All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- feat(subscription-service): add feature toggle service (#37) (12ebca9), closes #37 #26 #36
- feat(tenant-management): decouple the event processing using a connector and an orchestrator service (29dba9d), closes #33 #17 #17
- fix(tenant-management): provide context to the event connector (647c8af), closes #0
- chore(ci-cd): change the folder name for workflows (#25) (e3af5c5), closes #25 #00
- chore(ci-cd): changes to make the repo public (#20) (c6084d0), closes #20 #19 #19 #19 #19
- chore(ci-cd): sonar fix (#26) (046bb8c), closes #26 #23 #23
- fix(deps): sonar fixes (#24) (bedbf0f), closes #24 #23
- fix(migrations): update the unique constraint on resources entity (d0cf11a), closes #12
- fix(tenant-management): change in webhook (3cbae02), closes #9
- readme update (1d177d2)
- Update (ffd1a49)
- Update (5c76cac)
- Update (6c51cd9)
- feat(deps): tenant-management-service (05a0fcf), closes #0