通过环境变量设置请求频率限制(#477)
- 支持了在后台删除历史消耗日志(#486)
- 改进了日志输出,默认开启且当记录数过多时自动切换文件,且同时记录了 request id 以便于 debug
- 修复了日志列表页面偶现的渲染 bug
- 修复了渠道编辑页面输入自定义名称时按 Enter 会导致页面返回的问题
- 修复了发生错误时预扣费未返还的问题(#518)
- 修复了 GitHub OAuth2 客户端实现未校验 state 字段的问题
- 修复了自定义 chat link 时未传递 url 的问题
New Contributors
- @RockChinQ made their first contribution in #522
Full Changelog: v0.5.4...v0.5.5
What's Changed
- 修复了使用模型重定向功能时,函数调用不正常的问题 by @shao0222 in #462
- 当收到 401 响应码时禁用渠道(#467)
- 启动时初始化所有的 TokenEncoder 避免并发问题(#459)
- 支持了 360 的大模型(#331)
- 支持了 Whisper API 调用(#197)
- 支持了 OpenRouter 渠道(#333)
- 修复了错误信息未透传的问题(#468)
New Contributors
- @shao0222 made their first contribution in #462
Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.5.4
What's Changed
- 优化UI交互,新增令牌页跳转聊天按钮 by @yangfan-sys in #363
- fastgpt desciption by @c121914yu in #388
- Fix: try to fix #161 by @glzjin in #392
- 修改描述 by @woodchen-ink in #374
- 部分优化 by @yangfan-sys in #387
- 统一接口的finish_reason字段 by @igophper in #373
- 封装流式传输响应头的设置 by @igophper in #402
- 【百度文心千帆】支持填写secretKey|apiKey,兼容accessToken,支持自动刷新accessToken by @igophper in #400
- 【百度文心千帆】文心千帆的向量模型接口问题(请求input是数组报错) by @igophper in #398
- ci: Add stage caching to Dockerfile by @Jungley8 in #408
- Add Japanese README by @eltociear in #425
- fix: Claude model ratio by @mrhaoji in #449
- feat: add toggleable visibility for total quota using an eye icon by @mrhaoji in #448
- 修复百度和阿里的计费问题 by @glzjin in #444
- 兼容讯飞v2接口 by @lvtao-net in #442
- fix: empty completion issue caused by bad status code from upstream c… by @mrhaoji in #422
- Fix xunfei crash by @glzjin in #451
New Contributors
- @woodchen-ink made their first contribution in #374
- @igophper made their first contribution in #373
- @Jungley8 made their first contribution in #408
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #425
- @lvtao-net made their first contribution in #442
Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.5.3