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Madara Orchestrator 🎭

The Madara orchestrator is designed to be an additional service which runs in parallel to Madara and handles various critical jobs that ensure proper block processing, proof generation, data submission and state transitions.

πŸ“ Note: These instructions are verified for Ubuntu systems with AMD64 architecture. While most steps remain similar for macOS, some package names and installation commands may differ.

Table of Contents

πŸ“‹ Overview

The Madara Orchestrator coordinates and triggers five primary jobs in sequence, managing their execution through a centralized queue system, allowing for multiple orchestrators to run together!

  1. SNOS (Starknet OS) Job πŸ”„

    • Identifies blocks that need processing.
    • Triggers SNOS run on identified blocks.
    • Tracks SNOS execution status and PIE (Program Independent Execution) generation
  2. Proving Job βœ…

    • Coordinates proof generation by submitting PIE to proving services
    • Tracks proof generation progress and completion
  3. Data Submission Job πŸ“€

    • Manages state update data preparation for availability layers
    • If needed, coordinates blob submission to data availability layers
    • Currently integrates with Ethereum (EIP-4844 blob transactions)
    • Additional DA layer integrations in development (e.g., Celestia)
  4. State Transition Job πŸ”„

    • Coordinates state transitions with settlement layers
    • Manages proof and state update submissions
    • Handles integration with Ethereum and Starknet settlement layers

Each job is managed through a queue-based system where the orchestrator:

  • Determines when and which blocks need processing
  • Triggers the appropriate services
  • Monitors job progress
  • Manages job dependencies and sequencing
  • Handles retries and failure cases

πŸ›οΈ Architecture

Job Processing Model

The orchestrator implements a queue-based architecture where each job type follows a three-phase execution model:

  1. Creation: Jobs are spawned based on block availability
  2. Processing: Core job logic execution
  3. Verification: Result validation and confirmation

Queue Structure

The system uses dedicated queues for managing different job phases:

  • Worker Trigger Queue
  • SNOS Processing/Verification Queues
  • Proving Processing/Verification Queues
  • Data Submission Processing/Verification Queues
  • State Update Processing/Verification Queues
  • Job Failure Handling Queue


  1. Cron jobs trigger worker tasks via the worker-trigger queue
  2. Workers determine block-level job requirements
  3. Jobs are created and added to processing queues
  4. Processed jobs move to verification queues
  5. Verified jobs are marked as complete in the database

πŸ› οΈ Technical Requirements

System Dependencies

For macOS users, use brew install instead of apt install for these dependencies.

  • Build essentials (build-essential)
  • OpenSSL (libssl-dev)
  • Package config (pkg-config)
  • Python 3.9 with development files
  • GMP library (libgmp-dev)

Core Dependencies

  • Git
  • Rust
  • Madara Node
  • Prover Service (ATLANTIC)
  • MongoDB for job management
  • AWS services (or Localstack for local development):
    • SQS for queues
    • S3 for data storage
    • SNS for alerts
    • EventBridge for scheduling

🚨 Important Note: SNOS requires the get_storage_proof RPC endpoint to function. Currently, this endpoint is not implemented in Madara.

🚧 Until madara implements the get_storage_proof endpoint, you need to run Pathfinder alongside Madara:

  • Madara will run in sequencer mode
  • Pathfinder will sync with Madara
  • The orchestrator will use Pathfinder's RPC URL for SNOS and state update fetching

This setup is temporary until either:

  1. SNOS is adapted to work without the get_storage_proof endpoint, or
  2. The get_storage_proof endpoint is implemented in Madara

πŸš€ Installation & Setup

Building from Source

  1. Install System Dependencies

    # Ubuntu/Debian
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install build-essential openssl pkg-config libssl-dev
    sudo apt install python3.9 python3.9-venv python3.9-distutils libgmp-dev python3.9-dev
    # For macOS
    brew install openssl pkg-config gmp python@3.9

    🚨 Note: python 3.9 is required for the SNOS to create os_latest.json hence the python3.9 in the above command.

  2. Install Rust (Cross-platform)

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    source ~/.bashrc  # Or source ~/.zshrc for macOS
  3. Clone Repository

    git clone
    cd madara-orchestrator
    git submodule update --init
  4. Build SNOS

    make snos

    🚨 Note: python 3.9 is required for the SNOS to create os_latest.json

  5. Build Project

    cargo build --release

Local Development Setup

  1. Install Docker (Cross-platform) Follow the official installation guides:

  2. Install Foundry (Cross-platform)

    curl -L | bash
  3. Start Local Services

    # Start MongoDB
    docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
    # Start Localstack
    docker run -d -p 4566:4566 localstack/localstack@sha256:763947722c6c8d33d5fbf7e8d52b4bddec5be35274a0998fdc6176d733375314
    # Start Anvil in a separate terminal
    anvil --block-time 1
  4. Setup Mock Proving Service

    🚧 This setup is for development purposes only:

    # Start the mock prover service using Docker
    docker run -d -p 6000:6000 ocdbytes/mock-prover:latest
    # Set the mock prover URL in your .env
  5. Run Pathfinder (Choose one method)

    🚨 Important Note:

    • Pathfinder requires a WebSocket Ethereum endpoint (ethereum.url). Since Anvil doesn't support WebSocket yet, you'll need to provide a different Ethereum endpoint (e.g., Alchemy, Infura). This is okay for local development as Pathfinder only uses this to get the state update from core contract.
    • Make sure chain-id matches your Madara chain ID (default: MADARA_DEVNET)
    • The gateway-url and feeder-gateway-url should point to your local Madara node (default: http://localhost:8080)

    a. From Source (Recommended for development)

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd pathfinder
    # Run pathfinder
    cargo run --bin pathfinder -- \
        --network custom \
        --chain-id MADARA_DEVNET \
        --ethereum.url wss:// \  # Replace with your Ethereum endpoint
        --gateway-url http://localhost:8080/gateway \
        --feeder-gateway-url http://localhost:8080/feeder_gateway \
        --storage.state-tries archive \
        --data-directory ~/Desktop/pathfinder_db/ \

    b. Using Docker

    # Create data directory
    mkdir -p ~/pathfinder_data
    # Run pathfinder container
    docker run \
        --name pathfinder \
        --restart unless-stopped \
        -p 9545:9545 \
        --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
        -e RUST_LOG=info \
        -v ~/pathfinder_data:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \
        eqlabs/pathfinder \
        --network custom \
        --chain-id MADARA_DEVNET \
        --ethereum.url wss:// \  # Replace with your Ethereum endpoint
        --gateway-url http://localhost:8080/gateway \
        --feeder-gateway-url http://localhost:8080/feeder_gateway \
        --storage.state-tries archive
  6. Deploy Mock Verifier Contract

    🚧 For development purposes, you can deploy the mock verifier contract using:

    ./scripts/ http://localhost:9944 0

    This script:

    • Takes the Madara endpoint and block number as parameters
    • Automatically deploys both the verifier contract and core contract
    • Sets up the necessary contract relationships
    • The deployed contract addresses will be output to the console

🚧 Note: The mock services are intended for development and testing purposes only. In production, you'll need to use actual proving services and verifier contracts.

Setup Mode

Setup mode configures the required AWS services and dependencies. Use the following command:

cargo run --release --bin orchestrator setup --aws --aws-s3 --aws-sqs --aws-sns --aws-event-bridge --event-bridge-type rule

🚨 Note:

  • Setup mode is currently in development. A fresh setup is required if the process fails mid-way.
  • The event-bridge-type needs to be rule in case of localstack.
  • The event-bridge-type should be schedule in case of AWS.

Run Mode

Run mode executes the orchestrator's job processing workflow. Example command:

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin orchestrator run \
    --sharp \
    --aws \
    --settle-on-ethereum \
    --aws-s3 \
    --aws-sqs \
    --aws-sns \
    --da-on-ethereum \

Command Line Options

  1. Prover Services (choose one):

    • --atlantic: Use Atlantic prover
    • --sharp: Use SHARP prover
  2. Settlement Layer (choose one):

    • --settle-on-ethereum: Use Ethereum
    • --settle-on-starknet: Use Starknet
  3. Data Availability:

    • --da-on-ethereum: Use Ethereum
  4. Infrastructure:

    • --aws: Use AWS services (or Localstack)
  5. Data Storage:

    • --aws-s3: Store state updates and program outputs
  6. Database:

    • --mongodb: Store job information
  7. Queue System:

    • --aws-sqs: Message queue service
  8. Alerting:

    • --aws-sns: Notification service
  9. Event Bridge Scheduling:

    • --aws-event-bridge: Enable AWS Event Bridge
    • --event-bridge-type: Specify the type of Event Bridge (rule or schedule)
  10. Monitoring:

    • --otel-service-name: OpenTelemetry service name
    • --otel-collector-endpoint: OpenTelemetry collector endpoint

βš™οΈ Configuration

The orchestrator uses environment variables for configuration. Create a .env file with the following sections:

AWS Configuration


Note: These configurations are also picked up from your AWS credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) or environment variables if not specified in the .env file.

Prover Configuration

# SHARP Configuration
# or
# ATLANTIC Configuration

Database Configuration


For a complete list of configuration options, refer to the .env.example file in the repository.

πŸ” Monitoring

The orchestrator includes a telemetry system that tracks:

  • Job execution metrics
  • Processing time statistics
  • RPC performance metrics

OpenTelemetry integration is available for detailed monitoring. It requires a Otel-collector url to be able to send metrics/logs/traces.

πŸ› Error Handling

  • Failed jobs are moved to a dedicated failure handling queue
  • Automatic retry mechanism with configurable intervals
  • Failed jobs are tracked in the database for manual inspection after maximum retries
  • Integrated telemetry system for monitoring job failures

πŸ““ Testing

Local Environment Setup

🚧 This setup is for development purposes. For production deployment, please refer to our deployment documentation.

Before running tests, ensure you have:

  1. Required Services Running:

    • MongoDB on port 27017
    • Localstack on port 4566
    • Anvil (local Ethereum node)
  2. Environment Configuration:

    export MADARA_ORCHESTRATOR_RPC_FOR_SNOS=<snos-rpc-url>
    export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

Types of Tests

  1. E2E Tests πŸ”„

    🚧 Development test environment:

    • End-to-end workflow testing
    • Tests orchestrator functionality on block 66645 of Starknet
    • Uses mocked proving endpoints
  2. Integration & Unit Tests πŸ”Œ

    • Tests component interactions
    • Verifies individual functionalities

Running Tests

Running E2E Tests

RUST_LOG=info cargo test --features testing test_orchestrator_workflow -- --nocapture

Running Integration and Unit Tests

RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo llvm-cov nextest \
    --release \
    --features testing \
    --lcov \
    --output-path \
    --test-threads=1 \
    --workspace \
    --exclude=e2e-tests \

This command:

  • Generates detailed coverage reports in LCOV format
  • Excludes E2E tests from coverage analysis
  • Runs tests sequentially (single thread)
  • Continues testing even if failures occur
  • Enables debug logging and full backtraces for better error diagnosis

The coverage report ( can be used with various code coverage visualization tools.

πŸ““ More Information

  • Read the architecture present at ./docs/orchestrator_da_sequencer_diagram.png

Additional Resources