diff --git a/notebooks/IFU_cube_continuum_fit/NGC4151_FeII_ContinuumFit.html b/notebooks/IFU_cube_continuum_fit/NGC4151_FeII_ContinuumFit.html index 830b2056..91c1201f 100644 --- a/notebooks/IFU_cube_continuum_fit/NGC4151_FeII_ContinuumFit.html +++ b/notebooks/IFU_cube_continuum_fit/NGC4151_FeII_ContinuumFit.html @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
Adjust settings for the viewer:
The segmentation maps are also a product of the Image3 pipeline, and they are used the help determine the source catalog. Let’s take a look at those to ensure we are happy with what it is defining as a source.
In the segmentation map, each blue blob should correspond to a physical target. There are cases where sources can be blended, in which case the parameters for making the semgentation map and source catalog should be changed. An example of this can be seen below in the observation 004 F200W filter image where two galaxies at ~(1600, 1300) have been blended into one source. This is discussed in more detail below in Custom Imaging Pipeline Run.
@@ -18853,7 +18853,7 @@Plotting: default_image3_calibrated/jw02079-o004_t001_niriss_clear-f200w_i2d.fits
The cell below shows similar information using Imviz instead to visualize this.
Plotting: default_image3_calibrated/jw02079-o004_t001_niriss_clear-f150w_i2d.fits
Calibrate the remaining images if you are happy with the above results
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'GR150C F200W')
We can then take a look at the extracted spectrum in this box both in the cal file and the x1d file. In the extracted spectrum below you can see the [OII] and H\(\beta\) emission lines from the galaxy.
Note: The upturned edge effects seen in the 1-D spectrum are due to interpolation at the edges of the extraction box for the current flux calibration. This is also part of an ongoing calibration effort.
@@ -5986,7 +5986,7 @@2024-06-07 14:03:10,904 - stpipe - WARNING -
Overplot these files on top of each other to compare. The two grisms will be different line styles to draw attention to any differences that could be due to the calibration, including contamination, and each blocking filter will be a different color.
Continue to explore further, including using the spec3 stage of the pipeline!
diff --git a/notebooks/background_estimation_imaging/Imaging_Sky_Background_Estimation.html b/notebooks/background_estimation_imaging/Imaging_Sky_Background_Estimation.html index 80acff8d..bb9fd7c5 100644 --- a/notebooks/background_estimation_imaging/Imaging_Sky_Background_Estimation.html +++ b/notebooks/background_estimation_imaging/Imaging_Sky_Background_Estimation.html @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@The optimally extracted spectrum is less noisy than the aperture extraction and incorporates fewer bad pixels and cosmic ray events. The OIII line profile is different because extended emission is downweighted with respect to the unresolved quasar nucleus.
diff --git a/notebooks/mos_spectroscopy_advanced/MOSspec_advanced.html b/notebooks/mos_spectroscopy_advanced/MOSspec_advanced.html index 6acfdfae..50a6dc43 100644 --- a/notebooks/mos_spectroscopy_advanced/MOSspec_advanced.html +++ b/notebooks/mos_spectroscopy_advanced/MOSspec_advanced.html @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@Developer note
Is there a way to get out an uncertainty array from the extraction?
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
There are still some artifacts in the data, but we can select a subset masking the artifacts and get out a spectrum without unwanted spikes. We can do so using the tool to select a subset with the “add” option (in the top bar) to select multiple regions as part of a single subset.
Notebook created by Camilla Pacifici (cpacifici@stsci.edu)
diff --git a/notebooks/niriss_imaging/niriss-imaging-tutorial.html b/notebooks/niriss_imaging/niriss-imaging-tutorial.html
index 94119771..9c7307a5 100644
--- a/notebooks/niriss_imaging/niriss-imaging-tutorial.html
+++ b/notebooks/niriss_imaging/niriss-imaging-tutorial.html
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
Adjust settings for the viewer:
Point sources will be marked by small pink circles and extended sources will be marked by larger white circles.
We get the region coordinates from the bounding rectangle – in this case, setting the coordinates to x1=51, y1=3, x2=1268, y2=9
seems fine – or, we can set them directly. Finally, we create a new array containing only our extraction region (so that we don’t need to continually index our original array).
A column index of 670 and width 50 seem to work reasonably well for this file, so we can now generate the final slice for kernel fitting.
The following cell opens one extension of the x1d file (75), creates a Spectrum1D object, and loads it into Specviz. A mask is set to only keep the part of the spectra with good sensitivity (1.34 to 1.66 micron) in the F150W filter.
I load just the interesting spectrum (spec1d_line).