These examples show various use case examples using the gnmi_get, gnmi_set and gnmi_cli tools.
The examples use the following open source gNMI CLI tools:
- gnmi_get: This tools allows for retrieval of one or more paths
- gnmi_set: This tools allows for update, replace and delete operations.
- gnmi_cli: This tool allows for dial-in Subscription operations as well as Capabilities request to list available models.
The above tools also have custom patches applied for additional features here. The patched versions of these tools are built with the sonic-telemetry repo and are installed in /usr/bin in the telemetry container.
These examples show get/set/subscribe/capabilities with the supported openconfig models
Gets JSON_IETF values from specified openconfig path.
gnmi_get -insecure -username admin -password sonicadmin -xpath /openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet0]/config -target_addr -xpath_target OC-YANG
== getRequest:
prefix: <
target: "OC-YANG"
path: <
elem: <
name: "openconfig-interfaces:interfaces"
elem: <
name: "interface"
key: <
key: "name"
value: "Ethernet0"
elem: <
name: "config"
encoding: JSON_IETF
== getResponse:
notification: <
timestamp: 1607105561153639237
prefix: <
target: "OC-YANG"
update: <
path: <
elem: <
name: "openconfig-interfaces:interfaces"
elem: <
name: "interface"
key: <
key: "name"
value: "Ethernet0"
elem: <
name: "config"
val: <
json_ietf_val: "{\"openconfig-interfaces:config\":{\"description\":\"\",\"enabled\":true,\"mtu\":9108,\"name\":\"Ethernet0\",\"type\":\"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"}}"
Sets values using JSON_IETF payload.
gnmi_set -insecure -username admin -password sonicadmin -update /openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet0]/config/mtu:@./mtu.json -target_addr localhost:8080 -xpath_target OC-YANG
{"mtu": 9108}
== setRequest:
prefix: <
target: "OC-YANG"
update: <
path: <
elem: <
name: "openconfig-interfaces:interfaces"
elem: <
name: "interface"
key: <
key: "name"
value: "Ethernet0"
elem: <
name: "config"
elem: <
name: "mtu"
val: <
json_ietf_val: "{\"mtu\": 9108}"
== setResponse:
prefix: <
target: "OC-YANG"
response: <
path: <
elem: <
name: "openconfig-interfaces:interfaces"
elem: <
name: "interface"
key: <
key: "name"
value: "Ethernet0"
elem: <
name: "config"
elem: <
name: "mtu"
Returns list of supported openconfig models and versions as well as supporrted encodings.
gnmi_cli -insecure -with_user_pass -capabilities -address
supported_models: <
name: "openconfig-acl"
organization: "OpenConfig working group"
version: "1.0.2"
supported_models: <
name: "openconfig-system-ext"
organization: "OpenConfig working group"
version: "0.10.0"
supported_models: <
name: "openconfig-lacp"
organization: "OpenConfig working group"
version: "1.1.1"
supported_models: <
name: "openconfig-platform"
organization: "OpenConfig working group"
version: "0.12.3"
Subscribe to openconfig paths with either streaming, polling or once type subscription.
gnmi_cli -insecure -logtostderr -address -query_type s -streaming_type TARGET_DEFINED -q /openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet0]/state/oper-status -target OC-YANG -with_user_pass
password: {
"OC-YANG": {
"openconfig-interfaces:interfaces": {
"interface": {
"Ethernet0": {
"state": {
"oper-status": "{\"openconfig-interfaces:oper-status\":\"DOWN\"}"