Force keeper as "temporarily" failed. The sentinel will compute a new clusterdata considering it as failed and then restore its state to the real one.
Force keeper as "temporarily" failed. It's just a one shot operation, the sentinel will compute a new clusterdata considering the keeper as failed and then restore its state to the real one. For example, if the force failed keeper is a master, the sentinel will try to elect a new master. If no new master can be elected, the force failed keeper, if really healthy, will be re-elected as master
stolonctl failkeeper [keeper uid] [flags]
-h, --help help for failkeeper
--cluster-name string cluster name
--kube-context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kube-namespace string name of the kubernetes namespace to use
--kube-resource-kind string the k8s resource kind to be used to store stolon clusterdata and do sentinel leader election (only "configmap" is currently supported)
--kubeconfig string path to kubeconfig file. Overrides $KUBECONFIG
--log-level string debug, info (default), warn or error (default "info")
--metrics-listen-address string metrics listen address i.e "" (disabled by default)
--store-backend string store backend type (etcdv2/etcd, etcdv3, consul or kubernetes)
--store-ca-file string verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled store servers using this CA bundle
--store-cert-file string certificate file for client identification to the store
--store-endpoints string a comma-delimited list of store endpoints (use https scheme for tls communication) (defaults: for etcd, for consul)
--store-key string private key file for client identification to the store
--store-prefix string the store base prefix (default "stolon/cluster")
--store-skip-tls-verify skip store certificate verification (insecure!!!)
--store-timeout duration store request timeout (default 5s)
- stolonctl - stolon command line client