- Python 2.7
- Additional Python packages (see requirements.txt)
We recommend that you install Python virtual environment:
cd tv_schedules
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install Python requirements:
cd scripts
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: tv_schedules.py [-h] -o OUT
US TV Schedule scraper
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT Output filename
python tv_schedules.py -o ../data/us_tv_schedules.csv
usage: tv_schedules_meta.py [-h] -o OUT input
US TV Schedule metadata scraper
positional arguments:
input US TV Schedule data with meta link
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT Output filename
python tv_schedules_meta.py -o ../data/us_tv_schedules_meta.csv ../data/us_tv_schedules.csv
usage: names_role.py [-h] -o OUT [-s SUBSTITUTE] input
US TV Schedule name parser
positional arguments:
input US TV Schedule with metadata
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT Output filename
Subtitute list (regular expression)
python names_role.py -s us_tv_names_sub.csv -o ../data/us_tv_schedules_names.csv ../data/us_tv_schedules_meta.csv
There are to columns in the CSV substitution list, first column is the regular expression to be matched in the name field and another column is the substitution string.
Name of the personfield
Role on the TV programindex
Index number in the inputgender
Gender of the name from demographics datasetrace
Race of the name from demographics dataset
usage: race_gender_over_time.py [-h] -m META [-g GENDER] [-r RACE] -o OUT
US TV Schedule name proportion
positional arguments:
input US TV Schedule name with gender and race
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m META, --meta META US TV Schedule data with meta data
-g GENDER, --gender GENDER
Gender column name (default='gender')
-r RACE, --race RACE Race column name (default='race')
-o OUT, --out OUT Output filename
python race_gender_over_time.py ..\data\tv_names_race_gender.csv -o ..\data\us_tv_schedules_prop_R.csv -m ..\data\us_tv_schedules_meta.csv -g proportion_female -r cs2000_pctblack
The valid value of gender column can be string 'male'/'female' or proportion of female as float between 0--1.0 or the percent of female between 0--100.
Similar to the gender, the race column can be the string of 'black'/'white' or the proportion of black in float between 0--1.0 or the percent of black between 0--100.
Creates a new CSV that uses data from the names file and the show file with the following fields:
for each year (aggregate over each year):
prop1_female_producers (proportion of shows with at least one female producer =
total number of shows with at least one female producer/total number of shows),
prop1_female_directors (proportion of shows with at least one female director),
prop1_female_creators (proportion of shows with at least one female creator),
prop_female_producers (total number of female producers divided by total number of producers),
prop_female_directors (total number of female directors divided by total number of directors),
prop_female_creators (total number of female creators divided by total number of creators),
prop_female_cast (total number of female cast members/total number of cast members),
prop_female_presenters (total number of female presenters divided by total number of presenters),